Discovery Midweek Objective Event
![[TOW] Rider](
in The Bridge
I have just seen the new midweek objective event. And I know for one, I won't be fully completing it next week.
Here is the actually break down of you must complete.
But the full beak down is:
Complete 10 Admiral Arena Battles
Complete 30 Admiral Arena Battles
Complete 60 Admiral Arena Battles
Spend 100,000 Credits
Spend 250,000 Credits
Spend 10,000,000 Credits
Spend 100 Chronitons
Spend 1,000 Chronitons
Spend 10,000 Chronitons
Spend 10 Dilithium
Spend 72 Dilithium
Spend 950 Dilithium
And you will get 4 Valor for taking part. Or a Discovery Mixed behold if you complete it.
Here is the actually break down of you must complete.
But the full beak down is:
Complete 10 Admiral Arena Battles
Complete 30 Admiral Arena Battles
Complete 60 Admiral Arena Battles
Spend 100,000 Credits
Spend 250,000 Credits
Spend 10,000,000 Credits
Spend 100 Chronitons
Spend 1,000 Chronitons
Spend 10,000 Chronitons
Spend 10 Dilithium
Spend 72 Dilithium
Spend 950 Dilithium
And you will get 4 Valor for taking part. Or a Discovery Mixed behold if you complete it.
And 60 arena battles in two days????
Whoever is working on these offers as of late is seriously OCD about trying to eliminate players currency hoards.
This is a simple “spend down your resources” objective. Thanks but no thanks. Ill take whatever i earn passively. So, thanks for the “hey heres some free stuff” objective, because the rest of it is a waste.
Advised my fleet and UC of the same.
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Captain Zombie's Combo chain calculator
It's the 60 arena in. 2 days that's crazy.
And spend 950 Dil for a pack that is nothing but a buy one get one free offer. It's an ok discount if you want to buy packs, but it's not really any kind of objective.
For me, having 10 million credits would be trumped I doing to crew retrievals. I rarely if ever have that kind of credit available for these types of things.
They have clearly prioritized an anti-hoarding approach to incentivized in-game mini events and features, which is disheartening to say the least.
Easy pass.
But, for me , I agree with the post above. haha!😆
Also, in spending 10k chon., if you are leveling someone you will be spending credits making the items to equip them. So, all in all, the cost will not be as high as first glance.
But when you use that mix behold what will you get. For these type of expenditures I would want a known crew or a citation.
10M credits? Easy. Half that will be for a Retrieval.
10k Chrons? Sitting at 7200 right now. I’ll go pick up a 2/5 Bryce and then complete this just to be cocky.
60 Arena wins? Well, I don’t really like buying arena tickets but 450 DIL gets me a behold.
950 DIL? Well, I just spent 450 DIL. Another 500 won’t kill me. There’s 490 DIL packs, Quantum purchases, etc.
Not sure I see the big deal here and I’m saying that as a low spender.
There’s not enough anti-hoarding in this game. Should I share a screen shot of my Replicator Ration collection?
I don't think I could pass any harder on an OE than this upcoming one.
Moderator of r/startrektimelines
Fleet - Inner Planets Alliance Fleet of Pubs
Captain Level - 99
Player since - May 2016
I am not certain I can meet the credit spend OE anyways. I just did a CR this morning, so won't have the quantum by next week to do another. And while I can do a bunch of replications and basic pulls, do I want to do that? Probably not.
Normally I level relevant crew as soon as I get them. Since we’re starting off with a Skirmish I can neglect that. T’Rina, Burnham, Bryce and Kovich can wait till Tuesday. I suspect it would normally cost 3-5M to level all four crew.
Not having a CR ready would make it more annoying although some Quantum speed up might help.
Ya , and Quantum speed up during the mini event would be another way of spending dil.
But, it does depend on what one pulls. For me, rather have a sure thing. Though i probably would be ok. Just not that big on Discovery crew.
One step forward(awesome collection and pack)
Two steps back (terrible OE connected to it)
Instead of just accepting the positive reaction from launching the packs they had to go and add this oe. It's like either they're clueless how players will react or they don't care how many players they will piss off.
Other than that it will be difficult.
Yes, and that is the wild card. Whether you will have a crew retrieval timed for the event.
Are you joking? A fear of missing out?
Do you believe that:
10,000,000 credits is equal to 950 dilithium?
10,000 chronitons is equal to 950 dilithium?
That its a good precedent to make objective events into glorified resource drains?
If so, then you are not getting something others are missing out on. You are getting something that others are not interested in.
I think the reason people are dissapointed by this OE Is due to the trend with the larest fbb OE and now this one, and also the critical cheoniton levels, there is simply no skill involved. They are all resource drains. Plain and simple.
And the “rewards” are debatably not exactly worth the price of admission.
FOMO, is something entirely different.
Make the reward for spending 10,000,000 credits and using 10,000 Chron. 950 dil. not the DIS pack that you could buy with 950 dil.
Now if you obtain either the 10,000,000 or 10,000 Chron. reward you can complete the 60 arena or spend 950 dil. just by completing one of those two.
This is insulting. Like Roykirk stated before me, most of my 6 freebie pulls from the Disco collection rewards were also honor. Which should tell you right there that he & I already have most of these crew immortal, as do many others. I am not even sure why @This Sisko1 likes it so much, since he has the FTMs on most of these crew, so his pulls will be dupes or honor as well. This OE is a blatant resource drain, pure and simple & it is not a good look for WRG.
I don’t see this as insulting as I’m not forced to participate, though I most likely will. I am a long term player with 1062 immortalised crew and I purchased two of the packs granting five Disco mixed beholds and got stars for ten Legendary crew, very lucky I know and I’m willing to ride my luck again. I have large hoard of Credits and Chrons and can work in most of the Dil expenditure into my general game style.
This Objective event works for me, but obviously not everyone and I think thats ok, you can never please us all given different game styles and spending habits.