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DB maybe you understand the Picard problem; now it's time to understand about Bev.



  • IcebergDXIcebergDX ✭✭
    edited January 2018
    I think they have a way of discarding our tickets without us receiving the...
    Your issue has either been solved, or it has been at least 5 days since our last correspondence. Your request (#368771) is now being marked as Solved.

    ... message.

    I haven't heard anything back for a while now.

    They definitely want us to forget about this!

    Merry Christmas!

    So you immediately respond to that email with the statement "This issue has not been resolved, and you have not done anything in the last 5 days, I would like my ticket moved up to the next level in the Chain of Command." I have 3 tickets about this, and I am continuing to move this up, until I get a real answer, I have been through Neil and Andrea.

    EDIT: And now they are starting to try and close these so called resolved tickets daily. I emailed them when they tried to close it yesterday, and then they emailed me again this evening saying that it was resolved (with no action since my last email). They are now acting like a horse with its teeth in the bit. Out of control, not responding to our input on the tickets, parroting back the same (wrong) answer, and now trying to ignore the problem and see if it will go away.

    DO NOT let them close your ticket. Keep responding to keep it open until they deal with the BEV issue, not just the Picard issue.
  • That was my point...

    They're not even sending the "this issue is solved" email anymore. The ticket just appears to be lost in subspace.
  • They've chosen to ignore the issue. Acknowledging what they did would force them to refund virtually an entire weeks worth of income so they aren't going to admit fault. EVER!

    It's as dishonest and underhanded as it gets... Make a mistake, and let others pay for it. Literally.

    There was a small window of opportunity when an apology would have gone real far in lieu of actual compensation. Simply explaining the sheer magnitude of a fix might have kept the pitchforks in the shed. Instead, they chose to turn their backs and whistle while counting our money.
  • That was my point...

    They're not even sending the "this issue is solved" email anymore. The ticket just appears to be lost in subspace.

    Oh no, I still got the email, now i am sometimes seeing them daily, and I am keeping them going, and that is what people need to do. That and to STOP BUYING DIL, PACKS, or ANYTHING ELSE, because THEY (DB) ARE ACTING IN BAD FAITH!
  • Anyone got anywhere with this. The latest I have is a promise to pass it up...
  • Matt_DeckerMatt_Decker ✭✭✭✭✭
    I received the e-mail to close out my ticket yesterday as well. It's clear they have no intention of addressing the Christmas Disaster. I won't be buying the $10, $25, or $50 event deals again until this is put right or some other restorative action is taken.
    Fleet: Starship Trista
    Captain Level: 95
    VIP Level: 12
    Unique Crew Immortalized: 525
    Collections Completed: Vulcan, Ferengi, Borg, Romulan, Cardassian, Uncommon, Rare, Veteran, Common, Engineered, Physician, Innovator, Inspiring, Diplomat, Jury Rigger, Gauntlet Legends
  • MagpieMagpie ✭✭✭
    Neil has said he will forward the issue to the production team, which I am assuming means "so it doesn't happen next time." I assume that the no compensation decision comes from higher up. I actually don't mind mistakes in the game if the recognition after the fact is positive and redemptive (compared to the failure to recognize the very existence of the problem). I wish the "higher ups" would better acquaint themselves with this issue and the dissatisfaction of the players who were most effected.

  • MagpieMagpie ✭✭✭
    DB has obviously decided it's okay to shed some players over this one.
  • And if they'd bothered to put easier to obtain Meds in the game people might end have been quite so pissed off but they put a premium on her and then screwed people around and it's left a bad taste
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  • Matt_DeckerMatt_Decker ✭✭✭✭✭
    And if they'd bothered to put easier to obtain Meds in the game people might end have been quite so pissed off but they put a premium on her and then screwed people around and it's left a bad taste

    Yes. This is part of why I spent the $50 on that event in the first place. Needed MED, plus it was a Christmas present to myself (that badly backfired).
    Fleet: Starship Trista
    Captain Level: 95
    VIP Level: 12
    Unique Crew Immortalized: 525
    Collections Completed: Vulcan, Ferengi, Borg, Romulan, Cardassian, Uncommon, Rare, Veteran, Common, Engineered, Physician, Innovator, Inspiring, Diplomat, Jury Rigger, Gauntlet Legends
  • ericdxericdx ✭✭
    edited January 2018
    Well, I wonder if they are ready to do more than shed players? After having Andrea from CS tell me that the publisher has endorsed the solution to the Bev fiasco as fair, that there is no further avenue of appeal, and that the ticket is now closed, even though the issue is NOT resolved, I am considering launching a formal complaint for false advertising and theft with my State Attorney Generals office.

    The fact is everyone who spent money, whether in actual cash, or in DIL that was bought in the game, was sold an item on a promise, and then the company broke the promise, and has made a poor, or even non-existent effort to actually fix the problem. Individuals not buying stuff will impact them, but the fact is, there is a large number of players that are not on the forums, and are still buying away, if for no other reason than they are Star Trek fans, and we want to support the name. If enough complaints come in that a government entity starts to take notice of questionable or illegal business practices, that will get their attention real fast.

    And to everyone who says "it's just a game" I respond "are you ok with spending money for something and then having the conditions immediately change so that the money was wasted?" I would be willing to bet the answer is no.

    They screwed up, then changed the rules in the middle, when a LOT of people wee in a situation where they COULD NOT use the "compensation" and they knew it. It was Christmas, for Christ's sakes. People have lives, families, and responsibilities, even if DB does not think so.

    I recommend to people continue to not buy anything from DB, and to contact your local Attorney General or Consumer Protection organization.

    And unfortunately, this could have been fixed by something as easy as re-running the event, admitting they screwed up, and maybe a couple of free pulls from the event packs. I for one, would have accepted a rerun of the event and 1 event pack pull for free, with the apology, as a REAL effort to make amends. Instead, they have decided to double down on a bad position.
  • I still to this day feel like the 6 extra tickets compensation was a giant FU to my face from DB. During christmas none the less.
    239 Immortalized
    Gametag: ECH
  • I still to this day feel like the 6 extra tickets compensation was a giant FU to my face from DB. During christmas none the less.

    In fact, Andrea told me that I was not following the TOS, even though I was submitting a ticket about an issue. That is why i am now lodging a complaint with the Attorney General's Office in my state, for consumer fraud and false advertising. It may not go anywhere. Or it may get investigated. And if it does, DB has no one to blame but themselves.
  • I've submitted complaints twice in my life to my attorney generals office. Once for false advertising of a Corvette that I bought and once against Microsoft. Both times my AGs office helped rectify the issues to my satisfaction. They look at all cases and proceed as long as there is merit in the complaint. This certainly qualifies. The only reason I'm not going that route is because it probably won't help others. I'm not interested in just getting compensation for myself.
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    ericdx wrote: »
    I still to this day feel like the 6 extra tickets compensation was a giant FU to my face from DB. During christmas none the less.

    In fact, Andrea told me that I was not following the TOS, even though I was submitting a ticket about an issue. That is why i am now lodging a complaint with the Attorney General's Office in my state, for consumer fraud and false advertising. It may not go anywhere. Or it may get investigated. And if it does, DB has no one to blame but themselves.

    What part of the TOS did they claim you were violating? That's odd in the least.
  • Hunter247Hunter247 ✭✭✭✭
    I really hope the people that are going to your attorney generals aren't in my state wasting my tax dollars on something like this. I have tried to figure out how purchasing event packs all of a sudden entitles you to ranked rewards in the event and I can't come up with anything. You got what you paid for in your event packs. If you were that intent on getting a ranked reward then sacrifice your christmas and get the reward. The event was changed for everyone and those who put the effort in to get the rewards got them. The mirror troi event required something like 630k vp to get top 1000. Are you going to complain about that too? Or is it just when a mistake is made you feel entitled to free stuff? I have no problem if you get mad, vent frustrations on forums, submit complaints to DB, choose to stop spending and or playing. Filing govt agency complaints with no standing though, that just comes across as petty and misusing that intended govt agency. /end rant

    Totally agree here.

    I wanted a Mirror Bev and was in a good position at the end of the first stage. However I was not in a position to do much during the second stage of the event due to the holiday and was hoping to hit hard on the last day.

    Obviously that was not possible with the date change but I am not going to get authorities involved over something so minor.

    If I wanted to ensure I got the mirror Bev I would have dropped money on the packs which came with her on the first couple of days.

    The event packs are random and it is pot luck what you get and while they give you an advantage in the rankings you are still not guaranteed a top 1000 finish.

    Any sensible legal authority would laugh you out the door for taking this to them
  • pbertpbert ✭✭✭
    Hunter247 wrote: »
    The event packs are random and it is pot luck what you get and while they give you an advantage in the rankings you are still not guaranteed a top 1000 finish.

    You are ignoring the fact that many people have said that they would not have spent money on packs for this event had they known about the shortened time and extra tickets given out on the 24th.

    That is false advertising. It's sad that it has come to this, but players absolutely should seek guidance & help from consumer protection agencies for this.
    C6pilot wrote: »
    I've submitted complaints twice in my life to my attorney generals office. Once for false advertising of a Corvette that I bought and once against Microsoft. Both times my AGs office helped rectify the issues to my satisfaction. They look at all cases and proceed as long as there is merit in the complaint. This certainly qualifies. The only reason I'm not going that route is because it probably won't help others. I'm not interested in just getting compensation for myself.

    I think it may be of value to others if you are successfully able to get a refund through your AG. It sets a precedent & path to compensation that others can follow.
  • It's ok to think it's not worth doing anything. That's your choice. But for people who PAID for packs and spent time and resources leveling crew TO PLAY ON TUESDAY, they feel they got the shaft.

    So you say, "What's the big deal?... It's not like you lost a million bucks." Well, THAT is exactly what players were trying to tell DB when it first happened... "It's not a big deal, just compensate for the packs I bought ahead of time and all will be forgiven." But DB said, "That's not going to happen."

    So now it's not about the money, it's about the principle for some people. If your principles allow a company to take advantage of a false advertisement, that's your choice. Others feel, once a company takes the dark path once and gets away with it, they tend to make it a pattern. Some choose to stop spending while others feel prompted to do more.

    As for getting an AG involved, that's exactly what they're there for. The AG won't be thinking so much about getting somebody's $10, $25, $100 back... Their office will be thinking about which state laws were broken and if real effort is required... the FINES they can raise. Usually, they'll send a simple canned letter stating which laws "appear" to have been infringed and politely ask if the company would like to take another look at the complaint and "reconsider their position".

    A lot of cases are resolved completely for the price of 2 stamps. In both my cases that's exactly how it went. For the false advertising on the Corvette, my AG recouped $3500. Not a bad deal for simply writing a letter after being swindled by a car dealer. If they didn't satisfy my claim, the dealer would have faced state charges.

    And that's how the "little guy" wins against the "big guy" when the "big guy" thinks he makes the rules. There's always a "bigger guy".
  • C6pilot wrote: »
    It's ok to think it's not worth doing anything. That's your choice. But for people who PAID for packs and spent time and resources leveling crew TO PLAY ON TUESDAY, they feel they got the shaft.

    So you say, "What's the big deal?... It's not like you lost a million bucks." Well, THAT is exactly what players were trying to tell DB when it first happened... "It's not a big deal, just compensate for the packs I bought ahead of time and all will be forgiven." But DB said, "That's not going to happen."

    So now it's not about the money, it's about the principle for some people. If your principles allow a company to take advantage of a false advertisement, that's your choice. Others feel, once a company takes the dark path once and gets away with it, they tend to make it a pattern. Some choose to stop spending while others feel prompted to do more.

    As for getting an AG involved, that's exactly what they're there for. The AG won't be thinking so much about getting somebody's $10, $25, $100 back... Their office will be thinking about which state laws were broken and if real effort is required... the FINES they can raise. Usually, they'll send a simple canned letter stating which laws "appear" to have been infringed and politely ask if the company would like to take another look at the complaint and "reconsider their position".

    A lot of cases are resolved completely for the price of 2 stamps. In both my cases that's exactly how it went. For the false advertising on the Corvette, my AG recouped $3500. Not a bad deal for simply writing a letter after being swindled by a car dealer. If they didn't satisfy my claim, the dealer would have faced state charges.

    And that's how the "little guy" wins against the "big guy" when the "big guy" thinks he makes the rules. There's always a "bigger guy".

    I don't understand how anything was falsely advertised. For those complaining your excuse is that you bought packs because you were going to somehow make a certain rank in the event that you are already arguing you didn't have time for. I guess you must buy packs and then those people you got from the event packs either disappear or you sold them as soon as the event ended (btw usin the royal you not you in particular). On top of that DB already saw a problem with cutting the event short and compensated people with more tickets that they would have otherwise had to buy in game. Just because you don't LIKE the compensation does not mean you can call your AG and claim laws are broken. I am all for using your AG for legitimate reasons like when you evidently did your complaint for your corvette. I have worked in the legal field for a while and while I am not providing any legal advice here, I can say claiming a law was broken in this case is bogus and a waste of time for everyone involved. A complaint to the AG screams a money grab from the complaining people hoping to get some "go away" compensation because something didn't go their way. The fact that the event was cut short and more tickets went out is no different than if the event is a popular event and you still don't get the rewards you want. You got what you paid for, which was the people from your event pack. Just because you buy event packs you are not guaranteed event rankings. End of story.
  • [BL] C6pilot[BL] C6pilot ✭✭✭
    edited January 2018
    I don't understand how anything was falsely advertised. For those complaining your excuse is that you bought packs because you were going to somehow make a certain rank in the event that you are already arguing you didn't have time for. I guess you must buy packs and then those people you got from the event packs either disappear or you sold them as soon as the event ended (btw usin the royal you not you in particular). On top of that DB already saw a problem with cutting the event short and compensated people with more tickets that they would have otherwise had to buy in game. Just because you don't LIKE the compensation does not mean you can call your AG and claim laws are broken. I am all for using your AG for legitimate reasons like when you evidently did your complaint for your corvette. I have worked in the legal field for a while and while I am not providing any legal advice here, I can say claiming a law was broken in this case is bogus and a waste of time for everyone involved. A complaint to the AG screams a money grab from the complaining people hoping to get some "go away" compensation because something didn't go their way. The fact that the event was cut short and more tickets went out is no different than if the event is a popular event and you still don't get the rewards you want. You got what you paid for, which was the people from your event pack. Just because you buy event packs you are not guaranteed event rankings. End of story.

    Your first 3 words and last 3 words summed up your thoughts nicely. The rest has been covered many times.
  • Hunter247Hunter247 ✭✭✭✭
    C6pilot wrote: »
    It's ok to think it's not worth doing anything. That's your choice. But for people who PAID for packs and spent time and resources leveling crew TO PLAY ON TUESDAY, they feel they got the shaft.

    So you say, "What's the big deal?... It's not like you lost a million bucks." Well, THAT is exactly what players were trying to tell DB when it first happened... "It's not a big deal, just compensate for the packs I bought ahead of time and all will be forgiven." But DB said, "That's not going to happen."

    So now it's not about the money, it's about the principle for some people. If your principles allow a company to take advantage of a false advertisement, that's your choice. Others feel, once a company takes the dark path once and gets away with it, they tend to make it a pattern. Some choose to stop spending while others feel prompted to do more.

    As for getting an AG involved, that's exactly what they're there for. The AG won't be thinking so much about getting somebody's $10, $25, $100 back... Their office will be thinking about which state laws were broken and if real effort is required... the FINES they can raise. Usually, they'll send a simple canned letter stating which laws "appear" to have been infringed and politely ask if the company would like to take another look at the complaint and "reconsider their position".

    A lot of cases are resolved completely for the price of 2 stamps. In both my cases that's exactly how it went. For the false advertising on the Corvette, my AG recouped $3500. Not a bad deal for simply writing a letter after being swindled by a car dealer. If they didn't satisfy my claim, the dealer would have faced state charges.

    And that's how the "little guy" wins against the "big guy" when the "big guy" thinks he makes the rules. There's always a "bigger guy".

    I don't understand how anything was falsely advertised. For those complaining your excuse is that you bought packs because you were going to somehow make a certain rank in the event that you are already arguing you didn't have time for. I guess you must buy packs and then those people you got from the event packs either disappear or you sold them as soon as the event ended (btw usin the royal you not you in particular). On top of that DB already saw a problem with cutting the event short and compensated people with more tickets that they would have otherwise had to buy in game. Just because you don't LIKE the compensation does not mean you can call your AG and claim laws are broken. I am all for using your AG for legitimate reasons like when you evidently did your complaint for your corvette. I have worked in the legal field for a while and while I am not providing any legal advice here, I can say claiming a law was broken in this case is bogus and a waste of time for everyone involved. A complaint to the AG screams a money grab from the complaining people hoping to get some "go away" compensation because something didn't go their way. The fact that the event was cut short and more tickets went out is no different than if the event is a popular event and you still don't get the rewards you want. You got what you paid for, which was the people from your event pack. Just because you buy event packs you are not guaranteed event rankings. End of story.

    This has been explained many times over.

    Imagine you purchased movie pass for $9/mo which gets you a free movie every day. After you buy it, Movie Pass tells you, oops, we had a glitch in our system and you cant get your free movie on Saturdays. To compensate you, we will let you watch 2 free movies on Monday.

    The compensation is equal in numerical value but inherently unequal in terms of value. Nothing was taken away from you and you can still use the rest of the days and you still get 7 movies a week. But 2 free movies on Monday is useless to the majority of people. Yes, some people will benefit, just like some people benefitted from the 6 extra tix to use between Christmas Eve and Christmas morning. Just because a small number of people benefitted does not make it right.

    DB has proven multiple times over that they do not care about the integrity of the game. They are willing to move goalposts, change rules, bait and switch, devalue cards/purchases, etc. without batting an eye.

    I get that there are glitches (although I still maintain that any mobile game dev company worth their salt has never experienced a single glitch like the ones DB faces on a weekly basis). But their response to glitches are really pouring salt on the wound.

    The first time this happened, players were willing to forgive. The second time it happened, players were ok to give the benefit of the doubt. But week after week, event after event, there continues to be glitches and empty compensation.

    Players have asked, pleaded, even begged DB to take a week off to fix these issues. Heck, take a month off. They just recently laid off a significant portion of their staff. If they scaled back on not-so-special events, we wouldn't mind. We'll understand, if not welcome it outright.

    We've suggested it multiple times. Set a rotation of events:
    Week 1 faction
    Week 2 galaxy
    Week 3 Expedition (or hybrid if Expedition is too hard to code right now)
    Week 4 take a break

    And for the love of God, take a break on holiday weekends. Don't extend it to 5 days, give your staff and players time off. Don't make your staff log in over a holiday weekend to put out fires and fend off the pitchforks. Pick a couple big holidays, and not just US holidays, and take a break!

    Make this event's reward crew the bonus crew for the following event. That will really incentivize people to play.

    It makes too much sense not to do this. It puts everyone on equal footing, doesn't cause event fatigue (3 Galaxy events in a row?!), gives players the opportunity to restock for future events, and gives your staff time to work on things.

    Take a week or two off on the event calendar, but continue working. Build up a week or two inventory of events to put this in play. Plan your releases and events ahead of time. It will take the stress off your staff and keep players off your backs.

    Your movie pass example is apples and oranges.

    You don't pay for the events they are part of the game. A better example would be that you got a free pass to the cinema and on the final day the cinema was closed due to staffing issue so the cinema offered you two extra showings on the last day.

    You are complaining that the cinema refund you for the big bag of popcorn you bought in advance for the film.

  • As stated above that hbo concept is a false premise. If you want something more accurate I will attempt to lay it out with your movie idea.

    Hbo has a system in place similar to amazon prime except it is free. It allows you to participate in the system to get access to movies that are divided up into categories ranging from 1 to 5. You can collect these movies. The level 5 movies are in 1 part. The level 1 movies are divided up into 5 parts that you have to collect to gain the whole movie. Each week they have an event that gives you a chance to get the latest movies that are coming out. This is over christmas weekend. They also provide options that give you a chance to get parts of the brand new movies if you pay for them, but guarantees you will get a part of 1 of the 3 movies released. Someone pays for those parts, expecting to also go into the event and gain more parts even though they know they have to go to the theatre and play games with everyone else to earn enough points to get those parts. What about those that don't even celebrate christmas? I bet I will still be able to hang out at the theatre longer says that person. What about those people that pay for extra tickets during the event to stay after hours racking up points? Oh there can't be too many of those. Suddenly the theatres announce that due to it being christmas they decided to close their doors on one of the days and in exchange are actually going to give you an after hours pass that you can use if you want. They gave out an after hours pass.... for free? How awesome! Too bad I won't be able to use it because I already made plans to be with my family. I could just be happy I got what I paid for in the parts of the movie that were just released, but no I think I am going to complain that if they would have kept the event with the extra day I would have for sure got the part of the best movie! Or if I would have known that day would get cut off I would not have paid for those parts to the movie in the first place! You decieved me and now need to give me something free that other people either spent money on getting or spent more time than me getting during the event. You aren't going to do that? Fine I am tellllllllling on you. I am telling the AG. You better be scared now because they might put you in timeout now give me what i want.
  • IcebergDXIcebergDX ✭✭
    edited January 2018
    C6pilot wrote: »
    I don't understand ...End of story.

    Your first 3 words and last 3 words summed up your thoughts nicely. The rest has been covered many times.

    This. So this. 1000 times this^^^

    And Awesomo4000, you might be cool with getting ripped off by false advertisement and fraud. I personally am not. I have no problem with also filing a complaint. And if a lot of people file complaints, then DB will have to answer for the fact that they are in the wrong. Not just from a CS standpoint, but from a legal standpoint. But you are entitled to your opinion.

    Not another penny. Not...one...more... Until they fix this. They could have fixed it, but they are actively choosing not to, so I am on board with ericdx, and I will file a complaint.
This discussion has been closed.