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Notoriously hard to level cards

What are some of the notoriously hard to level cards? Or which cards in your opinion are not worth leveling as they take too many materials. I was leveling a one star Ferengi and it required 2 purple items with a whole bunch of 2 star pads that only drop from shuttles or the store.

Some examples are:
I heard Luther Sloan is really hard as well.
B'Etor requires 4 different 5 star items while leveling


  • Zetterbeard Zetterbeard ✭✭✭✭✭
    Detective Data
    Commander Troi
    Mirror Bashir
    Mirror Phlox
    Counselor Troi
    Temporal Shift Kes
  • Cadet Nog requires a bunch of Ferengi faction items. He was awful early on when i was new to the game. Any doctor kinda *hugs* with how many medical experiments they need.
  • The Crew Cost Finder lists the following 4*'s as "Insane":

    Captain Proton Paris
    Doctor La Forge
    Mirror Phlox

    It also shows the following 4*'s as "Hard":

    Ambassador Spock (all those Romulan Encryption Algorithms!)
    KDF Gowron
    Klingon Quark (all those Klingon House Crests and Rules of Acquisition!)
    Lily Sloane

    Of these, I've equipped La Forge, Phlox, Spock, Quark, and Lily. I did La Forge before the replicator. As F2P.

    It was brutal.
  • Data1001Data1001 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2018
    Of course there are a lot of 4* and 5* crew who are difficult, but I think the majority of those were worth the effort it took. As far as ones who should have been easier — I've blocked many of them out of my mind! :p But from what I do recall, Deanna Troi was just terrible. (In fact, I think all variants of her — with the exception of 1* Counselor Troi — are awful to level.) A number of 3* crew who I've worked on are so much more trouble than they're worth. I got way too far into a few of them before I realized I should have quit working on them at the halfway point... but by then I was too far along to give up. The Viceroy and First Maje Culluh are two of those that come to mind.

    Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
    ~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Replicator. All the way. It may take two or three days but save your chrons. Replicate
  • AntasilAntasil ✭✭✭✭
    Some of the really hard ones with little to show for it:
    Talos IV Spock
    Command Wrap Kirk

    Proton Paris
    Klingon Quark
    Kdf Gowron

    Some of the others I see mentioned are at least good or useful ;-)
  • I literally just ditched Talos IV Spock and Command Wrap Kirk at level 70. I finished off the Viceroy and had just had enough. I wish I'd dumped Raquetball Bashir too. These guys take forever and they don't do anything but go in the freezer.
    Ten Forward Loungers - Give Your Best, Get Our Best!
    Check out our website to find out more:
  • Grant77Grant77 ✭✭✭✭
    1* Torres was much, much harder than a 1* should be.
  • I literally just ditched Talos IV Spock and Command Wrap Kirk at level 70. I finished off the Viceroy and had just had enough. I wish I'd dumped Raquetball Bashir too. These guys take forever and they don't do anything but go in the freezer.

    Which is an easy way to get dilithium. I immortalised everything 3*and below some time ago.
  • Easier ways for me right now to gain dilithium. I still have only started leveling the greys and had forgotten the greens so I'll go back to the harder blues when I have lots more gear
    Ten Forward Loungers - Give Your Best, Get Our Best!
    Check out our website to find out more:
  • 4* Klingon quark and Proton Paris are roa and hologram hogs. 5* arachnia, sulan, and any bashir. Kukalaka's need to be removed.
  • bowdybowdy ✭✭✭
    Rogue Harry deserves a mention for being a toughie and a rubbish card. He's in the same league as KDF Gowron. Those are 2 of my least favourite.
  • Sloane and Proton Paris are a PITA, from 80-FE Paris' stuff was mostly replicated, and I need three more items to FE Sloane and pop him in the freezer, items that I suspect will be getting replicated.
  • Many of these have likely been noted already but I thought I’d mention them in case some were forgotten.

    Luther Sloan
    Mirror Phlox
    Captain Proton Paris
    Tommy Gun Dixon Picard
    Constable Odo
    Aviator Yar
    Arik Soong
    Doctor La Forge
    Abraham Lincoln
    Grand Nagus Zek
    The Professor
    Weirdly enough, I’m also Vulcan Housewife. Also, RNGesus hates me, like really, REALLY hates me.
  • bowdybowdy ✭✭✭
    Surprised to see Zek in that list, above but more or less agree with you.
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    Cyrus Redblock was awful. I think Mirror Spock was easier to equip than Cyrus.
  • Nobody mentioned Agent Harris?
  • Commander SinclairCommander Sinclair ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2018
    While probably not at the top 10 difficult to level, it should be mentioned that Commander Nevesa required a 4* sensor to combine to build a 3* Cloaking device at level 36, which also required a 2* Cloaking device, that took several 3* components to build.

    I had to replicate through that mess.

    Also painful:
    Maquis Ro
    Crell Moset
    and 4* Niners Kira had 3x 5* items to build at the end.
    I want to become a Dilionaire...
  • YateballYateball ✭✭✭✭✭
    Crell Moset has been completely kicking my butt trying to level... he needs approximately 500,000 medical experiments and approximately 250,000 science experiments. The replicator is making my credits disappear on him
  • [BL] Q [BL] Q ✭✭✭✭✭
    3* Koloth 2 gold and 2 purple items at 100
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    Yateball wrote: »
    Crell Moset has been completely kicking my butt trying to level... he needs approximately 500,000 medical experiments and approximately 250,000 science experiments. The replicator is making my credits disappear on him

    I’m not sure if I spent more effort on equipping him or on fusing him before citations were a thing.
  • YateballYateball ✭✭✭✭✭
    Yateball wrote: »
    Crell Moset has been completely kicking my butt trying to level... he needs approximately 500,000 medical experiments and approximately 250,000 science experiments. The replicator is making my credits disappear on him

    I’m not sure if I spent more effort on equipping him or on fusing him before citations were a thing.

    Ugh... I've got him to 90 with 2/4 items equipped so I'm nearing the light at the end of the tunnel... I'm assuming the next group are all gold items
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    Yateball wrote: »
    Yateball wrote: »
    Crell Moset has been completely kicking my butt trying to level... he needs approximately 500,000 medical experiments and approximately 250,000 science experiments. The replicator is making my credits disappear on him

    I’m not sure if I spent more effort on equipping him or on fusing him before citations were a thing.

    Ugh... I've got him to 90 with 2/4 items equipped so I'm nearing the light at the end of the tunnel... I'm assuming the next group are all gold items

    Surprisingly not, there are only two golds. P
  • Alternate Future Bashir
    Commander Troi
    Proton Paris
    The Founder (not enjoying this one)
    Talos IV Spock
    Borg Queen/Locutus- these ate chrons for me like crazy
    Arachnia Janeway
    Anyone needing excessive amounts of single pot whiskeys

  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2018
    I used to think there were "hard" characters to level but a number of things changed the way I look at character leveling. Replicator's smoothed things over but adding the gauntlet, fleet rewards and voyages pretty much made me not worry about resources ever.

    There are two caveats to this:
    1 - Does the character use a lot of faction only items (especially from multiple factions)?
    2 - Are those faction only items presented in a difficult to replicate manner?

    With question two this is partially about credits. 4/5* Replications can fix any hard item but the credit cost is immense. Sometimes the number of items needed is spread out over a large number of items. The aforementioned Crell Moset requires 69 Basic Med Experiments. This is a daunting number to begin with but they're not clumped together conveniently. Fortunately, they're farmable with cadet missions.

    Its been awhile since a character genuinely annoyed me. The most recent character I can think of is Detective Data. Even the dread Proton I didn't find so bad although it helped that I threshold gear for him from the 2nd and 3rd time the event was ran and I was prepared to 5* replicate two of his worst items.
    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
  • This could be easily fixed by letting us replicate batches of items.

    IE, replicate a batch of 100 science experiments for 250,000 credits.

    But I guess somebody feels like we might eventually pay for faction store items or rushing shuttles if we are desperate enough to complete crew. I've never been tempted to spend money on gear speedups though.
  • IrialIrial ✭✭✭✭
    As has been alluded to by others, the formula now is:
    'Replicator' + Patience = no card is notoriously hard to level any longer
  • The Crew Cost Finder lists the following 4*'s as "Insane":

    Captain Proton Paris
    Doctor La Forge
    Mirror Phlox

    It also shows the following 4*'s as "Hard":

    Those three insane crew really are insane.

    Phlox pays you back by being totally worth it, though. La Forge is not good (though with an ENG/MED split has his moments) and Paris is useless; for new players, I'd definitely advise turfing Paris and would think hard about La Forge, too.

    Luther Sloan shows up as "average" on the tool but to me he was almost as tough to level as those three.
  • [SSR] GTMET[SSR] GTMET ✭✭✭✭✭
    Icheb is actually easy to level once you realize that it actually costs more credits to BUILD his 4 and 5 star clothing then it takes to REPLICATE them. He is one of the rare crew that fit this.

    I've also started realizing some insane 5* items cost upwards of 150-180 credits to build. Those become auto replicates since the replicator actually costs you like 80k credits, not 250.

  • The Crew Cost Finder lists the following 4*'s as "Insane":

    Captain Proton Paris
    Doctor La Forge
    Mirror Phlox

    It also shows the following 4*'s as "Hard":

    Ambassador Spock (all those Romulan Encryption Algorithms!)
    KDF Gowron
    Klingon Quark (all those Klingon House Crests and Rules of Acquisition!)
    Lily Sloane

    Of these, I've equipped La Forge, Phlox, Spock, Quark, and Lily. I did La Forge before the replicator. As F2P.

    It was brutal.

    Mirror Phlox, Icheb, and Klingon quark were some of the first ones I had immortalized - along with Luthor Sloan who was a pain to level with his million encoded communiques. They were worth it at the time because they were some of my top crew but if I had to level them now, I'd probably just airlock them. Icheb and Phlox are the only ones left not in the freezer and Ichebs inching closer to the freezer door every week...

    I'm also just finishing Galen. He's another pain as he needs too many ECs and compression phaser rifles. Lots of replicating with him...
    Immortalized crew count:
    27×1★; 45×2★; 72×3★; 121×4★; 14×5★

    FE, not fused crew count:
    0×2★; 0×3★; 18×4★; 21×5★
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