How many unclaimed crews do you have?

in The Bridge
I have two in my inbox and one in my achievement.
Those are - Tuxedo Nog, Dancing Chekov and Fierce Guinan. I would claim them only if I get a second copy of them although Fierce Guinan is completely terrible.
Those are - Tuxedo Nog, Dancing Chekov and Fierce Guinan. I would claim them only if I get a second copy of them although Fierce Guinan is completely terrible.
For my VIP0, I also have Tuxedo Nog & Dancing Chekov in my mailbox as well as Fierce Guinan and 3* Sisko waiting to be claimed from achievements. I plan on claiming Sisko fairly soon and citing him, but Guinan will probably remain unclaimed unless I ever see her during a voyage.
Men in Tights Worf
Kung Fu Sarek
EV Suit Archer
Fierce Guinan
Dancing Chekov
Tuxedo Nog
Started getting tired of accumulating underwhelming 1/5*s in my roster.
1. Voyage.
2. Have fun. If something isn't fun, don't do it.
3. Only pursue characters I care about.
4. Contribute to the fleet.
5. No more spending beyond monthly cards.
6. Have fun.
7. Voyage.
8. Have fun!
I just have Checkov and Nog. I'm not out of slots I just don't want to waste the chrons on leveling them.
PM for details.
So long and thanks for all the fish.
Will Scarlett
EV Archer
Dancing Chekov
Tux Nog
I don't need any of these, at least until they drop from begolds or become event featured crew..
From the achievements, because their destiny is straight freeze anyway:
Achievement Sisko was cited twice and frozen.
The rest have been levelled ... I already had a Will Scarlett (Worf), so he's now 2/5 and still only sees action during Worf/Klingon events. Poor. He has my second highest SEC proficiency but I don't feel like using 2-skill crew in Gauntlet.
EV Suit Archer (1/5) makes it onto CMD/ENG Voyages (like the one I'm running now) and the Chekov sees Shuttles/Voyages sometimes. One will actually be my next citation project (or 1/5 RAF O'Brien).
Kung Fu Sarek and Nog are only used during Faction events as second string Voyage crew. Also used during respective crew events.
Mariachi Q really never does anything (outside of the odd Q event), useless.
Fierce Guinan is useless, not even used in the last Guinan event because it was Galaxy.
Mirror Picard was 550 Honor (already had him FF). Omnipresent.
Chrons = 9,595
Expedition Tickets = 6
Arena Tickets = 50
Will Scarlett
EV Suit Archer
Dancing Chekov
Tuxedo Nog
7945 Chrons
6 Cadet Tickets
6 Expedition Tickets
3 Voyage Revival
Same; I'm at the point where my roster is built up enough; any free 5* in my mail will stay there until I get one from the portal. And even in that case, they're not likely to be a priority in a behold.
DDR Chekov does have a great VOY score, but I'm not gonna chase him.
EV Suit Archer? He's probably my second-to-last choice for "Ways to complete Jury Rigger", maybe first, so nope.