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Skirmish on Thanksgiving/Black Friday? Seriously?



  • Mr. LincolnMr. Lincoln ✭✭✭✭✭
    are_dub wrote: »
    ByloBand wrote: »
    I personally don't see this as a big deal, especially since I suspect fewer than 50% of the total player base will be effected. If we took weekends off every time there was a holiday SOMEWHERE in the world, we'd probably never have weekend events.

    Just my point zero two dollars' worth. U.S. dollars obviously.

    This might not be a bad idea. Anyone remember the days where there was only an event every three weeks?

    Yes, those were the good days. But the sweet spot would be 2 weeks if you ask me. Or they could do a repeat event every second or third week.

    +1 on that.
  • Peachtree RexPeachtree Rex ✭✭✭✭✭
    You don't HAVE to par
    are_dub wrote: »
    ByloBand wrote: »
    I personally don't see this as a big deal, especially since I suspect fewer than 50% of the total player base will be effected. If we took weekends off every time there was a holiday SOMEWHERE in the world, we'd probably never have weekend events.

    Just my point zero two dollars' worth. U.S. dollars obviously.

    This might not be a bad idea. Anyone remember the days where there was only an event every three weeks?

    I believe you have to go all the way back to the 10th event to find an empty weekend (event window starting August 5, 2016): https://stt.wiki/wiki/Events

    There was never a pattern of "every three weeks". It's just how the first handful happen to come out.
  • S31 wrote: »
    I can respect your THANKSGIVING as a holiday but for black friday I could only say this...


    So much truth in that video.
    Playing since April 2016

    Waving dead chickens while using Voodoo in Star Trek Timelines since Jan 2017 (forum comment from another user)

    FB group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/181490765563427/

  • Okay I never post but I have to chime in here because you’re all being ridiculous and enough people have joined in on the ‘Lol not everything is about america stupid OP’ bandwagon. There is no way that Americans don’t make up the vast majority of the player base, this is a game from a US company based in US time zones about US-made shows, sold and played on US-based platforms. Yes there is a stereotype that Americans think they are the center of the world but really, this is not one of those times.

    That you don’t happen to find the 5-Star interesting and thus the event doesn’t matter is an opinion, and is not shared by everyone. Would you all have been so quick to join in on the snark if this had been a Jadzia event? I think not. And yes, non-US time zones are potentially at a disadvantage depending on when you’re able to be active in the game, but I don’t see anyone shaming them for not spending time with ~loved ones~ for complaining. Stop being obtuse and stop shouting down others’ opinions because you don’t agree with them. You’re welcome to your opinions but echoing a dozen other users and ganging up on the OP or derailing their thread is not helpful to anyone.

    The echo-chamber of this community has gotten totally out of hand, and the most frequent posters are largely to blame. Some of you oh-so-funny comedians can start pointless joke threads all you like but someone has a real issue with the game and comes to the forums meant for discussing said issues and you’re spamming their thread with more of your attention-seeking har-hars and white-knight ‘people will complain about anything DB can’t win’ comments for what? Precious awesomes? That some of you are on your high horses about spending time with loved ones and family when you most definitely devote copious amounts of time to this game is ridiculous. If you were the OP or a new member here and a bunch of 5 star users joined in on disagreeing with you loudly and frequently, joking at your expense, would you ever want to post again?

    This community was friendly and welcoming once, and it has ceased to be so because people care more about ‘awesomes’ than helping each other.
  • Skirmish is the easiest, most rewarding event type. If it’s not your thing for whatever reason, then deal.
    First Officer - Task Force April
    Squadron Leader - [TFA] Bateson’s Bulldogs
  • S31S31 ✭✭✭✭✭
    First there is a harsh truth for our dear guest - DB doesn't care from where is the majority of players they care only about from where are players who are paying for their products.

  • Ren~Ren~ ✭✭✭✭✭
    S31 wrote: »
    First there is a harsh truth for our dear guest - DB doesn't care from where is the majority of players they care only about from where are players who are paying for their products.

    I don't really want to white-knight for DB but in this case you're wrong. Paying players are very rare in a free to play (usually 5% of the players) so a free to play usually nurtures its free community to serve as content to the paying players.
  • At first, I was frustrated with this type of event over thanksgiving inthe U.S. But in hindsight, I found it so far to be the best choice for me. I saved all of my chrons and ran skirmish for a couple of hours before thanksgiving, then I spent time with family. I didn’t touch the game again til later in the evening and again on Friday morning. After that I spent time with family most of the day, then played some Friday evening. Saturday I drove 9 hours, then played some Saturday. So far, I have been able to stay somewhat competitive.

    I completely agree about the lack of attention to the player base. But this is just an opinion from the other side of the coin.
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    I live in the U.S. so this is strictly perspective from one American.
    I had a long weekend from work. Spent most of the weekend with family. I saved chronitons for about a week. Between Friday night and getting up at 6am (normal for me) on Saturday, I used all my chronitons and intel. I topped out around 260th place. I've only dropped about 100 places. I was initially put off by the timing, but it's worked out wonderfully for me.

    Community rewards are slow coming. I probably won't craft any for the event unless we do not have rewards tomorrow morning.
    Farewell 🖖
  • SMMSMM ✭✭✭
    US population 326M European population 741M. Give or take.
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    SMM wrote: »
    US population 326M European population 741M. Give or take.

    US GDP = $19.2 Trillion (USD)
    EU GDP = $17.2 Trillion (USD)
    (2017 statistics)

    But what the devs should really consider is the number of players. I don't know those numbers. Also, I don't care much beyond general curiosity. This event has worked out for me personally, so it's whatever.
    Farewell 🖖
  • You guys know there's more than 2 continents right?

    Not sure what any of these figures are supposed to prove, the only statistics that would matter are with DB and unlikely to be disclosed.
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  • robownagerobownage ✭✭✭✭✭
    SMM wrote: »
    US population 326M European population 741M. Give or take.

    US GDP = $19.2 Trillion (USD)
    EU GDP = $17.2 Trillion (USD)
    (2017 statistics)

    But what the devs should really consider is the number of players. I don't know those numbers. Also, I don't care much beyond general curiosity. This event has worked out for me personally, so it's whatever.

    I'd argue GDP per capita is a far better measure for this game than overall GDP - and the US is almost double all of Europe on that front (59k vs 36k USD in 2017).

    I'm still not convinced that means anything in terms of whether DB should avoid events on American holidays.
  • The only reason they would is they are based in the USA. They have yet to not run an event on a holiday weekend, that I am aware of.
  • ZenBotZenBot ✭✭✭
    Hey Guest, if you're still lurking, you got 3 Awesomes!
  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    That some of you are on your high horses about spending time with loved ones and family when you most definitely devote copious amounts of time to this game is ridiculous.

    My point was that if you've got loved ones to spend time with, and instead of availing yourself of that opportunity--whenever it may arise--you're grousing that it's intruding on your game play, your priorities may benefit from some reconsideration. I would question how healthy they are. I have definitely devoted copious amounts of my time to this game over the last two years, there's no denying that. But given the choice between time with people I love and time with this game, I don't have any conflict whatsoever.

    To wit: last August's event, "Homestead". I love me some DS9 and the Mirror Universe. That event's 5* was Mirror Bashir. I finally had four shuttles and was a squadron leader. I had a solid bonus crew on hand. A top 1000 finish to earn Bashir was doable and exciting. However, that was the same weekend as the solar eclipse and my friends had rented a cabin in Hopkinsville, KY to observe it. Here's how I fared:


    I still want Mirror Bashir. Whenever I see him used as someone's avatar or in the Gauntlet, I'm reminded that I had a crack at him and missed out. But I don't think, "I wish I'd been able to squeeze in more game play." I think, "Man, that weekend was fantastic!"

    So, nice try at catching me in some kind of hypocrisy, but I really don't care as much about this game as the time I've spent playing it might suggest.

    Very well stated @Travis S McClain, I really enjoyed your narrative :)

    Also, the quote you included just reminded me, when did DB hand out all these high horses? Was that a reward from before I started playing?!
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