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What score is 1k rank now?



  • No screenshot, but my final stats:

    490907 VP (total)
    73659 VP (from crew sharing bonus)

    I slipped 300 places in the final hour, and I think if the event had gone one another five minutes, I would have failed to remain in the top 1000.

    Also, in case it's of any interest, I started with sixteen shuttle request tokens (from the Achievement for having hit Honored status with each faction), and I pulled one of the 2x Rewards boosts from a pack I earned from running a cadet challenge mission on Thursday. I used all of these, in addition to the ones in the thresholds. I did not purchase anything to supplement those resources.
  • Hello, Mr. Exactly 1000 here, I can’t believe I slid over 500 places in the last 3 hours. I went to bed inside the top 500 and expected to only drop 150-200 places like usual, but over 500!
  • Mr. LincolnMr. Lincoln ✭✭✭✭✭
    I went to bed, woke up in time to see I was well out of 1000. 3am finish time is a royal $&@$&@&$%*
  • Paund SkummPaund Skumm ✭✭✭✭✭
    Great... so 500K is the new normal for top 1K in faction events... I think that’s easily up 100K from previous levels... hopefully enough people burned through their free tokens and saved time boosts so that number gets down to a more manageable 400K (slightly more than new threshold and out)...
  • Paladin 27Paladin 27 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Great... so 500K is the new normal for top 1K in faction events... I think that’s easily up 100K from previous levels... hopefully enough people burned through their free tokens and saved time boosts so that number gets down to a more manageable 400K (slightly more than new threshold and out)...

    It may be a little better for less desirable cards but the fact remains you can now get 50 free 3* boosts from cadets a month (up from ~25) and only have 6 faction days (down from 8-10 before skirmishes) each month now, so scoring is going to just keep going up.

  • I was placed 650th with 45 mins left, so thought I'd breeze it. Finished 1035. :(
  • Paund SkummPaund Skumm ✭✭✭✭✭
    Paladin 27 wrote: »
    Great... so 500K is the new normal for top 1K in faction events... I think that’s easily up 100K from previous levels... hopefully enough people burned through their free tokens and saved time boosts so that number gets down to a more manageable 400K (slightly more than new threshold and out)...

    It may be a little better for less desirable cards but the fact remains you can now get 50 free 3* boosts from cadets a month (up from ~25) and only have 6 faction days (down from 8-10 before skirmishes) each month now, so scoring is going to just keep going up.

    Oh, I’m fine... finished 655 place but I burned more time boosts than I care to think about... used four tokens just for fun so I think I’ll keep the rest for reserve. So hopefully without a Spock and now that some people have burned through a lot of stock of time boosts and tokens, the next won’t be as brutal... but I think it will be north of 400k due to new thresholds...
  • DavideBooksDavideBooks ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hello, Mr. Exactly 1000 here, I can’t believe I slid over 500 places in the last 3 hours. I went to bed inside the top 500 and expected to only drop 150-200 places like usual, but over 500!

    I think there should be an extra prize for exactly 1000.
  • Finished 524 - didn't use the requisition shuttles or any dil, but burned through 3* time boosts. Have less than 10 left.

    I wasn't anywhere near the top 1k after the first 24, in fact I think I was south of 2000, but then kicked into using the 3* speed boosts. Four shuttles, and at least 3 were boosted to 1:30 at any one time, except for overnight when it was 9 hours. Managed a lie in and, ahem, "quality time" with my wife instead of waking up every three hours.

    Spent the last 10 hours with one shuttle at 3 hours with a skill boost and the other three with time boosts. %age wise, shuttles were (approx. values) 74%, 85%, 89% and 91% unboosted. Dropped around a 100 places in the last hours, but was pleased with a Spock.

    So yeah, you can hit top 1k without using dil, requisition shuttles and without staying awake most of the night. Not all the time, I'll be a few weeks recharging (although I've a few 4* and 5* time boosts I've been hoarding if needs be) before I do that again.
  • Nero84Nero84 ✭✭✭
    edited November 2018
    So in the last 15 minutes I turned in what I thought would be my last shuttle... Got myself to around 799... Thought hey that isn't bad that should last me.

    5 minutes goes by and I am already in high 800s
    a few minutes later I am in the 900s.

    I quickly used one of my few legendary speedups and spend 50 dilithium which I have never done before. That got me back up to level 800.

    I ended event at 955

    The end to this event was insane. I didn't use all of my extra shuttles but I used a decent amount. I didn't spend any money because I stockpile shuttle packs. Still faction events have gotten considerably harder in my opinion as the margin of error is ever so small. You have some bad RNG luck, especially towards the end, and you will lose out on top 1000.
  • Seems like DB's goal was accomplished. 1000th place was well above the top threshold this time, and it looks as though over time it may settle into being slightly (50-100k) over the top threshold. I had a busy weekend IRL and used just enough time boosts last night to get to 250k and earn the 1500 honor. If it wasn't for the honor, I wouldn't have used bossts at all and been happy with getting to the 150k threshold instead.
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    Nero84 wrote: »
    So in the last 15 minutes I turned in what I thought would be my last shuttle... Got myself to around 799... Thought hey that isn't bad that should last me.

    5 minutes goes by and I am already in high 800s
    a few minutes later I am in the 900s.

    I quickly used one of my few legendary speedups and spend 50 dilithium which I have never done before. That got me back up to level 800.

    I ended event at 955

    The end to this event was insane. I didn't use all of my extra shuttles but I used a decent amount. I didn't spend any money because I stockpile shuttle packs. Still faction events have gotten considerably harder in my opinion as the margin of error is ever so small. You have some bad RNG luck, especially towards the end, and you will lose out on top 1000.

    Yes the end was like a galaxy event end with people turning in their items. It remains to be seen what the next faction event will be like when people have less of the extra shuttle boosts to use.
    Let’s fly!
  • TcalTcal ✭✭✭
    Yup. This is it. All events except for expedition now have an easy way to inflate scores with a bit of dilithium or $$$

    I know this was inevitable, but...it still hurts.
  • IronagedaveIronagedave ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2018
    If I hadn't used a 5* boost at the end I probably wouldn't have made it, best call but frustrating one if I am trying to horde them on the plus side I saved all but 1 tokens for another event.

    I did however burn a lot of my 3* boosts however - predominantly to ensure I reached thresholds and have a good nights sleep.

    Ranked 894 with about 494k
    [was on Sabbatical/Hiatus] Currently a trialist at Galaxy SquadronSTAY SAFE and KBO
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