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Two Skill Crew



  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    Three collections... There may come a day when I consider Degra. Thanks, @Ivanstone .

    He's in this event, I would try and get him.
    He's been useful for me on voyages and I have a lot of crew.

    I'll get him in this event. No question there. But citing him... I'd have to be close on all three of his collections and willing to pass up Seven in Silver and a boat load of 3-skill crew. Right now, my need is MED/ENG for voyages. Come on, Jett Reno... 🙏
    Farewell 🖖
  • Travis S McClainTravis S McClain ✭✭✭✭✭
    My basic crew management philosophy is to use 3-skill crew in Voyages and 2-skill crew on non-event shuttles. Not trusting that the AND slot calculation is truly fixed, I still assign based on the order, which has kept Trader Odo active up until very recently.

    Context: I've been playing for three years. However, most of my 5*'s are still at 1/5. My only 5/5's are the Mega-Event Recurring Legendaries, the first three Gauntlet Jackpots (Locutus of Borg, Bartender Guinan, The Caretaker), and just two others (Jazz Musician Odo, Sulan).
    • 1/5 Admiral Cartwright - Key part of my Arena crew until Rura Penthe Commandant came along.
    • 1/5 Dr. Hugh Culber - Non-event shuttle staple. Will assign to a MED/SCI Voyage.
    • 5/5 Jazz Musician Odo - Just immortalized him a couple days ago. My new #2 base DIP. Finally bumped Trader Odo (DIP & SEC slots) and Mintakan Troi (DIP) out of rotation.
    • 1/5 Kai Opaka - CMD or DIP Gauntlet where she has a 45% crit chance. Semi-regular use.
    • 1/5 Martian Quark - Typical rides the bench, but then there's that Ferengi, Merchant, Communicator Gauntlet and he gets to come out to play.
    • 5/5 Minuet - Non-event shuttle staple.
    • 4/4 Niners Rom - #5 active ENG base. Semi-regular non-event shuttle use for ENG/SEC slots.
    • 1/5 Seven in Silver - Semi-regular non-event shuttle use. Will assign to an ENG/SCI Voyage.
    • 5/5 T'Kuvma - Non-event shuttle staple. Sometimes used in events where he doesn't get a bonus if my pool of CMD or SEC bonus crew is too small. And I'll include him in a CMD/SEC Voyage from time to time.
    • 4/4 Victorian Pulaski - Non-event shuttle staple only recently downgraded to semi-regular.

    Also, a shout-out to Graduation Michael Burnham, who even now is my #4 active SCI base. She doesn't get out much these days outside of Disco events, but she was a key part of my non-event shuttle crew for quite awhile.
  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    My relationship with 2 skill crew: with very few exceptions (all of them previously named in this thread) I don't even recruit them. If I am forced to pick one in a behold/begold, I airlock it, because crew slots are just too valuable to waste on crew that by their very nature are going to be under-performing.
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    Advantage to going to 10 hours on Voyages instead of 8 is that you get a lot of good drops from 8 to 10. Drops of honor, chrons and some super rare crew. Plus one more dilemma and chance to get a part two of a dilemma. The 0-6 hrs of voyages have much less good stuff than the voyages 6 hrs on. So the longer you can go on the better. Plus it is something fun to do and work on once you have enough high lvl crew to do well in any event.
    Let’s fly!
  • DeanWinsDeanWins ✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2019
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    DeanWins wrote: »
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    DeanWins wrote: »
    I don't really understand the huge deal about 3 crew vs 2 skill crew, I guess I am the minority. I understand 3 skill crew "tend" to be more versatile, but that doesn't negate 2 skill crew with really high stats. People are so voyage crazy, the last few months, I have never had a voyage go under 8 hours, and sometimes thou rarely get 10, so where is the huge advantage exactly? I get 30 mins over 8 hours instead of 25? I rarely extend my voyages past 8 anymore anyways, cause I have plenty of chrons, and most of the voyage purple drops as is, so I feel theres a better use of my dil.

    3 Skill crew are more versatile AND have better collective stats. The game has thrown a bunch of CMD/SEC crew at us over the years. This will form the back bone of a CMD/SEC Voyage. Only one of those can be slotted out side C/S/D seats though. Mirror Picard having that trivial little SCI stat makes your Voyage that much stronger allowing you to seat all of your other strong crew. That extra 700-800 pts only adds 6-7 minutes but that's about 3 more chances to get additional honour and crew that make your roster stronger.

    The worst 3-skill Voyager still has better aggregate stats than any 2-skill crew. They actually do entirely negate all 2-skill crew. Someone just made a new Voyage spreadsheet and I punched in all of my 5-stars. 5/5 Degra sits at #30 and he's one of the few with two strong skills. And he's only going to get lower as my crew improves.

    Spreadsheets are great:) however I am basing on my actual experience. Since I have no trouble getting to 8 hours, I don't see the huge advantage, and most times its better if It doesn't go too much past 8 hours, cause then I am tempted to let it keep going, and forget and then have to spend dil anyways ;p

    Also my experience with voyages, is its better to at least try to balance stats, and sometimes those two stats fit better then the stats I currently have, especially when the 3rd stat of a crew is very minor.

    Not to mention, there is more to this game than just voyages, shocking I know;) but to each their own;) As long as I am successful with how I do it, Im good either way.

    Getting to 8 hours is fine. Getting to 10 is better. I've blown more than a few Voyages. I don't use the tokens if I can help it. I'm also at the point where to get the remaining crew I need to squeeze every last drop of honour and its the only reliable source of honour outside of dailies. I can always recall if I don't think I can manage the time correctly.

    Balancing stats doesn't actually work. In order to get 10 hours, you'll need ~12k/12k. That usually means seating things in the off stats.

    Voyages specifically require high combined stats. Everything else doesn't. Having a solid 2-skill voyager is something that will eventually be replaced.

    you sure about the 12k/12k rule for 10 hour voyages? as an absolute.. I don't pretend to be an expert on voyages, but pretty sure ive done a 10 hour one without a refresh at least once or twice, and I don't remember having 12k in both main stats, maybe close thou. Good to know that 12/12 might guarntee a 10 hour thou, appreciate that.

    Also, I am not arguing that 3 skill characters tend to be better in voyages, but as I said previously there are other aspects to this game.

    You guys enjoy trying to get the perfect voyage stats, its cool to have goals, its just not one of mine, might change down the line thou, never know;)
  • DeanWinsDeanWins ✭✭✭✭
    I don't know about the 12K 12K rule, but I made it to 10 hours for the first time yesterday. I didn't have 12K.
    I surpassed the 10 hour mark in one go for the first time. I once didn't believe it was possible.

    Kind of thought so, grats;) you got that by an inch lol, usually how it is for a 10;)
  • IronagedaveIronagedave ✭✭✭✭✭
    I've lost count the number of times i've added stars to crew by draining the last nano-ounce of AM out of my ship, if I didn't focus on improving voyage score so much I am sure I would have struggled with slots a lot more.
    [was on Sabbatical/Hiatus] Currently a trialist at Galaxy SquadronSTAY SAFE and KBO
  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    DeanWins wrote: »
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    DeanWins wrote: »
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    DeanWins wrote: »
    I don't really understand the huge deal about 3 crew vs 2 skill crew, I guess I am the minority. I understand 3 skill crew "tend" to be more versatile, but that doesn't negate 2 skill crew with really high stats. People are so voyage crazy, the last few months, I have never had a voyage go under 8 hours, and sometimes thou rarely get 10, so where is the huge advantage exactly? I get 30 mins over 8 hours instead of 25? I rarely extend my voyages past 8 anymore anyways, cause I have plenty of chrons, and most of the voyage purple drops as is, so I feel theres a better use of my dil.

    3 Skill crew are more versatile AND have better collective stats. The game has thrown a bunch of CMD/SEC crew at us over the years. This will form the back bone of a CMD/SEC Voyage. Only one of those can be slotted out side C/S/D seats though. Mirror Picard having that trivial little SCI stat makes your Voyage that much stronger allowing you to seat all of your other strong crew. That extra 700-800 pts only adds 6-7 minutes but that's about 3 more chances to get additional honour and crew that make your roster stronger.

    The worst 3-skill Voyager still has better aggregate stats than any 2-skill crew. They actually do entirely negate all 2-skill crew. Someone just made a new Voyage spreadsheet and I punched in all of my 5-stars. 5/5 Degra sits at #30 and he's one of the few with two strong skills. And he's only going to get lower as my crew improves.

    Spreadsheets are great:) however I am basing on my actual experience. Since I have no trouble getting to 8 hours, I don't see the huge advantage, and most times its better if It doesn't go too much past 8 hours, cause then I am tempted to let it keep going, and forget and then have to spend dil anyways ;p

    Also my experience with voyages, is its better to at least try to balance stats, and sometimes those two stats fit better then the stats I currently have, especially when the 3rd stat of a crew is very minor.

    Not to mention, there is more to this game than just voyages, shocking I know;) but to each their own;) As long as I am successful with how I do it, Im good either way.

    Getting to 8 hours is fine. Getting to 10 is better. I've blown more than a few Voyages. I don't use the tokens if I can help it. I'm also at the point where to get the remaining crew I need to squeeze every last drop of honour and its the only reliable source of honour outside of dailies. I can always recall if I don't think I can manage the time correctly.

    Balancing stats doesn't actually work. In order to get 10 hours, you'll need ~12k/12k. That usually means seating things in the off stats.

    Voyages specifically require high combined stats. Everything else doesn't. Having a solid 2-skill voyager is something that will eventually be replaced.

    you sure about the 12k/12k rule for 10 hour voyages? as an absolute.. I don't pretend to be an expert on voyages, but pretty sure ive done a 10 hour one without a refresh at least once or twice, and I don't remember having 12k in both main stats, maybe close thou. Good to know that 12/12 might guarntee a 10 hour thou, appreciate that.

    Also, I am not arguing that 3 skill characters tend to be better in voyages, but as I said previously there are other aspects to this game.

    You guys enjoy trying to get the perfect voyage stats, its cool to have goals, its just not one of mine, might change down the line thou, never know;)

    At 10 hours, on average, you won't fail any missions with 12500 skill points. Your proficiencies are part of the Voyage calculation so crew with large proficiencies can swing that number in either direction. What skills are tested during each hazard does matter. If you get a lot of hazards testing weaker skills in the 8-10h range, its highly unlikely you'll make it. If you don't have enough points in the tertiaries in general, you'll lose too much anti-matter in the first 4-6 hours. Ideally you want plenty of hazards testing the main two stats in the 8-10 hour range and if your stats aren't high enough you won't make it.

    The other aspects of the game don't require 2-skill crew. They're usually worse in the Gauntlet. They're not necessarily the strongest in base stats either. The only 2-skill with the highest base is Culber. Most of the other top 10 base stats are occupied by 3-skill crew. The only thing 2-skill crew are good for is collections.
    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    DeanWins wrote: »
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    DeanWins wrote: »
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    DeanWins wrote: »
    I don't really understand the huge deal about 3 crew vs 2 skill crew, I guess I am the minority. I understand 3 skill crew "tend" to be more versatile, but that doesn't negate 2 skill crew with really high stats. People are so voyage crazy, the last few months, I have never had a voyage go under 8 hours, and sometimes thou rarely get 10, so where is the huge advantage exactly? I get 30 mins over 8 hours instead of 25? I rarely extend my voyages past 8 anymore anyways, cause I have plenty of chrons, and most of the voyage purple drops as is, so I feel theres a better use of my dil.

    3 Skill crew are more versatile AND have better collective stats. The game has thrown a bunch of CMD/SEC crew at us over the years. This will form the back bone of a CMD/SEC Voyage. Only one of those can be slotted out side C/S/D seats though. Mirror Picard having that trivial little SCI stat makes your Voyage that much stronger allowing you to seat all of your other strong crew. That extra 700-800 pts only adds 6-7 minutes but that's about 3 more chances to get additional honour and crew that make your roster stronger.

    The worst 3-skill Voyager still has better aggregate stats than any 2-skill crew. They actually do entirely negate all 2-skill crew. Someone just made a new Voyage spreadsheet and I punched in all of my 5-stars. 5/5 Degra sits at #30 and he's one of the few with two strong skills. And he's only going to get lower as my crew improves.

    Spreadsheets are great:) however I am basing on my actual experience. Since I have no trouble getting to 8 hours, I don't see the huge advantage, and most times its better if It doesn't go too much past 8 hours, cause then I am tempted to let it keep going, and forget and then have to spend dil anyways ;p

    Also my experience with voyages, is its better to at least try to balance stats, and sometimes those two stats fit better then the stats I currently have, especially when the 3rd stat of a crew is very minor.

    Not to mention, there is more to this game than just voyages, shocking I know;) but to each their own;) As long as I am successful with how I do it, Im good either way.

    Getting to 8 hours is fine. Getting to 10 is better. I've blown more than a few Voyages. I don't use the tokens if I can help it. I'm also at the point where to get the remaining crew I need to squeeze every last drop of honour and its the only reliable source of honour outside of dailies. I can always recall if I don't think I can manage the time correctly.

    Balancing stats doesn't actually work. In order to get 10 hours, you'll need ~12k/12k. That usually means seating things in the off stats.

    Voyages specifically require high combined stats. Everything else doesn't. Having a solid 2-skill voyager is something that will eventually be replaced.

    you sure about the 12k/12k rule for 10 hour voyages? as an absolute.. I don't pretend to be an expert on voyages, but pretty sure ive done a 10 hour one without a refresh at least once or twice, and I don't remember having 12k in both main stats, maybe close thou. Good to know that 12/12 might guarntee a 10 hour thou, appreciate that.

    Also, I am not arguing that 3 skill characters tend to be better in voyages, but as I said previously there are other aspects to this game.

    You guys enjoy trying to get the perfect voyage stats, its cool to have goals, its just not one of mine, might change down the line thou, never know;)

    At 10 hours, on average, you won't fail any missions with 12500 skill points. Your proficiencies are part of the Voyage calculation so crew with large proficiencies can swing that number in either direction. What skills are tested during each hazard does matter. If you get a lot of hazards testing weaker skills in the 8-10h range, its highly unlikely you'll make it. If you don't have enough points in the tertiaries in general, you'll lose too much anti-matter in the first 4-6 hours. Ideally you want plenty of hazards testing the main two stats in the 8-10 hour range and if your stats aren't high enough you won't make it.

    The other aspects of the game don't require 2-skill crew. They're usually worse in the Gauntlet. They're not necessarily the strongest in base stats either. The only 2-skill with the highest base is Culber. Most of the other top 10 base stats are occupied by 3-skill crew. The only thing 2-skill crew are good for is collections.

    And shuttles

  • I just pulled 5* Frank Hollander Data. His ship skill deals 350% damage, yet unlike many who do this by boosting attack, he boosts evasion. I need to level him up before I can say that he is or is not essential.
  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    DeanWins wrote: »
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    DeanWins wrote: »
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    DeanWins wrote: »
    I don't really understand the huge deal about 3 crew vs 2 skill crew, I guess I am the minority. I understand 3 skill crew "tend" to be more versatile, but that doesn't negate 2 skill crew with really high stats. People are so voyage crazy, the last few months, I have never had a voyage go under 8 hours, and sometimes thou rarely get 10, so where is the huge advantage exactly? I get 30 mins over 8 hours instead of 25? I rarely extend my voyages past 8 anymore anyways, cause I have plenty of chrons, and most of the voyage purple drops as is, so I feel theres a better use of my dil.

    3 Skill crew are more versatile AND have better collective stats. The game has thrown a bunch of CMD/SEC crew at us over the years. This will form the back bone of a CMD/SEC Voyage. Only one of those can be slotted out side C/S/D seats though. Mirror Picard having that trivial little SCI stat makes your Voyage that much stronger allowing you to seat all of your other strong crew. That extra 700-800 pts only adds 6-7 minutes but that's about 3 more chances to get additional honour and crew that make your roster stronger.

    The worst 3-skill Voyager still has better aggregate stats than any 2-skill crew. They actually do entirely negate all 2-skill crew. Someone just made a new Voyage spreadsheet and I punched in all of my 5-stars. 5/5 Degra sits at #30 and he's one of the few with two strong skills. And he's only going to get lower as my crew improves.

    Spreadsheets are great:) however I am basing on my actual experience. Since I have no trouble getting to 8 hours, I don't see the huge advantage, and most times its better if It doesn't go too much past 8 hours, cause then I am tempted to let it keep going, and forget and then have to spend dil anyways ;p

    Also my experience with voyages, is its better to at least try to balance stats, and sometimes those two stats fit better then the stats I currently have, especially when the 3rd stat of a crew is very minor.

    Not to mention, there is more to this game than just voyages, shocking I know;) but to each their own;) As long as I am successful with how I do it, Im good either way.

    Getting to 8 hours is fine. Getting to 10 is better. I've blown more than a few Voyages. I don't use the tokens if I can help it. I'm also at the point where to get the remaining crew I need to squeeze every last drop of honour and its the only reliable source of honour outside of dailies. I can always recall if I don't think I can manage the time correctly.

    Balancing stats doesn't actually work. In order to get 10 hours, you'll need ~12k/12k. That usually means seating things in the off stats.

    Voyages specifically require high combined stats. Everything else doesn't. Having a solid 2-skill voyager is something that will eventually be replaced.

    you sure about the 12k/12k rule for 10 hour voyages? as an absolute.. I don't pretend to be an expert on voyages, but pretty sure ive done a 10 hour one without a refresh at least once or twice, and I don't remember having 12k in both main stats, maybe close thou. Good to know that 12/12 might guarntee a 10 hour thou, appreciate that.

    Also, I am not arguing that 3 skill characters tend to be better in voyages, but as I said previously there are other aspects to this game.

    You guys enjoy trying to get the perfect voyage stats, its cool to have goals, its just not one of mine, might change down the line thou, never know;)

    At 10 hours, on average, you won't fail any missions with 12500 skill points. Your proficiencies are part of the Voyage calculation so crew with large proficiencies can swing that number in either direction. What skills are tested during each hazard does matter. If you get a lot of hazards testing weaker skills in the 8-10h range, its highly unlikely you'll make it. If you don't have enough points in the tertiaries in general, you'll lose too much anti-matter in the first 4-6 hours. Ideally you want plenty of hazards testing the main two stats in the 8-10 hour range and if your stats aren't high enough you won't make it.

    The other aspects of the game don't require 2-skill crew. They're usually worse in the Gauntlet. They're not necessarily the strongest in base stats either. The only 2-skill with the highest base is Culber. Most of the other top 10 base stats are occupied by 3-skill crew. The only thing 2-skill crew are good for is collections.

    And shuttles

    No, they're not. There is no special benefit for having two skills. If the game were explicitly balanced around 2-skill having higher average bases, I'd agree with you but there's no evidence the game is set up that way.

    For example, ZhiOdo and Admiral Kirk have very similar base DIP and CMD. They're effectively the same for DIP shuttles and DIPandCMD shuttles (Odo is actually a bit better for both). ZhiOdo is much better for DIPandSEC shuttles because he has 3 skills.
    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2019
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    DeanWins wrote: »
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    DeanWins wrote: »
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    DeanWins wrote: »
    I don't really understand the huge deal about 3 crew vs 2 skill crew, I guess I am the minority. I understand 3 skill crew "tend" to be more versatile, but that doesn't negate 2 skill crew with really high stats. People are so voyage crazy, the last few months, I have never had a voyage go under 8 hours, and sometimes thou rarely get 10, so where is the huge advantage exactly? I get 30 mins over 8 hours instead of 25? I rarely extend my voyages past 8 anymore anyways, cause I have plenty of chrons, and most of the voyage purple drops as is, so I feel theres a better use of my dil.

    3 Skill crew are more versatile AND have better collective stats. The game has thrown a bunch of CMD/SEC crew at us over the years. This will form the back bone of a CMD/SEC Voyage. Only one of those can be slotted out side C/S/D seats though. Mirror Picard having that trivial little SCI stat makes your Voyage that much stronger allowing you to seat all of your other strong crew. That extra 700-800 pts only adds 6-7 minutes but that's about 3 more chances to get additional honour and crew that make your roster stronger.

    The worst 3-skill Voyager still has better aggregate stats than any 2-skill crew. They actually do entirely negate all 2-skill crew. Someone just made a new Voyage spreadsheet and I punched in all of my 5-stars. 5/5 Degra sits at #30 and he's one of the few with two strong skills. And he's only going to get lower as my crew improves.

    Spreadsheets are great:) however I am basing on my actual experience. Since I have no trouble getting to 8 hours, I don't see the huge advantage, and most times its better if It doesn't go too much past 8 hours, cause then I am tempted to let it keep going, and forget and then have to spend dil anyways ;p

    Also my experience with voyages, is its better to at least try to balance stats, and sometimes those two stats fit better then the stats I currently have, especially when the 3rd stat of a crew is very minor.

    Not to mention, there is more to this game than just voyages, shocking I know;) but to each their own;) As long as I am successful with how I do it, Im good either way.

    Getting to 8 hours is fine. Getting to 10 is better. I've blown more than a few Voyages. I don't use the tokens if I can help it. I'm also at the point where to get the remaining crew I need to squeeze every last drop of honour and its the only reliable source of honour outside of dailies. I can always recall if I don't think I can manage the time correctly.

    Balancing stats doesn't actually work. In order to get 10 hours, you'll need ~12k/12k. That usually means seating things in the off stats.

    Voyages specifically require high combined stats. Everything else doesn't. Having a solid 2-skill voyager is something that will eventually be replaced.

    you sure about the 12k/12k rule for 10 hour voyages? as an absolute.. I don't pretend to be an expert on voyages, but pretty sure ive done a 10 hour one without a refresh at least once or twice, and I don't remember having 12k in both main stats, maybe close thou. Good to know that 12/12 might guarntee a 10 hour thou, appreciate that.

    Also, I am not arguing that 3 skill characters tend to be better in voyages, but as I said previously there are other aspects to this game.

    You guys enjoy trying to get the perfect voyage stats, its cool to have goals, its just not one of mine, might change down the line thou, never know;)

    At 10 hours, on average, you won't fail any missions with 12500 skill points. Your proficiencies are part of the Voyage calculation so crew with large proficiencies can swing that number in either direction. What skills are tested during each hazard does matter. If you get a lot of hazards testing weaker skills in the 8-10h range, its highly unlikely you'll make it. If you don't have enough points in the tertiaries in general, you'll lose too much anti-matter in the first 4-6 hours. Ideally you want plenty of hazards testing the main two stats in the 8-10 hour range and if your stats aren't high enough you won't make it.

    The other aspects of the game don't require 2-skill crew. They're usually worse in the Gauntlet. They're not necessarily the strongest in base stats either. The only 2-skill with the highest base is Culber. Most of the other top 10 base stats are occupied by 3-skill crew. The only thing 2-skill crew are good for is collections.

    And shuttles

    No, they're not. There is no special benefit for having two skills. If the game were explicitly balanced around 2-skill having higher average bases, I'd agree with you but there's no evidence the game is set up that way.

    For example, ZhiOdo and Admiral Kirk have very similar base DIP and CMD. They're effectively the same for DIP shuttles and DIPandCMD shuttles (Odo is actually a bit better for both). ZhiOdo is much better for DIPandSEC shuttles because he has 3 skills.

    They are useful for shuttles. I never said there was some mystery added benefit.

  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    DeanWins wrote: »
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    DeanWins wrote: »
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    DeanWins wrote: »
    I don't really understand the huge deal about 3 crew vs 2 skill crew, I guess I am the minority. I understand 3 skill crew "tend" to be more versatile, but that doesn't negate 2 skill crew with really high stats. People are so voyage crazy, the last few months, I have never had a voyage go under 8 hours, and sometimes thou rarely get 10, so where is the huge advantage exactly? I get 30 mins over 8 hours instead of 25? I rarely extend my voyages past 8 anymore anyways, cause I have plenty of chrons, and most of the voyage purple drops as is, so I feel theres a better use of my dil.

    3 Skill crew are more versatile AND have better collective stats. The game has thrown a bunch of CMD/SEC crew at us over the years. This will form the back bone of a CMD/SEC Voyage. Only one of those can be slotted out side C/S/D seats though. Mirror Picard having that trivial little SCI stat makes your Voyage that much stronger allowing you to seat all of your other strong crew. That extra 700-800 pts only adds 6-7 minutes but that's about 3 more chances to get additional honour and crew that make your roster stronger.

    The worst 3-skill Voyager still has better aggregate stats than any 2-skill crew. They actually do entirely negate all 2-skill crew. Someone just made a new Voyage spreadsheet and I punched in all of my 5-stars. 5/5 Degra sits at #30 and he's one of the few with two strong skills. And he's only going to get lower as my crew improves.

    Spreadsheets are great:) however I am basing on my actual experience. Since I have no trouble getting to 8 hours, I don't see the huge advantage, and most times its better if It doesn't go too much past 8 hours, cause then I am tempted to let it keep going, and forget and then have to spend dil anyways ;p

    Also my experience with voyages, is its better to at least try to balance stats, and sometimes those two stats fit better then the stats I currently have, especially when the 3rd stat of a crew is very minor.

    Not to mention, there is more to this game than just voyages, shocking I know;) but to each their own;) As long as I am successful with how I do it, Im good either way.

    Getting to 8 hours is fine. Getting to 10 is better. I've blown more than a few Voyages. I don't use the tokens if I can help it. I'm also at the point where to get the remaining crew I need to squeeze every last drop of honour and its the only reliable source of honour outside of dailies. I can always recall if I don't think I can manage the time correctly.

    Balancing stats doesn't actually work. In order to get 10 hours, you'll need ~12k/12k. That usually means seating things in the off stats.

    Voyages specifically require high combined stats. Everything else doesn't. Having a solid 2-skill voyager is something that will eventually be replaced.

    you sure about the 12k/12k rule for 10 hour voyages? as an absolute.. I don't pretend to be an expert on voyages, but pretty sure ive done a 10 hour one without a refresh at least once or twice, and I don't remember having 12k in both main stats, maybe close thou. Good to know that 12/12 might guarntee a 10 hour thou, appreciate that.

    Also, I am not arguing that 3 skill characters tend to be better in voyages, but as I said previously there are other aspects to this game.

    You guys enjoy trying to get the perfect voyage stats, its cool to have goals, its just not one of mine, might change down the line thou, never know;)

    At 10 hours, on average, you won't fail any missions with 12500 skill points. Your proficiencies are part of the Voyage calculation so crew with large proficiencies can swing that number in either direction. What skills are tested during each hazard does matter. If you get a lot of hazards testing weaker skills in the 8-10h range, its highly unlikely you'll make it. If you don't have enough points in the tertiaries in general, you'll lose too much anti-matter in the first 4-6 hours. Ideally you want plenty of hazards testing the main two stats in the 8-10 hour range and if your stats aren't high enough you won't make it.

    Just one small qualification: at 12,500 skill points you won’t fail hazards for those two skills...most people aren’t loaded up with the top dozen or two voyagers and will need to make some serious sacrifices in other skills to reach that level in the primary secondary.

    Like the voyage I started last night, where I got over 12,000 in the primary and secondary skills but I ended up with less than 1000 AM left at 8 hours.


    12,000+ primary and secondary skills backed with all of the others at 4,000 or 5,000 is a much better indicator of success because you won’t fail as many hazards in the 0-4 hour range, thus preserving AM for later. Maximizing your starting AM doesn’t hurt, either: my current voyage started with only 2650, robbing me of around 11 additional minutes of solid hazard failures before I have to recall.
  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    DeanWins wrote: »
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    DeanWins wrote: »
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    DeanWins wrote: »
    I don't really understand the huge deal about 3 crew vs 2 skill crew, I guess I am the minority. I understand 3 skill crew "tend" to be more versatile, but that doesn't negate 2 skill crew with really high stats. People are so voyage crazy, the last few months, I have never had a voyage go under 8 hours, and sometimes thou rarely get 10, so where is the huge advantage exactly? I get 30 mins over 8 hours instead of 25? I rarely extend my voyages past 8 anymore anyways, cause I have plenty of chrons, and most of the voyage purple drops as is, so I feel theres a better use of my dil.

    3 Skill crew are more versatile AND have better collective stats. The game has thrown a bunch of CMD/SEC crew at us over the years. This will form the back bone of a CMD/SEC Voyage. Only one of those can be slotted out side C/S/D seats though. Mirror Picard having that trivial little SCI stat makes your Voyage that much stronger allowing you to seat all of your other strong crew. That extra 700-800 pts only adds 6-7 minutes but that's about 3 more chances to get additional honour and crew that make your roster stronger.

    The worst 3-skill Voyager still has better aggregate stats than any 2-skill crew. They actually do entirely negate all 2-skill crew. Someone just made a new Voyage spreadsheet and I punched in all of my 5-stars. 5/5 Degra sits at #30 and he's one of the few with two strong skills. And he's only going to get lower as my crew improves.

    Spreadsheets are great:) however I am basing on my actual experience. Since I have no trouble getting to 8 hours, I don't see the huge advantage, and most times its better if It doesn't go too much past 8 hours, cause then I am tempted to let it keep going, and forget and then have to spend dil anyways ;p

    Also my experience with voyages, is its better to at least try to balance stats, and sometimes those two stats fit better then the stats I currently have, especially when the 3rd stat of a crew is very minor.

    Not to mention, there is more to this game than just voyages, shocking I know;) but to each their own;) As long as I am successful with how I do it, Im good either way.

    Getting to 8 hours is fine. Getting to 10 is better. I've blown more than a few Voyages. I don't use the tokens if I can help it. I'm also at the point where to get the remaining crew I need to squeeze every last drop of honour and its the only reliable source of honour outside of dailies. I can always recall if I don't think I can manage the time correctly.

    Balancing stats doesn't actually work. In order to get 10 hours, you'll need ~12k/12k. That usually means seating things in the off stats.

    Voyages specifically require high combined stats. Everything else doesn't. Having a solid 2-skill voyager is something that will eventually be replaced.

    you sure about the 12k/12k rule for 10 hour voyages? as an absolute.. I don't pretend to be an expert on voyages, but pretty sure ive done a 10 hour one without a refresh at least once or twice, and I don't remember having 12k in both main stats, maybe close thou. Good to know that 12/12 might guarntee a 10 hour thou, appreciate that.

    Also, I am not arguing that 3 skill characters tend to be better in voyages, but as I said previously there are other aspects to this game.

    You guys enjoy trying to get the perfect voyage stats, its cool to have goals, its just not one of mine, might change down the line thou, never know;)

    At 10 hours, on average, you won't fail any missions with 12500 skill points. Your proficiencies are part of the Voyage calculation so crew with large proficiencies can swing that number in either direction. What skills are tested during each hazard does matter. If you get a lot of hazards testing weaker skills in the 8-10h range, its highly unlikely you'll make it. If you don't have enough points in the tertiaries in general, you'll lose too much anti-matter in the first 4-6 hours. Ideally you want plenty of hazards testing the main two stats in the 8-10 hour range and if your stats aren't high enough you won't make it.

    Just one small qualification: at 12,500 skill points you won’t fail hazards for those two skills...most people aren’t loaded up with the top dozen or two voyagers and will need to make some serious sacrifices in other skills to reach that level in the primary secondary.

    Like the voyage I started last night, where I got over 12,000 in the primary and secondary skills but I ended up with less than 1000 AM left at 8 hours.

    12,000+ primary and secondary skills backed with all of the others at 4,000 or 5,000 is a much better indicator of success because you won’t fail as many hazards in the 0-4 hour range, thus preserving AM for later. Maximizing your starting AM doesn’t hurt, either: my current voyage started with only 2650, robbing me of around 11 additional minutes of solid hazard failures before I have to recall.

    That's just part of the game. There was a time when making 8 hours was a big deal for me. Once I managed to make 10h45m but typically I'm in the 9-9:30 range. I have 16 Immortal 5*'s now with nowhere to go but up.

    That does **tsk tsk** but I once made 10 hours after stretching out 900 AM. RNG is strong.

    One thing I miss about the Iampicard tool was its utterly ruthless treatment of starting traits. Without it I get stuck in a trap where I try to fill traits that I shouldn't. Still it really **tsk tsk** not having the appropriate ship and 2800-2900 AM is really much nicer.
    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    DeanWins wrote: »
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    DeanWins wrote: »
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    DeanWins wrote: »
    I don't really understand the huge deal about 3 crew vs 2 skill crew, I guess I am the minority. I understand 3 skill crew "tend" to be more versatile, but that doesn't negate 2 skill crew with really high stats. People are so voyage crazy, the last few months, I have never had a voyage go under 8 hours, and sometimes thou rarely get 10, so where is the huge advantage exactly? I get 30 mins over 8 hours instead of 25? I rarely extend my voyages past 8 anymore anyways, cause I have plenty of chrons, and most of the voyage purple drops as is, so I feel theres a better use of my dil.

    3 Skill crew are more versatile AND have better collective stats. The game has thrown a bunch of CMD/SEC crew at us over the years. This will form the back bone of a CMD/SEC Voyage. Only one of those can be slotted out side C/S/D seats though. Mirror Picard having that trivial little SCI stat makes your Voyage that much stronger allowing you to seat all of your other strong crew. That extra 700-800 pts only adds 6-7 minutes but that's about 3 more chances to get additional honour and crew that make your roster stronger.

    The worst 3-skill Voyager still has better aggregate stats than any 2-skill crew. They actually do entirely negate all 2-skill crew. Someone just made a new Voyage spreadsheet and I punched in all of my 5-stars. 5/5 Degra sits at #30 and he's one of the few with two strong skills. And he's only going to get lower as my crew improves.

    Spreadsheets are great:) however I am basing on my actual experience. Since I have no trouble getting to 8 hours, I don't see the huge advantage, and most times its better if It doesn't go too much past 8 hours, cause then I am tempted to let it keep going, and forget and then have to spend dil anyways ;p

    Also my experience with voyages, is its better to at least try to balance stats, and sometimes those two stats fit better then the stats I currently have, especially when the 3rd stat of a crew is very minor.

    Not to mention, there is more to this game than just voyages, shocking I know;) but to each their own;) As long as I am successful with how I do it, Im good either way.

    Getting to 8 hours is fine. Getting to 10 is better. I've blown more than a few Voyages. I don't use the tokens if I can help it. I'm also at the point where to get the remaining crew I need to squeeze every last drop of honour and its the only reliable source of honour outside of dailies. I can always recall if I don't think I can manage the time correctly.

    Balancing stats doesn't actually work. In order to get 10 hours, you'll need ~12k/12k. That usually means seating things in the off stats.

    Voyages specifically require high combined stats. Everything else doesn't. Having a solid 2-skill voyager is something that will eventually be replaced.

    you sure about the 12k/12k rule for 10 hour voyages? as an absolute.. I don't pretend to be an expert on voyages, but pretty sure ive done a 10 hour one without a refresh at least once or twice, and I don't remember having 12k in both main stats, maybe close thou. Good to know that 12/12 might guarntee a 10 hour thou, appreciate that.

    Also, I am not arguing that 3 skill characters tend to be better in voyages, but as I said previously there are other aspects to this game.

    You guys enjoy trying to get the perfect voyage stats, its cool to have goals, its just not one of mine, might change down the line thou, never know;)

    At 10 hours, on average, you won't fail any missions with 12500 skill points. Your proficiencies are part of the Voyage calculation so crew with large proficiencies can swing that number in either direction. What skills are tested during each hazard does matter. If you get a lot of hazards testing weaker skills in the 8-10h range, its highly unlikely you'll make it. If you don't have enough points in the tertiaries in general, you'll lose too much anti-matter in the first 4-6 hours. Ideally you want plenty of hazards testing the main two stats in the 8-10 hour range and if your stats aren't high enough you won't make it.

    The other aspects of the game don't require 2-skill crew. They're usually worse in the Gauntlet. They're not necessarily the strongest in base stats either. The only 2-skill with the highest base is Culber. Most of the other top 10 base stats are occupied by 3-skill crew. The only thing 2-skill crew are good for is collections.

    And shuttles

    No, they're not. There is no special benefit for having two skills. If the game were explicitly balanced around 2-skill having higher average bases, I'd agree with you but there's no evidence the game is set up that way.

    For example, ZhiOdo and Admiral Kirk have very similar base DIP and CMD. They're effectively the same for DIP shuttles and DIPandCMD shuttles (Odo is actually a bit better for both). ZhiOdo is much better for DIPandSEC shuttles because he has 3 skills.

    They are useful for shuttles. I never said there was some mystery added benefit.

    They're not useful. They offer less utility than comparable 3 skill crew. Two skill crew are less impacted for shuttles than Voyages or Gauntlets but are still a lesser choice.
    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
  • WaldoMagWaldoMag ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2019
    Shuttles do not need best crew. In fact, if you put your best crew on them, you are going to go up in difficulty and end up with the same success rate and same rewards (The rewards at very low difficulty 30 sec. to 10 min. seem to yield less two star faction items *hint* science experiments**)
    Best choice only use crew with no more then 900 base stat on shuttles.
    Therefore, no need for any two stat crew on shuttles.

    You do not need to have 900 you can go with 800 or 700. The big problem is that it is easier to just pick your best crew, then to go searching for lower stat crew to use.
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I don’t randomly run shuttles throughout the day, I’m speaking strictly about faction events.
  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    DeanWins wrote: »
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    DeanWins wrote: »
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    DeanWins wrote: »
    I don't really understand the huge deal about 3 crew vs 2 skill crew, I guess I am the minority. I understand 3 skill crew "tend" to be more versatile, but that doesn't negate 2 skill crew with really high stats. People are so voyage crazy, the last few months, I have never had a voyage go under 8 hours, and sometimes thou rarely get 10, so where is the huge advantage exactly? I get 30 mins over 8 hours instead of 25? I rarely extend my voyages past 8 anymore anyways, cause I have plenty of chrons, and most of the voyage purple drops as is, so I feel theres a better use of my dil.

    3 Skill crew are more versatile AND have better collective stats. The game has thrown a bunch of CMD/SEC crew at us over the years. This will form the back bone of a CMD/SEC Voyage. Only one of those can be slotted out side C/S/D seats though. Mirror Picard having that trivial little SCI stat makes your Voyage that much stronger allowing you to seat all of your other strong crew. That extra 700-800 pts only adds 6-7 minutes but that's about 3 more chances to get additional honour and crew that make your roster stronger.

    The worst 3-skill Voyager still has better aggregate stats than any 2-skill crew. They actually do entirely negate all 2-skill crew. Someone just made a new Voyage spreadsheet and I punched in all of my 5-stars. 5/5 Degra sits at #30 and he's one of the few with two strong skills. And he's only going to get lower as my crew improves.

    Spreadsheets are great:) however I am basing on my actual experience. Since I have no trouble getting to 8 hours, I don't see the huge advantage, and most times its better if It doesn't go too much past 8 hours, cause then I am tempted to let it keep going, and forget and then have to spend dil anyways ;p

    Also my experience with voyages, is its better to at least try to balance stats, and sometimes those two stats fit better then the stats I currently have, especially when the 3rd stat of a crew is very minor.

    Not to mention, there is more to this game than just voyages, shocking I know;) but to each their own;) As long as I am successful with how I do it, Im good either way.

    Getting to 8 hours is fine. Getting to 10 is better. I've blown more than a few Voyages. I don't use the tokens if I can help it. I'm also at the point where to get the remaining crew I need to squeeze every last drop of honour and its the only reliable source of honour outside of dailies. I can always recall if I don't think I can manage the time correctly.

    Balancing stats doesn't actually work. In order to get 10 hours, you'll need ~12k/12k. That usually means seating things in the off stats.

    Voyages specifically require high combined stats. Everything else doesn't. Having a solid 2-skill voyager is something that will eventually be replaced.

    you sure about the 12k/12k rule for 10 hour voyages? as an absolute.. I don't pretend to be an expert on voyages, but pretty sure ive done a 10 hour one without a refresh at least once or twice, and I don't remember having 12k in both main stats, maybe close thou. Good to know that 12/12 might guarntee a 10 hour thou, appreciate that.

    Also, I am not arguing that 3 skill characters tend to be better in voyages, but as I said previously there are other aspects to this game.

    You guys enjoy trying to get the perfect voyage stats, its cool to have goals, its just not one of mine, might change down the line thou, never know;)

    At 10 hours, on average, you won't fail any missions with 12500 skill points. Your proficiencies are part of the Voyage calculation so crew with large proficiencies can swing that number in either direction. What skills are tested during each hazard does matter. If you get a lot of hazards testing weaker skills in the 8-10h range, its highly unlikely you'll make it. If you don't have enough points in the tertiaries in general, you'll lose too much anti-matter in the first 4-6 hours. Ideally you want plenty of hazards testing the main two stats in the 8-10 hour range and if your stats aren't high enough you won't make it.

    The other aspects of the game don't require 2-skill crew. They're usually worse in the Gauntlet. They're not necessarily the strongest in base stats either. The only 2-skill with the highest base is Culber. Most of the other top 10 base stats are occupied by 3-skill crew. The only thing 2-skill crew are good for is collections.

    And shuttles

    No, they're not. There is no special benefit for having two skills. If the game were explicitly balanced around 2-skill having higher average bases, I'd agree with you but there's no evidence the game is set up that way.

    For example, ZhiOdo and Admiral Kirk have very similar base DIP and CMD. They're effectively the same for DIP shuttles and DIPandCMD shuttles (Odo is actually a bit better for both). ZhiOdo is much better for DIPandSEC shuttles because he has 3 skills.

    They are useful for shuttles. I never said there was some mystery added benefit.

    They're not useful. They offer less utility than comparable 3 skill crew. Two skill crew are less impacted for shuttles than Voyages or Gauntlets but are still a lesser choice.

    When I have 12 three skill crew on a voyage and need 16 more for shuttles in a faction event, many of those shuttle seats are filled with two skill crew. I have 72 immortalized legendaries so it’s not like I don’t have choices. Many two skill crew are the best options for those shuttle seats and I’m not going to turn them down because I am bitter that they are two skill crew. Perhaps you are not getting the most out of your crew if you are shunning them.

    So your useful crew is on Voyages and you're just using leftovers in shuttles? Your two skill crew aren't the best choices for shuttles. They're the best choices you have available. That's not the same thing. Implying that two skill crew are useful, implies they're worth developing. I could dump 200K honour into my Lorca for his sky high CMD base but that takes away honour from other crew who also have strong bases and useful Voyage stats.
    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
  • WaldoMagWaldoMag ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2019
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    I don’t randomly run shuttles throughout the day, I’m speaking strictly about faction events.

    Yep, on faction events two stat crew are very important. Let's make that events period.

  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    DeanWins wrote: »
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    DeanWins wrote: »
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    DeanWins wrote: »
    I don't really understand the huge deal about 3 crew vs 2 skill crew, I guess I am the minority. I understand 3 skill crew "tend" to be more versatile, but that doesn't negate 2 skill crew with really high stats. People are so voyage crazy, the last few months, I have never had a voyage go under 8 hours, and sometimes thou rarely get 10, so where is the huge advantage exactly? I get 30 mins over 8 hours instead of 25? I rarely extend my voyages past 8 anymore anyways, cause I have plenty of chrons, and most of the voyage purple drops as is, so I feel theres a better use of my dil.

    3 Skill crew are more versatile AND have better collective stats. The game has thrown a bunch of CMD/SEC crew at us over the years. This will form the back bone of a CMD/SEC Voyage. Only one of those can be slotted out side C/S/D seats though. Mirror Picard having that trivial little SCI stat makes your Voyage that much stronger allowing you to seat all of your other strong crew. That extra 700-800 pts only adds 6-7 minutes but that's about 3 more chances to get additional honour and crew that make your roster stronger.

    The worst 3-skill Voyager still has better aggregate stats than any 2-skill crew. They actually do entirely negate all 2-skill crew. Someone just made a new Voyage spreadsheet and I punched in all of my 5-stars. 5/5 Degra sits at #30 and he's one of the few with two strong skills. And he's only going to get lower as my crew improves.

    Spreadsheets are great:) however I am basing on my actual experience. Since I have no trouble getting to 8 hours, I don't see the huge advantage, and most times its better if It doesn't go too much past 8 hours, cause then I am tempted to let it keep going, and forget and then have to spend dil anyways ;p

    Also my experience with voyages, is its better to at least try to balance stats, and sometimes those two stats fit better then the stats I currently have, especially when the 3rd stat of a crew is very minor.

    Not to mention, there is more to this game than just voyages, shocking I know;) but to each their own;) As long as I am successful with how I do it, Im good either way.

    Getting to 8 hours is fine. Getting to 10 is better. I've blown more than a few Voyages. I don't use the tokens if I can help it. I'm also at the point where to get the remaining crew I need to squeeze every last drop of honour and its the only reliable source of honour outside of dailies. I can always recall if I don't think I can manage the time correctly.

    Balancing stats doesn't actually work. In order to get 10 hours, you'll need ~12k/12k. That usually means seating things in the off stats.

    Voyages specifically require high combined stats. Everything else doesn't. Having a solid 2-skill voyager is something that will eventually be replaced.

    you sure about the 12k/12k rule for 10 hour voyages? as an absolute.. I don't pretend to be an expert on voyages, but pretty sure ive done a 10 hour one without a refresh at least once or twice, and I don't remember having 12k in both main stats, maybe close thou. Good to know that 12/12 might guarntee a 10 hour thou, appreciate that.

    Also, I am not arguing that 3 skill characters tend to be better in voyages, but as I said previously there are other aspects to this game.

    You guys enjoy trying to get the perfect voyage stats, its cool to have goals, its just not one of mine, might change down the line thou, never know;)

    At 10 hours, on average, you won't fail any missions with 12500 skill points. Your proficiencies are part of the Voyage calculation so crew with large proficiencies can swing that number in either direction. What skills are tested during each hazard does matter. If you get a lot of hazards testing weaker skills in the 8-10h range, its highly unlikely you'll make it. If you don't have enough points in the tertiaries in general, you'll lose too much anti-matter in the first 4-6 hours. Ideally you want plenty of hazards testing the main two stats in the 8-10 hour range and if your stats aren't high enough you won't make it.

    The other aspects of the game don't require 2-skill crew. They're usually worse in the Gauntlet. They're not necessarily the strongest in base stats either. The only 2-skill with the highest base is Culber. Most of the other top 10 base stats are occupied by 3-skill crew. The only thing 2-skill crew are good for is collections.

    And shuttles

    No, they're not. There is no special benefit for having two skills. If the game were explicitly balanced around 2-skill having higher average bases, I'd agree with you but there's no evidence the game is set up that way.

    For example, ZhiOdo and Admiral Kirk have very similar base DIP and CMD. They're effectively the same for DIP shuttles and DIPandCMD shuttles (Odo is actually a bit better for both). ZhiOdo is much better for DIPandSEC shuttles because he has 3 skills.

    They are useful for shuttles. I never said there was some mystery added benefit.

    They're not useful. They offer less utility than comparable 3 skill crew. Two skill crew are less impacted for shuttles than Voyages or Gauntlets but are still a lesser choice.

    When I have 12 three skill crew on a voyage and need 16 more for shuttles in a faction event, many of those shuttle seats are filled with two skill crew. I have 72 immortalized legendaries so it’s not like I don’t have choices. Many two skill crew are the best options for those shuttle seats and I’m not going to turn them down because I am bitter that they are two skill crew. Perhaps you are not getting the most out of your crew if you are shunning them.

    So your useful crew is on Voyages and you're just using leftovers in shuttles? Your two skill crew aren't the best choices for shuttles. They're the best choices you have available. That's not the same thing. Implying that two skill crew are useful, implies they're worth developing. I could dump 200K honour into my Lorca for his sky high CMD base but that takes away honour from other crew who also have strong bases and useful Voyage stats.

    Even if you prioritized shuttles over voyages for some reason, three-skill crew are decidedly not universally better than two-skill crew...you cannot tell me that you would rather put an immortal Klingon Janeway into a SEC/COM shuttle slot over an immortal Warship Tuvok. Janeway is the superior voyager even for a SEC/COM voyage but is inferior for any SEC/COM shuttle seat outside of an event where she gets a bonus and Tuvok does not.
  • WaldoMagWaldoMag ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2019
    The current event, we have Degra and Trader Odo. Both are two stats. Both are the best for the shuttle seats that cover their skills. And they both have shuttle seats to use. If I wanted to be in top ten, and I still had fuse levels needed on them, it would be worth it to raise their fuse level either through citation or getting event packs. Citations are not a gamble. You could come up empty just buying packs.

    Thinking about it, it may only translate to three or four more shuttle successes. May not be worth using honor on.
  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    DeanWins wrote: »
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    DeanWins wrote: »
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    DeanWins wrote: »
    I don't really understand the huge deal about 3 crew vs 2 skill crew, I guess I am the minority. I understand 3 skill crew "tend" to be more versatile, but that doesn't negate 2 skill crew with really high stats. People are so voyage crazy, the last few months, I have never had a voyage go under 8 hours, and sometimes thou rarely get 10, so where is the huge advantage exactly? I get 30 mins over 8 hours instead of 25? I rarely extend my voyages past 8 anymore anyways, cause I have plenty of chrons, and most of the voyage purple drops as is, so I feel theres a better use of my dil.

    3 Skill crew are more versatile AND have better collective stats. The game has thrown a bunch of CMD/SEC crew at us over the years. This will form the back bone of a CMD/SEC Voyage. Only one of those can be slotted out side C/S/D seats though. Mirror Picard having that trivial little SCI stat makes your Voyage that much stronger allowing you to seat all of your other strong crew. That extra 700-800 pts only adds 6-7 minutes but that's about 3 more chances to get additional honour and crew that make your roster stronger.

    The worst 3-skill Voyager still has better aggregate stats than any 2-skill crew. They actually do entirely negate all 2-skill crew. Someone just made a new Voyage spreadsheet and I punched in all of my 5-stars. 5/5 Degra sits at #30 and he's one of the few with two strong skills. And he's only going to get lower as my crew improves.

    Spreadsheets are great:) however I am basing on my actual experience. Since I have no trouble getting to 8 hours, I don't see the huge advantage, and most times its better if It doesn't go too much past 8 hours, cause then I am tempted to let it keep going, and forget and then have to spend dil anyways ;p

    Also my experience with voyages, is its better to at least try to balance stats, and sometimes those two stats fit better then the stats I currently have, especially when the 3rd stat of a crew is very minor.

    Not to mention, there is more to this game than just voyages, shocking I know;) but to each their own;) As long as I am successful with how I do it, Im good either way.

    Getting to 8 hours is fine. Getting to 10 is better. I've blown more than a few Voyages. I don't use the tokens if I can help it. I'm also at the point where to get the remaining crew I need to squeeze every last drop of honour and its the only reliable source of honour outside of dailies. I can always recall if I don't think I can manage the time correctly.

    Balancing stats doesn't actually work. In order to get 10 hours, you'll need ~12k/12k. That usually means seating things in the off stats.

    Voyages specifically require high combined stats. Everything else doesn't. Having a solid 2-skill voyager is something that will eventually be replaced.

    you sure about the 12k/12k rule for 10 hour voyages? as an absolute.. I don't pretend to be an expert on voyages, but pretty sure ive done a 10 hour one without a refresh at least once or twice, and I don't remember having 12k in both main stats, maybe close thou. Good to know that 12/12 might guarntee a 10 hour thou, appreciate that.

    Also, I am not arguing that 3 skill characters tend to be better in voyages, but as I said previously there are other aspects to this game.

    You guys enjoy trying to get the perfect voyage stats, its cool to have goals, its just not one of mine, might change down the line thou, never know;)

    At 10 hours, on average, you won't fail any missions with 12500 skill points. Your proficiencies are part of the Voyage calculation so crew with large proficiencies can swing that number in either direction. What skills are tested during each hazard does matter. If you get a lot of hazards testing weaker skills in the 8-10h range, its highly unlikely you'll make it. If you don't have enough points in the tertiaries in general, you'll lose too much anti-matter in the first 4-6 hours. Ideally you want plenty of hazards testing the main two stats in the 8-10 hour range and if your stats aren't high enough you won't make it.

    The other aspects of the game don't require 2-skill crew. They're usually worse in the Gauntlet. They're not necessarily the strongest in base stats either. The only 2-skill with the highest base is Culber. Most of the other top 10 base stats are occupied by 3-skill crew. The only thing 2-skill crew are good for is collections.

    And shuttles

    No, they're not. There is no special benefit for having two skills. If the game were explicitly balanced around 2-skill having higher average bases, I'd agree with you but there's no evidence the game is set up that way.

    For example, ZhiOdo and Admiral Kirk have very similar base DIP and CMD. They're effectively the same for DIP shuttles and DIPandCMD shuttles (Odo is actually a bit better for both). ZhiOdo is much better for DIPandSEC shuttles because he has 3 skills.

    They are useful for shuttles. I never said there was some mystery added benefit.

    They're not useful. They offer less utility than comparable 3 skill crew. Two skill crew are less impacted for shuttles than Voyages or Gauntlets but are still a lesser choice.

    When I have 12 three skill crew on a voyage and need 16 more for shuttles in a faction event, many of those shuttle seats are filled with two skill crew. I have 72 immortalized legendaries so it’s not like I don’t have choices. Many two skill crew are the best options for those shuttle seats and I’m not going to turn them down because I am bitter that they are two skill crew. Perhaps you are not getting the most out of your crew if you are shunning them.

    So your useful crew is on Voyages and you're just using leftovers in shuttles? Your two skill crew aren't the best choices for shuttles. They're the best choices you have available. That's not the same thing. Implying that two skill crew are useful, implies they're worth developing. I could dump 200K honour into my Lorca for his sky high CMD base but that takes away honour from other crew who also have strong bases and useful Voyage stats.

    No, during faction events I run a few rounds of shuttles before I see who I am not using them send a voyage with those. And miraculously there are still two skill crew that win those shuttle seats over three skill. You can argue this with me all you would like. The way I play the game works and you’re not going to convince me otherwise

    During faction events I run bonus crew. The number of skills it has is less important than that. Furthermore, you're looking at this through the lens of your own crew. There's nothing miraculous about being a left-over. Virtually every two skill crew in the game can be substituted with a superior three skill crew.
    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    DeanWins wrote: »
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    DeanWins wrote: »
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    DeanWins wrote: »
    I don't really understand the huge deal about 3 crew vs 2 skill crew, I guess I am the minority. I understand 3 skill crew "tend" to be more versatile, but that doesn't negate 2 skill crew with really high stats. People are so voyage crazy, the last few months, I have never had a voyage go under 8 hours, and sometimes thou rarely get 10, so where is the huge advantage exactly? I get 30 mins over 8 hours instead of 25? I rarely extend my voyages past 8 anymore anyways, cause I have plenty of chrons, and most of the voyage purple drops as is, so I feel theres a better use of my dil.

    3 Skill crew are more versatile AND have better collective stats. The game has thrown a bunch of CMD/SEC crew at us over the years. This will form the back bone of a CMD/SEC Voyage. Only one of those can be slotted out side C/S/D seats though. Mirror Picard having that trivial little SCI stat makes your Voyage that much stronger allowing you to seat all of your other strong crew. That extra 700-800 pts only adds 6-7 minutes but that's about 3 more chances to get additional honour and crew that make your roster stronger.

    The worst 3-skill Voyager still has better aggregate stats than any 2-skill crew. They actually do entirely negate all 2-skill crew. Someone just made a new Voyage spreadsheet and I punched in all of my 5-stars. 5/5 Degra sits at #30 and he's one of the few with two strong skills. And he's only going to get lower as my crew improves.

    Spreadsheets are great:) however I am basing on my actual experience. Since I have no trouble getting to 8 hours, I don't see the huge advantage, and most times its better if It doesn't go too much past 8 hours, cause then I am tempted to let it keep going, and forget and then have to spend dil anyways ;p

    Also my experience with voyages, is its better to at least try to balance stats, and sometimes those two stats fit better then the stats I currently have, especially when the 3rd stat of a crew is very minor.

    Not to mention, there is more to this game than just voyages, shocking I know;) but to each their own;) As long as I am successful with how I do it, Im good either way.

    Getting to 8 hours is fine. Getting to 10 is better. I've blown more than a few Voyages. I don't use the tokens if I can help it. I'm also at the point where to get the remaining crew I need to squeeze every last drop of honour and its the only reliable source of honour outside of dailies. I can always recall if I don't think I can manage the time correctly.

    Balancing stats doesn't actually work. In order to get 10 hours, you'll need ~12k/12k. That usually means seating things in the off stats.

    Voyages specifically require high combined stats. Everything else doesn't. Having a solid 2-skill voyager is something that will eventually be replaced.

    you sure about the 12k/12k rule for 10 hour voyages? as an absolute.. I don't pretend to be an expert on voyages, but pretty sure ive done a 10 hour one without a refresh at least once or twice, and I don't remember having 12k in both main stats, maybe close thou. Good to know that 12/12 might guarntee a 10 hour thou, appreciate that.

    Also, I am not arguing that 3 skill characters tend to be better in voyages, but as I said previously there are other aspects to this game.

    You guys enjoy trying to get the perfect voyage stats, its cool to have goals, its just not one of mine, might change down the line thou, never know;)

    At 10 hours, on average, you won't fail any missions with 12500 skill points. Your proficiencies are part of the Voyage calculation so crew with large proficiencies can swing that number in either direction. What skills are tested during each hazard does matter. If you get a lot of hazards testing weaker skills in the 8-10h range, its highly unlikely you'll make it. If you don't have enough points in the tertiaries in general, you'll lose too much anti-matter in the first 4-6 hours. Ideally you want plenty of hazards testing the main two stats in the 8-10 hour range and if your stats aren't high enough you won't make it.

    The other aspects of the game don't require 2-skill crew. They're usually worse in the Gauntlet. They're not necessarily the strongest in base stats either. The only 2-skill with the highest base is Culber. Most of the other top 10 base stats are occupied by 3-skill crew. The only thing 2-skill crew are good for is collections.

    And shuttles

    No, they're not. There is no special benefit for having two skills. If the game were explicitly balanced around 2-skill having higher average bases, I'd agree with you but there's no evidence the game is set up that way.

    For example, ZhiOdo and Admiral Kirk have very similar base DIP and CMD. They're effectively the same for DIP shuttles and DIPandCMD shuttles (Odo is actually a bit better for both). ZhiOdo is much better for DIPandSEC shuttles because he has 3 skills.

    They are useful for shuttles. I never said there was some mystery added benefit.

    They're not useful. They offer less utility than comparable 3 skill crew. Two skill crew are less impacted for shuttles than Voyages or Gauntlets but are still a lesser choice.

    When I have 12 three skill crew on a voyage and need 16 more for shuttles in a faction event, many of those shuttle seats are filled with two skill crew. I have 72 immortalized legendaries so it’s not like I don’t have choices. Many two skill crew are the best options for those shuttle seats and I’m not going to turn them down because I am bitter that they are two skill crew. Perhaps you are not getting the most out of your crew if you are shunning them.

    So your useful crew is on Voyages and you're just using leftovers in shuttles? Your two skill crew aren't the best choices for shuttles. They're the best choices you have available. That's not the same thing. Implying that two skill crew are useful, implies they're worth developing. I could dump 200K honour into my Lorca for his sky high CMD base but that takes away honour from other crew who also have strong bases and useful Voyage stats.

    No, during faction events I run a few rounds of shuttles before I see who I am not using them send a voyage with those. And miraculously there are still two skill crew that win those shuttle seats over three skill. You can argue this with me all you would like. The way I play the game works and you’re not going to convince me otherwise

    During faction events I run bonus crew. The number of skills it has is less important than that. Furthermore, you're looking at this through the lens of your own crew. There's nothing miraculous about being a left-over. Virtually every two skill crew in the game can be substituted with a superior three skill crew.

    And that lens is a great example. The more crew you have the less likely you are to use some. The ones I barely ever use are just as many three skill. Lorca, Lissan, Loque’que Sato, Guinevere Kira, they make these shuttles quite often even though there are three skillers with the same skill sets.

  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    DeanWins wrote: »
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    DeanWins wrote: »
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    DeanWins wrote: »
    I don't really understand the huge deal about 3 crew vs 2 skill crew, I guess I am the minority. I understand 3 skill crew "tend" to be more versatile, but that doesn't negate 2 skill crew with really high stats. People are so voyage crazy, the last few months, I have never had a voyage go under 8 hours, and sometimes thou rarely get 10, so where is the huge advantage exactly? I get 30 mins over 8 hours instead of 25? I rarely extend my voyages past 8 anymore anyways, cause I have plenty of chrons, and most of the voyage purple drops as is, so I feel theres a better use of my dil.

    3 Skill crew are more versatile AND have better collective stats. The game has thrown a bunch of CMD/SEC crew at us over the years. This will form the back bone of a CMD/SEC Voyage. Only one of those can be slotted out side C/S/D seats though. Mirror Picard having that trivial little SCI stat makes your Voyage that much stronger allowing you to seat all of your other strong crew. That extra 700-800 pts only adds 6-7 minutes but that's about 3 more chances to get additional honour and crew that make your roster stronger.

    The worst 3-skill Voyager still has better aggregate stats than any 2-skill crew. They actually do entirely negate all 2-skill crew. Someone just made a new Voyage spreadsheet and I punched in all of my 5-stars. 5/5 Degra sits at #30 and he's one of the few with two strong skills. And he's only going to get lower as my crew improves.

    Spreadsheets are great:) however I am basing on my actual experience. Since I have no trouble getting to 8 hours, I don't see the huge advantage, and most times its better if It doesn't go too much past 8 hours, cause then I am tempted to let it keep going, and forget and then have to spend dil anyways ;p

    Also my experience with voyages, is its better to at least try to balance stats, and sometimes those two stats fit better then the stats I currently have, especially when the 3rd stat of a crew is very minor.

    Not to mention, there is more to this game than just voyages, shocking I know;) but to each their own;) As long as I am successful with how I do it, Im good either way.

    Getting to 8 hours is fine. Getting to 10 is better. I've blown more than a few Voyages. I don't use the tokens if I can help it. I'm also at the point where to get the remaining crew I need to squeeze every last drop of honour and its the only reliable source of honour outside of dailies. I can always recall if I don't think I can manage the time correctly.

    Balancing stats doesn't actually work. In order to get 10 hours, you'll need ~12k/12k. That usually means seating things in the off stats.

    Voyages specifically require high combined stats. Everything else doesn't. Having a solid 2-skill voyager is something that will eventually be replaced.

    you sure about the 12k/12k rule for 10 hour voyages? as an absolute.. I don't pretend to be an expert on voyages, but pretty sure ive done a 10 hour one without a refresh at least once or twice, and I don't remember having 12k in both main stats, maybe close thou. Good to know that 12/12 might guarntee a 10 hour thou, appreciate that.

    Also, I am not arguing that 3 skill characters tend to be better in voyages, but as I said previously there are other aspects to this game.

    You guys enjoy trying to get the perfect voyage stats, its cool to have goals, its just not one of mine, might change down the line thou, never know;)

    At 10 hours, on average, you won't fail any missions with 12500 skill points. Your proficiencies are part of the Voyage calculation so crew with large proficiencies can swing that number in either direction. What skills are tested during each hazard does matter. If you get a lot of hazards testing weaker skills in the 8-10h range, its highly unlikely you'll make it. If you don't have enough points in the tertiaries in general, you'll lose too much anti-matter in the first 4-6 hours. Ideally you want plenty of hazards testing the main two stats in the 8-10 hour range and if your stats aren't high enough you won't make it.

    The other aspects of the game don't require 2-skill crew. They're usually worse in the Gauntlet. They're not necessarily the strongest in base stats either. The only 2-skill with the highest base is Culber. Most of the other top 10 base stats are occupied by 3-skill crew. The only thing 2-skill crew are good for is collections.

    And shuttles

    No, they're not. There is no special benefit for having two skills. If the game were explicitly balanced around 2-skill having higher average bases, I'd agree with you but there's no evidence the game is set up that way.

    For example, ZhiOdo and Admiral Kirk have very similar base DIP and CMD. They're effectively the same for DIP shuttles and DIPandCMD shuttles (Odo is actually a bit better for both). ZhiOdo is much better for DIPandSEC shuttles because he has 3 skills.

    They are useful for shuttles. I never said there was some mystery added benefit.

    They're not useful. They offer less utility than comparable 3 skill crew. Two skill crew are less impacted for shuttles than Voyages or Gauntlets but are still a lesser choice.

    When I have 12 three skill crew on a voyage and need 16 more for shuttles in a faction event, many of those shuttle seats are filled with two skill crew. I have 72 immortalized legendaries so it’s not like I don’t have choices. Many two skill crew are the best options for those shuttle seats and I’m not going to turn them down because I am bitter that they are two skill crew. Perhaps you are not getting the most out of your crew if you are shunning them.

    So your useful crew is on Voyages and you're just using leftovers in shuttles? Your two skill crew aren't the best choices for shuttles. They're the best choices you have available. That's not the same thing. Implying that two skill crew are useful, implies they're worth developing. I could dump 200K honour into my Lorca for his sky high CMD base but that takes away honour from other crew who also have strong bases and useful Voyage stats.

    Even if you prioritized shuttles over voyages for some reason, three-skill crew are decidedly not universally better than two-skill crew...you cannot tell me that you would rather put an immortal Klingon Janeway into a SEC/COM shuttle slot over an immortal Warship Tuvok. Janeway is the superior voyager even for a SEC/COM voyage but is inferior for any SEC/COM shuttle seat outside of an event where she gets a bonus and Tuvok does not.

    Why would I use Tuvok when I can use Falcon O'Brien or Durango Troi? Tuvok is entirely replaceable except during Tuvok events.
    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    And that lens is a great example. The more crew you have the less likely you are to use some. The ones I barely ever use are just as many three skill. Lorca, Lissan, Loque’que Sato, Guinevere Kira, they make these shuttles quite often even though there are three skillers with the same skill sets.

    That's only because you don't have a superior replacement. That doesn't make two skill crew inherently useful. It just means you're making do with what you have. My 5/5 Degra gets a lot of shuttle time but that's mostly because I don't have anything better besides Leonardo. All of those crew you listed have superiour 3 skill crew to compete with. Lorca is the only one in a top 10 list.

    I have LoqSato and ProfSato partially fused. Who should I fuse first?
    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    And that lens is a great example. The more crew you have the less likely you are to use some. The ones I barely ever use are just as many three skill. Lorca, Lissan, Loque’que Sato, Guinevere Kira, they make these shuttles quite often even though there are three skillers with the same skill sets.

    That's only because you don't have a superior replacement. That doesn't make two skill crew inherently useful. It just means you're making do with what you have. My 5/5 Degra gets a lot of shuttle time but that's mostly because I don't have anything better besides Leonardo. All of those crew you listed have superiour 3 skill crew to compete with. Lorca is the only one in a top 10 list.

    I have LoqSato and ProfSato partially fused. Who should I fuse first?

    Regarding shuttles you don’t use one at a time, you use about 16 at a time. Professor Sato would go first but Loque’que Sato will also get a seat

  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    And that lens is a great example. The more crew you have the less likely you are to use some. The ones I barely ever use are just as many three skill. Lorca, Lissan, Loque’que Sato, Guinevere Kira, they make these shuttles quite often even though there are three skillers with the same skill sets.

    That's only because you don't have a superior replacement. That doesn't make two skill crew inherently useful. It just means you're making do with what you have. My 5/5 Degra gets a lot of shuttle time but that's mostly because I don't have anything better besides Leonardo. All of those crew you listed have superiour 3 skill crew to compete with. Lorca is the only one in a top 10 list.

    I have LoqSato and ProfSato partially fused. Who should I fuse first?

    Regarding shuttles you don’t use one at a time, you use about 16 at a time. Professor Sato would go first but Loque’que Sato will also get a seat

    I use 12 at a time. I usually fish for the 3-seaters. Neither would be used unless its a Sato event. If it is a Sato event, there's only 3 Sato's in game that are going to be used. You're simply making do with a lesser crew and even then there are other bonus crew that might be better. Her only real advantage is that she's part of a collection. She's still very low on the list of priorities to fuse.
    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
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