@DB - Just who IS the EMH Mark 1?

in The Bridge
The game text reads:
The use of a comma would grammatically indicate that we're talking about Voyager's EMH being part of the first version, though this begs the question why he's in the DS9/TNG movie uniform. There are two other EMH Mark 1's that were seen in that uniform:
The one in Star Trek: First Contact used by Dr. Crusher as a diversion.
The one that Dr. Zimmerman brought aboard DS9 when he came to study Bashir.
If this is intended to be the latter, then it's especially timely as that was the episode of DS9 that revealed that Bashir is an Augment.
Or perhaps it's none of these? It'd just be nice to know definitively!
The first version of the EMH program in wide distribution, Voyager's EMH is the only one still in medical use.
The use of a comma would grammatically indicate that we're talking about Voyager's EMH being part of the first version, though this begs the question why he's in the DS9/TNG movie uniform. There are two other EMH Mark 1's that were seen in that uniform:
The one in Star Trek: First Contact used by Dr. Crusher as a diversion.
The one that Dr. Zimmerman brought aboard DS9 when he came to study Bashir.
If this is intended to be the latter, then it's especially timely as that was the episode of DS9 that revealed that Bashir is an Augment.
Or perhaps it's none of these? It'd just be nice to know definitively!
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I think it's any generic EMH.
Also possible. The updated uniform was probably just a new skin pushed out when Starfleet changed its uniforms (for the billionth time), and Voyager wasn't able to connect to the Starfleet Wi-Fi to be able to download it.
Cardassian wishlist:
Tora Ziyal - Thanks!
Natima Lang
Empok Nor Garak
Tekeny Ghemor
Ulani Belor
I don't recall the First Contact EMH holding anything like what this one is (a PADD, maybe?). If I recall correctly--and I readily concede I may not!--the only thing he picked up was a hypospray. Ordinarily, I wouldn't pay much attention to that kind of detail, except the card art has consistently been based on a single image. (The only exception I can think of offhand is Lt Commander La Forge in his 21st Century outfit from First Contact wearing his facial hair of the last two TNG movies.)
Here's what it becomes with a period instead of a comma:
The first part becomes a sentence fragment, but it establishes that we're talking about any generic EMH. The second part becomes an addendum, making note that the generic EMH's didn't last and only The Doctor is still doing what the generic EMH's failed to do well enough to be kept in service for medical use.
So, yeah, a period does change how the text reads.
Starfleet doesn't have Wi-Fi. Data always interfaced with other systems via Ethernet.
Most of the time, I have trouble with my Wi-Fi when I’m just in the basement...
Hence why I think it's any generic EMH. I think it's a grammatical error or typo.
Close, the new uniform skin was DLC and the Voyager crew didn't have enough player points to purchase it.
I should emphasize that this is not genuinely important to me; I'm just kinda curious. I do agree that it's almost certainly not The Doctor, but that comma mangles the text. GRAMMAR MATTERS, PEOPLE. Otherwise, the terrorists win.
Within the realm of generic EMH's, though, we've identified three possible specific generic ones that this could be intended to represent: Beverly's on the Enterprise-E, the one that outed Bashir as an Augment, or the reassigned ones working garbage detail. It also could very well be a generic EMH other than any of the ones we ever saw, which is perfectly legitimate, too.
Again, I'm just kinda curious!
[Also, if Shan or anyone else at DB explicitly confirms it's the one from "Doctor Bashir, I Presume?", then I have to get him to maintain my 100% completion of 1*, 2*, and 3* DS9 crew.]
Pssh, no way, they definitely used point-to-point microwaves.
Everyone was jealous of the ship that got the EMH Armour.
Cardassian wishlist:
Tora Ziyal - Thanks!
Natima Lang
Empok Nor Garak
Tekeny Ghemor
Ulani Belor
Let's eat, Grandma!
I love cooking my family and pets.
I love cooking, my family, and pets.
The Oxford Comma is also important:
We invited the Dabo girls, Quark and Rom.
We invited the Dabo girls, Quark, and Rom.
If DB cannot be troubled to master the use of the English language for things like pack descriptions (directly impacting monetary purchases), what makes you think that they're going to bother with inconsequential character descriptions?
Are those are the versions we are getting in this weekend's event?
If this EMH is the one from First Contact, then he should have the trait "Doorstop."
We do need to confirm if this is Voyager's Doctor or not, because it become relevant during events with The Doctor as bonus crew. EMH is grouped with The Doctor in the vault, so I would be inclined to say that he is a version of The Doctor (of course, if he had not been grouped, then it would be inconclusive. Characters versions with thumbnail names different from their character's names are sorted separately, such as Prospero (Data) or Locutus (Picard), though we can't see the thumbnail names anymore...).
Mirror T'Pol as well. When she came out, people found screenshots showing that her pose and uniform were both in the episode she's from, but not at the same time. She does wear the skirt uniform and she does stand in that pose, but she doesn't stand in that pose while wearing the skirt.
My Cryostasis Vault
Clearly? I beg to differ.
Star Trek: First Contact
DS9 "Doctor Bashir, I Presume?"
In neither of those two appearances was the EMH Mark 1 shown standing in the same kind of posture or holding [whatever that is that he's holding].
Also, when the EMH Mark 1's were reassigned to menial cleaning work, shown in VOY "Author, Author", they weren't even wearing a Starfleet uniform at all. Instead, they wore this:
If anyone is aware of any other instance of the EMH Mark 1 wearing the DS9/TNG Movie style uniform, feel free to point it out. I can't find anything further.
(above screencaps from Trekcore)
Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
Good find, but his uniform is wrong there.
Yah I may have agreed that this was the Equinox EMH (Which should be a future character with some new traits btw) if it wasn't for him wearing the war uniform... Still unclear where this honor hall one is from
I am fairly certain it said "Mark II", because I wrote that down in my notes! They probably just made a typo, but I WOULD pay 15K Honor for a Mark II
Then they have to introduce the USS Prometheus of course!
With the EMH, they just took him from First Contact but spiced up his pose so that he isn't just standing straight.
Benny Russell also has his glasses on in the art, but not in the scene. But then, the glasses are a distinctive part of his character.
I think you're right about this being the First Contact EMH from the art. But his location with The Doctor in the vault suggests that he might still count as a variant of The Doctor.