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Key information about next week’s event: First Impressions - 10/12



  • I commend DB for one of the most efficient brainwashing i have seen in years!

    So, we gave them our money, but we should feel priveleged that they do something minimal in return? Are you hearing yourselves?

    Regarding Shan, yes...she's in a tight spot and I agree she is trying to do the best within DB's guideline. But, let's not forget she is at the same time cashing a pay-check....and where is that coming from?

    And of course here you come with THE GAME **tsk tsk**! LIFE **tsk tsk**! EVERYONE IS STUPID BUT ME! Dude, stop playing the game already if everything about it is so awful. And stop trying to tell all of us how dumb we are.

    I assume that when you get cable, and it's your fav cable company, you are ok with the brakes in transmission...when they advertise a movie next weekend and play another movie in its stead...when the subtitles are missing...when the dubbing is in another language...when the image is fuzzy.

    You just sit there and keep paying without saying a bad word about them!
  • DralixDralix ✭✭✭✭✭
    I assume that when you get cable, and it's your fav cable company, you are ok with the brakes in transmission...when they advertise a movie next weekend and play another movie in its stead...when the subtitles are missing...when the dubbing is in another language...when the image is fuzzy.

    You just sit there and keep paying without saying a bad word about them!

    If my cable service was like that, it would not be my favorite cable company. It would be my former cable company. I would cancel my service and find service elsewhere.
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Dralix wrote: »
    I assume that when you get cable, and it's your fav cable company, you are ok with the brakes in transmission...when they advertise a movie next weekend and play another movie in its stead...when the subtitles are missing...when the dubbing is in another language...when the image is fuzzy.

    You just sit there and keep paying without saying a bad word about them!

    If my cable service was like that, it would not be my favorite cable company. It would be my former cable company. I would cancel my service and find service elsewhere.

    Right? I wouldn't keep them as a cable company then go on their forum everyday and talk about how bad they are.

  • That right there is called a lie! But hypocrisy is inherent on the internet.
    I never said the game is bad...but it does have it's flaws, like everything.
    I yell, and scream and **tsk tsk**...but guys like me actually improve the game.
    While you are the guys that change nothing.
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Yes I'm sure you have single-handedly brought us Voyages and Saturday cadet challenges and much more because you present things in such an awesome way that people that make this game want to get stuff done, just for you. And it's not a lie. All that comes out of your posts is this is bad, that **tsk tsk**, you people are stupid for this and that. If you don't think the game is bad then please, tell us something you like about the game cuz we haven't heard one thing positive from you. Just one thing you like about this game and no if's, and's, or but's. I know you are busy complaining to try and save us all from this awful game but take a break from that just this once and grace us with why you still play.
  • In defense of Shan, there is no obligation for her to post anything about upcoming events. She did that as a courtesy in my opinion. She doesn't have to post anything and let the advertisement speak for itself when the event countdown begins. I thank her and hope that she till gives us the courtesy in future events that will give us players more time to prepare for it, but if not, thank you for doing it in the past.
  • DralixDralix ✭✭✭✭✭
    gandozer wrote: »
    In defense of Shan, there is no obligation for her to post anything about upcoming events. She did that as a courtesy in my opinion. She doesn't have to post anything and let the advertisement speak for itself when the event countdown begins.

    I won't trot out the word promise, which I think is entirely overused these days, but there was an announcement that event information will be posted on Wednesday the week before the event.

    However, while we don't have all the facts, it's abundantly clear that this mega event being tied to first run broadcasts of Discovery means that the rules are different. Once Discovery month is done, we should expect event announcements to return to normal.

  • At this point, it's not even "next week's event" -- it's the event with packs going on sale tomorrow. I think it's reasonable to expect details will be coming today. If that's not the case, then Shan should update us.
    Proud Former Admiral of eXodus
    Proud Former Officer of The Gluten Empire

    Retired 12-14-20. So long, and thanks for all the cat pics!
  • RennJaxoRennJaxo ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited October 2017
    Can't wait to get next week's event info tomorrow! Also this week's event info.
  • Shan wrote: »
    I have a bit more information and should have more later on: Marla McGivers will be event crew.
    I will update the post regarding the event.

    @all please, please just stay chill and let's stop with the bickering.
    Agree to disagree and move on.

    Thanks for the update!
  • RennJaxoRennJaxo ✭✭✭✭✭
    ...Marla McGivers? *collar tug*
  • Why the delay for Marla McGivers? I'm not understanding that - that's a character people could have been leveling, along with Janeway from last week.
  • edited October 2017
    What about Kkkkkhhhhaaaannnn? When will he get his rerun? Please
  • ReginoldJuddReginoldJudd ✭✭✭
    edited October 2017
    Cappy wrote: »
    Why the delay for Marla McGivers? I'm not understanding that - that's a character people could have been leveling, along with Janeway from last week.

    She's the best purple diplomacy in the game. She should be leveled already.
  • Shan wrote: »
    I have a bit more information and should have more later on: Marla McGivers will be event crew.
    I will update the post regarding the event.

    @all please, please just stay chill and let's stop with the bickering.
    Agree to disagree and move on.

    Will T'Kuvma be fixed for the next event?

    As a side note, asking everyone to stay chill having been the main cause of the disagreements is a little unfair methinks. Better to answer the posts you can and allow us to move on happy. No, not happy, just a little more contented with this situation.
    ~|~|~ Rise of the Phoenix member ~|~|~

    Captain level 50, approaching 100 immortals

    All you need to know about Disruptor Beam
  • Cappy wrote: »
    Why the delay for Marla McGivers? I'm not understanding that - that's a character people could have been leveling, along with Janeway from last week.

    She's the best purple diplomacy in the game. She should be leveled already.

    Big assumption. I don't have her FF'd so it hasn't been a priority.

    I think you're missing the gist though - McGivers could have been announced already. Discovery is not warping into Timelines, it's limping.
  • RennJaxoRennJaxo ✭✭✭✭✭
    Also, presumably the Discovery members are going to be never-before-seen crew, so it seems kind of odd to pick someone with zero variants as the existing crew member.
  • Actually, Ambassador K'Ehleyr is the best purple diplomacy in game, not McGivers... Considering how much incense Marla eats, it's reasonable that folks may not have leveled her.
    Proud Former Admiral of eXodus
    Proud Former Officer of The Gluten Empire

    Retired 12-14-20. So long, and thanks for all the cat pics!
  • Considering how much incense Marla eats, it's reasonable that folks may not have leveled her.

    Or ever have seen her. OK, I'm only lvl 46, but I've never seen her. I'd know, as I am yet to discard any 4* crew that isn't FF.
    ~|~|~ Rise of the Phoenix member ~|~|~

    Captain level 50, approaching 100 immortals

    All you need to know about Disruptor Beam
  • I really think DB needs to hold back on the mega events until they get it together. It is clear that they cannot handle running something like this with the resources they have.
  • She was an event character from 5 or 6 months ago. But it was galaxy, so I'm guessing I only have her due to the community award. Thanks, community!
  • She was event crew in Ship of Memory, which was a galaxy event in early June.

    And, no, she doesn't have the Augment trait.
    Proud Former Admiral of eXodus
    Proud Former Officer of The Gluten Empire

    Retired 12-14-20. So long, and thanks for all the cat pics!
  • For those who don't remember the story, Marla was the woman who fell in love with Khan and helped him take over Enterprise (and helped Kirk take it back...). It makes perfect sense for her to be in an Augment-related event.
  • I airlocked a dozen McGivers during that event. She does have very good Dip skills for a 4*. Thanks for the update Shan. I'm still not happy about T'Kuvma being nerfed for the Galaxy phase. My attempt to start a new discussion on that matter was shut down.

    Are we going to update the packs?
  • Grant77Grant77 ✭✭✭✭
    search for Worf does not show Duchamps nor search for Picard show Galen. Many others too. Unless they have that name as part of their name, they do not show up.

    I love the idea of having "Bonus" show up for all getting the bonus and it would make searching much easier but I doubt DB wants to do that much coding. So either we have to put up with lots of questions each time bonus characters are announced, DB has to include the "main" character name on all characters named something else or they do the bonus thing.

  • kobakoba ✭✭✭
    Have you seen the last Discovery episode?

    I believe we are waiting to confirm Elon Musk as new legendary character for next event. Dont you think?

    Leader of the Czechoslovak Fleet (Starbase level 134). We are recruiting!

    My Cryostasis Vault
  • Yes I'm sure you have single-handedly brought us Voyages and Saturday cadet challenges and much more because you present things in such an awesome way that people that make this game want to get stuff done, just for you. And it's not a lie. All that comes out of your posts is this is bad, that **tsk tsk**, you people are stupid for this and that. If you don't think the game is bad then please, tell us something you like about the game cuz we haven't heard one thing positive from you. Just one thing you like about this game and no if's, and's, or but's. I know you are busy complaining to try and save us all from this awful game but take a break from that just this once and grace us with why you still play.

    See...that's the thing...by being a VIP 13...very close to 14....by never paying for games until STT, i think that pretty much says enough, especially for DB, regarding how much i like this game.

    I am very vocal about it's flaws, because i actually think that it can be much more than it is. And because i like FAIR games.

    And btw, i never said i was the one who changed things...i said i was one of many. But it's not surprising that instead of coming up with a real argument, you invent one!

    I don't have to tell you what i like about this game...cause...i don't. I tell DB, they matter ;)

    And, finally, if you and other people like you keep saying "you don't like it, go away", why do you complain that i react?
  • Marla McGivers? I'm really relieved that Khans Eva Braun is back as event crew - that centerpiece of TOS hasn't been event crew for over 4 months now, unbelievable. On the other hand you have this one-off character Archer who seems to be event crew every other week. Glad we finally take a break from him.
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Yes I'm sure you have single-handedly brought us Voyages and Saturday cadet challenges and much more because you present things in such an awesome way that people that make this game want to get stuff done, just for you. And it's not a lie. All that comes out of your posts is this is bad, that **tsk tsk**, you people are stupid for this and that. If you don't think the game is bad then please, tell us something you like about the game cuz we haven't heard one thing positive from you. Just one thing you like about this game and no if's, and's, or but's. I know you are busy complaining to try and save us all from this awful game but take a break from that just this once and grace us with why you still play.

    See...that's the thing...by being a VIP 13...very close to 14....by never paying for games until STT, i think that pretty much says enough, especially for DB, regarding how much i like this game.

    I am very vocal about it's flaws, because i actually think that it can be much more than it is. And because i like FAIR games.

    And btw, i never said i was the one who changed things...i said i was one of many. But it's not surprising that instead of coming up with a real argument, you invent one!

    I don't have to tell you what i like about this game...cause...i don't. I tell DB, they matter ;)

    And, finally, if you and other people like you keep saying "you don't like it, go away", why do you complain that i react?

    My point was you can come here with something positive for once. We come here to obtain and exchange info, tips, advice. It's your presentation that needs work. Don't feel entitled because of your VIP. I'm 14+14+13. Being VIP 13 shouldn't make you feel like you are entitled to come here like Godzilla stomping on over Tokyo. Come here with a shred of diplomacy and decency in your words.

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