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How much a month do you guys spend on this game?



  • These are airbrushed or
    Inspect element

    Or you could be trolling

    I know which one seems more likely ;)

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  • Each dollar spent in STT is worth 50 VIP points. Regardless of what offer you buy, regardless of what frequency you buy them at, regardless of what you buy with it - each $1 USD is worth 50 VIP points.

    So $10 spent is worth 500 VIP Points, or VIP Level 3
    So $100 spent is worth 5000 VIP Points, or VIP Level 8
    So $1000 spent is worth 50,000 VIP Points, or VIP Level 14.

    I’ve spent just over $1,000 then; a bit more than I’d have guessed but then that’s the whole point of in-game currrency isn’t it.

    That Independence Day pack fiasco (which went largely overlooked in comparison to other mistakes imo) was the beginning of the end of spending for me. What a massive, massive screw up. Dilithium became all but worthless in a matter of minutes! I’m back down to the monthly card, and with the unnecessary lack of portal updates, the clock is ticking on that too.

    DB, you’ve got a great resource in these forums - as Davidebooks alluded to upthread, forum members (especially those prone to spending) are quite honest and sincere in their suggestions as to how the game can be improved. People here genuinely want to make this game better in a balanced way that makes it more enjoyable and have outright told you how to shut up and take their money. We’re all aware that modern games operate more or less under the rules of acquisition but as anyone here who has had experience with forums in other games will tell you, you’ve got a uniquely dedicated and well-intentioned fanbase here. We’re not always greedy, we genuinely want to help this game to be successful, and the rate at which even the most dedicated are giving up on you should be alarming. Help us help you!
  • Cranky (SC) Cranky (SC) ✭✭✭✭✭
    These are airbrushed or
    Inspect element

  • Etienne wrote: »

    Play the game to have fun and when it stops being fun...then stop playing. What more is there to say?

    Telling that this echoes the GambleAware messages over here.

    "When the fun stops. Stop. "
    Come join our fleet! We're a great social group that helps each other. You play the way you want to, participate as much as you want and if you want to be competitive, you can be! Check out our fleet ad:

  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    These are airbrushed or
    Inspect element

    You’re a dorkfish a fisherman caught using a corn dog

  • Banjo1012 wrote: »
    Liar liar pants on fire!!! Oh no wait. I really have spent about $8500 on this game9x4tn8y4rb3a.png

  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    These are airbrushed or
    Inspect element


    Not sure if trolling or simply obtuse. I assume the first, of course, but will say that there are dumber things out there that people have spent more money on, like sports memorabilia, dolls, My Little Pony pillows, costume jewelry, skydiving lessons, and many more. I call these dumb as a matter or personal preference, though they may be very meaningful to the people that choose those over video games. Let people enjoy things, yes?

    Spot on Dirk.
  • I am VIP 14 and while I don't think I've quite spent $1000 yet (I know I have bought many packs that offered bonus VIP) I can easily admit to having spent several hundred $ in the year or so I've been playing. My attitude is the same as Etienne's: being VIP0 is totally okay and being VIP14 is totally okay and everything in between is totally okay. Play the game however you want to play it. I am fortunate enough to be able to afford to blow money on something I consider a fun hobby. I also don't mind throwing $$ the developers' way to support the game and help keep it free for others. Much better than everyone being forced to watch ads constantly like in other games.

    To the disbeliever/troll: If you honestly think people won't spend money on this, you must be brand new to gaming. Or the internet in general. Or you're fishing to see people's bank accounts, which ain't gonna happen :)
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I am VIP 14 and while I don't think I've quite spent $1000 yet (I know I have bought many packs that offered bonus VIP) I can easily admit to having spent several hundred $ in the year or so I've been playing. My attitude is the same as Etienne's: being VIP0 is totally okay and being VIP14 is totally okay and everything in between is totally okay. Play the game however you want to play it. I am fortunate enough to be able to afford to blow money on something I consider a fun hobby. I also don't mind throwing $$ the developers' way to support the game and help keep it free for others. Much better than everyone being forced to watch ads constantly like in other games.

    To the disbeliever/troll: If you honestly think people won't spend money on this, you must be brand new to gaming. Or the internet in general. Or you're fishing to see people's bank accounts, which ain't gonna happen :)

    Well the troll has returned to under the bridge cuz he’s been quiet since suggesting we photoshop our VIP points

  • $10 every other month for the 10 packs.
  • For everyone who has spent a thousand dollars (shock horror!) on this game.

    I know people who will spend 10 times that on a gaming PC, top of the range chip, graphics card, motherboard, keyboard and mouse, to say nothing of power supply and cooling system, a high speed internet connection (monthly) plus access to their game(s) of choice and then go for an upgrade after a year.

    Just saying.
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  • [QH] Oxmyx[QH] Oxmyx ✭✭✭✭
    The barbocoa bowl is my favorite, but VIP 14 is like making reservations at the best restaurant in town having to pay a nonrefundable $1000 for the privilege thinking it will be the best meal you have ever had. Seated at the best table after tipping heavily to the staff, instead of fresh baked bread they give you a slice of stale store brand white bread with moldy butter, instead of a 10 oz filet mignon with all the trimmings, you are given cold Salisbury steak 50% gristle straight from the Banquet tin with succotash that is 90% peas, instead of wine you are given warm Tang in a dirty Dixie cup. Dessert is an old half eaten Twinkie. Ahgast you think I spent a grand for this. A meal maybe but nothing what you expect for the money you spent.
    Fleet= Quarks Holosuite
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ah!!! Derailment!!!! I hear Jon Taffer shouting I’M SHUTTING DOWN THIS THREAD!!!
  • Frank?Frank? ✭✭✭✭✭
    Oh sorry, was I supposed to post a picture of my VIP points?
  • earthman34earthman34 ✭✭
    edited November 2018
    Not impressed.

  • PenguinJimPenguinJim ✭✭✭✭✭
    Well, actually...
    Each dollar spent in STT is worth 50 VIP points. Regardless of what offer you buy, regardless of what frequency you buy them at, regardless of what you buy with it - each $1 USD is worth 50 VIP points.

    So $10 spent is worth 500 VIP Points, or VIP Level 3
    So $100 spent is worth 5000 VIP Points, or VIP Level 8
    So $1000 spent is worth 50,000 VIP Points, or VIP Level 14.

    So, if you show VIP 14 next to your name, and you click on the 14 and it shows a counter at the bottom greater than 50,000 VIP Points, then yes in fact - you have spent more than $1000 USD on this game.

    I've picked up several Monthly Cards (fewer than half the months I've played), the Steam Starter Pack, and a few 10-for-$10s. But I got most of those Monthlies for free or near-free by doing quick Google Play surveys (oh! And playing GoT:A for 13 seconds!), and I buy Steam credit when it's discounted, so anything through Steam costs me 10-40% less - and that's before taking into account the free Steam credit from trading cards.
  • earthman34 wrote: »
    Not impressed.

    Not bad for a guy who can't even clear a node on a mission!
    Keep spending, pal! ;)

    Don't talk about my nodes. It's not polite.
  • i take normaly the monthly card, at the begining i buy maybe 4 or 5 time 10 x 10 over 22 month and buy 2 time de legendary at 9.99$ now i only buy the monthly card to buy 1 pack each week
    94 Legendary, 4x 5/5 , 8,x 4/5 , 2x 3/5 , 11x 2/5 , 68x 1/5 ,
    78 FE ,78 Lvl 100,
    Immortalized: 190
    Vip:12 Lvl :64
  • I buy the monthly card usually. I don't buy anything else anymore, but I used to buy dilithium for any packs with my favourite characters + if it was a 5* I'd get the $35 deal for another star and the resources to get them to Level 50. Overall I've probably spent between $300 and $500 on this game.
  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    Things I always buy: the monthly card, and the $4.99 premium boosts packs, when offered.

    I have also taken to buying the occasional $9.99 weekly event crew offer and I've also purchased several 10x 10 premium packs. I work at a place where if not enough people from the next shift show up we have to stay on mandatory overtime. Every time this BLEEPBLEEP BLEEP BLEEP is 15 minutes late and forces me to stay on overtime for 15 minutes, I pay that overtime money forward and buy a cool pack for myself in the Time Portal for my own sanity. It happens enough that I can reliably be counted on to be around $30 a month lately, sometimes more.
  • Two or three dollars per month, on average, over the lifetime of the game.
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