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3rd Party Contributor Removal

I have deleted my public copy of the "Level 100 Crew Stats" spreadsheet that I have maintained the better part of my playing history with this game. This is to support TekmanRo's removal of the IAmPicard tool due to, in no small part, DB's dithering on whether or not his tool should be approved for use, despite being stickied on their strategy page for over a year.

I encourage others who have also created 3rd party tools, including the STT Wiki, to remove public access at least until DB has clarified how derivative works of their game should work.

For many, this game is nearly unplayable without the help of 3rd party tools to manage its more tedious aspects. DB needs to come out in support of these fans and developers or risk losing them forever.


  • SMMSMM ✭✭✭
    edited January 2019
    I'm not entirely sure how Tekman's statement about players harassing him and exploiting his work became DB's fault. Encouraging the wiki's admins to punish the community who depends on the wiki, just because some members of the community are terrible people, doesn't make any sense. DB hasn't actually moved to bar the iampicard tool and I'm not sure why they're now the villain.

    If you get burgled because you accidentally left the front door open when out, then you are in part responsible for not taking the steps to secure your home. If caught, the burglar would get convicted and in any case your insurance company probably wouldn't pay out.

    People may not share my view. Just ask your insurance company what would happen if you did that.
  • YateballYateball ✭✭✭✭✭
    I have deleted my public copy of the "Level 100 Crew Stats" spreadsheet that I have maintained the better part of my playing history with this game. This is to support TekmanRo's removal of the IAmPicard tool due to, in no small part, DB's dithering on whether or not his tool should be approved for use, despite being stickied on their strategy page for over a year.

    I encourage others who have also created 3rd party tools, including the STT Wiki, to remove public access at least until DB has clarified how derivative works of their game should work.

    For many, this game is nearly unplayable without the help of 3rd party tools to manage its more tedious aspects. DB needs to come out in support of these fans and developers or risk losing them forever.

    This is killer because I love using your spreadsheet too, but I certainly get the show of solidarity
    What a **tsk tsk** day in STT land
  • Good move... I hope the vocal people and those who hasassed IAP were using extensively
  • A rash, but understandable stance, Peachtree. This whole affairs is just upsetting beyond words. I've had the chorus of Metallica's "King Nothing" playing in my head since last night, almost unconsciously.
  • Thank you for all of your work on this sheet @Peachtree Rex. Sorry to see it go, but I completely support your reasons.
  • Webberoni wrote: »
    To each their own I suppose, but any app or macro that automates or streamlines gameplay just doesn't seem sporting to me.

    Is it considered “sporting” for DB to sell “Double Your Crew” when that streamlines leveling crew?, Or is it “Sporting” for DB to sell event crew? Is using warp, whether it’s 1x or 10x considered automating gameplay? I would think these parts of the game gives an advantage to those with lots of money they can spend on this game. This is considered acceptable because DB offers these deals, but neither are really “sporting” for those that don’t have the money to spend on this game.
  • WebberoniWebberoni ✭✭✭✭✭
    Webberoni wrote: »
    To each their own I suppose, but any app or macro that automates or streamlines gameplay just doesn't seem sporting to me.

    Is it considered “sporting” for DB to sell “Double Your Crew” when that streamlines leveling crew?, Or is it “Sporting” for DB to sell event crew? Is using warp, whether it’s 1x or 10x considered automating gameplay? I would think these parts of the game gives an advantage to those with lots of money they can spend on this game. This is considered acceptable because DB offers these deals, but neither are really “sporting” for those that don’t have the money to spend on this game.

    Every player has equal access to those features, whether or not they choose to utilize them. They are part of the game.

    If you developed an app that removed the 30-minute refresh for ad-warping, then that would certainly not be sporting, since you would be deliberately circumventing the designed gameplay to create an unfair advantage for yourself.
  • Bold move, you have my support.
  • IronagedaveIronagedave ✭✭✭✭✭
    Well there goes my bible, but thanks Peachtree for sharing your spreadsheet for as long as you have it has been really appreciated here.
    [was on Sabbatical/Hiatus] Currently a trialist at Galaxy SquadronSTAY SAFE and KBO

  • I've maintained my own spreadsheets for three years. I know very well how they work. But what about players who don't? Is it very sporting for players who don't know how to do that to go up against those who can? Boo hoo to them, right?

    Webberoni wrote: »
    Every player has equal access to those features, whether or not they choose to utilize them. They are part of the game.

    If you developed an app that removed the 30-minute refresh for ad-warping, then that would certainly not be sporting, since you would be deliberately circumventing the designed gameplay to create an unfair advantage for yourself.

    Webberoni, it’s not equal access if people don’t have the money to afford the extra crew or other deals. That’s like saying I have a choice to live in a mansion, but I chose to not untilize that choice. Just disregard the idea that I chose to not live there because I can’t afford it. If Double your crew, warp 10, and buying event crew was truly equal access, DB would give away these things to everyone instead of making it cost money or have a certain VIP level.

    It sounds like your logic is that people need to either have lots of money to play the game, or be smarter than others so they can create a personal tool to use playing the game.
  • I support you 100%, Rex. All third-party tools and references should go dark until there is a clear and concise message from DB regarding the use of third-party references for improving certain players’ ability to compete in events and amass crew/item resources.

    Furthermore, I call for the Friday event announcements to be canceled - event notes should only be posted here at the time the app is updated on Wednesday, to further prevent some players from having a competitive advantage over others. Everyone should be on the same level playing field when it comes to preparing for future events, and having more time to level bonus crew or unfreeze them at a lower cost is simply unacceptable these days when only some enjoy that benefit.

    Preach. 🙌🏻

    If we want a supposed level playing field for all(impossible) then let’s have a level playing field for all.
  • CloneClone ✭✭✭
  • kapukapu ✭✭✭
    edited January 2019
    Nothing nice to say? Don't post. ˜Shan
    Captain Lvl 99; Vip0; 552 Unique Immortals; Fleet: Omega Molecules; Base Lvl 134 (MAX); Playing Since March 2016.
  • I just spent an hour updating my spreadsheet and printing it last night. (Yes, on PAPER!) This is my own version of a crew spreadsheet, and I need it to help myself keep track of things like when some of my crew goes missing because of faulty source programming. (happened TWICE!)

    I do not consider this an advantage over any other player, since it does not enhance my strategy in the game, does not increase my odds of anything, etc. It is merely a tool I feel is required in my circumstance to assist me with my game.

    I can see a lot of debate forged by this move on both DBs part and @Peachtree Rex, and it is certainly each of their separate option and right to do what they feel is right.

    I guess all I can say is "Live Long and Prosper".
    I want to become a Dilionaire...
  • S14 Bri S14 Bri ✭✭✭
    edited January 2019
    Nothing nice to say? Don't post. ˜Shan
This discussion has been closed.