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Key information about the event: The Longest Day (flashback) - 01/02



  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    Didn't have Archer's dang outfit. Played to 💯 K and then enough Superrares to finish leftover ones.
    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • ByloBand wrote: »
    I could be wrong, but I think there is a second difference between Reruns and Flashbacks. Flashbacks are an exact replaying of prior event with no bonus 5* at the 400,000 threshold mark, but all the shuttle missions are the same as the first time around, all the item creation recipes are the same, etc. Reruns are a replaying of a prior event but there is a copy of the original event's 5* crew at the 400,000 threshold mark, and some of the details are updated/different like adding in extra event crew, updated shuttle missions, updated item creation recipes, etc.

    Shifting gears, this event has been BRUTAL. The seat skill combos do not line up with hardly ANY of my Archer/Kim variants, and there is exactly 1 shuttle that I've found that allows Jake to perform like an event 5* crew. Like, non-event 5/5 crew are actually providing higher predicted success chances than event crew variants because hardly any of the variants match the seats!

    Yes, it seems like we are missing key Event crew, because even in the recipe builds, the majority only bonus <50%. And the Event crew aren't lining up with the skills & traits exactly. I looks like DB copied and pasted the WRONG event?
    I want to become a Dilionaire...
  • IvlainIvlain ✭✭✭✭
    I am sitting this one out. Don't need either, and I have my kids this weekend. Good luck.
  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    ByloBand wrote: »
    I could be wrong, but I think there is a second difference between Reruns and Flashbacks. Flashbacks are an exact replaying of prior event with no bonus 5* at the 400,000 threshold mark, but all the shuttle missions are the same as the first time around, all the item creation recipes are the same, etc. Reruns are a replaying of a prior event but there is a copy of the original event's 5* crew at the 400,000 threshold mark, and some of the details are updated/different like adding in extra event crew, updated shuttle missions, updated item creation recipes, etc.

    Shifting gears, this event has been BRUTAL. The seat skill combos do not line up with hardly ANY of my Archer/Kim variants, and there is exactly 1 shuttle that I've found that allows Jake to perform like an event 5* crew. Like, non-event 5/5 crew are actually providing higher predicted success chances than event crew variants because hardly any of the variants match the seats!

    Yes, it seems like we are missing key Event crew, because even in the recipe builds, the majority only bonus <50%. And the Event crew aren't lining up with the skills & traits exactly. I looks like DB copied and pasted the WRONG event?

    You mean like this?!

  • I noticed this too. It's been brutal earing SR's. The participation is horrific too. We're nearly 12 hous in and not even halfway to the free premium pull.
  • ~peregrine~~peregrine~ ✭✭✭✭✭
    I noticed this too. It's been brutal earing SR's. The participation is horrific too. We're nearly 12 hous in and not even halfway to the free premium pull.

    For the original run of The Longest Day, it took over 26 hours to clear all the Community Rewards. There are two threads on The Bridge about that event, back in May 2018, and similar sentiments were voiced then. 🖖
    "In the short run, the game defines the players. But in the long run, it's us players who define the game." — Nicky Case, The Evolution of Trust
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    I noticed this too. It's been brutal earing SR's. The participation is horrific too. We're nearly 12 hous in and not even halfway to the free premium pull.

    For the original run of The Longest Day, it took over 26 hours to clear all the Community Rewards. There are two threads on The Bridge about that event, back in May 2018, and similar sentiments were voiced then. 🖖

    Plus, it is s repeat. Only reason I did 💯 k was for the suit, which I somehow missed the first time......
    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    I noticed this too. It's been brutal earing SR's. The participation is horrific too. We're nearly 12 hous in and not even halfway to the free premium pull.

    For the original run of The Longest Day, it took over 26 hours to clear all the Community Rewards. There are two threads on The Bridge about that event, back in May 2018, and similar sentiments were voiced then. 🖖

    Plus, it is s repeat. Only reason I did 💯 k was for the suit, which I somehow missed the first time......

    Thanks for the reminder, I need to look for that suit the next time I go to replicate something.
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2020
    ByloBand wrote: »
    I noticed this too. It's been brutal earing SR's. The participation is horrific too. We're nearly 12 hous in and not even halfway to the free premium pull.

    For the original run of The Longest Day, it took over 26 hours to clear all the Community Rewards. There are two threads on The Bridge about that event, back in May 2018, and similar sentiments were voiced then. 🖖

    Plus, it is s repeat. Only reason I did 💯 k was for the suit, which I somehow missed the first time......

    Thanks for the reminder, I need to look for that suit the next time I go to replicate something.

    I also noticed last night I do not the Level 90 bucket of cement for my Horta. Must not have gotten that far in her Event either.........

    Still almost 150,000,000 to the Premium Pull.......
    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • Lobo SinclairLobo Sinclair ✭✭✭
    edited January 2020
    I noticed this too. It's been brutal earing SR's. The participation is horrific too. We're nearly 12 hous in and not even halfway to the free premium pull.

    I guess if others are having issues, I will let myself off the hook because I am having a crazy-hard time making items.

    I want to complete the thresholds but I don’t know if I’ll even be able to.

    But since I’m here, spinning my wheels, would someone(s) explain the value of the bonus crew in Galaxy Events (mine never seem to give me much extra) and why getting the extra (“chance of rare item”) item matters? I have probably missed something over the past few months, but now I’m at that “next level”, maybe it means more now...

    Thanks in advance.
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    I noticed this too. It's been brutal earing SR's. The participation is horrific too. We're nearly 12 hous in and not even halfway to the free premium pull.

    I guess if others are having issues, I will let myself off the hook because I am having a crazy-hard time making items.

    I want to complete the thresholds but I don’t know if I’ll even be able to.

    But since I’m here, spinning my wheels, would someone(s) explain the value of the bonus crew in Galaxy Events (mine never seem to give me much extra) and why getting the extra (“chance of rare item”) item matters? I have probably missed something over the past few months, but now I’m at that “next level”, maybe it means more now...

    Thanks in advance.

    Rare items give increasingly large amounts of bonus VP for a given number of items turned in. This can be used strategically at the end of the event to make a surprise push for rank or just for additional VP towards thresholds so you don’t have to build as many recipes.

    Rare rewards have a chance to drop that is based on four things: the base skill of the crew you’ve chosen for the recipe, any trait matches they get for a given recipe, the bonus (if any) granted by being an event crew (big bonus) or trait/variant crew (small bonus), and if you’ve applied a skill boost or not. The percentage that shows up at the bottom is the chance that a rare reward will drop when that recipe is completed. DB also built in a mechanism that increases the drop rate by 5% for every recipe completed that doesn’t give you a rare reward.

    There is one quirk regarding the calculation of the rare drop rate and the order in which crew are sorted in the selection screen: crew are ordered based on the raw stats they have for the given skills, with only the event bonus applied but not the trait match for the recipe. Trait match boost calculations appear to be done only in the rare reward drop rate display. So, for this event, Bestselling Author Jake Sisko would appear just above Gary Seven in the crew list for a SCI recipe because his variant-of-event-crew bonus makes his SCI skill higher than Gary Seven’s; if Gary Seven matched a trait and Jake didn’t, however, Mr. Seven would likely have a higher drop rate.

  • Rare items give increasingly large amounts of bonus VP for a given number of items turned in. This can be used strategically at the end of the event to make a surprise push for rank or just for additional VP towards thresholds so you don’t have to build as many recipes.

    Ah— so the more rare items “won” increases the value (“VP”?) of the recipes built, which increases the value of the “7 of 7” (etc) rewards, which gives the player more points, which increases the player’s rank?

    Sorry— I’m pretty new at the forums, so this basic stuff (and the terms used by the players who know what they mean) are still like learning a foreign language (which I’m starting to pick up on).
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭

    Rare items give increasingly large amounts of bonus VP for a given number of items turned in. This can be used strategically at the end of the event to make a surprise push for rank or just for additional VP towards thresholds so you don’t have to build as many recipes.

    Ah— so the more rare items “won” increases the value (“VP”?) of the recipes built, which increases the value of the “7 of 7” (etc) rewards, which gives the player more points, which increases the player’s rank?

    Sorry— I’m pretty new at the forums, so this basic stuff (and the terms used by the players who know what they mean) are still like learning a foreign language (which I’m starting to pick up on).

    That is correct - the first three sets of three you turn in during phase 2 of this event are worth 735 VP each, but once you get to the level of turning in 15 at a time each set is worth 4,850 VP. More details are available on the STT Wiki (https://stt.wiki/wiki/Galaxy_Event). The wiki is also a great resource for crew, items, and more.

    And no need to apologize! If English is your second language I’d say you’re doing quite well with it, and most anyone here will be happy to help with any questions you might have.
  • STT game lingo is definitely like learning a new language especially the acronyms. Ask any questions you need we've all been there.
  • @Dirk Gunderson ,

    Thanks for the info.
    Part of my “next level” is reading these forums; I’ve gone as far as I can on my own.

    It’s great to see a community that helps the newer players grow (which helps everyone, but does add some competition once we level up).

    I’m an English speaker; just not much of a gamer speaker. So I appreciate not being called a n00b because still I’m picking up the game lingo.

    Thanks again for the insight.
  • STT game lingo is definitely like learning a new language especially the acronyms. Ask any questions you need we've all been there.

    I do have a question. I know VP= Victory Points; and SR= Super Rare; but the one I haven't been able to get yet is RNG. What does that stand for?
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    STT game lingo is definitely like learning a new language especially the acronyms. Ask any questions you need we've all been there.

    I do have a question. I know VP= Victory Points; and SR= Super Rare; but the one I haven't been able to get yet is RNG. What does that stand for?

    Random Number Generator. Which it really isn't. Computers can't really {currently} generate true random numbers.

    RNGesus is when the RNG is good to you.......
    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • ProontProont ✭✭✭✭✭
    STT game lingo is definitely like learning a new language especially the acronyms. Ask any questions you need we've all been there.

    I do have a question. I know VP= Victory Points; and SR= Super Rare; but the one I haven't been able to get yet is RNG. What does that stand for?

    Random Number Generator.
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    I got two copies of Jake from Sisko in that awesome sweater {I want a couple!!!} so I cited the third 🌟 and will work on Immortalizing him the next few days for Daily Chores. 🦊 Is just waiting for his third copy from Daily Rewards to Immo. {2 🌟/FE/💯}. Will put me two closer to the next bucket of 750 Dilithium..........
    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
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