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Who would you like to see as a recurring character in the next mega-event?



  • 5000 Quatloos5000 Quatloos ✭✭✭✭✭
    Number One
    S31 wrote: »
    Bluebeard1 wrote: »
    It seems she may be playing a transsexual version.... At least if this is what it seems to be.


    Writers are out of their mind if they will retcon Number One into transsexual.

    It looks like the episode descriptions on imdb can be added by anyone, so I really don't think that one is official. Also, the image seems to be a random one from the promo pics and nowhere in the description does it mention Number One.

    That being said, I would have absolutely no problem with a transsexual captain. But given that so far, over several decades, we've seen exactly two gay characters and very few bisexuals (all of which were evil), it will probably take another decade before we see any trans people on Star Trek.

    Yes, I'm still trying to put evil vamp bi-Kira stereotype out of my mind. DS9 doesn't get a "oh it was only the late 90's" pass there.
    Accepted. Mark them, Galt.
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    Section 31 Phillipa
    ekeTravis S McClain;c-138119"]
    S31 wrote: »
    That actor is a living legend...

    And actually 4 Franchise

    Star Trek TOS-The Corbomite Maneuver
    Star Trek DS9
    Star Trek Enterprise-Acquisition
    Discovery-Will You Take My Hand?

    Never caught him on DS9. Who was he?


    He's the guy that stole Jadzia's combadge in Past Tense part 2.

    Watched it again last night. Very good episode with a strong message. Only problem is one that Phil Farrand pointed out in his "NitPicker's Guide for Deep Space Nine Trekkers". It is set in 2024, and has repercussions that supposedly resonated for hundreds of years and directly affected the formation of the Federation. However, some time between 2024 and 2063, there was a rather intense global thermonuclear war. Social change is great. But a lot of social change will get undone by nine megatonne airbursts over your major population centers. Th advances caused in society by the Bell Riots would have been undone by the war. Clearly, tensions are still high at the time of First Contact on 5 April 2063. The survivors in the camp think it is possibly an attack by "The Eastern Coalition" when things start. It is highly unlikely that any social and moral consciousness changes caused by the Bell Riots would have had time to return. The big deal that led to the Federation happened in early April 2063, and had nothing to do with Gabriel Bell or the Bell Riots.

    Wanted to come back to this observation. I think it can be simultaneously true that the Bell Riots led to progress and that World War III still happened and set back that progress. And a setback is not necessarily the same as undoing. Sisko didn't say Utopia was established a week later, just that it was a watershed event.

    The notion that progress is an ever-upward arc is misguided and, frankly, naive. We're talking about 39 years. We've seen a lot of back-and-forth over the last 39 here in reality. No reason to think there won't be more of that in the 39 between 2024 and 2063.

    To be fair, the Guide was written by a fan. Not sanctioned product. And there were points throughout it that did not always allow "flexibility". For instant, the writer insisted that the statement someone made in an episode of one of the shows that a Starfleet crew had never mutinied could not be true, because Garth said his crew had "mutinied" against him. Well, that was GARTH'S interpretation of the incident. {And he was in an asylum.} His crew had clearly implemented a military protocol that has already been in place for centuries today. He was legally and appropriately removed from command for being erratic, unfit, and insane...........

    I'm familiar with The Nitpicker's Guide. Only read the TOS volume. Don't remember anything from it, except being amused and feeling it was all in good fun. I just thought it was worth chiming in on the notion, particularly as it felt relevant to some of the tension and stress of today. And that, to my mind, is what makes all of Trek relevant--particularly episodes like "Past Tense".[/quote]

    It's so interesting how episodes the 1990s keep getting more and more relevant as time passes. We never had an Eugenics War, but a lot of stuff later becomes headlines.
    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • Travis S McClainTravis S McClain ✭✭✭✭✭
    Red Angel
    Yes, I'm still trying to put evil vamp bi-Kira stereotype out of my mind. DS9 doesn't get a "oh it was only the late 90's" pass there.

    What if the point of Mirror Kira being bi was that the real Kira would be, too, if she weren't so repressed by Bajoran cultural norms?

    Even if so, it's still only implicit and falls short of establishing a positive bi presence in the series. Plus, we know from interviews over the years that the idea was to show decadence and narcissism and had nothing to do with Prime Bajoran religious beliefs. For that matter, we have no canonical evidence that Bajoran cultural norms are homophobic.
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2019
    Section 31 Phillipa
    Yes, I'm still trying to put evil vamp bi-Kira stereotype out of my mind. DS9 doesn't get a "oh it was only the late 90's" pass there.

    What if the point of Mirror Kira being bi was that the real Kira would be, too, if she weren't so repressed by Bajoran cultural norms?

    I'm not even sure The Intendant was even meant to be bisexual. Or omnisexual. Or pansexual. Maybe she was just "Anysexual that will give me an advantage in this situation I am in".......

    But, maybe our Nerys spent six Seasons waiting for superhot, supertall Jadzia to kiss her like she miss her!!!!!!

    Being a highly religious society, it is entirely possible that any Bajoran with "those" feelings had to repress them. Maybe the penalty on Bajor for that kind of "deviance" was severe? Death or other extreme punishment?
    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • Travis S McClainTravis S McClain ✭✭✭✭✭
    Red Angel
    Yes, I'm still trying to put evil vamp bi-Kira stereotype out of my mind. DS9 doesn't get a "oh it was only the late 90's" pass there.

    What if the point of Mirror Kira being bi was that the real Kira would be, too, if she weren't so repressed by Bajoran cultural norms?

    I'm not even sure The Intendant was even meant to be bisexual. Or omnisexual. Or pansexual. Maybe she was just "Anysexual that will give me an advantage in this situation I am in".......

    But, maybe our Nerys spent six Seasons waiting for superhot, supertall Jadzia to kiss her like she miss her!!!!!!

    Being a highly religious society, it is entirely possible that any Bajoran with "those" feelings had to repress them. Maybe the penalty on Bajor for that kind of "deviance" was severe? Death or other extreme punishment?

    I believe you're projecting human religious homophobia onto the Bajorans. We only know we never saw any bi or gay Bajorans in the Prime timeline. We did not, however, see or hear anything to establish that this was because of suppression.
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    Section 31 Phillipa
    Yes, I'm still trying to put evil vamp bi-Kira stereotype out of my mind. DS9 doesn't get a "oh it was only the late 90's" pass there.

    What if the point of Mirror Kira being bi was that the real Kira would be, too, if she weren't so repressed by Bajoran cultural norms?

    I'm not even sure The Intendant was even meant to be bisexual. Or omnisexual. Or pansexual. Maybe she was just "Anysexual that will give me an advantage in this situation I am in".......

    But, maybe our Nerys spent six Seasons waiting for superhot, supertall Jadzia to kiss her like she miss her!!!!!!

    Being a highly religious society, it is entirely possible that any Bajoran with "those" feelings had to repress them. Maybe the penalty on Bajor for that kind of "deviance" was severe? Death or other extreme punishment?

    I believe you're projecting human religious homophobia onto the Bajorans. We only know we never saw any bi or gay Bajorans in the Prime timeline. We did not, however, see or hear anything to establish that this was because of suppression.

    It's all speculation, unless something is expressly stated in an episode. All I presented was a possible explanation. Most religions do have one thing in common. There is usually some conduct that is labeled as "bad" so there can be rules to control the rank and file. {Rules that often are ignored by the "leaders" themselves.}

    All we know about Bajor "officially" is what has been established within the programs. Most people don't count other sources. Not even books that are officially from Paramount. Maybe there are no gay Bajorans. Maybe all Bajorans are bisexual.

    I know people get hung up on other people's sexuality a lot. Getting hung up on members of a fictional race on a fictional TV show may or may not be extreme.....

    Everyone have a good night.
    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    Section 31 Phillipa
    The ignorance on display here is nauseating, especially from the fandom that brags about how what sets us apart from everything else is how open-minded and inclusive we allegedly are.

    Really? I'm shocked how polite and thoughtful everyone is being in their responses (far better than most forums I've read). Even one who pointed out something offensive, but assumed the person did not mean it to be that way.

    We "argue" like Canucks!!!!!!


    "Have a donut on the hoose"
    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • TcalTcal ✭✭✭
    Michael Burnham
    I can see it now:

    Mega Event Burnham
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    Section 31 Phillipa
    Tcal wrote: »
    I can see it now:

    Mega Event Burnham

    7* Mega Event Burnham
    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • [7TW] UnkieB[7TW] UnkieB ✭✭✭✭✭
    Mirror Undercover Assimilated Klingon Protomorphosis Warship Burnham with 25 traits.
  • Number One
    You note how 'Burnham' fits the duuuh-dum of the Jaws theme?

    So when the fin of the next Mega event rises out of the water, we can all hum that theme! :D
  • Changing my vote to Emony Dax, who bumps into the Discovery as a traveling gymnastics judge.
  • Travis S McClainTravis S McClain ✭✭✭✭✭
    Red Angel
    Changing my vote to Emony Dax, who bumps into the Discovery as a traveling gymnastics judge.

    As a rule, I'm not especially into the whole universe-building crossover guest appearance thing, but I'll confess I'd be a sucker for this.
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    Number One
    Changing my vote to Emony Dax, who bumps into the Discovery as a traveling gymnastics judge.

    As a rule, I'm not especially into the whole universe-building crossover guest appearance thing, but I'll confess I'd be a sucker for this.

    I don’t know, man...wasn’t it cool to see Admiral McCoy? The Archer reference in the first Kelvinverse film? Thomas Riker, Maquis Double Agent? Sarek in his final days?

    There are of course plenty of opportunities to make things worse rather than better. Emo Bearded Spock currently looks like one such opportunity, at least for now. Even so, I think they enrich the shared universe rather than take away from it.
  • Data1001Data1001 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Red Angel
    i voted for pike because like another said is on 4 franchise is one legend captain of federation and the next captain of discovery for season 2 or young spock can be cool but number one is not Riker? because the image used by DScottHewitt tell me nothing, but i think DB is going to release obscure character like etana Jol or Minuet but me feeling of new faction borg maybe is going to make 2nd mega event whit the borg whit one borg recuring for the mega event maybe the dad of seven, or the borg queen from voyager can be cool for new legendary

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    Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
    ~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    Section 31 Phillipa
    Data1001 wrote: »
    i voted for pike because like another said is on 4 franchise is one legend captain of federation and the next captain of discovery for season 2 or young spock can be cool but number one is not Riker? because the image used by DScottHewitt tell me nothing, but i think DB is going to release obscure character like etana Jol or Minuet but me feeling of new faction borg maybe is going to make 2nd mega event whit the borg whit one borg recuring for the mega event maybe the dad of seven, or the borg queen from voyager can be cool for new legendary

    Your keyboard appears to be missing the "period" key. Here's a few that you can use in the future — feel free to copy and paste as needed!



    Maybe I used up his/her quota..........................
    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • mejoyhmejoyh ✭✭✭✭
    Young Spock
    Whoever is the next mega crew, I sure hope he/she/it will be a 3 stat Security beast!

    From the previous mega crew
    Etana Jol - Engineering
    Minuet - Diplomacy
    Ru'afo - Engineering
    Bell Riots Bashir - Medicine
    Surak - Science
    Cornwell - Medicine
    Mirror Picard - Command
    T'kuvma - Command

    I think we can all agree T'kuvma and Minuet were mistakes as 2 stat cards for a mega (especially Minuet.... words can't begin to describe how disappointing Minuet is as a character card...)

    But all 5 other skills have already been covered (more than once in a few cases). Only Security is left.

    I understand that DB needs to monetize so I'm not asking for a chart busting SEC character. Just one with 3 skills, has a top 5 Security combined stat and overall a top 30 total stat character. And this isnt something thats new...

    For a 3 stat card,
    Etana Jol - #3 ENG + #28 total stats
    Ru'afo - #6 ENG (#3 when released)
    Bell Riots Bashir - #11 MED (#9 when released)
    Surak - #2 SCI (#1 when released) + #8 total stats
    Cornwell - #3 MED (#2 when released) + #16 total stats
    Mirror Picard - #6 CMD (#5 when released) + 9 total stats

  • ProontProont ✭✭✭✭✭
    Red Angel
    mejoyh wrote: »
    Whoever is the next mega crew, I sure hope he/she/it will be a 3 stat Security beast!

    From the previous mega crew
    Etana Jol - Engineering
    Minuet - Diplomacy
    Ru'afo - Engineering
    Bell Riots Bashir - Medicine
    Surak - Science
    Cornwell - Medicine
    Mirror Picard - Command
    T'kuvma - Command

    I think we can all agree T'kuvma and Minuet were mistakes as 2 stat cards for a mega (especially Minuet.... words can't begin to describe how disappointing Minuet is as a character card...)

    But all 5 other skills have already been covered (more than once in a few cases). Only Security is left.

    I understand that DB needs to monetize so I'm not asking for a chart busting SEC character. Just one with 3 skills, has a top 5 Security combined stat and overall a top 30 total stat character. And this isnt something thats new...

    For a 3 stat card,
    Etana Jol - #3 ENG + #28 total stats
    Ru'afo - #6 ENG (#3 when released)
    Bell Riots Bashir - #11 MED (#9 when released)
    Surak - #2 SCI (#1 when released) + #8 total stats
    Cornwell - #3 MED (#2 when released) + #16 total stats
    Mirror Picard - #6 CMD (#5 when released) + 9 total stats

    Security would be good. I'm fine with any primary stat that isn't Diplomacy. I agree that 3 stats is a must.
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2019
    Section 31 Phillipa
    Proont wrote: »
    mejoyh wrote: »
    Whoever is the next mega crew, I sure hope he/she/it will be a 3 stat Security beast!

    From the previous mega crew
    Etana Jol - Engineering
    Minuet - Diplomacy
    Ru'afo - Engineering
    Bell Riots Bashir - Medicine
    Surak - Science
    Cornwell - Medicine
    Mirror Picard - Command
    T'kuvma - Command

    I think we can all agree T'kuvma and Minuet were mistakes as 2 stat cards for a mega (especially Minuet.... words can't begin to describe how disappointing Minuet is as a character card...)

    But all 5 other skills have already been covered (more than once in a few cases). Only Security is left.

    I understand that DB needs to monetize so I'm not asking for a chart busting SEC character. Just one with 3 skills, has a top 5 Security combined stat and overall a top 30 total stat character. And this isnt something thats new...

    For a 3 stat card,
    Etana Jol - #3 ENG + #28 total stats
    Ru'afo - #6 ENG (#3 when released)
    Bell Riots Bashir - #11 MED (#9 when released)
    Surak - #2 SCI (#1 when released) + #8 total stats
    Cornwell - #3 MED (#2 when released) + #16 total stats
    Mirror Picard - #6 CMD (#5 when released) + 9 total stats

    Security would be good. I'm fine with any primary stat that isn't Diplomacy. I agree that 3 stats is a must.

    Mega Recurring should be worth the "spotlight". Three Skills. At least two of them at or over 1,000 FF/FE, before Fleet Bonuses.
    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • Number One
    TOS Number One would be better, but Disco Number One would be okay too.
  • Number One
    S31 wrote: »
    That actor is a living legend...

    And actually 4 Franchise

    Star Trek TOS-The Corbomite Maneuver
    Star Trek DS9
    Star Trek Enterprise-Acquisition
    Discovery-Will You Take My Hand?

    Never caught him on DS9. Who was he?


    He's the guy that stole Jadzia's combadge in Past Tense part 2.

    Watched it again last night. Very good episode with a strong message. Only problem is one that Phil Farrand pointed out in his "NitPicker's Guide for Deep Space Nine Trekkers". It is set in 2024, and has repercussions that supposedly resonated for hundreds of years and directly affected the formation of the Federation. However, some time between 2024 and 2063, there was a rather intense global thermonuclear war. Social change is great. But a lot of social change will get undone by nine megatonne airbursts over your major population centers. Th advances caused in society by the Bell Riots would have been undone by the war. Clearly, tensions are still high at the time of First Contact on 5 April 2063. The survivors in the camp think it is possibly an attack by "The Eastern Coalition" when things start. It is highly unlikely that any social and moral consciousness changes caused by the Bell Riots would have had time to return. The big deal that led to the Federation happened in early April 2063, and had nothing to do with Gabriel Bell or the Bell Riots.

    Federation was around 2161 wasn’t it. 140 years after Bell riots. How much has suffragette movement affected modern society. Similar impact methinks.
  • Number One
    S31 wrote: »
    That actor is a living legend...

    And actually 4 Franchise

    Star Trek TOS-The Corbomite Maneuver
    Star Trek DS9
    Star Trek Enterprise-Acquisition
    Discovery-Will You Take My Hand?

    Never caught him on DS9. Who was he?


    He's the guy that stole Jadzia's combadge in Past Tense part 2.

    Watched it again last night. Very good episode with a strong message. Only problem is one that Phil Farrand pointed out in his "NitPicker's Guide for Deep Space Nine Trekkers". It is set in 2024, and has repercussions that supposedly resonated for hundreds of years and directly affected the formation of the Federation. However, some time between 2024 and 2063, there was a rather intense global thermonuclear war. Social change is great. But a lot of social change will get undone by nine megatonne airbursts over your major population centers. Th advances caused in society by the Bell Riots would have been undone by the war. Clearly, tensions are still high at the time of First Contact on 5 April 2063. The survivors in the camp think it is possibly an attack by "The Eastern Coalition" when things start. It is highly unlikely that any social and moral consciousness changes caused by the Bell Riots would have had time to return. The big deal that led to the Federation happened in early April 2063, and had nothing to do with Gabriel Bell or the Bell Riots.

    Wanted to come back to this observation. I think it can be simultaneously true that the Bell Riots led to progress and that World War III still happened and set back that progress. And a setback is not necessarily the same as undoing. Sisko didn't say Utopia was established a week later, just that it was a watershed event.

    The notion that progress is an ever-upward arc is misguided and, frankly, naive. We're talking about 39 years. We've seen a lot of back-and-forth over the last 39 here in reality. No reason to think there won't be more of that in the 39 between 2024 and 2063.

    The first contact is 2063. Federation is around 2162 or so.

    Between 1870s and 2018 we have had two world wars!!
    In 1880s we had suffragette movement. Similar for Bell riots.
    So do you think that minor movement for equal rights for a group of people had any impact on society.
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