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Two Skill Crew



  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    Trader Odo 1996
    Prisoner Archer 1936
    Jannar 1838
    Kilana 1834
    Chaplain Odo 1758
    Yelgrun 1468
    Baseball Dukat 1436

    That’s including bonuses. Bonuses are not a regular thing. That will help you for the next four days. I have bonus crew with higher diplomacy for the next four days too. Satos base is good for the life of STT

    So? The rest of the time she'll get beat by different bonus crew. Or the 26 other DIP crew that have higher base DIP than she does.

    The Bulls won championships with lousy centers. It’s ok to use crew that isn’t the greatest thing in the world. Your roster needs to be deep. After a voyage and 4 shuttles you are down to your what? 8th best diplomat? I can win with Sato being my 8th best diplomat.
    That's not how the game is set-up. Funny thing about Voyage crew is that great Voyage crew are often not great at shuttles. My best DIP Voyagers are not my best DIP base crew. Bridge Officer #1 is the only one I have who manages to be good at both but she's still worse than many bonus crew. Professor Sato is the #1 DIP base but only #82 for Voyages.

    I can do the event with 8 DIP crew that are all better than Sato and not one of them will ever go on a Voyage. Most other faction events are pretty much the same.

    Everyone “does” the event. That doesn’t say how well you do

    So somehow I'll magically do better if I use sub-par non-event two-skill crew?
    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2019
    For the record, 12,500 can fail hazards before 10 hrs. I have had it happen several times in the 9 hrs 50 min area and once at 9 hrs 32 min. For the most part though you do not need primary and secondary much above 12,000. You do not want to cannibalize too much on the other skills to get primary and secondary skills past 12k. 11,500 for primary and secondary works well too if your other skills average about 4,500. Voyages involve a huge amount of luck as some hazards fail when other times they succeed. There is luck in if you get a high roll or a low roll on the hazard for that skill. I have used the same stats, crew, skills for the same primary secondary voyages back to back, one will go 10 hrs and the next goes 9 hrs. 10,500 can work for making 10 hrs if you are lucky. There is no one formula for 10 hr voyages. Find what works for you. Good luck all.
    Let’s fly!
  • DeanWinsDeanWins ✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2019
    I was active on a movie-collecting forum about a decade ago, as Blu-ray and HD-DVD were still vying for supremacy in the marketplace. This was ultimately a rather niche concern. The average person--even the average person who cared enough about movies to come to a forum dedicated to collecting them--was slow to adopt any HD format. It was expensive, for one thing. It required new equipment. And there was the Beta/VHS War, which taught us all to expect one to die off kind of early and no one wanted to be stuck with a machine that would only play a handful of HD discs.

    But there was this one guy who so zealously embraced Blu-ray that he flamed several threads. Eventually, he outright declared that the basis of his determination of the superiority of Blu-ray stemmed from his superiority as a film aficionado and even as a human being. Anyone who didn't share his appreciation for Blu-ray was a mere peasant, too much of a rube to even understand anything about how to appreciate, respect, or even just enjoy film. That is not verbatim, but it is awfully close.

    I don't think about that guy often, but when I do, it's usually because I'm streaming something obscure and I wonder whether he's enlightened enough to stream it, too, because it's a film otherwise not in circulation on physical media, or if he's so enlightened that he shuns streaming altogether for being inferior.

    And when I think of that guy in those moments, I hope that he's matured enough to live in the same world most of us live in, where we do "make do with lesser [things]". Hell, we even find value in those "lesser" things. Not because we're trying to delude ourselves that we have something of quality, but because we see those things in a light that shows us something to appreciate, respect, or even just enjoy.

    That was all apropos of nothing, of course. I just sometimes reminisce about things.

    Thanks Travis, that sums it up perfectly and eloquently;) and with that I'm out of the debate;)
    In the early-mid game it's different but in the long run, 2 skill crew are useless for gauntlet and voyages (except Dr Culber)

    The best two skill crew are those with more than 1000 base (before bonuses) in BOTH skills and relatively common event crew because they are great for shuttles, especially for faction events, including not being fully fused. A good ship ability is nice but that's just icing on the cake.

    Sorry But I have to call BS. Maybe that is somewhat true for voyages, but definitely not for gauntlet, I use two skills often, and have great success, and I have access to 98% of the best gauntlet options.

    Mirror phlox is probably the best example, I win with him all the time, mainly because his scores are constantly high regardless of crit.

    I even use minuet when she gets her crit bonus, cause even thou Guinan is 3 skill, I find that the crit tips it in minuets favor, otherwise I go with guinan

    Heck I even use Goddess of empathy troi when she gets her 45% bonus, cause its nuts ;p

    Another two Ive won with consistently: Augment obrien and species

    So to call them useless is ridiculous, early game, mid game or end game ;p At most you can say three skill officers are more versatile, at least as an absolute. Anytime someone says something is always one way or another, Its usually off.

  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    Trader Odo 1996
    Prisoner Archer 1936
    Jannar 1838
    Kilana 1834
    Chaplain Odo 1758
    Yelgrun 1468
    Baseball Dukat 1436

    That’s including bonuses. Bonuses are not a regular thing. That will help you for the next four days. I have bonus crew with higher diplomacy for the next four days too. Satos base is good for the life of STT

    So? The rest of the time she'll get beat by different bonus crew. Or the 26 other DIP crew that have higher base DIP than she does.

    The Bulls won championships with lousy centers. It’s ok to use crew that isn’t the greatest thing in the world. Your roster needs to be deep. After a voyage and 4 shuttles you are down to your what? 8th best diplomat? I can win with Sato being my 8th best diplomat.
    That's not how the game is set-up. Funny thing about Voyage crew is that great Voyage crew are often not great at shuttles. My best DIP Voyagers are not my best DIP base crew. Bridge Officer #1 is the only one I have who manages to be good at both but she's still worse than many bonus crew. Professor Sato is the #1 DIP base but only #82 for Voyages.

    I can do the event with 8 DIP crew that are all better than Sato and not one of them will ever go on a Voyage. Most other faction events are pretty much the same.

    Everyone “does” the event. That doesn’t say how well you do

    So somehow I'll magically do better if I use sub-par non-event two-skill crew?

    Not at all. I just assumed by all this talking down to me that you do much better than I do. Perhaps I would know if you would answer
  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    Trader Odo 1996
    Prisoner Archer 1936
    Jannar 1838
    Kilana 1834
    Chaplain Odo 1758
    Yelgrun 1468
    Baseball Dukat 1436

    That’s including bonuses. Bonuses are not a regular thing. That will help you for the next four days. I have bonus crew with higher diplomacy for the next four days too. Satos base is good for the life of STT

    So? The rest of the time she'll get beat by different bonus crew. Or the 26 other DIP crew that have higher base DIP than she does.

    The Bulls won championships with lousy centers. It’s ok to use crew that isn’t the greatest thing in the world. Your roster needs to be deep. After a voyage and 4 shuttles you are down to your what? 8th best diplomat? I can win with Sato being my 8th best diplomat.
    That's not how the game is set-up. Funny thing about Voyage crew is that great Voyage crew are often not great at shuttles. My best DIP Voyagers are not my best DIP base crew. Bridge Officer #1 is the only one I have who manages to be good at both but she's still worse than many bonus crew. Professor Sato is the #1 DIP base but only #82 for Voyages.

    I can do the event with 8 DIP crew that are all better than Sato and not one of them will ever go on a Voyage. Most other faction events are pretty much the same.

    Everyone “does” the event. That doesn’t say how well you do

    So somehow I'll magically do better if I use sub-par non-event two-skill crew?

    Not at all. I just assumed by all this talking down to me that you do much better than I do. Perhaps I would know if you would answer

    I don't spend enough on the game to do well at Factions. Best placement was #30. I used full bonus/event crew and used about 70 time reducers. I don't have sufficient depth of 5* bonus/event crew or the willingness to do speed-ups. I still wouldn't touch a non-bonus crew since there are very, very few that are competitive in a faction event.
    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
  • [KM] WOLF 359[KM] WOLF 359 ✭✭✭
    edited May 2019
    DeanWins wrote: »
    In the early-mid game it's different but in the long run, 2 skill crew are useless for gauntlet and voyages (except Dr Culber)

    The best two skill crew are those with more than 1000 base (before bonuses) in BOTH skills and relatively common event crew because they are great for shuttles, especially for faction events, including not being fully fused. A good ship ability is nice but that's just icing on the cake.

    Sorry But I have to call BS. Maybe that is somewhat true for voyages, but definitely not for gauntlet, I use two skills often, and have great success, and I have access to 98% of the best gauntlet options.

    Mirror phlox is probably the best example, I win with him all the time, mainly because his scores are constantly high regardless of crit.

    I even use minuet when she gets her crit bonus, cause even thou Guinan is 3 skill, I find that the crit tips it in minuets favor, otherwise I go with guinan

    Heck I even use Goddess of empathy troi when she gets her 45% bonus, cause its nuts ;p

    Another two Ive won with consistently: Augment obrien and species

    So to call them useless is ridiculous, early game, mid game or end game ;p At most you can say three skill officers are more versatile, at least as an absolute. Anytime someone says something is always one way or another, Its usually off.

    That might be true but you're succeeding despite picking two skill not because of it. Or using a lot of merits to get the reduced amount of matchups you can win.
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    DeanWins wrote: »
    In the early-mid game it's different but in the long run, 2 skill crew are useless for gauntlet and voyages (except Dr Culber)

    The best two skill crew are those with more than 1000 base (before bonuses) in BOTH skills and relatively common event crew because they are great for shuttles, especially for faction events, including not being fully fused. A good ship ability is nice but that's just icing on the cake.

    Sorry But I have to call BS. Maybe that is somewhat true for voyages, but definitely not for gauntlet, I use two skills often, and have great success, and I have access to 98% of the best gauntlet options.

    Mirror phlox is probably the best example, I win with him all the time, mainly because his scores are constantly high regardless of crit.

    I even use minuet when she gets her crit bonus, cause even thou Guinan is 3 skill, I find that the crit tips it in minuets favor, otherwise I go with guinan

    Heck I even use Goddess of empathy troi when she gets her 45% bonus, cause its nuts ;p

    Another two Ive won with consistently: Augment obrien and species

    So to call them useless is ridiculous, early game, mid game or end game ;p At most you can say three skill officers are more versatile, at least as an absolute. Anytime someone says something is always one way or another, Its usually off.

    That might be true but you're succeeding despite picking two skill not because of it. Or using a lot of merits to get the reduced amount of matchups you can win.

    I’ll send a two-skill crew into a gauntlet if the trait bonuses are right. I’ve used Mirror Phlox and even Antaak at only 25%, while Dr. Daystrom, Minuet, and Kai Opaka need to be at 45% to be worth using. I would include on that list crew that have three skills but where the third is awful, like Mirror Picard, The Keeper, or Marshal of France Q - they have limited use without trait bonuses but can be highly useful with them.

    We need more crew like these for ENG - after the Caretaker, options are still critically limited...Tempted Data’s minimum ENG proficiency is garbage and La Borge will lose almost any battle where he doesn’t have both skills (and then he usually does well even at 5%). Someone like Mirror Phlox but for ENG instead of MED would make things interesting even with only two skills.

    For the record, I never use dil and will only ever consider using a merit re-roll if it’s the start of a new round of battles and all of my crew are guaranteed to lose. Otherwise, I am happy to redshirt my weakest crew rather than waste merits.
  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2019
    DeanWins wrote: »
    In the early-mid game it's different but in the long run, 2 skill crew are useless for gauntlet and voyages (except Dr Culber)

    The best two skill crew are those with more than 1000 base (before bonuses) in BOTH skills and relatively common event crew because they are great for shuttles, especially for faction events, including not being fully fused. A good ship ability is nice but that's just icing on the cake.

    Sorry But I have to call BS. Maybe that is somewhat true for voyages, but definitely not for gauntlet, I use two skills often, and have great success, and I have access to 98% of the best gauntlet options.

    Mirror phlox is probably the best example, I win with him all the time, mainly because his scores are constantly high regardless of crit.

    I even use minuet when she gets her crit bonus, cause even thou Guinan is 3 skill, I find that the crit tips it in minuets favor, otherwise I go with guinan

    Heck I even use Goddess of empathy troi when she gets her 45% bonus, cause its nuts ;p

    Another two Ive won with consistently: Augment obrien and species

    So to call them useless is ridiculous, early game, mid game or end game ;p At most you can say three skill officers are more versatile, at least as an absolute. Anytime someone says something is always one way or another, Its usually off.

    That might be true but you're succeeding despite picking two skill not because of it. Or using a lot of merits to get the reduced amount of matchups you can win.

    I’ll send a two-skill crew into a gauntlet if the trait bonuses are right. I’ve used Mirror Phlox and even Antaak at only 25%, while Dr. Daystrom, Minuet, and Kai Opaka need to be at 45% to be worth using. I would include on that list crew that have three skills but where the third is awful, like Mirror Picard, The Keeper, or Marshal of France Q - they have limited use without trait bonuses but can be highly useful with them.

    We need more crew like these for ENG - after the Caretaker, options are still critically limited...Tempted Data’s minimum ENG proficiency is garbage and La Borge will lose almost any battle where he doesn’t have both skills (and then he usually does well even at 5%). Someone like Mirror Phlox but for ENG instead of MED would make things interesting even with only two skills.

    For the record, I never use dil and will only ever consider using a merit re-roll if it’s the start of a new round of battles and all of my crew are guaranteed to lose. Otherwise, I am happy to redshirt my weakest crew rather than waste merits.

    Completely agree. On ENG Gauntlets (which seem to happen 5 out of every 6 times!) my only other viable option for ENG is Captain Braxton.
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Etanna sometimes gets a 25%
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    Etanna sometimes gets a 25%

    100% true. And I look at her proficiencies even with a 25% boost and just can’t bring myself to choose her. She’s a slightly worse Tempted Data...I sometimes feel the urge to thaw out Mirror Geordi, and then remember that he’s not much different from either Etana or Data.
  • IronagedaveIronagedave ✭✭✭✭✭
    When traits align I like to roll out lawnmower man La Forge
    [was on Sabbatical/Hiatus] Currently a trialist at Galaxy SquadronSTAY SAFE and KBO
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    Etanna sometimes gets a 25%

    100% true. And I look at her proficiencies even with a 25% boost and just can’t bring myself to choose her. She’s a slightly worse Tempted Data...I sometimes feel the urge to thaw out Mirror Geordi, and then remember that he’s not much different from either Etana or Data.

    Yeah her and Tempred Data are pretty similar, they just trade SEC for SCI. When the featured skill is ENG, I do go with them both if no one else I have gives a crit bonus

  • eXo | das411eXo | das411 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Just noticed that 3 of my top 5 DIP are "only" two skill - we all agree 4/4 Vic Pulaski is still a monster no matter how many skills she has though right?
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    Just noticed that 3 of my top 5 DIP are "only" two skill - we all agree 4/4 Vic Pulaski is still a monster no matter how many skills she has though right?

    For super rares you want them to only have two skills. A third skill just takes from their limited power. With legendaries you want a third skill because it adds to their power.
    Let’s fly!
  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    Just noticed that 3 of my top 5 DIP are "only" two skill - we all agree 4/4 Vic Pulaski is still a monster no matter how many skills she has though right?

    I disagree. Next week we have a faction event with Picard as a bonus crew. She won't be touched if you have sufficient depth. If you don't how much do you think Pulaski contributes to a 4K shuttle's success? I'd provide screen shots but I can't for 2h40min.
    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    Just noticed that 3 of my top 5 DIP are "only" two skill - we all agree 4/4 Vic Pulaski is still a monster no matter how many skills she has though right?

    For super rares you want them to only have two skills. A third skill just takes from their limited power. With legendaries you want a third skill because it adds to their power.

    It does? Explain. I have never seen any evidence that a 3 skill crew has worse stats than a 2 skill crew.
    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    Just noticed that 3 of my top 5 DIP are "only" two skill - we all agree 4/4 Vic Pulaski is still a monster no matter how many skills she has though right?

    For super rares you want them to only have two skills. A third skill just takes from their limited power. With legendaries you want a third skill because it adds to their power.

    It does? Explain. I have never seen any evidence that a 3 skill crew has worse stats than a 2 skill crew.

    Agreed. I just thawed out my Robin Hood for next week’s event and although his SEC is 48 points lower than my Pulaski’s DIP, his COM is 87 points higher than her MED.

    Without event bonuses, he is technically ever so slightly weaker for a SEC/COM shuttle slot than she is in a DIP/MED slot due to the 1/4 valuation for the second skill (making Robin Hood 48 points weaker on the primary and only 22ish points stronger in the secondary). However, I don’t think we can really blame that on him having a third skill - and even then, that’s got to be fractions of a percentage point difference in shuttle success rates.
  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    Just noticed that 3 of my top 5 DIP are "only" two skill - we all agree 4/4 Vic Pulaski is still a monster no matter how many skills she has though right?

    For super rares you want them to only have two skills. A third skill just takes from their limited power. With legendaries you want a third skill because it adds to their power.

    It does? Explain. I have never seen any evidence that a 3 skill crew has worse stats than a 2 skill crew.

    Agreed. I just thawed out my Robin Hood for next week’s event and although his SEC is 48 points lower than my Pulaski’s DIP, his COM is 87 points higher than her MED.

    Let's consider a mutant like Mirror Phlox. He does have great stats in both base and proficiency which is unusual. He also has 9x 5* Equipment and 8x 4* Equipment. That's a lot of gear for a 4*, some 5*'s have less. DB can be very, very random in their stats. The OneZero debacle is an excellent example.
    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
  • [SSR] GTMET[SSR] GTMET ✭✭✭✭✭
    That all said, I would jump ALL over a MED/ENG gold crew if the two stats were over 1000
  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    Now that my shuttles are back I can play around with them a little.

    Non-event Mintaken Troi (4/4) with 1089 DIP. One of the better 4*'s in game.

    Bonus Crew Jazz Odo (2/5) with 850 DIP. Mediocre 2.5 yrs ago, mediocre today.

    Event Crew Laas (4/4) with 760 DIP. An unremarkable 4* who'll see limited use outside this event.

    The differences get even bigger with skill boosts.

    This is why I de-emphasize base stats. Its good to have them but they will invariably get trumped by even bad bonus crew. That Odo I have there mostly just sits there. He was my 5th 5* that I obtained in game but he's seen very little use in the last 2.5 yrs. Back in 2016 crew were almost entirely measured by their primary base skill but the game has evolved since then.

    Two skill crew are not good. Certain ones have other uses unrelated to their skills and are worth developing. A few are even really good despite having two skills (ex Mirror Phlox). The only thing they bring to the table are their base skills but that's only good a small portion of the time. If crew space is not an issue for you, go to town. For many other people its a deal breaker.

    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
  • Hungry Dog DDMHungry Dog DDM ✭✭✭✭
    There are few, if any, players more selective about which crew they keep than @Banjo1012 . If there are 2 skill crew that Banjo thinks is worth keeping, I'm definitely listening to that advice.
    Drunken Dahar Masters is recruiting active players.
    PM for details.

    So long and thanks for all the fish.
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    There are few, if any, players more selective about which crew they keep than @Banjo1012 . If there are 2 skill crew that Banjo thinks is worth keeping, I'm definitely listening to that advice.

    Thanks man! Guinevere Kira is awesome! If I had to mention one she would be it

  • Hungry Dog DDMHungry Dog DDM ✭✭✭✭
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    There are few, if any, players more selective about which crew they keep than @Banjo1012 . If there are 2 skill crew that Banjo thinks is worth keeping, I'm definitely listening to that advice.

    Thanks man! Guinevere Kira is awesome! If I had to mention one she would be it

    On my list to acquire
    Drunken Dahar Masters is recruiting active players.
    PM for details.

    So long and thanks for all the fish.
  • WaldoMagWaldoMag ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2019
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    Trader Odo 1996
    Prisoner Archer 1936
    Jannar 1838
    Kilana 1834
    Chaplain Odo 1758
    Yelgrun 1468
    Baseball Dukat 1436

    That’s including bonuses. Bonuses are not a regular thing. That will help you for the next four days. I have bonus crew with higher diplomacy for the next four days too. Satos base is good for the life of STT

    On non faction shuttles difficulty goes up when you succceed. At you difficulty, you get no added rewards for this extra difficulty. Basically, you keep increasing your difficulty up, until you end up at about a 72% success rate.

    I have been suggesting 900 base stat for shuttles, in reality it can be lower and still not loose rewards. All you do when you put your best crew on them is to keep driving that difficulty up.

    I have four factions back to 0:30 time shuttles. I am working on getting them all there. I might then drive Augment back up to a point where I get 2* science experiments again. I did manage to get one on a ten minute shuttle. But, it has not happened again. For now, I replicate, conserving my nineteen 2* science experiments.

    One problem, on the way down (failing shuttle missions) I have been constantly hitting the max on those legendary experience trainers. Seems that when you fail DB gives you a few of them.
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2019
    WaldoMag wrote: »
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    Trader Odo 1996
    Prisoner Archer 1936
    Jannar 1838
    Kilana 1834
    Chaplain Odo 1758
    Yelgrun 1468
    Baseball Dukat 1436

    That’s including bonuses. Bonuses are not a regular thing. That will help you for the next four days. I have bonus crew with higher diplomacy for the next four days too. Satos base is good for the life of STT

    On non faction shuttles difficulty goes up when you succceed. At you difficulty, you get no added rewards for this extra difficulty. Basically, you keep increasing your difficulty up, until you end up at about a 72% success rate.

    I have been suggesting 900 base stat for shuttles, in reality it can be lower and still not loose rewards. All you do when you put your best crew on them is to keep driving that difficulty up.

    I have four factions back to 0:30 time shuttles. I am working on getting them all there. I might then drive Augment back up to a point where I get 2* science experiments again. I did manage to get one on a ten minute shuttle. But, it has not happened again. For now, I replicate, conserving my nineteen 2* science experiments.

    One problem, on the way down (failing shuttle missions) I have been constantly hitting the max on those legendary experience trainers. Seems that when you fail DB gives you a few of them.

    If I find myself running shuttles on the rare instances I can hit dailies, I just put my B-Team on them (A-Team being on a voyage) and run them. I find 8 replications per day to be plenty for when I need to level a crew. I don’t need to mass replicate stuff to save. Plus, faction events with Augments give me plenty of those throughout the course of the 4 days to last quite a while. I just don’t find the flop shuttle thing necessary for STT life.
  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    There are few, if any, players more selective about which crew they keep than @Banjo1012 . If there are 2 skill crew that Banjo thinks is worth keeping, I'm definitely listening to that advice.

    You mean besides every VIP0 player in the game? If I had to talk to someone about crew I would be more inclined to trust the word of a VIP0 player who wins events.
    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    There are few, if any, players more selective about which crew they keep than @Banjo1012 . If there are 2 skill crew that Banjo thinks is worth keeping, I'm definitely listening to that advice.

    You mean besides every VIP0 player in the game? If I had to talk to someone about crew I would be more inclined to trust the word of a VIP0 player who wins events.

    A VIP0 will not win a faction event. A galaxy can be won by anyone with proper planning. Anyone can win a skirmish with steel fingers and no sleep

  • Automaton_2000Automaton_2000 ✭✭✭✭✭
    WaldoMag wrote: »
    On non faction shuttles difficulty goes up when you succceed. At you difficulty, you get no added rewards for this extra difficulty. Basically, you keep increasing your difficulty up, until you end up at about a 72% success rate.

    Non-event shuttles actually do have a difficulty cap, similar to event shuttles. At max with Sato and/or another top base crew, you can sustain ~89-90% success rate.

    That being said, I leave (almost) all the Factions tanked now. You can still run them at ~1 gold trainer difficulty and receive the whole gamut of Faction items at 66% success rate while being close enough to tank the week before an event. The extra 10-20% success rate from max difficult shuttles pales in comparison to the massively rewarding instant shuttles run after a Faction event, particularly for newer players.
  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    There are few, if any, players more selective about which crew they keep than @Banjo1012 . If there are 2 skill crew that Banjo thinks is worth keeping, I'm definitely listening to that advice.

    You mean besides every VIP0 player in the game? If I had to talk to someone about crew I would be more inclined to trust the word of a VIP0 player who wins events.

    A VIP0 will not win a faction event. A galaxy can be won by anyone with proper planning. Anyone can win a skirmish with steel fingers and no sleep
    Your crew choices won't win you a faction event either. It can be brute forced just like any other event. You can make poor choices on crew and still do well if you set your mind to it.

    If you want to do well at faction, you're not going to be using non-bonus crew unless there are a sufficient number of non-bonus crew seats. That sometimes happens although I can't think of any recent event where it was problematic. If it is problematic, there are a variety of good 3-skill crew that have very high bases.

    If I was to look at a crew like Queen Kira, I'd see a two-skill crew with passable stats. Kol, Kortar and Thrax all have better base SEC. She does have a decent ship ability, has nice art and will have some utility on "some" Kira events. I passed on her as soon as I saw her. Commander Kira I should've taken on the other hand. That's a serious Kira for anyone to get.
    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2019
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    There are few, if any, players more selective about which crew they keep than @Banjo1012 . If there are 2 skill crew that Banjo thinks is worth keeping, I'm definitely listening to that advice.

    You mean besides every VIP0 player in the game? If I had to talk to someone about crew I would be more inclined to trust the word of a VIP0 player who wins events.

    A VIP0 will not win a faction event. A galaxy can be won by anyone with proper planning. Anyone can win a skirmish with steel fingers and no sleep
    Your crew choices won't win you a faction event either. It can be brute forced just like any other event. You can make poor choices on crew and still do well if you set your mind to it.

    If you want to do well at faction, you're not going to be using non-bonus crew unless there are a sufficient number of non-bonus crew seats. That sometimes happens although I can't think of any recent event where it was problematic. If it is problematic, there are a variety of good 3-skill crew that have very high bases.

    If I was to look at a crew like Queen Kira, I'd see a two-skill crew with passable stats. Kol, Kortar and Thrax all have better base SEC. She does have a decent ship ability, has nice art and will have some utility on "some" Kira events. I passed on her as soon as I saw her. Commander Kira I should've taken on the other hand. That's a serious Kira for anyone to get.

    I have them both and I use Queen Kira WAY more often. All you need is one good bonus crew to put your shuttle at a winning percentage. You win factions by spreading them out wisely. If I have enough, I will rent shuttles until I am no longer at an 80% success rate. With one good bonus crew and the rest non-bonus I can still be over 90%. Why would I put all my bonus eggs on one shuttle when I can spread them out over 6 or 8 shuttles and succeed them all? That is how crew choice will win you factions. Brute force will not win cuz you still need to succeed those shuttles.
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