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Main Cast as Featured Event Crew

Travis S McClainTravis S McClain ✭✭✭✭✭
edited May 2018 in The Bridge
It was suggested that this old thread of mine be ported over to the new forum and updated, so here it is!



Featured Crew is a DB designation. These are the crew members shown in the event portrait, who receive the highest bonus in the event, and are guaranteed to drop in an event 10x pull. This is different from Bonus Crew, which are crew members who are not shown in the event portrait, who receive a smaller bonus in the event, and are not guaranteed to drop in an event 10x pull.

For the purposes of this thread, "Main Cast" is restricted to characters whose actors were listed in their series' main credits. I have, however, included Scotty, Sulu, Uhura, and Chekov with TOS.

Here's the full count per Main Cast crew member. For the purpose of this list, I’ve counted each replay in which the crew member was featured as a separate number. [Example: Janeway's total is 7, which includes 3 different runs of "They Came from the Holodeck!"]

Kirk x8 events, 1st: "Blood and Circuses" 5/12/16
Spock x6 events, 1st: "Season of Love" 6/30/16
McCoy x6 events, 1st: "Contingency Plan" 6/16/16
Uhura x4 events, 1st: "Blood and Circuses" 5/12/16
Chekov x2 events, 1st: "A Brute Squad" 6/2/16
Scotty x1 event; 1st: "Crashing the Party" 2/2/18
Sulu x1 event, "The Captain's Oath" 2/9/17

Data x8 events, 1st: "A Brute Squad" 6/2/16
Geordi x7 events, 1st: "The Game's Afoot" 7/15/16
Troi x7 events, 1st: "War Interrupted" 1/5/17
Picard x5 events*, 1st: "Convergence Day" 1/12/17
Riker x5 events, 1st: "Liberty for All" 7/21/16
Worf x5 [plus x2 DS9] events, 1st TNG: "Contingency Plan" 6/16/16
Yar x3 events, 1st: "The Second Battle of New York" 9/1/16
Crusher x2 events, 1st: "Ribbon of Joy" 9/22/16
Wesley x2 events, 1st: "Endgame" 1/26/17

*Mirror Jean-Luc Picard was the Recurring Legendary crew in the mega-event "Smoke & Mirrors". However, other personae of the character of Picard were not granted Bonus Crew status. On the basis that Mirror Jean-Luc Picard was handled differently from a standard Featured Crew member, I have excluded these four events from his stats.

Jadzia x8 events, 1st: "The Trouble with Klingons" 4/21/16
Kira x7 events, 1st: "Liberty for All" 7/21/16
Sisko x6 events, 1st: "The Trouble with Klingons" 4/21/16
Bashir x5 events, 1st: "Contingency Plan" 6/16/16
Odo x5 events, 1st: "Holograms Are Forever" 10/6/16
O’Brien x4 events, 1st: "The Second Battle of New York" 9/1/16
Quark x4 events, 1st: "Convergence Day" 1/12/17
Jake x3 events, "The Isthmian Games" 2/2/17 [see notes]
Worf x2 [plus x5 TNG] events, 1st DS9: "Gates of Hell" 9/28/17
Ezri x1 event, "Holograms Are Forever" 10/6/16

Janeway x8 events, 1st: "They Came from the Holodeck!" 3/31/16
Paris x6 events, 1st: "They Came from the Holodeck!" 3/31/16
Kim x5 events, 1st: "Quadrilateral" 8/12/16
Neelix x4 events, 1st: "Second Act" 9/29/16
The Doctor x3 events, 1st: "They Came from the Holodeck! 3" 8/3/17
Torres x3 events, 1st: "The Process of Assimilation 1: Zero Hour" 5/4/17
Tuvok x3 events, 1st: "Family Tree" 12/1/16
Seven x3 events, 1st: "The Process of Assimilation 1: Zero Hour" 5/4/17
Chakotay x2 events, 1st: "Plague of Plagues" 12/15/16
Kes x1 event, 1st: "The Butchers of Beta Penthe" 5/17/18

Tucker x5 events, 1st: "The Prime Directive" 8/25/16, "Unlikely Heroes" 8/26/16
Reed x4 events, 1st: "Second Act" 9/29/16
Mayweather x3 events, 1st: "The Second Battle of New York" 9/1/16
T’Pol x3 events, 1st: "Family Tree" 12/1/16
Phlox x2 events, "The Process of Assimilation 1: Zero Hour" 5/4/17
Sato x2 events; 1st: "Smoke & Mirrors 1: Heavy Lies the Crown" 12/7/17
Archer x1 event, 1st: "The Longest Day" 5/24/18

Burnham x3 events, 1st: "The Akritirian Job 2" 11/16/17
Tyler x3 events, "Discovery: A New Anomaly 3: Orion Belt" 10/19/17
Saru x2 events, 1st: "Discovery: A New Anomaly 1: Streak of Stardust" 10/5/17
Tilly x2 events, 1st: "Discovery: A New Anomaly 3: Orion Belt" 10/19/17
Lorca x1 event, "Discovery: A New Anomaly 2: First Impressions" 10/12/17
Stamets x1 event, "Discovery: A New Anomaly 2: First Impressions" 10/12/17


Mirror Spock was a top rank reward in the original "Blood and Circuses" but Spock was not considered a Featured Crew member for that event and none of his personae qualified for bonuses, so only the replay is in his total.

Data, Jadzia, Janeway, and Kirk are tied for the most total event appearances (eight apiece). If Mirror Jean-Luc Picard's appearances as the recurring Legendary crew in "Smoke & Mirrors" are counted, he ties them.

Kirk, Janeway, Troi, and Worf have featured in the most unique events (i.e., excluding replays) with six. Four of Worf's have been in TNG personae, and the other two in DS9 personae.

Ezri has only been in the Featured Crew in one event ("Holograms Are Forever"). She has counted for the Bonus Crew in most events where Jadzia was in the Featured Crew.

In the event "Ship of Memory", 3* Writer Jake Sisko was classified as Featured Crew and received the maximum bonus, whereas 4* Best-Selling Author Jake Sisko was classified as Bonus Crew and received the lesser bonus. To date, this is the only instance where a 3* crew member was Featured.

Phlox has appeared in two unique events (i.e., one was not a replay of the other), but with only one persona (Mirror Phlox).

Archer was the last main cast character to debut in an event, "The Longest Day", the 102nd overall.

The series in order of when each of their main cast characters had finally appeared in at least one event:

TNG 1/26/17
DS9 2/2/17
DIS 11/16/17
TOS 2/1/18
VOY 5/17/18
ENT 5/24/18


  • Capt. ChaosCapt. Chaos ✭✭✭✭✭
    Five main cast characters from the shows have yet to feature in any events. They are:

    TOS Scotty
    VOY Kes
    ENT Archer
    ENT Sato
    DIS Burnham

    This is an outrage!
  • Ezri was only in a single season of DS9, so by that I wouldn't expect to see her distinguished frequently from Jadzia for the purposes of being event crew.

    If they ever follow up on the voted-upon outcome of the Second Battle of New York, that should be a Spock, Archer, and fill-in-the-blank other crew event.

    I don't see Seven in the list, but I thought she'd been in at least one event; am I misremembering?
  • I don't see Seven in the list, but I thought she'd been in at least one event; am I misremembering?

    Your memory is fine; Seven has featured in just one event to date. The list is for Main Cast characters who have featured in two or more, but for the sake of completion, I'm updating it.
  • IkritIkrit ✭✭✭
    edited November 2017
    Ezri was only in a single season of DS9, so by that I wouldn't expect to see her distinguished frequently from Jadzia for the purposes of being event crew.

    If they ever follow up on the voted-upon outcome of the Second Battle of New York, that should be a Spock, Archer, and fill-in-the-blank other crew event.

    I don't see Seven in the list, but I thought she'd been in at least one event; am I misremembering?

    She was. Her first (and only) event was in the Borg mega-event as Drone Seven (they just added that event pack to the time portal today).

    It's worth noting that the Doctor's events were more recent; he was on that list of "ignored" main characters for a long time. Quark's appearances were back-to-back weeks in January, if I am not mistaken. The first was the Convergence Day event and the second was with Klingon Quark right after, so that almost counts as 1.5 events (or at least a 2 with an asterisk).
  • Ikrit wrote: »
    It's worth noting that the Doctor's events were more recent; he was on that list of "ignored" main characters for a long time.

    Good point! I'm gonna go back and add the date that each first appeared in any event.
  • AviTrekAviTrek ✭✭✭✭✭
    Knowing DB, we'll finally get a Scotty event next week featuring the Scotty 3* the same month he's the monthly reward.
  • Odo was in at least 4 events. Trader, Stranded, Zhiantara and Jazz Musician were all event versions of him
  • Odo was in at least 4 events. Trader, Stranded, Zhiantara and Jazz Musician were all event versions of him

    Good catch! Thanks!
  • Ace BoogieAce Boogie ✭✭✭
    edited November 2017
    Thanks for the list. I was keeping track on a spreadsheet but haven’t updated in a couple months.

    While not in the spirit of the list I think Sarek is at 3 events not including Vulcan trait.

    It would be interesting to see how many times each character got any kind of bonus, (Android for data and Klingon for Worf). I’m guessing the numbers would shoot up a lot.
  • Apart from hoarding Klingons I guess this list gives us a clue who to level and who's less likely to be event crew. A list of bonus crew is likely to be handy too.

    It is a crime that Archer and Hoshi have not appeared in an event. Likewise Kes. A super dooper medic could come in handy also. Scotty I'm surprised at. Seriously? He's a legend! Wtf DB?
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    BelleAnna wrote: »
    Apart from hoarding Klingons I guess this list gives us a clue who to level and who's less likely to be event crew. A list of bonus crew is likely to be handy too.

    It is a crime that Archer and Hoshi have not appeared in an event. Likewise Kes. A super dooper medic could come in handy also. Scotty I'm surprised at. Seriously? He's a legend! Wtf DB?

    I think that's the entire point. Bring it to the forefront and see if it can be corrected.
  • Pallidyne wrote: »

    I think that's the entire point. Bring it to the forefront and see if it can be corrected.

    Agreed! DB Do Something!
  • Lady GaghgaghLady Gaghgagh ✭✭✭✭✭
    Could you list what variants of these crew appeared in these events? I just think it would be helpful.
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    Fun fact: The ships are propelled by bouncy castle technology.
  • Ace Boogie wrote: »
    Thanks for the list. I was keeping track on a spreadsheet but haven’t updated in a couple months.

    I've kept up with my spreadsheet, but hadn't updated my list on the forum, which is how "Guilty as Charged" slipped by me and kept Odo's and O'Brien's stats short.
    While not in the spirit of the list I think Sarek is at 3 events not including Vulcan trait.

    Ambassador Sarek was in the featured crew for "The Genesis Wave", "The Genesis Wave 2", and "Our Thoughts Combined". Sarek was in the featured crew for "Discovery: A New Anomaly 4: A Logical Reaction".
    It would be interesting to see how many times each character got any kind of bonus, (Android for data and Klingon for Worf). I’m guessing the numbers would shoot up a lot.

    Android (2) - "Ghost in the Machine", "Ghost in the Machine 2"

    Borg (3) - "The Process of Assimilation 2: Experimental Design", "The Process of Assimilation 3: Contagion", "The Process of Assimilation 4: Resistance"

    Discovery Crew (4) - "Discovery: A New Anomaly 1: Streak of Stardust", "Discovery: A New Anomaly 2: First Impressions", "Discovery: A New Anomaly 3: Orion Belt", "Discovery: A New Anomaly 4: A Logical Reaction"

    Ferengi (2) - "Rule 125", "Discovery: A New Anomaly 3: Orion Belt"

    Hologram (2) - "Ghost in the Machine", "Ghost in the Machine 2"

    Klingon (6) - "The Genesis Wave", "The Genesis Wave 2", "A Good Day to Lie 1: Scales of Power", "A Good Day to Lie 2: When Giants Walk", "A Good Day to Lie 3: The Heart of the Empire", "A Good Day to Lie 4: Blood for Blood"

    Also, for the sake of completion, Spock got a bonus as a Sarek variant in "Our Thoughts Combined"; T'Pol got a bonus as a T'Mir variant in "Retrograde"; and Yar got a bonus as a Sela variant in "The Falcon Falls".
  • Could you list what variants of these crew appeared in these events? I just think it would be helpful.

    I can appreciate that it would be helpful to have at a glance, but it would be unwieldy to compile in a post here. That's the kind of information that's more easily gleaned on the Wiki. Here's the page for 2016 Events. The 2017 page seems to be empty right now, oddly.
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    The main events page is working for the 2017 hits for me at least.....
  • Pallidyne wrote: »
    The main events page is working for the 2017 hits for me at least.....

    Do you have a link? I don't see it on the Category:Events page, so I just changed the 2016 to 2017 in the 2016 URL. Obviously, that did not work.
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭

    Is where I'm going... 2016 shows collapsed til you click on it and 2017 is expanded by default.
  • Pallidyne wrote: »

    Is where I'm going... 2016 shows collapsed til you click on it and 2017 is expanded by default.

    Thanks! I thought I remembered there being a comprehensive page like that, but hadn't bookmarked it. It's wild to think that "Passing the Torch" will be the 75th Event!
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    Pallidyne wrote: »

    Is where I'm going... 2016 shows collapsed til you click on it and 2017 is expanded by default.

    Thanks! I thought I remembered there being a comprehensive page like that, but hadn't bookmarked it. It's wild to think that "Passing the Torch" will be the 75th Event!

    Wouldn't that be 74? Its the 45th this year, and the 2016 expands to 29......Or is the wiki missing one on the events page?
  • Pallidyne wrote: »
    Pallidyne wrote: »

    Is where I'm going... 2016 shows collapsed til you click on it and 2017 is expanded by default.

    Thanks! I thought I remembered there being a comprehensive page like that, but hadn't bookmarked it. It's wild to think that "Passing the Torch" will be the 75th Event!

    Wouldn't that be 74? Its the 45th this year, and the 2016 expands to 29......Or is the wiki missing one on the events page?

    You and the Wiki are right. I forgot I left a line in my spreadsheet for when we started "The Prime Directive". I feel like given all the drama that event created, it deserves at least that much recognition! :P Next week's will be the 75th.
  • Odo MarmarosaOdo Marmarosa ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'll go all in on an Archer/Scotty/Kes event any week. Much better than the current "passing the torch" lineup (or The Overdone, The Forgettable & The Ugly)
  • The 75th event should be a mini special featuring all Captains.
  • And a free shuttle bay
  • BelleAnna wrote: »
    The 75th event should be a mini special featuring all Captains.

    I'll settle for Archer, particularly if it either introduces the Captain Archer seen in Episode 6 or gives me a chance to add stars to my Mirror Archer. (I could also use a Lorca, seeing as I didn't get anywhere near the 5* Captain Lorca a few weeks ago.)
  • Ace BoogieAce Boogie ✭✭✭
    edited November 2017
    Ace Boogie wrote: »
    Thanks for the list. I was keeping track on a spreadsheet but haven’t updated in a couple months.

    I've kept up with my spreadsheet, but hadn't updated my list on the forum, which is how "Guilty as Charged" slipped by me and kept Odo's and O'Brien's stats short.
    While not in the spirit of the list I think Sarek is at 3 events not including Vulcan trait.

    Ambassador Sarek was in the featured crew for "The Genesis Wave", "The Genesis Wave 2", and "Our Thoughts Combined". Sarek was in the featured crew for "Discovery: A New Anomaly 4: A Logical Reaction".
    It would be interesting to see how many times each character got any kind of bonus, (Android for data and Klingon for Worf). I’m guessing the numbers would shoot up a lot.

    Android (2) - "Ghost in the Machine", "Ghost in the Machine 2"

    Borg (3) - "The Process of Assimilation 2: Experimental Design", "The Process of Assimilation 3: Contagion", "The Process of Assimilation 4: Resistance"

    Discovery Crew (4) - "Discovery: A New Anomaly 1: Streak of Stardust", "Discovery: A New Anomaly 2: First Impressions", "Discovery: A New Anomaly 3: Orion Belt", "Discovery: A New Anomaly 4: A Logical Reaction"

    Ferengi (2) - "Rule 125", "Discovery: A New Anomaly 3: Orion Belt"

    Hologram (2) - "Ghost in the Machine", "Ghost in the Machine 2"

    Klingon (6) - "The Genesis Wave", "The Genesis Wave 2", "A Good Day to Lie 1: Scales of Power", "A Good Day to Lie 2: When Giants Walk", "A Good Day to Lie 3: The Heart of the Empire", "A Good Day to Lie 4: Blood for Blood"

    Also, for the sake of completion, Spock got a bonus as a Sarek variant in "Our Thoughts Combined"; T'Pol got a bonus as a T'Mir variant in "Retrograde"; and Yar got a bonus as a Sela variant in "The Falcon Falls".

    So looks like Worf is the winner!

    Also I thought I remember a Vulcan bonus?
  • I would think Janeway would be the winner, as she has seven events as well as Borg, Klingon, and Hologram variants.
  • I would think Janeway would be the winner, as she has seven events as well as Borg, Klingon, and Hologram variants.

    Good point. I was thinking more along the lines of all worfs vs all datas vs Kirks and so on. So all worfs would give a bonus in 13 out of 74 events. All data would gives bonus in 9/74, maybe more because of lore? A version of Janeway would give a bonus in more events, but not all Janeways are holograms or Klingons and so on. Obviously a lot of these events took place before there were so many variants as well.

    I will leave the math to better and less lazy minds than mine.

  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2017
    Genesis Wave and its rerun had Vulcans as well as Klingons as bonus crew.
  • eXo | das411eXo | das411 ✭✭✭✭✭
    let's ask Scotty himself what he thinks about not being featured in any events yet..

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