Crew slot sale?
in The Bridge
I wanted to hold off asking for this for a while longer but no longer can. Will there be a slot sale soon? All these other offers are untenable for those of us the deals would most benefit like the 4k honor one because we lack slots. Lots of complaints on those as it is exchanging 4k honor for 900, but for those of us without a full bench of purples we could really use it. Problem is, no space. For the last month I have been freezing crew I shouldn't just to add event crew, then repeat on those crew or others for the next event. I passed on buying several cash deals the last month for the same reason. 3k for 5 slots is way too expensive, and even at 50% off it is a bit steep. We need info on this please @Shan and @JazzRiker
With the current sale ending on Dec 21, I think Dec 21 after the current sale is a reasonable guess, but DB is free to change whatever they want from last year.
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Captain Zombie's Combo chain calculator
Problem is, no space. For the last month I have been freezing crew I shouldn't, just to add event crew...
I've been freezing as well, just to get a new crew for the event. The only problem I have is, I'm having problem Immortalizing half of my crew.
3k for 5 slots is way too expensive
Agreed. I think they should lower it to 1,500 and increase the slots to 10 or 20.
But now, it's clear it's an intended stress point of the game, and they think it makes more money to sell slots that it loses by preventing pack sales. I disagree on both points, but that's their story, and they're sticking to it.
For a lot of players it's not about planning and making decisions anymore. 90% of the cards released go right in cryo. It's about collecting all the cards. And collecting all the cards is difficult when you're limited in how many you can hold before they're FF.
This. There was never all that much strategy involved anyways. It was more frustration and pack purchasing limiter for me and my fleet. Particularly when newer players.
And as we're a fleet that likes and seeks "noobs" we get to watch this same thing happen to them on an ongoing basis.
Which is why it will never happen. The screaming/demands for refunds will stop them from ever making that change.
They could refund the dilithium used to buy crew slots. They did similar with honor used to fuse voyage only crew. I doubt it'll ever happen though.
will never happen, their tiny little toothpick mysql server will snap in two
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Captain Zombie's Combo chain calculator
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Captain Zombie's Combo chain calculator
I emphasize though, the people that wait for the sales could be the minority, I don't know if its that high, its just a comment from my small sample of people.
The only other alternative I can think of is allowing to freeze not immortalized crew, and when you unfreeze those, they are always at 1* level 1.
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Captain Zombie's Combo chain calculator
The thing is, that matches my sample of different people.
And nobody has ever reported a different response from any sampling of any people.
At this point, either the restriction is some kind of genius that no other man alive has the capacity to comprehend, or is the stubborn plodding of a fool that can't afford to lose face.
But they are too expensive, in my opinion.
I've been saving. I have 7500 dilithium waiting for a crew slot sale.