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DB maybe you understand the Picard problem; now it's time to understand about Bev.

I received your "we fixed it by giving 6 tickets" response to my Bev ticket today. I think we need to reopen this conversation. It is not going to go away, because I, for one, cannot stomach the idea of playing an event again unless I have some indication that you understand what your actions did to at least a subsection of your players. I don't even particularly care about compensation, I care about acknowledgement and accountability. I don't need to tell my particular version of this story; I did so to your CS rep. I do know that there are others waiting on this ticket, and I would love them not to wake up to the email I woke up to this morning. Please let us know that you have heard us, and that you are working on something that demonstrates your recognition of the problematic nature of your "fix."


  • GhostStalkerGhostStalker ✭✭✭✭✭
    I don't understand why this is a problem. Okay, one of the MED nodes gave less points. It did so for everyone. And yes, they cut a day from the event. But it was uniform to all players. I get why you're angry about those things, but I don't understand what they have to do with getting a Mirror Beverly Crusher.
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    I don't understand why this is a problem. Okay, one of the MED nodes gave less points. It did so for everyone. And yes, they cut a day from the event. But it was uniform to all players. I get why you're angry about those things, but I don't understand what they have to do with getting a Mirror Beverly Crusher.

    In the OPs case, it was not only cutting the event short, but then adding 6 tickets that pretty much had to be used Christmas Eve or Christmas Day making it less competitive for those who had made plans based on what DB had promoted the event to be.

    Personally I powered through it, but I have to occupy my time when my toddler sleeps......
  • GhostStalkerGhostStalker ✭✭✭✭✭
    No I mean I completely get that. But at the end of the day, we were all subject to the same terms. Giving us a Mirror Beverly Crusher would effectively be punishing people who earned her and wouldn't really even out any injustices, right?
  • Yeah I didn't have an ideal response to Beverly. While I'm not impacted by the latest decision so much, over Christmas I was furious. By the response, or lack of.

    DB is less than generous when it comes to helping smooth player disgruntlement, and I think that's the biggest issue. Most angry players are likely to have had a previous stoush, and it's that lack of goodwill that's causing the anger and frustration.
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  • Going along with the HBO analogy, it would be like you getting HBO for $25/mo, but then after signing that deal, your cable company decides that you don't get HBO for Sundays.

    And to compensate, they'll give you Cinemax and Showtime on Sundays.
  • No I mean I completely get that. But at the end of the day, we were all subject to the same terms. Giving us a Mirror Beverly Crusher would effectively be punishing people who earned her and wouldn't really even out any injustices, right?

    Many people were planning around the additional day so that they could both participate in the event and spend time with their families on Christmas. What happened was that DB, in the middle of the event, took the additional day they stated they would provide away from everyone. Yes, we were all affected similarly in that regard, but it destroyed any chances those players with higher priorities on that Sunday and Monday could have had to place high enough for Beverly.

    The lack of time to use those six gifted tickets was the main issue; instead of everyone having the equal opportunity to utilize them prior to the event on Tuesday, everyone now had to scramble to use them prior to the event ending Monday on Christmas. A good lot of players now did not have that ability as the holiday took precedence to rushing to complete an event shortened unexpectedly due to DB's pure incompetence.
    There are three ways to do something; the right way, the wrong way, and the Janeway.

    DB: Do Better.

    Member of Starship Trista
  • I think the Bev debacle was worse than the latest tbh. Leaving your super-rares to the last half hour actually caused the crash. Many of us won't even go to galaxies any more because that last half hour is at 3.30 to 4 am and I ain't staying up for that, not matter how much I would have loved Troi. The game is already stacked against us. I should get a free 5 star every time I go to bed at a normal time with above 500 rank and lose because a thousand people cash in super-rares at the last moment and get compensated for crashing the game.

    But Beverley was worse because it was DB who crashed the game, by changing the terms once underway. It threw out the carefully prepared plans of many and caused a nightmare scramble on Christmas day and DB's response was 'yeah hard luck'.

    I wanted Beverley, I missed out, I was pissed and took it on the chin. I just wish this had all blown up last week when it affected me more rather than this week, but hey. That's just another bit of bad luck I guess.
    Ten Forward Loungers - Give Your Best, Get Our Best!
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  • No matter what other players do, the servers should be able to withstand a load like that at any given time since you never know how many people will be participating in the events in the future at once. That could actually be one of the main reasons why there are more and more problems nowadays; the servers are handling more traffic than they are able to withstand as they are now and more problems may continue to appear and reek havoc until more are added to balance out the load. Of course I am just speculating at this time as I have no idea the real causes behind these server issues.
    There are three ways to do something; the right way, the wrong way, and the Janeway.

    DB: Do Better.

    Member of Starship Trista
  • Hmm when that event started, I thought the consensus on the forums was “extra day=bad”.

    I was not a fan of the solution but I do not think DB should compensate anyone beyond what had already been done, All players had a shorter event. (THANKFULLY). and all players got the extra tickets. You made plans based on having an extra day. So did everyone else. You are not unique. You would have had an extra day to craft? So would everyone else. The idea that you would have placed higher with the extra day is delusional.
  • You think? Or you don't think. Complaining about something is different to planning for something. Maybe you don't plan, maybe you have oodles of free time. Others are different. Sorry to burst your bubble on that.
    Ten Forward Loungers - Give Your Best, Get Our Best!
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  • Hmm when that event started, I thought the consensus on the forums was “extra day=bad”.

    I was not a fan of the solution but I do not think DB should compensate anyone beyond what had already been done, All players had a shorter event. (THANKFULLY). and all players got the extra tickets. You made plans based on having an extra day. So did everyone else. You are not unique. You would have had an extra day to craft? So would everyone else. The idea that you would have placed higher with the extra day is delusional.

    Just because people may not have liked adding another day onto the event is moot considering DB advertised that the event would be that way and then changed it AFTER the event was already in full swing. If we had known they were going to do this, many players would have pushed harder at the start to compensate for time away from the game to be with family for Christmas rather than expect to have extra time to get back into it and work to get a higher rank.

    Having extra time to craft can actually affect rank, believe it or not. If this past event had ended on Monday, I would have placed top 50, but because it was extended, I placed rank 70. Others could have jumped a few ranks higher to a few hundred depending on their circumstances.
    There are three ways to do something; the right way, the wrong way, and the Janeway.

    DB: Do Better.

    Member of Starship Trista
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    I think the Bev debacle was worse than the latest tbh. Leaving your super-rares to the last half hour actually caused the crash. Many of us won't even go to galaxies any more because that last half hour is at 3.30 to 4 am and I ain't staying up for that, not matter how much I would have loved Troi. The game is already stacked against us. I should get a free 5 star every time I go to bed at a normal time with above 500 rank and lose because a thousand people cash in super-rares at the last moment and get compensated for crashing the game.

    But Beverley was worse because it was DB who crashed the game, by changing the terms once underway. It threw out the carefully prepared plans of many and caused a nightmare scramble on Christmas day and DB's response was 'yeah hard luck'.

    I wanted Beverley, I missed out, I was pissed and took it on the chin. I just wish this had all blown up last week when it affected me more rather than this week, but hey. That's just another bit of bad luck I guess.

    Actually that causality is just an assumption. We do not have evidence that the super-rare turn in was a self-inflicted gunshot wound or if there were other failures such as hardware or database issues that were the culprit.

  • Actually Pallidyne, you are right. Black Pebble said as much on another thread. I'll take it back. There was no causality between cashing in super-rares and the crash.
    Ten Forward Loungers - Give Your Best, Get Our Best!
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  • edited January 2018
    Going along with the HBO analogy, it would be like you getting HBO for $25/mo, but then after signing that deal, your cable company decides that you don't get HBO for Sundays.

    And to compensate, they'll give you Cinemax and Showtime on Sundays.

    This analogy isn't even close to right. It's more like if you got 3 hours of HBO for 25$/mo and your cable company, being aware of Sunday getting Shan'd up with enough time to do something about it, gave you 6 hours of HBO on Saturday. If you choose not to watch all the HBO you got that's your choice, but all the HBO you paid for was made available.

    Did it **tsk tsk** the event was over Christmas and you basically had to use the free tickets to be competitive? Yes. Does that mean I wasn't going to do it? No.
    Ten Forward Loungers - Give Your Best, Get Our Best!
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  • Hmm when that event started, I thought the consensus on the forums was “extra day=bad”.

    I was not a fan of the solution but I do not think DB should compensate anyone beyond what had already been done, All players had a shorter event. (THANKFULLY). and all players got the extra tickets. You made plans based on having an extra day. So did everyone else. You are not unique. You would have had an extra day to craft? So would everyone else. The idea that you would have placed higher with the extra day is delusional.

    There was never going to be an extra day of Galaxy. There was going to be 3 days of Expedition. Which is basically what we got when they gave you a free "day" worth of expedition tickets, we just had to cram those into a single day which happened to be Christmas Eve.
    Ten Forward Loungers - Give Your Best, Get Our Best!
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  • Or even Christmas day for those of us in other climes. But hey. I'm. Just. Delusional.
    Ten Forward Loungers - Give Your Best, Get Our Best!
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  • WaldoMagWaldoMag ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hmm when that event started, I thought the consensus on the forums was “extra day=bad”.

    I was not a fan of the solution but I do not think DB should compensate anyone beyond what had already been done, All players had a shorter event. (THANKFULLY). and all players got the extra tickets. You made plans based on having an extra day. So did everyone else. You are not unique. You would have had an extra day to craft? So would everyone else. The idea that you would have placed higher with the extra day is delusional.

    You did not read the posts. The complaint is about the extra tickets. Not about one less day.
  • WaldoMagWaldoMag ✭✭✭✭✭
    For me playing two accounts I dread extra tickets. Extra tickets for me means when the expedition event starts and until it ends, I may or may not have time to eat and sleep.

    Thanks to a fairly well designed expedition event on Sunday I cashed both in and had the time to shovel snow before playing. That was because I knew from Saturday I could complete tickets in less than a half hour. So from 3pm to 11pm I rattled off 17 tickets and partially did some of the last. 11pm is when the next day starts on my STT. And I still had time for a couple breaks and food. But I totally agree and have complained about the extra tickets. Extra tickets in expedition are a problem not a help.

    A fix to the tickets, would be to eliminate the ticket reset at the end of the day and give us all the tickets at the expedition start. Then we can do are tickets when we have time. For the event we are talking about, I believe Saturday people probably could have done 6 tickets leaving them 9 tickets between Sunday and Monday. But with the current format people could only do 3 tickets Saturday, otherwise, if they did 6 tickets, they would have lost 3 tickets on reset.
  • I have to admit that this one didn't affect me at all. I find Expedition events to be so mind-numbingly boring that I usually play through once and never look back. The extra tickets in my case went unused since I refuse to sit for hours clicking on that snoozefest.
  • MagpieMagpie ✭✭✭
    DB needs to recognize that their fix of 6 tickets altered the outcome of the event as much as a server crash at the end of an event. The crash did not allow those who had rares to turn in turn them in, thus altering the ranks. The extra tickets given mid-event which a good percentage of their players _could not play_ altered the ranks more, I would argue, than the server crash. I know that many people are asking for a Mayweather or two because the rules of the game were changed mid-event. I know some people have received a Mayweather and others haven't.

    The only bone of contention here seem to be around people's assertion that it's fair because everyone got the tickets. The argument seems to be that some people _chose_ not to use their tickets. I think many of us would argue that, given the day and the other responsibilities, it was not a choice.

    I'm pretty big on equity and don't expect any special consideration around my holidays. BUT I need to be able to plan and to make adequate choices during any event regarding my use of resources to reach goals. The mid-game engineering move drastically changed the parameters of play for that event. This needs to be recognized.

    If we decide as a player base that such mid-event tinkering is just fine and dandy, then I will stand down and go find another game.
  • WaldoMag wrote: »
    Hmm when that event started, I thought the consensus on the forums was “extra day=bad”.

    I was not a fan of the solution but I do not think DB should compensate anyone beyond what had already been done, All players had a shorter event. (THANKFULLY). and all players got the extra tickets. You made plans based on having an extra day. So did everyone else. You are not unique. You would have had an extra day to craft? So would everyone else. The idea that you would have placed higher with the extra day is delusional.

    You did not read the posts. The complaint is about the extra tickets. Not about one less day.

    I did read the post. As with many threads there is the OP position and then numerous others from other posters.

    Many people were planning around the additional day so that they could both participate in the event and spend time with their families on Christmas. What happened was that DB, in the middle of the event, took the additional day they stated they would provide away from everyone.
  • Hmm when that event started, I thought the consensus on the forums was “extra day=bad”.

    I was not a fan of the solution but I do not think DB should compensate anyone beyond what had already been done, All players had a shorter event. (THANKFULLY). and all players got the extra tickets. You made plans based on having an extra day. So did everyone else. You are not unique. You would have had an extra day to craft? So would everyone else. The idea that you would have placed higher with the extra day is delusional.

    Just because people may not have liked adding another day onto the event is moot considering DB advertised that the event would be that way and then changed it AFTER the event was already in full swing. If we had known they were going to do this, many players would have pushed harder at the start to compensate for time away from the game to be with family for Christmas rather than expect to have extra time to get back into it and work to get a higher rank.

    Having extra time to craft can actually affect rank, believe it or not. If this past event had ended on Monday, I would have placed top 50, but because it was extended, I placed rank 70. Others could have jumped a few ranks higher to a few hundred depending on their circumstances.

    DB did not change the event, mid event. Someone screwed up and never extended the event in the first place. No one realized this (including DB) until Phase 2 started.

    You know those 20 players that prevented you from finishing top 50. They would have “pushed harder” at the start too. That’s the delusional part. You just assume that if the event had worked as intended or if they shorter event had been know up front you could have just determined wherever you want to rank as if you are playing the event by yourself. There is no way to know how you would have faired and bet at least 20 players would have something to say about your assumptions.
  • WaldoMag wrote: »
    Hmm when that event started, I thought the consensus on the forums was “extra day=bad”.

    I was not a fan of the solution but I do not think DB should compensate anyone beyond what had already been done, All players had a shorter event. (THANKFULLY). and all players got the extra tickets. You made plans based on having an extra day. So did everyone else. You are not unique. You would have had an extra day to craft? So would everyone else. The idea that you would have placed higher with the extra day is delusional.

    You did not read the posts. The complaint is about the extra tickets. Not about one less day.

    I did read the post. As with many threads there is the OP position and then numerous others from other posters.

    Many people were planning around the additional day so that they could both participate in the event and spend time with their families on Christmas. What happened was that DB, in the middle of the event, took the additional day they stated they would provide away from everyone.

    Many said the extra day was bad, true enough; however, once we were told the extra day was going to happen, regardless of how we felt... and planned our schedule on that set in stone decision... only to have that set in stone decision changed on us AFTER the start of the event, AFTER our schedules were made... how can you NOT see the problem with this?
  • WaldoMag wrote: »
    Hmm when that event started, I thought the consensus on the forums was “extra day=bad”.

    I was not a fan of the solution but I do not think DB should compensate anyone beyond what had already been done, All players had a shorter event. (THANKFULLY). and all players got the extra tickets. You made plans based on having an extra day. So did everyone else. You are not unique. You would have had an extra day to craft? So would everyone else. The idea that you would have placed higher with the extra day is delusional.

    You did not read the posts. The complaint is about the extra tickets. Not about one less day.

    I did read the post. As with many threads there is the OP position and then numerous others from other posters.

    Many people were planning around the additional day so that they could both participate in the event and spend time with their families on Christmas. What happened was that DB, in the middle of the event, took the additional day they stated they would provide away from everyone.

    Many said the extra day was bad, true enough; however, once we were told the extra day was going to happen, regardless of how we felt... and planned our schedule on that set in stone decision... only to have that set in stone decision changed on us AFTER the start of the event, AFTER our schedules were made... how can you NOT see the problem with this?

    I agree, it’s problem. I see it as just more DB incompetence. I just don’t believe compensation is in order. Everyone was “hurt” equally. Others disagree but I do not think it changed the outcome. So what exactly do you want to be compensated for? The game was up and running so you could play normally. You had one less event day. That is not worthy of compensation.
  • WaldoMag wrote: »
    Hmm when that event started, I thought the consensus on the forums was “extra day=bad”.

    I was not a fan of the solution but I do not think DB should compensate anyone beyond what had already been done, All players had a shorter event. (THANKFULLY). and all players got the extra tickets. You made plans based on having an extra day. So did everyone else. You are not unique. You would have had an extra day to craft? So would everyone else. The idea that you would have placed higher with the extra day is delusional.

    You did not read the posts. The complaint is about the extra tickets. Not about one less day.

    I did read the post. As with many threads there is the OP position and then numerous others from other posters.

    Many people were planning around the additional day so that they could both participate in the event and spend time with their families on Christmas. What happened was that DB, in the middle of the event, took the additional day they stated they would provide away from everyone.

    Many said the extra day was bad, true enough; however, once we were told the extra day was going to happen, regardless of how we felt... and planned our schedule on that set in stone decision... only to have that set in stone decision changed on us AFTER the start of the event, AFTER our schedules were made... how can you NOT see the problem with this?

    I agree, it’s problem. I see it as just more DB incompetence. I just don’t believe compensation is in order. Everyone was “hurt” equally. Others disagree but I do not think it changed the outcome. So what exactly do you want to be compensated for? The game was up and running so you could play normally. You had one less event day. That is not worthy of compensation.

    I'm not asking to be compensated for anything, just to be clear. I was under the impression you didn't think the changed event end time was an issue worth mentioning.
  • You think? Or you don't think. Complaining about something is different to planning for something. Maybe you don't plan, maybe you have oodles of free time. Others are different. Sorry to burst your bubble on that.

    Hey I just came off the Rare Turn in/time zone thread where you got upset with everyone because you thought they were trying to “silence” you. You seem to get upset easily...like whenever someone has a different opinion than you. Why don’t you back off from maximum warp before your nacelles fly off, ok.
  • MagpieMagpie ✭✭✭
    Ad hominem attacks such as "delusional" are out of place and change the tone of the conversation. Could we not try to function as a community? If you disagree with something, please just state your argument.
This discussion has been closed.