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Key information about next week’s event: First Impressions - 10/12



  • Grant77Grant77 ✭✭✭✭
    SMM wrote: »
    "The information that they are able to provide is on the wiki."

    No it is not.

    Your point is wrong. Its not that I misunderstand or missed it, it is that you are wrong. Your example about Picard perfectly illustrates my point. When Locutus was introduced, and Picard and Event Character, there were posts about; is Locutus a variant of Picard?. A list of the crew in this case would have resulted the answers being known without having to trawl the post to see if Shan had addressed the issue.

    Ok, you're going to have to walk me through this because your are calling me wrong and it's not at all clear what you are talking about.

    So they say that Picard variants are bonus in this hypothetical event. I go to the wiki and locate this page in 5 seconds.


    These are the event characters. What exactly do you think I am missing or wrong about?

  • Grant77Grant77 ✭✭✭✭
    Tachyonuk wrote: »
    You're the one that is wrong Mr. Irrelevant. If you go to any Picard crew member on the wiki and scroll to the bottom it will show you all of the crew members that are considered Picard variants.

    However if you do that for Bashir you will not find Changeling listed, although as I have only recently discovered DB do count him as Bonus crew when a Bashir is featured.

    That's correct, but augments are a bonus in this event, not Bashirs.

    You'll notice that he isn't listed on this page. The great people at the wiki usually have you covered.

  • Data1001Data1001 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Tachyonuk wrote: »
    You're the one that is wrong Mr. Irrelevant. If you go to any Picard crew member on the wiki and scroll to the bottom it will show you all of the crew members that are considered Picard variants.

    However if you do that for Bashir you will not find Changeling listed, although as I have only recently discovered DB do count him as Bonus crew when a Bashir is featured.

    Hmm, I didn't realize he counted as a Bashir variant.

    He is definitely not counted as an Augment, though.

    Speaking of Changelings -- and this is a little off-topic, so excuse me while I go off on a tangent -- I really wish they'd merge the "changeling" and "shapeshifter" traits into one. Currently, Trader Odo is the only Odo variant with the "shapeshifter" trait, but he also has the "changeling" trait. I realize "Changeling" is used as another name for the race also known as the Founders -- but by my reasoning, if a character can alter their shape, they are a shapeshifter. I just think it would be nice if they simplified that within the game, instead of having two different traits. (Or, give all Odo/Founder/Changeling variants the "shapeshifter" trait, as well.)

    Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
    ~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
  • The reason Shan cant provided the information is because she doesn't know yet so if you are gonna get on anybody's case, get on the writers. I really think it is wrong to be giving heck to Shan when she is doing the best she can given that the writers are being so secretive.
  • TachyonukTachyonuk ✭✭
    edited October 2017
    Grant77 wrote: »
    Tachyonuk wrote: »
    You're the one that is wrong Mr. Irrelevant. If you go to any Picard crew member on the wiki and scroll to the bottom it will show you all of the crew members that are considered Picard variants.

    However if you do that for Bashir you will not find Changeling listed, although as I have only recently discovered DB do count him as Bonus crew when a Bashir is featured.

    That's correct, but augments are a bonus in this event, not Bashirs.

    You'll notice that he isn't listed on this page. The great people at the wiki usually have you covered.


    I didn't think Picards were a bonus either....
    (see the post I was replying to - a general point was being made)
    And I believe Discovery crew are a bonus - where is the listing for that on the wiki?
  • SMMSMM ✭✭✭
    You're the one that is wrong Mr. Irrelevant. If you go to any Picard crew member on the wiki and scroll to the bottom it will show you all of the crew members that are considered Picard variants.

    I have not been derogatory to anyone. Why such hostility? Perhaps it is an inability to present reasoned argument.

    As has been repeated now many times the wiki is not maintained by DB and therefore may contain errors. Is this so difficult to understand?

    At the time was the information available? Perhaps. Why all the posts asking if Locutus is included? For all the people that, for what ever reason, wasn't aware of wiki, didn't or couldn't refer to wiki, which may in addition be wrong, a listing the crew members would have prevented the confusion and saved time both for players and for Shan.

  • SMMSMM ✭✭✭
    The reason Shan cant provided the information is because she doesn't know yet so if you are gonna get on anybody's case, get on the writers. I really think it is wrong to be giving heck to Shan when she is doing the best she can given that the writers are being so secretive.

    She does know. Augment crew. If she doesn't she should.
  • SMMSMM ✭✭✭
    Data1001 wrote: »
    Tachyonuk wrote: »
    You're the one that is wrong Mr. Irrelevant. If you go to any Picard crew member on the wiki and scroll to the bottom it will show you all of the crew members that are considered Picard variants.

    However if you do that for Bashir you will not find Changeling listed, although as I have only recently discovered DB do count him as Bonus crew when a Bashir is featured.

    Hmm, I didn't realize he counted as a Bashir variant.

    He is definitely not counted as an Augment, though.

    Speaking of Changelings -- and this is a little off-topic, so excuse me while I go off on a tangent -- I really wish they'd merge the "changeling" and "shapeshifter" traits into one. Currently, Trader Odo is the only Odo variant with the "shapeshifter" trait, but he also has the "changeling" trait. I realize "Changeling" is used as another name for the race also known as the Founders -- but by my reasoning, if a character can alter their shape, they are a shapeshifter. I just think it would be nice if they simplified that within the game, instead of having two different traits. (Or, give all Odo/Founder/Changeling variants the "shapeshifter" trait, as well.)

    Another good example. If all shapeshifters were event crew, are all changelings thereby regarded. List the crew and there is no debate.
  • SMM wrote: »
    The wiki is an excellent resource. It is updated by people who do not have first hand access to all the information and therefore it can't provide all the answers.

    Grant, I'm not sure how you have inferred that I have said that the wiki is not updated. This is ridiculous. Of course it is updated. I have updated elements of it.

    It is not completely accurate and never will be. It does not answer all the questions that a list of event crew would answer. It does not outline who are and who are not event crew. Examples of issues outlined above.

    If the wiki has provided all the information that you have ever need then that is great. For the rest it does not. I refer to all the unnecessary posts, examples provided above. For the rest of us a list of crew members would be great.

    Actually the wiki does list all the event and bonus crew for each event as the event starts. I agree that same info provided in advance would be very helpful
  • SMMSMM ✭✭✭
    I have the greatest respect for Shan. She does a magnificent job.

    I am merely asking her why she does not list the crew when it seems to me that it is such an easy thing to do. Perhaps she cannot answer because it involves criticising management for not providing her with the tools to do the job. Perhaps there are DB policies that prevent her. If the event crew were listed others can, in addition, go and examine wiki if they want. Some might identify mistakes in wiki and correct them.
  • SMMSMM ✭✭✭

    Actually the wiki does list all the event and bonus crew for each event as the event starts. I agree that same info provided in advance would be very helpful.

    That's good to know. The one for the current event is below.


  • JacenWolffeJacenWolffe ✭✭
    edited October 2017
    What I don't get is why y'all act like you need all the information right this second and if we don't get it DB (or, usually in these cases, Shan) is doing the worst job ever. Would you also like to know every single line of dialogue in advance? You're demanding information for an event more than a week (at time of initial posting) in advance. Either try to have some patience or do some legwork.

    Also Changeling Bashir doesn't count because Changeling comes first. He was NOT actually Bashir and therefore does not share all of his traits. The whole reason he counts as bonus crew for when a Bashir is the event crew is entirely because of the mistake in identity but that doesn't mean he should also count as Augment.
    "If you want level-headed answers to help you fit into polite society I'm not really the right person..." -CMDR Shepard
    "When the people around you are all one way and you're not, you can't help feeling like there's something wrong with you." -B'Elanna Torres
    "Simulations can't prepare you for the real thing. Nothing can." -Dr. Julian Bashir
    "There's no room in justice for loyalty, or friendship, or love. Justice, as the Humans like to say, is blind. I used to believe that. I'm not sure I can anymore." -Odo
    "Sleep, there's no such thing. It's just an old space tale like Sparkle dancers or Klingons with a heart of gold. " -Montgomery Scott
    "Heghlu'meH QaQ jajvam"? No, "Ib'tuur jatne tuur ash'ad kyr'amur."
  • 12345678 of 12345678912345678 of 123456789 ✭✭✭✭
    edited October 2017
    Data1001 wrote: »
    Speaking of Changelings -- and this is a little off-topic, so excuse me while I go off on a tangent -- I really wish they'd merge the "changeling" and "shapeshifter" traits into one. Currently, Trader Odo is the only Odo variant with the "shapeshifter" trait, but he also has the "changeling" trait. I realize "Changeling" is used as another name for the race also known as the Founders -- but by my reasoning, if a character can alter their shape, they are a shapeshifter. I just think it would be nice if they simplified that within the game, instead of having two different traits. (Or, give all Odo/Founder/Changeling variants the "shapeshifter" trait, as well.)

    Currently Trader Odo is the only "Changeling" who has Shapeshifter period, so it's probably a "mistake" he got it in the first place.

    Meanwhile M113 Creature and The Keeper both have Shapeshifter, though I'm pretty sure it was telepathic manipulation in both instances.
  • Lady GaghgaghLady Gaghgagh ✭✭✭✭✭
    What I don't get is why y'all act like you need all the information right this second and if we don't get it DB (or, usually in these cases, Shan) is doing the worst job ever. Would you also like to know every single line of dialogue in advance? You're demanding information for an event more than a week (at time of initial posting) in advance. Either try to have some patience or do some legwork.

    The reason people on here want to know is because then they can prep any bonus crew they need.
    But here's the thing about that, any players not on this forum, don't get this info. So honestly we here are very privileged to be getting it at all and we should take a step back and realize how good we have it. Sometimes, the info just isn't going to be here by time we want it. Shan nor any of the mods are under any obligation to provide us any info about events before the event note rollout on Wednesdays.

    So buck up people, let's be adult about this and not over-entitled.
    Admiral of the Haus of GaghGagh, Starbase level 94, we are not accepting members at this time.
    Captain of the voyage vessels: Queen of Bashir, Landsknecht, and Sunspear, the first luxury starship cruiseliners.
    Amenities include wifi, fully-functioning holodecks, a full-service bar, 3 party decks, a Trill spa, and a business centre.
    Fun fact: The ships are propelled by bouncy castle technology.
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Agreed. The way things go sometimes I wouldn't blame them for just shutting the forum down. Whoever wants to act like this game is the worst run thing ever yet still play it can make their own forum and they can all get together and complain to themselves. And you're right on with your thread that got closed Jesus Is Lord. Complaining about Shan is like complaining to the cashier at the gas station about gas prices. She remains remarkably civil under fire and I commend her. If Shan were a crew member in the game she would have the highest diplomacy stat.
  • Grant77Grant77 ✭✭✭✭
    Tachyonuk wrote: »
    Grant77 wrote: »
    Tachyonuk wrote: »
    You're the one that is wrong Mr. Irrelevant. If you go to any Picard crew member on the wiki and scroll to the bottom it will show you all of the crew members that are considered Picard variants.

    However if you do that for Bashir you will not find Changeling listed, although as I have only recently discovered DB do count him as Bonus crew when a Bashir is featured.

    That's correct, but augments are a bonus in this event, not Bashirs.

    You'll notice that he isn't listed on this page. The great people at the wiki usually have you covered.


    I didn't think Picards were a bonus either....
    (see the post I was replying to - a general point was being made)
    And I believe Discovery crew are a bonus - where is the listing for that on the wiki?

    Do you really need someone to tell you the names of 4 crew? The event just started.
  • ~peregrine~~peregrine~ ✭✭✭✭✭
    Agreed. The way things go sometimes I wouldn't blame them for just shutting the forum down. Whoever wants to act like this game is the worst run thing ever yet still play it can make their own forum and they can all get together and complain to themselves. And you're right on with your thread that got closed Jesus Is Lord. Complaining about Shan is like complaining to the cashier at the gas station about gas prices. She remains remarkably civil under fire and I commend her. If Shan were a crew member in the game she would have the highest diplomacy stat.

    I couldna agree more, Cap’n.

    Shan, thank you for your efforts.
    "In the short run, the game defines the players. But in the long run, it's us players who define the game." — Nicky Case, The Evolution of Trust
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    What I don't get is why y'all act like you need all the information right this second and if we don't get it DB (or, usually in these cases, Shan) is doing the worst job ever. Would you also like to know every single line of dialogue in advance? You're demanding information for an event more than a week (at time of initial posting) in advance. Either try to have some patience or do some legwork.

    The reason people on here want to know is because then they can prep any bonus crew they need.
    But here's the thing about that, any players not on this forum, don't get this info. So honestly we here are very privileged to be getting it at all and we should take a step back and realize how good we have it. Sometimes, the info just isn't going to be here by time we want it. Shan nor any of the mods are under any obligation to provide us any info about events before the event note rollout on Wednesdays.

    So buck up people, let's be adult about this and not over-entitled.

    Adult about it, lol.

    DB agreed almost exactly a year ago to provide this information for every even. If they do not give as much as they can, they reneg on that agreement. Now CBS clouds things, but what it took to find out it was the Augments should not have been necessary.

    Also, anyone can come to the forums. Not coming to the forums is like not seeing if there is a wiki or a help file. They are not only not hidden THEY ARE LISTED IN THE EVENT NOTES THAT ARE EMAILED IN GAME. So anyone who doesn't come here, either doesn't care to, or isn't paying attention.
  • Exactly, as much as they can. And if a couple of chars are missed as being event crew, accident or otherwise, that does not entitle anyone to be jumping down virtual throats. Gods forbid one version of Bashir gets missed, or a Picard is forgotten. Especially when in actuality we used to only get "any version of [char]" rather than each version listed.

    Also it doesn't really matter about how many people know of the existence of the forums or who checks it. This doesn't factor in to realizing that gaining information a week in advance is like getting a syllabus. You won't learn everything that will be covered in the later part of the semester, but you'll get the broad strokes.
    "If you want level-headed answers to help you fit into polite society I'm not really the right person..." -CMDR Shepard
    "When the people around you are all one way and you're not, you can't help feeling like there's something wrong with you." -B'Elanna Torres
    "Simulations can't prepare you for the real thing. Nothing can." -Dr. Julian Bashir
    "There's no room in justice for loyalty, or friendship, or love. Justice, as the Humans like to say, is blind. I used to believe that. I'm not sure I can anymore." -Odo
    "Sleep, there's no such thing. It's just an old space tale like Sparkle dancers or Klingons with a heart of gold. " -Montgomery Scott
    "Heghlu'meH QaQ jajvam"? No, "Ib'tuur jatne tuur ash'ad kyr'amur."
  • WaldoMagWaldoMag ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited October 2017
    There are many reasons for early info on event crew. Some problems came when Facebook had the info and not the forums. I would guess the opposite happened too. DB has made a commitment to us to try to give us info on all formats at the same time usually about a week in advance.

    One of the reasons for the early info has not been mentioned, that is, getting crew out of stasis. A solution to this would be to eliminate an increase in cost. DB could on late notice just allow us unlimited crew removal from stasis at a flat fee of 150 merits.

    I am guessing that in the upcoming event there may not be a whole lot of existing crew other than augments. So therefore we will not have a need to remove some other yet comunicated crew from stasis. We already know that augments need to be pulled out. However, since augment Picard exists, if we are going by the theory there will a previous series captain, I would have to guess Picard.
  • What I don't get is why y'all act like you need all the information right this second and if we don't get it DB (or, usually in these cases, Shan) is doing the worst job ever. Would you also like to know every single line of dialogue in advance? You're demanding information for an event more than a week (at time of initial posting) in advance. Either try to have some patience or do some legwork.

    But here's the thing about that, any players not on this forum, don't get this info. So honestly we here are very privileged to be getting it at all and we should take a step back and realize how good we have it.

    I see it like, all players who care enough can read the info here. It is much the same like, when there are in-game mails and players don't care to read them. It is entirely their fault. All information are freely accessible by everyone. So I don't see it as a privilege nor do we have any advantages over the "other" player. So this isn't really an excuse why the standard (set by DB) is not met everytime.

    Although I might understand why it isn't possibly met this time, it wasn't communicated well, that there would be a delay or why. So from that I can understand the players who ask for the infos. I don't think they are therefore less adults.

    This kind of feedback (especially the quantity) is important for DB, so they have a measure how much people care. Imagine there wouldn't be any feedback, they could happen to think that we don't care and thus they won't provide them anymore. :hushed:
  • I commend DB for one of the most efficient brainwashing i have seen in years!

    So, we gave them our money, but we should feel priveleged that they do something minimal in return? Are you hearing yourselves?

    Regarding Shan, yes...she's in a tight spot and I agree she is trying to do the best within DB's guideline. But, let's not forget she is at the same time cashing a pay-check....and where is that coming from?
  • TachyonukTachyonuk ✭✭
    edited October 2017
    Grant77 wrote: »
    Tachyonuk wrote: »
    Grant77 wrote: »
    Tachyonuk wrote: »
    You're the one that is wrong Mr. Irrelevant. If you go to any Picard crew member on the wiki and scroll to the bottom it will show you all of the crew members that are considered Picard variants.

    However if you do that for Bashir you will not find Changeling listed, although as I have only recently discovered DB do count him as Bonus crew when a Bashir is featured.

    That's correct, but augments are a bonus in this event, not Bashirs.

    You'll notice that he isn't listed on this page. The great people at the wiki usually have you covered.


    I didn't think Picards were a bonus either....
    (see the post I was replying to - a general point was being made)
    And I believe Discovery crew are a bonus - where is the listing for that on the wiki?

    Do you really need someone to tell you the names of 4 crew? The event just started.

    Arguably it's 3 (Georgiou's from the Shenzou, not the Discovery) Sure, DB probably mean the show, not the ship, but ambiguities like that prove the OP's point.
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I commend DB for one of the most efficient brainwashing i have seen in years!

    So, we gave them our money, but we should feel priveleged that they do something minimal in return? Are you hearing yourselves?

    Regarding Shan, yes...she's in a tight spot and I agree she is trying to do the best within DB's guideline. But, let's not forget she is at the same time cashing a pay-check....and where is that coming from?

    And of course here you come with THE GAME **tsk tsk**! LIFE **tsk tsk**! EVERYONE IS STUPID BUT ME! Dude, stop playing the game already if everything about it is so awful. And stop trying to tell all of us how dumb we are.

  • SMMSMM ✭✭✭
    "Bonus crew: The featured event crew + T'Kuvma will provide the best bonuses, but all versions of event crew + non featured Discovery crew and Augments crew will provide some."

    Can someone please tell me where there is a list of existing 'Discovery crew' on wiki? Or can someone post a list.

  • Jim SteeleJim Steele ✭✭✭✭✭
    SMM wrote: »
    "Bonus crew: The featured event crew + T'Kuvma will provide the best bonuses, but all versions of event crew + non featured Discovery crew and Augments crew will provide some."

    Can someone please tell me where there is a list of existing 'Discovery crew' on wiki? Or can someone post a list.
    Saru (2* version), Lt. Commander Saru (4* Version), Lt. Commander Burnham (5*) and Cpt. Georgio (5*).

    DB: Do Better
  • DralixDralix ✭✭✭✭✭
    SMM wrote: »
    "Bonus crew: The featured event crew + T'Kuvma will provide the best bonuses, but all versions of event crew + non featured Discovery crew and Augments crew will provide some."

    Can someone please tell me where there is a list of existing 'Discovery crew' on wiki? Or can someone post a list.

    Took about 5 seconds to find it.

  • Jim SteeleJim Steele ✭✭✭✭✭
    So when are the crew going to be released then....? I'm bored of this week, already waiting for next week.
    DB: Do Better
  • AviTrekAviTrek ✭✭✭✭✭
    Prediction. With Augment crew getting a bonus and dealing with Klingons who look differently, Antaak will be a featured crew in the event.
  • search for Worf does not show Duchamps nor search for Picard show Galen. Many others too. Unless they have that name as part of their name, they do not show up.

    I love the idea of having "Bonus" show up for all getting the bonus and it would make searching much easier but I doubt DB wants to do that much coding. So either we have to put up with lots of questions each time bonus characters are announced, DB has to include the "main" character name on all characters named something else or they do the bonus thing.
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