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Key information about next week’s event: First Impressions - 10/12



  • ~peregrine~~peregrine~ ✭✭✭✭✭
    AviTrek wrote: »
    Prediction. With Augment crew getting a bonus and dealing with Klingons who look differently, Antaak will be a featured crew in the event.

    I wondered why Antaak appeared in the Faction Centers this week for the first time that I can recall (January 2017). I would be happy with him, McGivers & one of the Discovery characters.

    :: twiddles thumbs waiting ::
    "In the short run, the game defines the players. But in the long run, it's us players who define the game." — Nicky Case, The Evolution of Trust
  • Marla McGivers? I'm really relieved that Khans Eva Braun is back as event crew - that centerpiece of TOS hasn't been event crew for over 4 months now, unbelievable. On the other hand you have this one-off character Archer who seems to be event crew every other week. Glad we finally take a break from him.

    McGivers rehashed is utterly underwhelming in what is supposed to be a Discovery mega event. Now we have two events for her one off character to repeat in.

    I wonder if Captain Archer was supposed to be an event character since he was featured in the “story.” At least they didn’t blow him up or make him go missing this time.
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    Marla McGivers? I'm really relieved that Khans Eva Braun is back as event crew - that centerpiece of TOS hasn't been event crew for over 4 months now, unbelievable. On the other hand you have this one-off character Archer who seems to be event crew every other week. Glad we finally take a break from him.

    I was hoping for Young Khan, but I'm ok with it being MM. It means her + other existing augments = more bonus and event crew. Personally I kept her and leveled her up, but I can see folks not wanting her around and giving her the heave ho That's the risk you run with airlocking. I've been burnt before. I used to drop all Enterprise folks and ended up losing out on someone I really wanted because my bonus crew wasn't solid enough in an event.

    I feel for the FTP folks who did probably drop her though.
  • From reading between the lines in some of Shan's posts (about hotfixes being required for T'Kuvma and spaghetti code related to similar, now deleted, probably for containing said info) it's more a case of DB looking through "event crew" (that is to say, any crew card that has been used for events and, as such, has the necessary coding) and picking one they haven't used too recently, but also worked without bugs.

    It'd be nice for there to be more crew to choose from, but with the coding constraints we're stuck with what's available. We certainly don't need more bugged crew causing more CS tickets and increasing the current CS wait time from >2 weeks to >2 years!!

    (And I don't own any McGivers!)
    ~|~|~ Rise of the Phoenix member ~|~|~

    Captain level 50, approaching 100 immortals

    All you need to know about Disruptor Beam
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    Marla McGivers? I'm really relieved that Khans Eva Braun is back as event crew - that centerpiece of TOS hasn't been event crew for over 4 months now, unbelievable. On the other hand you have this one-off character Archer who seems to be event crew every other week. Glad we finally take a break from him.

    I was hoping for Young Khan, but I'm ok with it being MM. It means her + other existing augments = more bonus and event crew. Personally I kept her and leveled her up, but I can see folks not wanting her around and giving her the heave ho That's the risk you run with airlocking. I've been burnt before. I used to drop all Enterprise folks and ended up losing out on someone I really wanted because my bonus crew wasn't solid enough in an event.

    I feel for the FTP folks who did probably drop her though.

  • Yes I'm sure you have single-handedly brought us Voyages and Saturday cadet challenges and much more because you present things in such an awesome way that people that make this game want to get stuff done, just for you. And it's not a lie. All that comes out of your posts is this is bad, that **tsk tsk**, you people are stupid for this and that. If you don't think the game is bad then please, tell us something you like about the game cuz we haven't heard one thing positive from you. Just one thing you like about this game and no if's, and's, or but's. I know you are busy complaining to try and save us all from this awful game but take a break from that just this once and grace us with why you still play.

    See...that's the thing...by being a VIP 13...very close to 14....by never paying for games until STT, i think that pretty much says enough, especially for DB, regarding how much i like this game.

    I am very vocal about it's flaws, because i actually think that it can be much more than it is. And because i like FAIR games.

    And btw, i never said i was the one who changed things...i said i was one of many. But it's not surprising that instead of coming up with a real argument, you invent one!

    I don't have to tell you what i like about this game...cause...i don't. I tell DB, they matter ;)

    And, finally, if you and other people like you keep saying "you don't like it, go away", why do you complain that i react?

    My point was you can come here with something positive for once. We come here to obtain and exchange info, tips, advice. It's your presentation that needs work. Don't feel entitled because of your VIP. I'm 14+14+13. Being VIP 13 shouldn't make you feel like you are entitled to come here like Godzilla stomping on over Tokyo. Come here with a shred of diplomacy and decency in your words.

    1. when i have advice or tips to give, i do give them
    2. i am entitled to point out flaws to DB, especially since i am a paying customer!
    3. why do you feel the urge to act as DB's advocate? I think they got those on payroll already, and when i'm out of line, Shan never had any problems showing it and i had no issues with that. So...why do you feel the need to tell me how to act? Why do you feel the need to tell me to either shut up or stop playing? (btw, that's entitlement)
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    At this point, it's not even "next week's event" -- it's the event with packs going on sale tomorrow. I think it's reasonable to expect details will be coming today. If that's not the case, then Shan should update us.

    True, its almost time to start the pitchforks for next week thread, lol.
    (ok a lil tongue in cheek...)
  • Pallidyne wrote: »
    (ok a lil tongue in cheek...)

    But only a little, right? :*
    ~|~|~ Rise of the Phoenix member ~|~|~

    Captain level 50, approaching 100 immortals

    All you need to know about Disruptor Beam
  • Marla McGivers is a bit odd of a choice for event crew despite being related to the Augments thanks to Khan. If we are going down the route of one of the two 4* crew being already in existence, it would have made more sense to use someone like Young Khan or even Augment Riker. Even some form of Kirk would have made sense since he was involved with the most notorious group of Augments out there and it would follow in the footsteps of a main Captain as event crew.
    Marla McGivers? I'm really relieved that Khans Eva Braun is back as event crew - that centerpiece of TOS hasn't been event crew for over 4 months now, unbelievable. On the other hand you have this one-off character Archer who seems to be event crew every other week. Glad we finally take a break from him.

    Captain! I am detecting large quantities of sarcasm over in this sector! :p
    There are three ways to do something; the right way, the wrong way, and the Janeway.

    DB: Do Better.

    Member of Starship Trista
  • Captain! I am detecting large quantities of sarcasm over in this sector! :p

    I was desperately searching for a funny way to appreciate Laura's sarcasm. I couldn't, but you have. Thanks :/ (yeah, those thanks are sarcastic too)
    ~|~|~ Rise of the Phoenix member ~|~|~

    Captain level 50, approaching 100 immortals

    All you need to know about Disruptor Beam
  • Lol, I just sent Marla to the freezer 30 mins ago.
  • Lol, I just sent Marla to the freezer 30 mins ago.
  • Data1001Data1001 ✭✭✭✭✭
    My point was you can come here with something positive for once. We come here to obtain and exchange info, tips, advice. It's your presentation that needs work. Don't feel entitled because of your VIP. I'm 14+14+13. Being VIP 13 shouldn't make you feel like you are entitled to come here like Godzilla stomping on over Tokyo. Come here with a shred of diplomacy and decency in your words.

    You're wasting your breath, EWB -- nothing will appease this one, not even reason. People like him are why the "ignore" feature was created.


    Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
    ~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
  • Yes...i lack reason, like "stop saying things i do not like...i feel offended by your negativity"....oh...wait...that's you :))
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Data1001 wrote: »
    My point was you can come here with something positive for once. We come here to obtain and exchange info, tips, advice. It's your presentation that needs work. Don't feel entitled because of your VIP. I'm 14+14+13. Being VIP 13 shouldn't make you feel like you are entitled to come here like Godzilla stomping on over Tokyo. Come here with a shred of diplomacy and decency in your words.

    You're wasting your breath, EWB -- nothing will appease this one, not even reason. People like him are why the "ignore" feature was created.


    Yeah I know but I felt someone finally had to tell him off. He is the forum equivalent of the great T'Kuvma. We should feel privileged by his mere presence. Still couldn't find it within himself to utter a positive word but I suppose that honor is only bestowed on the truly enlightened, not such simple creatures as us.

  • @Shan_DB updating the banned/closed thread with event details is counterproductive. Most people ignore closed threads.
    Please delete that thread and create a new one with the event details.
  • MordackMordack ✭✭✭
    Cappy wrote: »
    Why the delay for Marla McGivers? I'm not understanding that - that's a character people could have been leveling, along with Janeway from last week.

    She's the best purple diplomacy in the game. She should be leveled already.

    I don't know how fair it is to say that people 'should' have certain characters levelled, as different players have different priorities and choose which crew to level for different reasons. I have her as a 4/4 at level one, but I've never gotten around to levelling her as I already have lots of good diplomats but comparatively few engineers.

    I understand there may be reasons DB is unable to announce crew from the new series, but there's no reason to announce the existing crew this late. Either they were poor communicators, which is bad, or the details of the events aren't being finalised until the absolute last minute: neither of which inspires confidence.
  • ShanShan ✭✭✭✭✭
    The original thread has been updated, and reopened.
  • Data1001 wrote: »
    My point was you can come here with something positive for once. We come here to obtain and exchange info, tips, advice. It's your presentation that needs work. Don't feel entitled because of your VIP. I'm 14+14+13. Being VIP 13 shouldn't make you feel like you are entitled to come here like Godzilla stomping on over Tokyo. Come here with a shred of diplomacy and decency in your words.

    You're wasting your breath, EWB -- nothing will appease this one, not even reason. People like him are why the "ignore" feature was created.


    Yeah I know but I felt someone finally had to tell him off. He is the forum equivalent of the great T'Kuvma. We should feel privileged by his mere presence. Still couldn't find it within himself to utter a positive word but I suppose that honor is only bestowed on the truly enlightened, not such simple creatures as us.

    awww... i did not acknowledge you? bad me.... you should go to a safe place
  • Thank You Shan for your detailed post on the coming event. Again I must applaud you on your uncanny ability to select the crew I had airlocked just 48 hours prior. What have I done to offend you? lol perhaps my AV is offending, perhaps I can switch to the more appealing and handsome M-113 creature or Yarnek. either way thank you again.
  • Grant77 wrote: »
    search for Worf does not show Duchamps nor search for Picard show Galen. Many others too. Unless they have that name as part of their name, they do not show up.

    I love the idea of having "Bonus" show up for all getting the bonus and it would make searching much easier but I doubt DB wants to do that much coding. So either we have to put up with lots of questions each time bonus characters are announced, DB has to include the "main" character name on all characters named something else or they do the bonus thing.


    Thanks but a completely irrelevant response. I was commenting on doing a search IN GAME on the crew page, not doing a search on the Wiki. The Wiki will show it but the online search IN GAME does not and does not show several other characters who are also others (like variations on Picard such as Tommy Gun Dixon). Yes, they show on the STT but not everyone uses that.
  • DralixDralix ✭✭✭✭✭
    I was commenting on doing a search IN GAME on the crew page, not doing a search on the Wiki. The Wiki will show it but the online search IN GAME does not and does not show several other characters who are also others (like variations on Picard such as Tommy Gun Dixon).

    For what it's worth, Nod or Shan had previously commented that it should. I don't recall if it was framed as a bug or something they want to add but haven't yet. Either way, we should expect this functionality Soon™.
  • "Hi, I'm from the government and I am here to help you"...... :) That was all I could think of reading that Dralix but we will see. It would be nice.
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