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DB maybe you understand the Picard problem; now it's time to understand about Bev.



  • Shan wrote: »
    I am sorry but it will not happen.
    The 6 Expedition tickets and the 4,500 Honor were the compensation for everyone for this issue.

    And yes, we do realize that it was less than perfect for everyone.
    Our main goal is to make sure it does not happen again, but also to have more flexibility/better solutions when compensation is required.

    Thank you for saving me cash each month. With this kind of high handed answer, even after ABUNDANT PROOF that your company (and some of the responses you have made yourself) screwed this up, you are going to hold the line. Well, hold the line with less revenue. Your company and you, seem to be missing the fact that there needs to be a SERIOUS AND REAL MEA CULPA, not doggedly holding a bad position Just remember, in the end, it is YOUR paycheck this failure is affecting.

    The wallet is welded shut as far as this game is concerned. F2P awaits!!!!
  • Hunter247Hunter247 ✭✭✭✭
    I don't ever want to contact 'support'. It's like engaging with people you know don't care and would rather not help. I don't need that *hugs* in my life. I'm supposed to be having fun. Not complaining.

    It makes me realise just how good customer service is in Australia. I've never had such negative vibes from asking for help before.

    I have found db support to be quite helpful the times I have contacted them. I understand your frustration about a mid event change but mistakes and problems occur in any game. The six extra tickets allowed me and others to get all rewards and we got three more tickets than we would have had with the extra day.

    The 6 extra tickets were great of you had time to play them. The problem was that many people didn't and as a result had no chance of getting a decent place
  • Or, you are scraping together the loose change for the burger, and then suddenly they announce that they're closed. Your compensation is sugar, but only several days later and you have to argue for it.

    I suppose closing a day early and handing out 6 coffees as compensation is the other alternative.
    Ten Forward Loungers - Give Your Best, Get Our Best!
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  • I wonder if a solution to this would just be to rerun the Expedition Event next week?
  • ~peregrine~~peregrine~ ✭✭✭✭✭
    I wonder if a solution to this would just be to rerun the Expedition Event next week?

    Or in the near future, giving players a chance to breathe for a bit, then yes. But those like me who ranked highly enough to earn Mirror Bev would then have an advantage on the fixed MED nodes, so no....

    ... Unless they did another “apology pack” with a behold guaranteed to include her, so that everyone had a choice on who to pick. But then players could pick another 5* that wasn’t earned via competition, and around & around we might go again.
    "In the short run, the game defines the players. But in the long run, it's us players who define the game." — Nicky Case, The Evolution of Trust
  • I wonder if a solution to this would just be to rerun the Expedition Event next week?

    I could sure use another fully fused Mirror Mayweather (sarcasm).

    No thanks. I'd rather not do that again. I'd really rather not. It's time to move on. I've learned a lot about DB from their attitude, and I'll be considerably more cautious in my dealings with them in the future.
    Ten Forward Loungers - Give Your Best, Get Our Best!
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  • pbertpbert ✭✭✭
    First of thanks to FB Magpie for bringing this up again. I echo most of the sentiment in this thread.

    To DB: We know you are trying to only do "fair" compensation for mistakes in the form of in game mail gifts given to everyone, but you do not understand that in this case you failed miserably. The 6 tickets were helpful only to the people least affected by the shortened time, and those of us who had commitments on the 24th and 25th could not use your compensation. It was already an unfair compensation, and you need to take action to fix this for the players negatively affected by those 6 tickets.

    To everyone who bought event packs or expedition tickets before the extra tickets were given out: I hope you all politely ask CS for a refund on your purchases and escalate to Apple/Google if need be. If you already have, thanks for putting in the effort to hold DB accountable for these errors in judgement.
  • CS doesn't stop with DB. Google, Apple, Steam, FB are all other ways to skin this cat. Cat's got claws??? Pull out the 12 gauge.
  • FB MagpieFB Magpie ✭✭
    edited January 2018
    In response to Captain Q and Apollo - perspective is important, that's a true thing. There are bad days, and then there are days when you have to decide what you do about your game which you added to your life to be fun. The truth is, it is just a game. And it was an enjoyable game, except when it wasn't. I also have had good experiences with CS and was pretty darn sure we could get through this. I came on the forums because I knew CS was limited in what they could do, and that I needed to explain higher up the Chain. Thanks for those who joined in trying; it's been fun to meet more of the community. I hope it's a great new year: may your shuttles fly straight and your voyages fly long.
  • FYI, Google Play for Android also has 24/7 phone support in the USA. You can PM me if you can't find it. There's a link when you Report A Problem for a refund.
  • Guest Guest  ✭✭✭
    C6pilot wrote: »
    Iknamur_ wrote: »
    You just can't alter the rules of the game during the game. At this point, with all these screw ups, I think dilithium is the only acceptable compensation for anything. I hate seeing weekly mid-event sorrytons as much as I hated the 6 extra tickets.

    Another person who gets it. Server glitches are part of life. But nobody expects an event to be purposely altered mid-event on a whim. That whim needs to be acknowledged as a HUGE mistake and every player compensated for that weeks pack purchases in dilithium. Anything less is theft.


    The 6 extra tickets are the root problem. The server glitch that caused the event to end a day early would have worked itself out if DB hadn't interfered and ALTERED the course of the event.
  • MagpieMagpie ✭✭✭
    I remember caring before the Bev event. Now it feels like years ago, and I engage the game less as time goes on. I'm not even mad anymore, just detached. But I don't want DB to stop functioning. I think from a psychological perspective, admitting that there's been an impact right off the bat could help for next time (they did this better with the Picard issue). I know those who have a relationship left with DB are still hopeful that they'll listen re the Reflections event. Please consider the impact DB.
  • I remember caring before the Bev event. Now it feels like years ago, and I engage the game less as time goes on. I'm not even mad anymore, just detached. But I don't want DB to stop functioning. I think from a psychological perspective, admitting that there's been an impact right off the bat could help for next time (they did this better with the Picard issue). I know those who have a relationship left with DB are still hopeful that they'll listen re the Reflections event. Please consider the impact DB.

    It seems like a year ago because the entire episode was like having a root canal performed. You don't want to remember it. "Making" players grind away 6 extra tickets during a mistakenly shortened event over holiday weekend just so they can stay competitive??? It was torturous and damaging to everyone who spent on packs and building up for the extended event. And then to top things off DB claim everyone was effected the same. Ahem, F2P and P2P were not effected evenly. Some of us chose to spend money to compete on Tuesday.
  • Hunter247Hunter247 ✭✭✭✭
    Iknamur_ wrote: »
    Hunter247 wrote: »
    The 6 extra tickets were great of you had time to play them. The problem was that many people didn't and as a result had no chance of getting a decent place

    There are players (like me) who really hate expedition events. 3 tickets a day is a bearable pain twice a year, but anything that exceeds this number is an automatic sit out. I started the event with Beverly in mind knowing that I have to play 3 tickets a day, so I invested resources and energy to maximize Phase 1 (the shuttle part). Then DB decided, mid-event, that I have to play 9 tickets in one day, which is something I will never do. I won't be asking for a free Beverly because of the screw up, but I'm entitled to ask for a compensation for all the resources I used in Phase 1.

    You just can't alter the rules of the game during the game. At this point, with all these screw ups, I think dilithium is the only acceptable compensation for anything. I hate seeing weekly mid-event sorrytons as much as I hated the 6 extra tickets.

    I mostly sat out the second part of the event as Christmas eve and day were both really busy for me. I was planning to buy tickets on Boxing Day to get Bev but it wasn't to be. The extra tickets were useless to me and made getting Bev even harder.
  • IcebergDXIcebergDX ✭✭
    edited January 2018
    Yet DB keeps doubling down on that compensation, and will not budge, I am still pushing a ticekt up through the chain of command, and have dealt with Neil twice and Andrea once, and am telling them I want to go higher. I will not rest until I have gone all the way up, and made them realize how tone deaf their compensation in tickets was.
  • Matt_DeckerMatt_Decker ✭✭✭✭✭
    Shan wrote: »
    I am sorry but it will not happen.
    The 6 Expedition tickets and the 4,500 Honor were the compensation for everyone for this issue.

    And yes, we do realize that it was less than perfect for everyone.
    Our main goal is to make sure it does not happen again, but also to have more flexibility/better solutions when compensation is required.

    Less than perfect? Really.

    Well, I will say Shan is at least consistent with their CS reps who, to be fair, have been polite while telling me to pound sand. But this is completely unjustifiable. People who got a free Mirror Picard were compensated with 50,000 honor because they'd spent $25 or 50k honor already getting a fifth copy. But those of us who spent MORE than that on this event, and were screwed by the schedule change, and were further screwed in the standings by the "compensation for all" of 6 tickets, got 4500 honor. I spent $50 on this event less than 24 hours before they mistakenly changed the length of the event. I would not have done so if I'd known what the actual event length would have turned out to be (as I knew I couldn't play extensively Christmas morning). 4500 honor doesn't cut it, just like that number wouldn't have cut it for the Mirror Picard folks.

    You don't want to give me similar compensation to those as the Mirror Picard? Fine. Give me my money back.
    Fleet: Starship Trista
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  • pbertpbert ✭✭✭
    You don't want to give me similar compensation to those as the Mirror Picard? Fine. Give me my money back.

    +1 and will add that this is the most troubling aspect of this issue for me. I didn't spend money on the event, but did spend my (in the end wasted) time & in game resources so I'm trying get some compensation from CS (and hopefully by extension get some compensation for other people thrown off by those extra tickets). I'm baffled that they are stubbornly keeping people's money, though.

    This was twice over false advertising: the incorrect event duration and 15 free tickets rather than the established expedition rules that there are 9 free tickets from Saturday to Monday. False advertising does not require intent. People should get refunded their money at a minimum. That they are stubborn enough to make people go through Apple/Google/Facebook/Steam for this rather than to own up to their mistake is highly concerning.

  • Shan wrote: »
    I am sorry but it will not happen.
    The 6 Expedition tickets and the 4,500 Honor were the compensation for everyone for this issue.

    And yes, we do realize that it was less than perfect for everyone.
    Our main goal is to make sure it does not happen again, but also to have more flexibility/better solutions when compensation is required.

    Less than perfect? Really.

    Well, I will say Shan is at least consistent with their CS reps who, to be fair, have been polite while telling me to pound sand. But this is completely unjustifiable. People who got a free Mirror Picard were compensated with 50,000 honor because they'd spent $25 or 50k honor already getting a fifth copy. But those of us who spent MORE than that on this event, and were screwed by the schedule change, and were further screwed in the standings by the "compensation for all" of 6 tickets, got 4500 honor. I spent $50 on this event less than 24 hours before they mistakenly changed the length of the event. I would not have done so if I'd known what the actual event length would have turned out to be (as I knew I couldn't play extensively Christmas morning). 4500 honor doesn't cut it, just like that number wouldn't have cut it for the Mirror Picard folks.

    You don't want to give me similar compensation to those as the Mirror Picard? Fine. Give me my money back.

    You'd think they'd realise people will be reluctant to spend money on Event packs in future with this kind of thing going on!
  • You'd think they'd realise people will be reluctant to spend money on Event packs in future with this kind of thing going on!

    Fool me once. Shame on you.
    Fool me twice. Shame on me.
  • They keep trying to close out the ticket I have open for this complaint. I am not happy.
  • They keep trying to close out the ticket I have open for this complaint. I am not happy.

    And every 5 days, they will continue to try, even if they do not do anything after your last answer. Just keep saying you want your ticket moved to the next higher level, and keep an eye on your emails. They have already tried this several times. Now they are just doubling down on how the tickets were appropriate compensation.
  • FB MagpieFB Magpie ✭✭
    edited January 2018
    I am assuming that we have reasonable but overloaded CS and that the Picard problem is far bigger at this point so I'm pretty patient about the tickets. I also understand that the Bev problem is messy, and that we've been told repeatedly that the 6 tickets are the only compensation being offered. Even given this, I'm still hoping (because it feels, really, like my only option) that they realize that the 6 tickets were not compensation for a good chunk of players, and that they look individually at player's situations. Their responsibility in this as a developer lies in the mid-event change with a game which, if one wants to be successful, involves tight and careful pre-planning and expenditure of resources. In the meantime, I'm trying to play the game (I actually saddled up this event), but don't have a lot of heart for it, it's the fleet that keeps me in. This game used to fit in a nice little "thing I do for me" part of my busy day, but it feels a bit risky to engage at any enthused level currently. Not because mistakes/tech issues don't happen: of course they do! It's more because I don't know if DB will understand the impact of decisions on their players, or be willing to look at a reasonable solutions.
  • Matt_DeckerMatt_Decker ✭✭✭✭✭
    FB Magpie wrote: »
    I am assuming that we have reasonable but overloaded CS and that the Picard problem is far bigger at this point so I'm pretty patient about the tickets. I also understand that the Bev problem is messy, and that we've been told repeatedly that the 6 tickets are the only compensation being offered. Even given this, I'm still hoping (because it feels, really, like my only option) that they realize that the 6 tickets were not compensation for a good chunk of players, and that they look individually at player's situations. Their responsibility in this as a developer lies in the mid-event change with a game which, if one wants to be successful, involves tight and careful pre-planning and expenditure of resources. . .

    I wish I were quite so optimistic. Seems clear to me that because this issue is, as you say, "messy," they've decided a blanket policy of saying "no" is safer than trying to figure out a reasonable response for individual cases. That might protect them from a flood of extra complaints about compensation, but those who invested heavily in this event are hung out to dry. It's the easy way to deal with this from their perspective, but it's not right.

    For me, this is particularly upsetting because I spent more $$ on this event than any other except for the Assimilated Janeway event months ago (during the Borg mega event). It's not out of spite that I won't be spending that way on future events, it's out of a desire not to waste money. Based on this experience, and other continuing glitches, I don't have any faith that this won't happen again: a similar glitch followed by a refusal to make things right. I haven't decided whether to continue buying monthly dilithium or not, but I certainly won't be spending more than that unless things are made right.
    Fleet: Starship Trista
    Captain Level: 95
    VIP Level: 12
    Unique Crew Immortalized: 525
    Collections Completed: Vulcan, Ferengi, Borg, Romulan, Cardassian, Uncommon, Rare, Veteran, Common, Engineered, Physician, Innovator, Inspiring, Diplomat, Jury Rigger, Gauntlet Legends
  • FB MagpieFB Magpie ✭✭
    edited January 2018
    I think my optimism was misplaced (just got my ticket). I do know what you mean about the breach of trust. I may continue to play mostly because my international pen-pals (aka fleet) are persuasive, but I will not play as I once did; I join the disillusioned ranks.
  • C6pilot wrote: »
    Iknamur_ wrote: »
    You just can't alter the rules of the game during the game. At this point, with all these screw ups, I think dilithium is the only acceptable compensation for anything. I hate seeing weekly mid-event sorrytons as much as I hated the 6 extra tickets.

    Another person who gets it. Server glitches are part of life. But nobody expects an event to be purposely altered mid-event on a whim. That whim needs to be acknowledged as a HUGE mistake and every player compensated for that weeks pack purchases in dilithium. Anything less is theft.

    Yep, I couldn't agree more. That event was a **tsk tsk** show by DB.
    239 Immortalized
    Gametag: ECH
  • edited January 2018
    I think they have a way of discarding our tickets without us receiving the...
    Your issue has either been solved, or it has been at least 5 days since our last correspondence. Your request (#368771) is now being marked as Solved.

    ... message.

    I haven't heard anything back for a while now.

    They definitely want us to forget about this!

    Merry Christmas!
This discussion has been closed.