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Game freezes (white screen) upon conclusion of advertisement



  • For the last several days, all I get is the nature made ad ..... I keep trying to avoid playing an ad but I end up clicking the button on accident. The ad button gets put on the screen in front of the other buttons and I click it despite trying to avoid ads. I'm surprised my phone screen hasn't cracked yet given the number of times I've thrown the phone against the wall in sheer frustration. I may have to quit this game, as STT is almost unplayable in its current state.
  • For the last three days i have been getting nothing but the Naturemade 'All By Myself' ad and when it finishes there is no complete button, I'm forced to reboot.
    "Never teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time and annoys the pig" Lazarus Long, Time Enough for Love, R.A. Heinlein
  • I get a whitescreen after the ad on almost every occasion on my iPad Air but not at all on my iPhone 6s.
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    I keep getting the LALA ad. I wait til the green done arrow come up, and then tap it.
    I get put back to the mission screen with the adwarp button available.

    I have to keep watching ads til a non-LALA one comes up and it will complete and will warp the selected mission. I have restarted the app and rebooted my device (to the point where I pulled the battery.

    Using an LG v10
    Android 6.0
    Patch level 2017-08-01
  • ShanShan ✭✭✭✭✭
    Thank you for the reports, you should no longer see NatureMade ads.
  • Today I was able to warp 2 ads and I thought cool it's all fixed now. it was no longer stuck on Nature made and the white screen of death... it was short lived.

    On my android phone the the La La diet pill Ad... it plays the Ad but when you hit finish, it doesn't warp the mission... it just goes back and lets you hit warp again and re-watch the Ad and then goes back to let you re-warp the ad..... ad infinitum (pun intended).
  • AmphistaffAmphistaff ✭✭✭✭✭
    I keep having issues with this one too. I'm seeing it on my Galaxy Tab S. Only started having issues with this ad today or maybe yesterday. In the past I've never had issues with it.
  • Data1001Data1001 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2017
    Pallidyne wrote: »
    I keep getting the LALA ad. I wait til the green done arrow come up, and then tap it.
    I get put back to the mission screen with the adwarp button available.

    I have to keep watching ads til a non-LALA one comes up and it will complete and will warp the selected mission. I have restarted the app and rebooted my device (to the point where I pulled the battery.

    Using an LG v10
    Android 6.0
    Patch level 2017-08-01

    This just happened to me seconds ago. Tried it twice, when I clicked the button at the timer completion, it brought me back to the previous screen and orange warp 1 button was still active, with no warp having taken place.

    And here I was glad to see The Lala after all my trouble with the Nature Made ad the past week. :|

    Device: RCA Viking Pro tablet
    OS: Android 6.0

    Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
    ~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
  • Black PebbleBlack Pebble ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hey, we're trying to figure this out. What exactly is Lala selling, a diet pill? Do any of you recall the full product name? And is there any information on the ad network at the end? They usually include the name at the corner of the ad.
    Hosun Lee
    Civilian, Brand and Marketing
    Ex-Disruptor Beam
  • Lala is a blog site for Young Women just out of College. The add run a diet pill and also links the the blog.
  • Data1001Data1001 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hey, we're trying to figure this out. What exactly is Lala selling, a diet pill? Do any of you recall the full product name? And is there any information on the ad network at the end? They usually include the name at the corner of the ad.

    I know you guys at DB probably don't want to hear this, but I never listen to my ads (volume on my device is set purposely low so that I'm not bothered by the noise too much), nor do I pay much attention at all to them... unless they mess up. ;) The Lala is set up weird though -- it always displays in portrait mode, and it's a wrapper with a much smaller video embedded inside with some woman talking (about what, I have no idea). It's about :45 seconds long, as I recall. Always used to play fine for me -- just today it stopped registering the ad as being complete once it was done.

    Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
    ~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
  • Black PebbleBlack Pebble ✭✭✭✭✭
    Gib wrote: »
    Lala is a blog site for Young Women just out of College. The add run a diet pill and also links the the blog.


    Okay, we’re looking into getting this blocked. It might take up to a day, but shouldn’t be a problem afterwards.
    Hosun Lee
    Civilian, Brand and Marketing
    Ex-Disruptor Beam
  • Data1001Data1001 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Gib wrote: »
    Lala is a blog site for Young Women just out of College. The add run a diet pill and also links the the blog.


    Okay, we’re looking into getting this blocked. It might take up to a day, but shouldn’t be a problem afterwards.

    Blocking seems a bit extreme when that particular spot played fine before, but maybe that's the easiest way. And as long as it solves the problem, I'm happy. :)

    Speaking of blocking, though -- did you guys do anything about that Nature Made ad? It also uses a "wrapper", though a different one. Was still causing me trouble within the past 12 hours.

    Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
    ~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
  • Black PebbleBlack Pebble ✭✭✭✭✭
    Data1001 wrote: »
    Speaking of blocking, though -- did you guys do anything about that Nature Made ad? It also uses a "wrapper", though a different one. Was still causing me trouble within the past 12 hours.

    That ones should be blocked shortly. It’s not working properly. Blocking is generally the best way to deal with malfunctioning ads.

    Thank you for the heads up.
    Hosun Lee
    Civilian, Brand and Marketing
    Ex-Disruptor Beam
  • AmphistaffAmphistaff ✭✭✭✭✭
    Thanks for the quick turnaround Black Pebble!
  • Guest Guest  ✭✭✭
    edited November 2017
    Shan wrote: »
    Thank you for the reports, you should no longer see NatureMade ads.

    Hey, we're trying to figure this out. What exactly is Lala selling, a diet pill? Do any of you recall the full product name? And is there any information on the ad network at the end? They usually include the name at the corner of the ad.

    Thank you for removing the nature made ad. It has long been a source of problems that have gotten severely out of hand this past weekend.

    However, it is very unfortunate that in fixing one ad, another ad gets broken. The lala ad has run without problems since the "Big Ad Re-mix of 2017" went live. It is very frustrating that in fixing one issue, a different one is broken. This seems to be a consistent theme and it is very, very frustrating.

  • ShanShan ✭✭✭✭✭
    Guest  wrote: »
    However, it is very unfortunate that in fixing one ad, another ad gets broken. The lala ad has run without problems since the "Big Ad Re-mix of 2017" went live. It is very frustrating that in fixing one issue, a different one is broken. This seems to be a consistent theme and it is very, very frustrating.

    That is not necessarily due to something we have changed, we are looking into it.
  • Black Pebble, The Nature Made **tsk tsk** is 30 Sec.. The one for The Lala is 45 Sec.
  • Data1001 wrote: »
    Speaking of blocking, though -- did you guys do anything about that Nature Made ad? It also uses a "wrapper", though a different one. Was still causing me trouble within the past 12 hours.

    That ones should be blocked shortly. It’s not working properly. Blocking is generally the best way to deal with malfunctioning ads.

    Thank you for the heads up.

    This problem contributed to being unable to get back into the game quickly. A serious problem for those going for rank in galaxy event.
    ~ seeking out new life
  • Is there anything anyone can do about the Citi ad? It runs less than 1/3 of the time for me, and sometimes the game won't give me any other ad for 5 or 6 in a row. It usually loads the screen where the ad should appear then freezes. I have to restart the app and hope it either works this time or I get a different ad. If I still had any Citi accounts, I would close them.
  • Data1001Data1001 ✭✭✭✭✭
    @Black Pebble New day, same stuff happening... different ad this time.

    No longer Nature Made, but this looks like a very similar ad wrapper to that one. Here's a screenshot of the current problem ad...


    You can't see much, because there isn't much to see. After a time, it just throws up the same error: "There was an error displaying the offer."

    But see the upper right corner? I blew that up. Looks like it's a FIAT ad (which so far it hasn't even gotten to actually playing yet before the error message)...


    Exact same issue as before: it keeps booting me back to the previous screen, where the orange warp 10 button is still active. I tried about 5 times going back in, hoping for a different ad, but it always ended the same way, with the error and the return to the previous screen.

    Device: RCA Viking Pro tablet
    OS: Android 6.0

    Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
    ~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
  • ShanShan ✭✭✭✭✭
    Update: we have a fix for the underlying issue that seems to cause these problems with certain Ads.
    It will need to go live with our next client, I do not have an ETA for it yet.

    Until then there might still be some Ads not working properly, I am sorry about the inconvenience that this is causing.

  • So...ads must be regional, as I have never had problems with any most people are reporting.

    HOWEVER, there are 2 ads causing problems both on my iPad and iPhone. First one gives me the the "an error has occured while playing this video" box in the black screen, then goes to the "Total Trivia" page, where you have to close the window with the 'x'. No rewards, and ad-warp button is still there. Click on ad button, and same ad-error usually repeats 2-3 times minimum before it will give up and switch to another video or crashes the app entirely.


    The other ad problem is just black screen, with a 15 second countdown timer in the lower left corner. When it gets to '13', it just crashes the app. Nothing to indicate which ad it is for.
    I want to become a Dilionaire...
  • Shan wrote: »
    Update: we have a fix for the underlying issue that seems to cause these problems with certain Ads.
    It will need to go live with our next client, I do not have an ETA for it yet.

    Until then there might still be some Ads not working properly, I am sorry about the inconvenience that this is causing.

    Thanks for the update.
    And haven't seen a nature made ad today nor the lala one. Thank you again!
    ~ seeking out new life
  • The ads i've seen today have been working, a nice relief from the weekend of forced restarts
    ~ seeking out new life
  • edited November 2017
    Hello @Shan

    Since I am playing timelines for over a year, I thought I give my input also regarding this issue (cause this bug is annoying but we love free chronitons).

    I am playing Timelines on an iPad 3 mini, an iPhone 5 and also on Facebook Gameroom (PC) and Steam (PC).

    [Just on a sidennote: can you put the game also on Steam for macOS or even better on the Mac AppStore? As it is Unity / Java based, that Gould both be such a big problem ... also as code runs already on iOS devices. That would be lovely to have it on my work device...]

    But to THIS error / bug:

    As mentioned above. I play on iOS on an iPhone 5s and an iPad 3 mini. Those devices have the same A7 chip installed and also the same memory (RAM) so these devices can be compared.

    The white screen ad bug appears only on my iPad and I was wondering why. I tinkered around and kept a list of the ads that crash and the ads that work. I will put it at the end of my post for viewability.

    I discovered, that the game seem to use DIFFERENT advertising partners on various devices. This is probably due to the different screen sizes.

    On the iPad a kind of „loading /playing bar“ is scrolling below the video ad and after completing something white slides up from below the bottom of the screen. these are the ads which ALWAYS fail.


    On the iPhone there is on the left lower corner a round circle which turns like a clock of some kind while playing back the video and after completion a pop up is overlaid showing the ad product with an x top right to close it. These ads don’t crash AND ... these ads are sometimes also played on the iPad !!! and don’t crash.

    Ads from advertiser „ads colony“ are working as intended ...

    I also noticed. That when the iPad game offers me a video ad and I close the app, switching to another device (iPhone) I don’t get a video warp offer at all. But if I close the the app on the phone again and restart on the iPad (complete new restart) I get a video warp offered immediately, which then fails. Video warp offers are nearly available all times - but they also fail all the time.

    Here is a List of all ads on Saturday (only Saturday).
    Within 24 hours:
    * 61 videos failed and crashed the game with a white screen
    * 8 videos worked as intended and granted the deserved reward

    That is 30 minutes of wasted lifetime for video ads without rewards and about 90 minutes at all for closing and restarting the game each time. I do not intend to to that any longer ... it’s no fun.

    This is a 88.41% failure rate ... or only a 11.59% success rate.
    In game i would say in need better crew ;) but this is the reliability of software ...

    FAILED ads with WHITE screen after playback:

    * 10 x Arena of valour
    * 8 x Vikings: War of Clans
    * 4 x Forge of Empires
    * 5x Gratis Kurs Firmeninsolvenz
    * 1 x tokenbox Bitcoinhandel
    * 1 x Raging Heroes Halloween
    * 4 x Lineage II - Revolution
    * 1 x Revenge of Sultans
    * 3 x Guns of Glory
    * 1 x Astronest Weltraum Imperium
    * 5 x flowkey
    * 1 x Kontist Geschäftskonto
    * 5 x War Commander: Rogue Assault
    * 1 x This is amazing LED light Dav beauty
    * 1 x Girls X battle
    * 1 x MiddleEarth: Shadow of Mordor
    * 1 x Caesar’s **tsk tsk**: Casino Games
    * 1 x Idle something ... (didnt show)
    * 1 x Pixomatic Photo Editor
    * 4 x Blinkist Lesen
    * 1 x Mimo: Programmieren lernen (mimo, learn programming)
    * 1 x Beasts Evolved
    (These are the ones with a „playback bar“ on the bottom)

    These ads worked and granted the reward for watching it:
    * 1 x Arena of valour
    * 1 x Grillo Fitness Landjäger (sausage add - different ad distributor)
    * 1 x Guns of Glory
    * 1 x Flottenkommando Allianzkrieg
    * 2 x Forge of Empires
    * 1 x Libertex Bitcoin Tradeo
    * 1 x Garden Scapes
    Looking for a fine fleet? With the game having reached the age of a small child, players went and newly joined. We are an active fleet and are also connected in friendship with Klingons. Grab your daily starbase donations. Get your daily Fleet Boss Battles rewards guaranteed? Chat about Trek? Want more than just the game? Consider joining [TLA] "The Liberal Alliance"Contact me in-game [TLA] Khazaan or even better on the LINE app, handle also "khazaan".
  • ShanShan ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hello @Shan

    Since I am playing timelines for over a year, I thought I give my input also regarding this issue (cause this bug is annoying but we love free chronitons).

    I am playing Timelines on an iPad 3 mini, an iPhone 5 and also on Facebook Gameroom (PC) and Steam (PC).

    [Just on a sidennote: can you put the game also on Steam for macOS or even better on the Mac AppStore? As it is Unity / Java based, that Gould both be such a big problem ... also as code runs already on iOS devices. That would be lovely to have it on my work device...]

    But to THIS error / bug:

    As mentioned above. I play on iOS on an iPhone 5s and an iPad 3 mini. Those devices have the same A7 chip installed and also the same memory (RAM) so these devices can be compared.

    The white screen ad bug appears only on my iPad and I was wondering why. I tinkered around and kept a list of the ads that crash and the ads that work. I will put it at the end of my post for viewability.

    I discovered, that the game seem to use DIFFERENT advertising partners on various devices. This is probably due to the different screen sizes.

    On the iPad a kind of „loading /playing bar“ is scrolling below the video ad and after completing something white slides up from below the bottom of the screen. these are the ads which ALWAYS fail.

    <snip> for size

    Thank you so much for this detailed report!
    It is informative and very helpful.

    As for a Mac version of the game on Steam, it is not planned at this time.

  • Commander SinclairCommander Sinclair ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2017
    ALL ad-warps crashing APP today...

    That's either if it just blank screen it crashes, or even if the ad finishes, it freezes the App.

    iPad 4, iPhone 6s
    I want to become a Dilionaire...
  • About 75% of the time I get this white screen after add is over so I can’t exit and receive my rewards. I reboot and redo the add warp and it works but it’s a pesky inconvenience.
  • And yes there is a picture there of a white screen. Notice there’s no x in upper right hand corner to exit.
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