Key information about the event: Alpha and Omega (rerun) - 02/28

Event Name: Alpha and Omega (rerun)
Event Type: Faction Event
Event Crew: Bartender Tuvok 5* (New), Agent Janeway 5* (Existing), Maquis Ro Laren 4* (Existing), and Dr. Hippocrates Noah 4* (Existing)
Event Dates: Thursday 02/28 until Monday 03/04
Ranked Reward 5*: Mirror Ellen Landry (New) - this crew will be featured event crew in the event starting on 03/07.
Event Factions:
Maquis, Terran Empire, Section 31
Bonus crew:
• high bonus: event crew
• small bonus: variants of Tuvok, Janeway, Ro, and B. Sisko.
Event Type: Faction Event
Event Crew: Bartender Tuvok 5* (New), Agent Janeway 5* (Existing), Maquis Ro Laren 4* (Existing), and Dr. Hippocrates Noah 4* (Existing)
Event Dates: Thursday 02/28 until Monday 03/04
Ranked Reward 5*: Mirror Ellen Landry (New) - this crew will be featured event crew in the event starting on 03/07.
Event Factions:
Maquis, Terran Empire, Section 31
Bonus crew:
• high bonus: event crew
• small bonus: variants of Tuvok, Janeway, Ro, and B. Sisko.
EDIT: after the correction, only 1/3 factions is a repeat
This may be the first event I don't go full out for. I already have both 4* immortalized (2nd copy of Noah is 1/4-FE) and I don't have either 5* to add stars to, unless I hang on for a top-1500 finish this week (hovering between 600-900 mid-way through the faction phase). I'm also not overly hyped about getting Mirror Landy, for use just 2 weeks after the Discovery mega event ended.
Does this count as breaking the no Janeway streak?
Mirror Lorca was Lorca.... if you watched the show
I think he means Leather Daddy Lorca. Which is the only name I will accept for him in the game.
Remember, the rank 5* isn't part of the event in which they're earned, so this would really be applicable to the following event. Not being part of a mega-event, I'd be surprised if anyone other than Commander Ellen Landry gets the bonus, but that's just me guessing along with DB.
Really? It was already mentioned on several threads that with „Mirror Lorca“ ppl want the version of Mirror Lorca in the Mirror Universe, where he wears a black leather jacket....
Captain Lorca(already in game) = DSC Uniform
Mirror Lorca = Mirror Outfit
I hope so, I have a ton of Disco crew I want to freeze
No guarantee, but have to guess skirmish or skirmish/Galaxy.
So copies should be unnecessary.
Where would he fit into this event that he'd be a reward anywhere? I don't understand
As the 3* reward (Hippocrates Noah being a Sisko variant). But I think it's far more likely we'll get Tuvok, with Janeway or Ensign Ro as the 2*.
Or Janeway as the 3* with Ro as the 2*
I honestly hope he remains available exclusively via achievement. If they add him to the portal, the achievement copy might as well just be 100 honor.
Doesn't Noah NOT count when Sisko is bonus though? Maybe I'm remembering that wrong but I thought that was the case
He counts as a Sisko variant just as Honey Bare is a Jadzia and Duchamps is a Worf and Falcon is an O'Brien.
Are you sure you want that or is it have you already spent the 10,000 honor and do not want to see that honor wasted?
I would love this Sisko, since I airlocked him like an idiot when he came out.
I have already spent the honor (at least on 2/3 of my accounts), but I really don't think that much honor is really anything to be concerned about (I gave 8 citations to gauntlet exclusive crew before they were added back to the reward table, and I'm not really upset about that, so....). I just like that it's different from all the other 3* crew, and it is part of the resource management of the game to decide if he's worth using 9,000 honor on to add him to one's immortal count & collections.
I hope not, I really hope they'll add a new one sometime this year that won't require me to spend 436.000 honor to unlock her. But then, it was still easier to get Lucille Davenport as a collection reward than if she had been in a Tuesday pack I guess