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Two Skill Crew



  • [ISA] Big McLargeHuge[ISA] Big McLargeHuge ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2019
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    2) You have the crew you want to fill a need, have decided it is "good enough," and you don't want to go to the time/effort/trouble to replace it with a card you find less enjoyable to use for an upgrade of, at best, a few percentage points

    The problem with this logic is that this particular recommendation comes at the expense of 3 Mega-event crew that are all better AND a version of the same crew that has much better stats in general.

    Filling a personal need is fine. I recently took a copy of Will Scarlett over Virtuoso Doctor for example. That shouldn't be taken as a recommendation for anyone else.

    I agree with that, and it's where I feel the distinction ought to be made. If I am selecting crew for myself, I get to bring all my biases and personal preferences to the deliberation, along with whatever numbers I want to look at and think I need at that time. When I am recommending crew to someone else, I can't know what their personal tastes are, and I assume they know for themselves if they want a particular crew "just because." As such, I have to fall back on the numbers, and feel obligated to recommend the crew that offer the most in that regard. That's why I would not recommend that Kira over equivalent or better options. Not everyone necessarily agrees with that, and that's their right. But I also know this community well enough to know that there will always be a difference of opinion, and that all sides of the debate usually end up represented given enough time.
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