Event Discussion Thread: Faction/Galaxy Event "God of Thunder" - ME#2 (02/11)

in The Bridge
Event notes are up, hopefully without typos.
FYI this will be the last time I will provide crew stats as they will be visible to all in game, starting next week.
FYI this will be the last time I will provide crew stats as they will be visible to all in game, starting next week.
Question: is there a reason the "Bridal" naming convention is switching to "Bride" for Yates?
End of an era
I am pretty sure we didn't aim to have a naming convention surrounding for brides, so this is just a different take on a name.
Troi has amazing stats.
I have to agree that adding Soren is a great contribution.
Proud member of Patterns of Force
Captain Level 99
Played since January 2017
TP: Do better!!!
I remembered something!
Back in the old days, when Star Trek was not socially sensitive. Genders being forced on people. Dax dating an ex, now that both were female, was "unacceptable". Crusher not minding sexually assaulting Riker, but "uncomfortable" when Odan got a female host.
Way different from modern Trek. Where most people don't even think about one of the strongest relationships on Disco being Paul & Hugh. Love the progress!
I don't normally tread into socio-political discussions on here, but I always felt that it wasn't Trek that wasn't socially sensitive, but rather Trek dared to delve into issues that society of the day were insensitive to or fully unaccepting of. Trek always seemed to look towards a future that was more inclusive and used a futuristic show to challenge the current societal norms. This goes back to Trek featuring the first on-screen interracial kiss. No?
And you showed grace under pressure for years. I admire you for that, amongst many other things, @Shan . 8-)
But, they usually "wimped out" on TNG & DS9, as far as actually coming out and saying "this is wrong". Dax's ex being shamed into denouncing her relationship with Dax. Soren taking the "cure" instead of letting Riker save her. Crusher not having a problem with using a slave body, until that slave body was the same gender. Her thin, sputtery "this is getting too weird with the body switches" excuse was TOO thin and sputtery.....
Just saying......
Trek has always been very progressive from a socio-political standpoint, but Rick Berman was famously not interested in getting involved in LGBT issues, and pretty much nixed anything that involved exploring those ideas. I'm certain that Dax episode you're referring to never would have been allowed to happen if the character was male. I'm not sure I've ever seen anyone outright call him a homophobe, but suffice to say I'm not upset that he's not around anymore.
Oy ... event.
First on-screen interracial kiss is a myth. It had been done a number of times on TV shows before. I think it works out as the first kiss between a black woman and white man on a US drama show, which is still significant but not quite as catchy.
Trek lagged behind plenty of other shows on representation in the 90s, much of that down to Berman, but also the aggressive response of a bigoted section of fandom (they got plenty of complaints for the tame kiss in Rejoined, and hate mail over the mere rumour of a gay character in Voyager).
While that bigoted portion of the fandom remains (look at the transphobic reaction to Adira), the writers and producers thankfully ignore it.
First TV interracial kiss was in Hot Summer Night, broadcast on 1 February 1959, and there are many more after it, but Plato's Stepchildren is often used as more popular example because it was important in US.
Don't forget about the reaction when Bryan Fuller mentioned that he wanted to cast a black woman as the lead for Discovery. Or when it was revealed that two of the leads on Lower Decks were both black women. Sometimes the fandom definitely lags a bit. But Trek wouldn't be where it is without its fandom, so you take the good with the bad and hope the fandom catches up while the show powers ahead.
Proud member of Patterns of Force
Captain Level 99
Played since January 2017
TP: Do better!!!
As I recall, the reason on DS9 in story was that hosted trills weren't supposed to continue relationships with eachother in new hosts. The show chose to make it a same sex relationship probably because they felt it would enhance the idea it was wrong, and this only confused the point. The issue was ensuring the host wasn't taking a back seat in their own life. Tacking on the LGBT window dressing was actually counter productive because it set the moral in most minds as a sexuality issue rather than a power issue. The moral was intended to have more of a connection to parents who use their children to fullfil dreams vicariously through them. We are intended to feel the pain of the sacrifice of the longer lived symbiot relationship, following custom as a rule rather than judging the individual situation.
Soren, as I recall, did not "choose" to undergo treatment. Forced through it, likely to ensure Riker didn't have time to have the federation interfere. Once done didn't feel the same about Riker. This story touches on issues like conversation therapy in the extreme and on the freedom to be different. The interesting point in the current context is that the story implies the exact opposite of what most people seem to take from it. Some how forcing a neutral identity on some one that doesn't want one is seen as positive affirmation or trans representation. This was a story about stripping individuals down to a single shared identity, a parable against society institutionalizing uniformity. Soren didn't choose to give up Riker. Identity and the love for Riker was stolen.
I'm not saying Trek didn't carry baggage, but Trek often told it's stories from a more general perspective. You were not intended to judge them on the window dressing. The studio and producers may not have wanted to take certain risks (JF wanted Soren to be played by a male actor), but the moral lesson was accessible for anyone. And the lesson taken by the current generation is often based entirely on the window dressing rather than the plot. And just because a writer chooses to prevent something doesn't mean that is the point. You are supposed to feel the pain Dax and Riker go through and be motivated to see you don't ignore it when you see it in your own life. It's intended to make you upset and want to change something, not to promote the outcome on screen.
to the vault.
If they do it while Skirmishes is running, there might be server hick ups. 😰
Kindle had its 8.0.0 update this morning. I don't know if the second part comes from Amazon or STT, but I also got a notice that while the game is open it locks out Alexa, etc for better gaming. I have hopes for this improvement.
How is this any related to what i posted? Has zero to do with the
new client, imho.
Have you updated to 8.0.0? I have not and the event is in the event hub and new crew in the vault.
Same here 🖖
Proud member of Patterns of Force
Captain Level 99
Played since January 2017
TP: Do better!!!