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Main Cast as Featured Event Crew



  • Updated to reflect next week's event, "The Akritirian Job 2":

    Kira now tied with Data, Janeway, and Kirk for most total event appearances (seven apiece, including replays). Kira also now DS9 crew member with most event appearances (Jadzia is second with six).

    Reed now ENT crew member with most event appearances (three).

    DIS now the third series to have all its main cast characters appear in at least one event.
  • Updated to include next week's "Fast as Light":

    *Jadzia and Worf now tie Data, Janeway, and Kirk for the most total events (seven).

    *Worf's seventh event overall, and second in a DS9 personae. He is now the new #1 for most unique events (i.e., excluding replays) with six.

    *Kim's fourth overall event.
  • Peachtree RexPeachtree Rex ✭✭✭✭✭
    *Kim's fourth overall event.

  • *Kim's fourth overall event.


    I don't understand this. Kim has appeared in the following events:

    "Quadrilateral" & "Quadrilateral 2"
    "Merry Men"
    "Fast as Light"

    That's three unique events and four overall.
  • ValendValend ✭✭
    edited November 2017
    Scotty, Sulu, and Seven all at 0 or 1 are pretty shocking

    (And looking at my inventory, I even thought I had more unique versions of Scotty and Sulu than I actually do)

    EDIT: Also didn't realize there aren't even any 4* or 5* versions of Kes (assuming the wiki is up to date)
  • WaldoMagWaldoMag ✭✭✭✭✭
    Valend wrote: »
    Scotty, Sulu, and Seven all at 0 or 1 are pretty shocking

    (And looking at my inventory, I even thought I had more unique versions of Scotty and Sulu than I actually do)

    EDIT: Also didn't realize there aren't even any 4* or 5* versions of Kes (assuming the wiki is up to date)

    Excellent point Kes could be the next gauntlet or Honor Hall .
    Transformation Kes or Ascending Kes or something like that.
  • Capt. ChaosCapt. Chaos ✭✭✭✭✭
    WaldoMag wrote: »
    Valend wrote: »
    Scotty, Sulu, and Seven all at 0 or 1 are pretty shocking

    (And looking at my inventory, I even thought I had more unique versions of Scotty and Sulu than I actually do)

    EDIT: Also didn't realize there aren't even any 4* or 5* versions of Kes (assuming the wiki is up to date)

    Excellent point Kes could be the next gauntlet or Honor Hall .
    Transformation Kes or Ascending Kes or something like that.

    4* telekinetic surgeon Kess with a killer Med base in the 900s.
  • Seven got 2nd event!

    Thoughts on adding Janeway to total? Even though she isn’t event crew all variants get bonus.
  • Peachtree RexPeachtree Rex ✭✭✭✭✭
    *Kim's fourth overall event.


    I don't understand this. Kim has appeared in the following events:

    "Quadrilateral" & "Quadrilateral 2"
    "Merry Men"
    "Fast as Light"

    That's three unique events and four overall.

    The comment wasn't a slight against your accuracy, but a comparison of the lines of text devoted to Kim vs the other two in your post, implying (accurately, I believe) that he is not nearly as popular as his compatriots in that event.
  • Lady GaghgaghLady Gaghgagh ✭✭✭✭✭
    I will say I am thrilled Chapel is getting an event. Like I'll be honest, I did not expect that in the slightest.

    I half-, well more like three-fourths expected that DB would only ever have just Nurse Chapel and Doctor Chapel and never make anything more of her again. In fact, them making Doctor Chapel was a surprise in and of itself.
    It gives me hope that one day Scotty will indeed have an event, but even more so that Rand may get one final version like the Communications Officer version from VOY: Flashback, and that Chapel may also get a 4th version someday like Platonian Chapel.
    Admiral of the Haus of GaghGagh, Starbase level 94, we are not accepting members at this time.
    Captain of the voyage vessels: Queen of Bashir, Landsknecht, and Sunspear, the first luxury starship cruiseliners.
    Amenities include wifi, fully-functioning holodecks, a full-service bar, 3 party decks, a Trill spa, and a business centre.
    Fun fact: The ships are propelled by bouncy castle technology.
  • r0e4nwt9q8k6.gif
    Five main cast characters from the shows have yet to feature in any events. They are:

    TOS Scotty
    VOY Kes
    ENT Archer
    ENT Sato
    DIS Burnham

    This is an outrage!

    Scott Bakula is main lead in NCIS Bayou and there could be image rights thing. But we have at least four cards of him.
    Actress who portrayed Kes is being prosecuted in UK on certain charges which DB may not want to associate with game.

    Scotty as well as Sato absence as Event headliners is not explicable. Engineering or linguistics as event storyline plots are difficult. I can think of @Tanagra when walls fell as event which should star Sato as the headliner with Picard and Rom ( he fixed translator in the 1947 episode)

    Burnham is too new.
  • Ace Boogie wrote: »
    Seven got 2nd event!

    Thoughts on adding Janeway to total? Even though she isn’t event crew all variants get bonus.

    Since Janeway isn't classified as featured crew, I'm not adding "The Daystrom Award" to her total, but I did add a footnote about it.
  • TcalTcal ✭✭✭
    Culber doesn't count as being a part of the main crew in ST: Discovery?
  • Tcal wrote: »
    Culber doesn't count as being a part of the main crew in ST: Discovery?

    This thread specifies events so either way he wouldn’t be added.
  • DralixDralix ✭✭✭✭✭
    Tcal wrote: »
    Culber doesn't count as being a part of the main crew in ST: Discovery?

    I believe Travis defines main cast as anyone listed in the opening title/theme sequence.
  • Suggested new versions of Archer, Sato, Kes and Scotty for upcoming events:

    - There are a zillion Archer variants possible, many of which would be good fits. Personally, I like *EV Suit Archer* from "Minefield" - the ENT EV Suits look good, and most importantly he could be an engineering primary, since he spends the whole episode trying to dismantle a Romulan mine.

    - There are some good Sato variants, too - notably ones where she might qualify as an ENG or SCI primary due to her work on the universal translator or her surprising lockpicking abilities. Having said that *First Officer Sato* from "Twilight" probably makes the most sense as a legit 4* or 5* crew.

    - I know most suggestions will be evolving Kes, but for my money *Autarch Kes* from "Warlord" is the right choice here.

    - Finally, Scotty. This one is surprisingly tough, given how well the existing versions cover his appearances in Trek. I'd dearly love a young version from him as acting commander of the Enterprise, but it wouldn't be visually distinctive from his current 2* version. Given that, probably the best option is *Captain Scott*, modeled on his appearance in Generations.
  • - Archer, I'd take EV Suit Archer or the beta/Episode 6/event Archer whose art we keep seeing but has yet to be made a character

    - Sato has several versions that would work in addition to Twilight (which could form the basis of an event unto itself and provide an excuse to roll out more Twilight-version crew like her, Reed, Captain Tucker), including Oden Perfecting Sato, but I *really* want to see the Organian-possessed versions of her and Trip from "Observer Effect", either as a pair of 4s or as 5s.

    - Gotta have Autarch Kes

    - 3rd Season Scotty would be visually distinctive enough, with the different haircut.
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'd be Ok with Scotty in an event with an existing version as event crew.
  • Dralix wrote: »
    Tcal wrote: »
    Culber doesn't count as being a part of the main crew in ST: Discovery?

    I believe Travis defines main cast as anyone listed in the opening title/theme sequence.

    You believe correctly. Senior staff =/= "main cast". See also: Pulaski. I'd love to see Culber added to the main cast, if only so I could be more trusting that he'll stick around. I dig that guy!

    The only exceptions I allowed for are Scotty, Uhura, Sulu, and Chekov because 1) TOS wasn't presented originally as an ensemble show but 2) they are all four obviously prominent and each is credited in all six of the TOS movies as "co-stars".
  • Suggested new versions of Archer, Sato, Kes and Scotty for upcoming events:

    - There are a zillion Archer variants possible, many of which would be good fits. Personally, I like *EV Suit Archer* from "Minefield" - the ENT EV Suits look good, and most importantly he could be an engineering primary, since he spends the whole episode trying to dismantle a Romulan mine.

    - There are some good Sato variants, too - notably ones where she might qualify as an ENG or SCI primary due to her work on the universal translator or her surprising lockpicking abilities. Having said that *First Officer Sato* from "Twilight" probably makes the most sense as a legit 4* or 5* crew.

    I'm diggin' it.
    - I know most suggestions will be evolving Kes, but for my money *Autarch Kes* from "Warlord" is the right choice here.

    - Finally, Scotty. This one is surprisingly tough, given how well the existing versions cover his appearances in Trek. I'd dearly love a young version from him as acting commander of the Enterprise, but it wouldn't be visually distinctive from his current 2* version. Given that, probably the best option is *Captain Scott*, modeled on his appearance in Generations.

    Model instead on his appearance in the brass meeting at the beginning of The Undiscovered Country. Same uniform, but this way I can count him toward my subset of STVI crew! :tongue:

    Also, as it seems a Mirror Universe mega-event is in the offing, it's worth noting that Mirror Scotty has yet to be introduced into the game. And, I guess, Sleepover Scotty in his powder blue pajamas from The Motion Picture could be a thing...though I'd be lying if I said I wanted it to be.
  • Updating through "Smoke & Mirrors 1: Heavy Lies the Crown". Picard and Jadzia are now tied for the most total event appearances (eight apiece). Half of Picard's total comes from this mega event.

    With Sato making her event debut, Archer becomes the last remaining ENT main cast character yet to appear in one.
  • Updated through "Smoke & Mirrors 2: Imperial Decree". Data now ties Picard and Jadzia for the most all-time event appearances with eight apiece.
  • Archer is long overdue, he was a captain of an Enterprise after all, Scotty is old school as well and a shame he hasn't been featured. Kes I could do without ever seeing in the game ever again.
  • Actress who portrayed Kes is being prosecuted in UK on certain charges which DB may not want to associate with game.

    I knew she had legal issues in the US a year or two ago. I wasn't aware she'd moved over here and gotten into trouble again?
    Level 99. Latest Immortal (957): Chancellor Gowron - October 2023.
  • Updated through "Smoke & Mirrors 3: Reflections". Crusher had been dead last among TNG main cast with only one event appearance; she now ties with Yar and Wesley with two apiece.
  • Should Picard's appearances in the mega event count if it was only the Mirror Picard persona that gave a bonus?

    Also didn't Ezri end up counting as a bonus in fast as light?


    Speaking of which how are you counting Zhian'tara Odo? It seems that if Mirror Picard counts then Zhian'tara Odo should also.
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    Have a Archer where he is holding Porthos.
    Let’s fly!
  • Travis S McClainTravis S McClain ✭✭✭✭✭
    Dpmt wrote: »
    Should Picard's appearances in the mega event count if it was only the Mirror Picard persona that gave a bonus?

    Also didn't Ezri end up counting as a bonus in fast as light?


    Speaking of which how are you counting Zhian'tara Odo? It seems that if Mirror Picard counts then Zhian'tara Odo should also.

    You're conflating featured crews and bonus crews. They're two different things.

    Mirror Jean-Luc Picard was part of the featured crews for all four parts of "Smoke & Mirrors". That other Picard personae being excluded from the bonus crews of those events has no bearing whatsoever. I did, however, make a footnote about that exclusion.

    The featured crew for "Fast as Light" consisted of Honey Bare Dax, Buster Kincaid Kim, and Duchamps. Ezri and Zhian'tara Odo were merely in the bonus crew for that event, which is outside the scope of this thread.

    Zhian'tara Odo was, however, in the featured crew for "Guilty as Charged", which I scored for Odo. Dax personae were in the bonus crew for that event.
  • So basically you are counting when crew gets the 3x event bonus. Which is why Mirror Spock didn't count in the first event he was a reward in.
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