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DB maybe you understand the Picard problem; now it's time to understand about Bev.



  • If we decide as a player base that such mid-event tinkering is just fine and dandy, then I will stand down and go find another game.

    Agreed. THIS is the part some people aren't getting. By siding with DBs decision to alter the rules mid-game they are saying it's an acceptable practice. I wish all those people to spend money in preparation of an event and then have DB change the event which renders their purchases obsolete. Only then will they realize what they can't see now.

    The shortened event, by all accounts, was an accident, we get it. But DB should have manned up and said, you know what, we screwed up... we are going to rerun this event at a later time and to make things right we are going to match everyone's purchases for the week so you're not at a loss. THAT is being responsible for your own shortcomings. Saying it effected everyone the same is bull pucky. The event was null and void and purchases should be returned.

    I'm tired of the norm being that DB screws up but keeps our money. They should not be able to decide to throw us bones of their choosing and then call it rectified. My money wasn't spent to have DB gift everyone 6 tickets to compete against me.
  • Ad hominem attacks such as "delusional" are out of place and change the tone of the conversation. Could we not try to function as a community? If you disagree with something, please just state your argument.

    Thanks. It was probably, actually, it was that very remark that riled me up a little and made me go off a little today. I'm usually quite calm and measured so I apologize for any antsiness.

    I don't like having my concerns summarily dismissed as being 'delusional'.
    Ten Forward Loungers - Give Your Best, Get Our Best!
    Check out our website to find out more:
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2018
    You think? Or you don't think. Complaining about something is different to planning for something. Maybe you don't plan, maybe you have oodles of free time. Others are different. Sorry to burst your bubble on that.

    Hey I just came off the Rare Turn in/time zone thread where you got upset with everyone because you thought they were trying to “silence” you. You seem to get upset easily...like whenever someone has a different opinion than you. Why don’t you back off from maximum warp before your nacelles fly off, ok.

    Maybe its time for forum vallium or chamomile.
  • Also, having people concerned about one thing and expecting compensation while dismissing other people's issues sort of gets me irked. I've been supporting other people's issues all the while, and quite understand them, and yet I feel sometimes my own problems with the game have just been shrugged off or summarily dismissed as 'delusional'. I think DB needs better customer service all round and I'll fight for that, for other people as well as myself.
    Ten Forward Loungers - Give Your Best, Get Our Best!
    Check out our website to find out more:
  • I was able to play the extra tickets (though I didn't enjoy it - 3 tickets is fun, 9 are punishment) and got the position I wanted. But I entirely understand and support the position of people who may have bought Event crew, and put resources into trying to get a particular rank, only to be told of a major change half way through the game.

    Those of you saying that it was the same for everyone, just imagine for a moment that at the beginning of the event, you knew that you would be spending part of the event staying with a relative and unable to play the game for most of that time. But it's during an Expedition, so you figure it won't make much difference. You can get the bulk of the VP points for a day by spending 45 mins quickly running through 3 tickets. And the last day of the Expedition you'll have lots of time and you can always spend a bit of dilithium for extra tickets if you haven't quite made the top 1000, which is your goal. So you go for it - buy Event Crew, spend Dil on extra boosts for the Faction part, set your alarm for every 4 hours for the shuttles. It's looking good - then suddenly you are told it's ending a day early and you now have to try and get through 9 tickets in the 45 mins you have free to play.

    It had a very different impact on people in that position than on people like myself, who were able to play the extra tickets (however little I enjoyed it). And people in that position would not have bothered buying Event packs, and putting in lots of effort, if they had known in advance when the Event would end. They would have known they'd be in a poor position to compete with people like me and saved their resources for a better time.

    That is the point which DB has still failed to acknowledge. And if they won't even acknowledge it, something similar will almost certainly happen again. Next time it could be you.
  • Paund SkummPaund Skumm ✭✭✭✭✭
    Pallidyne wrote: »
    You think? Or you don't think. Complaining about something is different to planning for something. Maybe you don't plan, maybe you have oodles of free time. Others are different. Sorry to burst your bubble on that.

    Hey I just came off the Rare Turn in/time zone thread where you got upset with everyone because you thought they were trying to “silence” you. You seem to get upset easily...like whenever someone has a different opinion than you. Why don’t you back off from maximum warp before your nacelles fly off, ok.

    Maybe its time for forum vallium or chamomile.

    No... at times like these, the only thing that will work is “Tea, Earl Grey, Hot” ...
  • I'd also like to add that -- aside from the issue with the event itself -- the CS response to these tickets has been wildly uneven. Some people are being told that the 6 tickets were compensation while others were granted copies of event characters.
    Proud Former Admiral of eXodus
    Proud Former Officer of The Gluten Empire

    Retired 12-14-20. So long, and thanks for all the cat pics!
  • With all the talk about the Mirror Picard screw-up I don't want the previous week screw up seems to be forgotten. Giving out 6 additional tickets on Christmas Day was a very bad call, people ticketed it and either they didn't get any answer or the answer was "we won't do anything about it". This is unacceptable.

    I should point out that I did not ticket that event, but I can't stand a wrong decision and the lack of reaction when people started asking questions. Players have all the rights to ask for Bev, copies of Mayweather or other compensations for the wasted resources (like shuttle boosts) after DB changed the rules DURING the event. I won't let it go.
  • Captain_WhoCaptain_Who ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'd also like to add that -- aside from the issue with the event itself -- the CS response to these tickets has been wildly uneven. Some people are being told that the 6 tickets were compensation while others were granted copies of event characters.

    I got the bird twice by a very dismissive Marcon who then proceeded to ignore and close my tickets. I just can't believe the level of terrible customer service DB strives to provide.
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    Iknamur_ wrote: »
    With all the talk about the Mirror Picard screw-up I don't want the previous week screw up seems to be forgotten. Giving out 6 additional tickets on Christmas Day was a very bad call, people ticketed it and either they didn't get any answer or the answer was "we won't do anything about it". This is unacceptable.

    I should point out that I did not ticket that event, but I can't stand a wrong decision and the lack of reaction when people started asking questions. Players have all the rights to ask for Bev, copies of Mayweather or other compensations for the wasted resources (like shuttle boosts) after DB changed the rules DURING the event. I won't let it go.

    DB Exec: Throw an useless Mirror Picard at them so they forget last week.

    DB Yesmen: Splendid idea, Sir!!!!!!

    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • Just to be upfront... I did not read the whole thread. I honestly think that DB's solution was simply as short sighted as the Picard solution...

    They said to themselves that they need to do something otherwise people will complain that they can't reach the new threshold rewards and the answer was that nobody could argue if they were given enough tickets to reach those thresholds, right? The "fix" (and unintended consequences) was simply worse then the original problem. Sound familiar?
    Member of Rise of the Phoenix.
  • Paund SkummPaund Skumm ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'd also like to add that -- aside from the issue with the event itself -- the CS response to these tickets has been wildly uneven. Some people are being told that the 6 tickets were compensation while others were granted copies of event characters.

    I got the bird twice by a very dismissive Marcon who then proceeded to ignore and close my tickets. I just can't believe the level of terrible customer service DB strives to provide.

    You got the bird? TWICE??? You lucky bas... *huggy pink unicorn* (but really means illegitimate son)... what I would give to be flipped the bird... I would have even preferred a rock to my nada... END Monty Python rant...
  • bowdybowdy ✭✭✭
    edited January 2018
    I posted a lot in other threads about this right after the event - the OP is right and we all know this, it was twisted to award 6 event tickets with 1 less day to use. I've already said this in other threads, I totally get why it should not be let lie because DB have not really accepted they really messed up in this regard. So yeah, even though I painfully managed to claw myself a Bev, I hated doing it, on Xmas day of all days. And I really want DB to stand up and account for their error.

    It feels to me and I'm sure to many that DB don't really play or understand what it is like to be a player of their own game. If they did, they wouldn't make the kind of decisions they make.
  • I'd also like to add that -- aside from the issue with the event itself -- the CS response to these tickets has been wildly uneven. Some people are being told that the 6 tickets were compensation while others were granted copies of event characters.

    That's a steaming load of horse doodoo. I was told by CS Aga the decision was made by player support and community team to NOT compensate anyone induvidually.

    So now you're telling us CS reps are also liars.

    SHAN, is that true, are CS reps liars? Has someone gotten compensation for the same issue we're complaining about? (As if im going to get an answer)
  • GhostStalkerGhostStalker ✭✭✭✭✭
    Sorry, I read all of this and I feel all your pain, but I still have to reaffirm... I don't see why we deserve a free Beverly Crusher.
  • Sorry, I read all of this and I feel all your pain, but I still have to reaffirm... I don't see why we deserve a free Beverly Crusher.

    I didn't mention Beverly. I firmly believe we should get credit for our purchases leading up to that event. I paid for packs and then DB changed the event. The event was tainted through no fault of our own. DB made money leading up to a botched event (again). They need to stop the inconceivable, incomparable, unwanted, limp wristed, GIFTING and start refunding!

    Nobody cares if there's a glitch... we just dont want to pay for their mistakes.... over and over again. LITERALLY PAY. AS IN TOOK MONEY OUT OF OUR POCKETS EXPECTING TO USE WHAT THEY SOLD FOR THE EXACT EVENT THEY ADVERTISED.

    I reject their CS rejection. I am a paying customer and I did not get to use my purchase on the event as advertised. It's that simple. Look up my account and reissue the packs I paid for. And no, they don't get the original packs back. I performed all the grinding and spent resources building up for the event. Those packs are mine.
  • Hmm when that event started, I thought the consensus on the forums was “extra day=bad”.

    I was not a fan of the solution but I do not think DB should compensate anyone beyond what had already been done, All players had a shorter event. (THANKFULLY). and all players got the extra tickets. You made plans based on having an extra day. So did everyone else. You are not unique. You would have had an extra day to craft? So would everyone else. The idea that you would have placed higher with the extra day is delusional.

    Just because people may not have liked adding another day onto the event is moot considering DB advertised that the event would be that way and then changed it AFTER the event was already in full swing. If we had known they were going to do this, many players would have pushed harder at the start to compensate for time away from the game to be with family for Christmas rather than expect to have extra time to get back into it and work to get a higher rank.

    Having extra time to craft can actually affect rank, believe it or not. If this past event had ended on Monday, I would have placed top 50, but because it was extended, I placed rank 70. Others could have jumped a few ranks higher to a few hundred depending on their circumstances.

    DB did not change the event, mid event. Someone screwed up and never extended the event in the first place. No one realized this (including DB) until Phase 2 started.

    You know those 20 players that prevented you from finishing top 50. They would have “pushed harder” at the start too. That’s the delusional part. You just assume that if the event had worked as intended or if they shorter event had been know up front you could have just determined wherever you want to rank as if you are playing the event by yourself. There is no way to know how you would have faired and bet at least 20 players would have something to say about your assumptions.

    They did change it mid-event. It is not hard to adjust the time clock on the event to make up for that error. They even stated in their "apology" that because they messed up, they would allow the event to continue on as one day less instead of fixing their blunder and making it right.

    You do realize that the event I was speaking of was this past Faction/Galaxy hybrid and not the one with Beverly, right? Also, I did check players randomly to see when they were on last to get an idea of if I continued on, who would be doing so with me and who would be offline so I knew how much harder I had to push. Not all of them were online at the same time; it is not like we all live in the same area of the world where we can all be playing at the exact same time. Sometimes pushing harder yourself at the end of the event does not mean everyone else in the surrounding ranks would be on to do so as well.
    There are three ways to do something; the right way, the wrong way, and the Janeway.

    DB: Do Better.

    Member of Starship Trista
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    Pallidyne wrote: »
    You think? Or you don't think. Complaining about something is different to planning for something. Maybe you don't plan, maybe you have oodles of free time. Others are different. Sorry to burst your bubble on that.

    Hey I just came off the Rare Turn in/time zone thread where you got upset with everyone because you thought they were trying to “silence” you. You seem to get upset easily...like whenever someone has a different opinion than you. Why don’t you back off from maximum warp before your nacelles fly off, ok.

    Maybe its time for forum vallium or chamomile.

    No... at times like these, the only thing that will work is “Tea, Earl Grey, Hot” ...

    Nella taught Jean-Luc a valuable lesson tho. Earl Grey is a stimulant.....
  • Lady GaghgaghLady Gaghgagh ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2018
    I'm onboard, I think what definitely needs to be talked about here is how DB is defining a "fix", why they think a "fix" is what they think it is, and how we as the consumers define a "fix".

    Like maybe if we lay down some parameters of what constitutes a "fix" to us, since we are the ones the "fixes" affect, then they can get a better idea of what IS a "fix" for us, and what is absolutely not a "fix" but a lazy half-arsed attempt at appeasement which is ultimately ineffective.
    Admiral of the Haus of GaghGagh, Starbase level 94, we are not accepting members at this time.
    Captain of the voyage vessels: Queen of Bashir, Landsknecht, and Sunspear, the first luxury starship cruiseliners.
    Amenities include wifi, fully-functioning holodecks, a full-service bar, 3 party decks, a Trill spa, and a business centre.
    Fun fact: The ships are propelled by bouncy castle technology.
  • Paund SkummPaund Skumm ✭✭✭✭✭
    Pallidyne wrote: »
    Pallidyne wrote: »
    You think? Or you don't think. Complaining about something is different to planning for something. Maybe you don't plan, maybe you have oodles of free time. Others are different. Sorry to burst your bubble on that.

    Hey I just came off the Rare Turn in/time zone thread where you got upset with everyone because you thought they were trying to “silence” you. You seem to get upset easily...like whenever someone has a different opinion than you. Why don’t you back off from maximum warp before your nacelles fly off, ok.

    Maybe its time for forum vallium or chamomile.

    No... at times like these, the only thing that will work is “Tea, Earl Grey, Hot” ...

    Nella taught Jean-Luc a valuable lesson tho. Earl Grey is a stimulant.....

    All tea has caffeine and is therefore a stimulant... despite its name Chamomile is not made from the “tea plant” (hence no caffeine) and technically should be called an herbal infusion. But there’s no way I’m going to change anyone’s mind on this so please, I don’t want to get into a debate about it... let’s all drink some warm milk and get some sleep...
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    Pallidyne wrote: »
    Pallidyne wrote: »
    You think? Or you don't think. Complaining about something is different to planning for something. Maybe you don't plan, maybe you have oodles of free time. Others are different. Sorry to burst your bubble on that.

    Hey I just came off the Rare Turn in/time zone thread where you got upset with everyone because you thought they were trying to “silence” you. You seem to get upset easily...like whenever someone has a different opinion than you. Why don’t you back off from maximum warp before your nacelles fly off, ok.

    Maybe its time for forum vallium or chamomile.

    No... at times like these, the only thing that will work is “Tea, Earl Grey, Hot” ...

    Nella taught Jean-Luc a valuable lesson tho. Earl Grey is a stimulant.....

    All tea has caffeine and is therefore a stimulant... despite its name Chamomile is not made from the “tea plant” (hence no caffeine) and technically should be called an herbal infusion. But there’s no way I’m going to change anyone’s mind on this so please, I don’t want to get into a debate about it... let’s all drink some warm milk and get some sleep...

    Firstly, I did not call for chamomile tea. You added tea into the post in your own mind. I stated simply chamomile as a substance. For some animals such as rabbits, raw chamomile is given to calm their nerves during stressful times, as well as lavender. There are other ways of delivering it to humans as well other than a hot beverage. I also used it in the same sentence as vallium which is not to my knowledge available as a hot beverage.

    And if I HAD used tea in the phraseology Webster differs from your narrow definition, listing several definitions of tea and I defer to their expertise in questions of the English language:

    Definition of tea
    1 a : a widely cultivated shrub (Camellia sinensis of the family Theaceae, the tea family) native to China, northern India, and southeastern Asia and having glossy green leaves and fragrant white flowers
    b : the leaves, leaf buds, and internodes of the tea plant prepared for use in beverages usually by immediate curing by heat or by such curing following a period of fermentation
    NOTE: Tea may be classified according to its method of manufacture (see black tea, green tea, oolong, white tea) or according to the leaf size of the plant it is produced from (see orange pekoe, pekoe, souchong).
    2 : an aromatic beverage prepared from tea leaves by soaking them in boiling water
    3 a : any of various plants used like tea; also : a drink prepared by soaking their parts (such as leaves or roots) and used medicinally or as a beverage mint tea an herbal tea
    b : tea rose
    4 a : refreshments usually including tea with sandwiches, crackers, or cookies served in late afternoon
    b : a reception, snack, or meal at which tea is served
    5 slang : marijuana
  • Lady GaghgaghLady Gaghgagh ✭✭✭✭✭
    *sees somewhat heavy discussion about tea*

    Ummm what did I walk into???
    Admiral of the Haus of GaghGagh, Starbase level 94, we are not accepting members at this time.
    Captain of the voyage vessels: Queen of Bashir, Landsknecht, and Sunspear, the first luxury starship cruiseliners.
    Amenities include wifi, fully-functioning holodecks, a full-service bar, 3 party decks, a Trill spa, and a business centre.
    Fun fact: The ships are propelled by bouncy castle technology.
  • WaldoMag wrote: »
    Hmm when that event started, I thought the consensus on the forums was “extra day=bad”.

    I was not a fan of the solution but I do not think DB should compensate anyone beyond what had already been done, All players had a shorter event. (THANKFULLY). and all players got the extra tickets. You made plans based on having an extra day. So did everyone else. You are not unique. You would have had an extra day to craft? So would everyone else. The idea that you would have placed higher with the extra day is delusional.

    You did not read the posts. The complaint is about the extra tickets. Not about one less day.

    I did read the post. As with many threads there is the OP position and then numerous others from other posters.

    Many people were planning around the additional day so that they could both participate in the event and spend time with their families on Christmas. What happened was that DB, in the middle of the event, took the additional day they stated they would provide away from everyone.

    Many said the extra day was bad, true enough; however, once we were told the extra day was going to happen, regardless of how we felt... and planned our schedule on that set in stone decision... only to have that set in stone decision changed on us AFTER the start of the event, AFTER our schedules were made... how can you NOT see the problem with this?

    DB for one. Of course they do not care. And this is why my wallet is now welded shut, as far as this game and this company are concerned. And why I have a friend of the family, who is in the legal field looking into if this would fall under false advertising.
  • Tea is a serious subject. I respect their opinions. It's not MY culture so I can't speak for them it would be innapropriate. It is, however, somewhat off-topic so if they could create a thread in the 'tea drinkers only' part of the forum I will respectfully leave them to their own debate.
    Ten Forward Loungers - Give Your Best, Get Our Best!
    Check out our website to find out more:
  • Paund SkummPaund Skumm ✭✭✭✭✭
    Nah... I’m good...
  • IcebergDXIcebergDX ✭✭
    edited January 2018
    And frankly, by giving us the 6 tickets, DB is basically saying "You are all losers that have no life except this game, and therefore we will give you something for losers that have no life except this game." So my answer is to not buy things from them any more. If more people would quit spending their money by giving it to a company that OBVIOUSLY does not care, then they would get the message. Hit em in the wallet, where they screwed us during the Crusher event. They took money for packets and then changed the rules, making those packets not useful for what they were advertised for.
  • MagpieMagpie ✭✭✭
    I'm onboard, I think what definitely needs to be talked about here is how DB is defining a "fix", why they think a "fix" is what they think it is, and how we as the consumers define a "fix".

    Like maybe if we lay down some parameters of what constitutes a "fix" to us, since we are the ones the "fixes" affect, then they can get a better idea of what IS a "fix" for us, and what is absolutely not a "fix" but a lazy half-arsed attempt at appeasement which is ultimately ineffective.

    I agree. The fix/compensation for this fiasco is complex because the fix benefitted some, and penalized others. It is, for that reason, a good test case for trying to help DB think out fixes in the future, and to respond to tickets which continue to come in regarding this event.

    I think it would be useful to have some acknowledgement that the original 6 ticket fix was a fiasco, just from the perspective of preserving the relationship any of us have with DB. I would really have hoped to be past the point of feeling like we need to explain the impact of their decision to them, but with lack of any response from them, and with the tickets coming back nada, we may need to continue to highlight the issues.

    Along with this, we may have to be more specific about compensation. I was hoping that this thread would open a dialogue with DB that could be continued on an individual basis with effected players and CS. That is clearly not happening. Because people were effected so differently, DB will need to consider a range of responses. Yes DB, this is a messier one, but ignoring it and hoping it goes away is not a clean response.
  • Jim SteeleJim Steele ✭✭✭✭✭
    Having nine tickets to play in a single day was far too much of a grind, that said it kind of affected everyone in the same way. Personally it was a bad solution to the longer event time being reduced but playing devils advocate people would have complained at not being able to get the ISS defiant without spending dil (money) to do so.

    My method of coping was just to ditch doing the missions on Elite and Normal difficulties; in the end I scraped over the line and got Bev with a large amount of tedium involved.

    DB: Do Better
  • MagpieMagpie ✭✭✭
    Jim Steele wrote: »
    Having nine tickets to play in a single day was far too much of a grind, that said it kind of affected everyone in the same way. Personally it was a bad solution to the longer event time being reduced but playing devils advocate people would have complained at not being able to get the ISS defiant without spending dil (money) to do so.

    My method of coping was just to ditch doing the missions on Elite and Normal difficulties; in the end I scraped over the line and got Bev with a large amount of tedium involved.


    Hello Jim,

    The argument is that, for many of us, it was actually NOT possible to do the extra 6 tickets given the weekend that it was. Which would be fine if we'd had any ability to plan appropriately. I would have just sat out the event and been completely happy. The change happened mid-event, rendering the efforts and expenses of phase one useless. Could you do us a favour and read over some of the previous arguments? You may be coming fresh to this debate. I believe there's a cup of tea or two to be had on the way through...
This discussion has been closed.