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What Equipment Do You Hate Building The Most?

I thought about doing this as a poll but there are so many different pieces of equipment that I figured everyone would have their own opinion and I’d end up with 1 vote in 30 categories, so, instead I thought we could all just list the answer to that question. What piece of equipment, rarity and exact name, do you come across often enough to really HATE having to gather all the components for and build? Mine’s easy. The super-rare (that’s purple for those that go by color) Encoded Communique. I get those all the time, often multiple times with the same character and on LOTS of different characters. It’s not overly hard to build, it just takes a huge amount of chronitons being used on about 3 or 4 different missions repeatedly until you’ve built up the ton of components needed to build the whole thing. It’s time and energy consuming and seems to be ubiquitous lately; therefore, I hate it. Anyone else have similar examples?
Weirdly enough, I’m also Vulcan Housewife. Also, RNGesus hates me, like really, REALLY hates me.


  • Zetterbeard Zetterbeard ✭✭✭✭✭
    I've replicated tons of super rare encoded communiques.

    I have a few.

    5* Kukalaka
    5* LaForge's Toolbox
    4* and 5* stethoscopes
    4* and 5* tequila

  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    Rare champagne gets replicated every single time. Engineering lessons are rough because of the hyperspanners. Anything that requires super rare casings, databases, or clothing patterns. Rare or super rare ID codes, from all the common ID codes and databases.

    I’m sure there are more but those are the ones that come to mind. Also, I just got a super rare encoded communique for Thelin from a gauntlet crate...
  • Grant77Grant77 ✭✭✭✭
    5* security codes are particularly bad. Anything 3* or less is easy and cheap to replicate, under 30k credits with the new rooms. I also dislike anything that needs a bunch of 4* clothing. It's the only 4* item that I need to farm regularly and it never never drops.
  • 4 and 5 star tequilla, and 4 and 5 star med experiments.
  • Commander SinclairCommander Sinclair ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2018
    Worst one that made me "frustrated" was a 4-star Sensor on the second level to build a 3* Romulan Cloaking device, to then build a 4* cloaking device. Was only 32K to replicate, so no brainer, but completely *hugged* up IMHO.

    Otherwise, anything with 3* alcohol is a major pain, and there are a lot.
    Currently I need to build 4* Diplomatic Protocol for 7 Crew! Lots and lots (and LOTS) of 0* holoprograms.

    Oh, and lest we not forget those pesky 2* Medical Experiments that are Augment Faction Only items.
    I want to become a Dilionaire...
  • Grant77Grant77 ✭✭✭✭
    Worst one that made me "frustrated" was a 4-star Sensor on the second level to build a 3* Romulan Cloaking device, to then build a 4* cloaking device. Was only 32K to replicate, so no brainer, but completely *hugged* up IMHO.

    Otherwise, anything with 3* alcohol is a major pain, and there are a lot.
    Currently I need to build 4* Diplomatic Protocol for 7 Crew! Lots and lots (and LOTS) of 0* holoprograms.

    Oh, and lest we not forget those pesky 2* Medical Experiments that are Augment Faction Only items.

    I can't say that I've ever needed a 2* medical experiment, if we are thinking of the same thing. Perhaps you mean 2* science experiment?
  • Yes, Science. It's been one of those weeks with absolutely no sleep... I need holodeck time.
    I want to become a Dilionaire...
  • bowdybowdy ✭✭✭
    Those psychological evaluation programs make a sad panda, knowing that you've chucked a ton of stuff into it for.... a ship stat increase. Great.

    There are quite a number of items like that unfortunately.
  • Hunter247Hunter247 ✭✭✭✭
    Anything that needs more than 5 elements which are faction only to build.

    One is bad enough but some of these can take weeks to build if you don't replicate
  • RaraRacingRaraRacing ✭✭✭✭✭
    Lately ...

    - Items that need 3* Alcohol ... e.g. 4* Darts, the above mentioned Tequila etc. etc. ... especially ifs the item only ends up adding to $%&$· passive ship stats (looking at you 4* Darts) - ugh, worthless in the grand scheme of things.

    - Items that need 3* Emitter Crystals ... aargh!

    The drop rates for those are horrendously frustrating and I find myself running those missions over and over and over and over ... I'd never guess there are 150+ other missions in the game.
  • It would be nice if they could just balance the component usage a bit more. Almost every item seems to need either 4* clothing patterns, databases, polys, or casings and you never have them and here I sit with 64 4* subprocessors, 48 4* interlinks, 37 4* relays, 29 4* expansion modules, 50 4* furs, 17 4* microconnectors. Let me use this stuff PLEASE
  • bowdybowdy ✭✭✭
    Damn right ulrikk - 3* alcohol you can't hold onto - yet I think I'm sitting on 4000+ basic alcohol and a similar number of spices? Something like that.

    There are definite bottlenecks for items. I accept you will always have some chase rare or faction specific items, but for basic items, you'd think it'd be a bit more even.
  • God I hate 3* alcohol. I'll sometimes take all the chrons from a voyage and just warp10 that 12 chron mission to get as many as they'll gift me.
  • AntasilAntasil ✭✭✭✭
    Golden medical experiments, stethoscopes. They require just so many low level medical lessons or -experiments

    Golden kukulaka was a trial too, but I tend to think legendary characters are entitled to very hard equipment
  • Grant77Grant77 ✭✭✭✭
    RaraRacing wrote: »
    Lately ...

    - Items that need 3* Alcohol ... e.g. 4* Darts, the above mentioned Tequila etc. etc. ... especially ifs the item only ends up adding to $%&$· passive ship stats (looking at you 4* Darts) - ugh, worthless in the grand scheme of things.

    - Items that need 3* Emitter Crystals ... aargh!

    The drop rates for those are horrendously frustrating and I find myself running those missions over and over and over and over ... I'd never guess there are 150+ other missions in the game.

    I must run a mission for another item that drops 3* emitter crystals because I have 38 of them in my inventory. Check your regular farming missions in the wiki, see if you can change them up.

    For example, I regularly run a mission called 'Evacuation Orders' for 3* Optronic Circuits. The drop rate is very slightly lower than the top mission, but I get enough 4* casing that I never have to farm it.
  • RaraRacingRaraRacing ✭✭✭✭✭
    Grant77 wrote: »
    I must run a mission for another item that drops 3* emitter crystals because I have 38 of them in my inventory. Check your regular farming missions in the wiki, see if you can change them up.

    For example, I regularly run a mission called 'Evacuation Orders' for 3* Optronic Circuits. The drop rate is very slightly lower than the top mission, but I get enough 4* casing that I never have to farm it.

    All Sales Are Final and Family Squabble seem to have similar drop rates according to the wiki ... I run those ... I've checked back a billion times just to make sure I'm running the right one, it takes eons for them to drop for me ... earlier today I did 10 and just did 5 ... not a single one (I need 4 currently), really irritating. Ah well ... will wait for the next voyage to come back ...
  • Make this the third nomination for 5* medical experiment. Ive given up on it and will only replicate it for ever and ever
  • I've replicated tons of super rare encoded communiques.

    I have a few.

    5* Kukalaka
    5* LaForge's Toolbox
    4* and 5* stethoscopes
    4* and 5* tequila

    Oh man, I’d forgotten until you mentioned it how much I hate that teddy bear. To me, it wasn’t just the legendary version that was a pain but also the super rare. Luckily for me, I only had to build a couple of them for AF Bashir and I think Aviator Bashir needed one too but that’s about it. I haven’t had many Bashirs and I don’t recall if the Changeling Bashir had any Kukulakas. I kind of pity those with AF, Mirror, AND Bashir, Julian Bashir as well.

    @Antasil Oh good lord, you’ve just reminded me how much of a struggle of patience it is to build any medical experiments, and sometimes medical lessons too, of any value rare and beyond. Those pesky little basic medical experiments just will NOT drop from shuttles some times.
    Weirdly enough, I’m also Vulcan Housewife. Also, RNGesus hates me, like really, REALLY hates me.
  • 4* and 5* items don't generally upset me since I expect them to be more challenging. The three things I hate farming for the most these days aren't even ones with especially high drop rates. They are, however, often needed in bulk for anyone who needs them at all, and they have a bad habit of not dropping until I'm out of chronitons so I can't do anything further even once I do finally get them. The key culprits are:

    0* First Contact Protocol
    1* Database
    1* Identification Code

    0* Expansion Modules and Sensors sometimes become similarly obnoxious, but they don't provoke the same instant dread.

  • Capt. ChaosCapt. Chaos ✭✭✭✭✭
    I just got to RAF Miles O'Brien's level 90 gold toolbox. Two purple flux couplers (hate those) and a purple toolbox that requires another purple toolbox. Needless to say, I replicated it.
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    I just got to RAF Miles O'Brien's level 90 gold toolbox. Two purple flux couplers (hate those) and a purple toolbox that requires another purple toolbox. Needless to say, I replicated it.

    Flux couplers...how could I have forgotten how much I hate those?
  • Data1001Data1001 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I just got to RAF Miles O'Brien's level 90 gold toolbox. Two purple flux couplers (hate those) and a purple toolbox that requires another purple toolbox. Needless to say, I replicated it.

    Flux couplers...how could I have forgotten how much I hate those?

    When I see a crew member needing a 4* Flux Coupler (which I keep wanting to call a "flux capacitor"... Great Scott!), I never, never, ever try to build it. With that awful drop rate, it's not worth wasting the chrons on. Replicate that puppy every time.

    Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
    ~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
  • The worst item I have had to craft to date was Karr's 5 star uniform. The fact that you had to have two was even worse. Each one needing 14 0* ancient films and no easy way to knock off multiple films(unlike 4* or 5*med experiments) made each of the two uniforms replicator worthy.
  • Data1001Data1001 ✭✭✭✭✭
    The worst item I have had to craft to date was Karr's 5 star uniform. The fact that you had to have two was even worse. Each one needing 14 0* ancient films and no easy way to knock off multiple films(unlike 4* or 5*med experiments) made each of the two uniforms replicator worthy.

    Oh no... I only have him at level 80. Guess I'll start mentally preparing myself now for that. Blecchh.

    Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
    ~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
  • Hunter247Hunter247 ✭✭✭✭
    I just got to RAF Miles O'Brien's level 90 gold toolbox. Two purple flux couplers (hate those) and a purple toolbox that requires another purple toolbox. Needless to say, I replicated it.

    How is it possible for something to require itself to be built? That would cause a recursion issue
  • Hunter247Hunter247 ✭✭✭✭
    I am currently finding Shran's 4 star Android communicator annoying. Mainly because the number of normal communicators required (which really are not dropping for me at the moment)
  • WaldoMagWaldoMag ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hunter247 wrote: »
    I just got to RAF Miles O'Brien's level 90 gold toolbox. Two purple flux couplers (hate those) and a purple toolbox that requires another purple toolbox. Needless to say, I replicated it.

    How is it possible for something to require itself to be built? That would cause a recursion issue

    It is not the same superrare toolbox.

  • I just got to RAF Miles O'Brien's level 90 gold toolbox. Two purple flux couplers (hate those) and a purple toolbox that requires another purple toolbox. Needless to say, I replicated it.

    While I freely admit that pretty much ANY toolboxes of the purple or gold levels are going to be a time consuming experience to build, I have to say, with the exception of La Forge’s toolboxes, I’ve never really found any of the other varieties to be all that frustrating. Time consuming? Yes. Lots and LOTS of components? Yes. Potentially thousands of chronitons? Yes. I suppose the only reason I don’t get as frustrated with them as I do with other items is because I know I can build it, eventually. I don’t have to rely on shuttle drops or look in the faction stores in a vain attempt to find just one more of that irritating “basic” item I need to build just one part of a multi-part piece of equipment. All I really need is a truckload of chronitons. It’s much more aggravating to me when you have to wait for RNGesus to bless you with 50 basic or common components from shuttles.
    Weirdly enough, I’m also Vulcan Housewife. Also, RNGesus hates me, like really, REALLY hates me.
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