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I miss the old Voyages


8-1/2 hours... no 4* crew... not even a 3* crew to convert to honour.

This is far from the first time it has happened, either. I know others are concerned by the chroniton nerf, but the thing I miss most about the voyages we used to get was the quality of the crew you'd come back with.


  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I agree. Ok nerf the chrons but at least still keep it a decent source of honor
  • FutureImperfectaFutureImperfecta ✭✭✭✭✭
    I haven't extended in weeks.
    Happy with the addition of the remaining super rares in to the pool, but that don't fix the nerf.

    Never forget
  • I rarely go more than 6-8 hours now, because I refuse to spend dilithium on the voyages any more. The return on investment is too poor. It's just a way to pick up a few chrons (and if I am lucky) some replicator rations. Such a shame.
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    Thing is I would go streaks on original voyages with no 4s... even on the 8-10 hours. Pre nerf I went 6 days without a 4 on 8+ hour voyages.

    I miss the chrons.
  • ThurthoradThurthorad ✭✭✭✭✭
    Voyages are the best thing about the game. Yes, they used to be even better, but think about everything else in the game, is anything as rewarding or as demanding of your crew?
  • hy4oxdn3bbbl.png

    8-1/2 hours... no 4* crew... not even a 3* crew to convert to honour.

    This is far from the first time it has happened, either. I know others are concerned by the chroniton nerf, but the thing I miss most about the voyages we used to get was the quality of the crew you'd come back with.

    Yep. I rarely run any missions past 6 hours anymore. Just not worth spending any dil on.
  • +1
    “What's a knockout like you doing in a computer-generated gin joint like this?”

    Proud member of Patterns of Force
    Captain Level 99
    Played since January 2017

    TP: Do better!!!
  • ~peregrine~~peregrine~ ✭✭✭✭✭
    Nerfball6 wrote: »

    8-1/2 hours... no 4* crew... not even a 3* crew to convert to honour.

    This is far from the first time it has happened, either. I know others are concerned by the chroniton nerf, but the thing I miss most about the voyages we used to get was the quality of the crew you'd come back with.

    Yep. I rarely run any missions past 6 hours anymore. Just not worth spending any dil on.

    "In the short run, the game defines the players. But in the long run, it's us players who define the game." — Nicky Case, The Evolution of Trust
  • I finally got a Voyage-exclusive super rare today, Thot Gor coming in at the four hour mark. Been running em constantly for a while now, and finally I got the (Part) one-two punch. Very grateful to people on the board for telling me not to pay to extend voyages chasing crew.
  • Lady GaghgaghLady Gaghgagh ✭✭✭✭✭
    Now I probably abandon 50% of my voyages because I run out of antimatter when real life distracts me.


    Admiral of the Haus of GaghGagh, Starbase level 94, we are not accepting members at this time.
    Captain of the voyage vessels: Queen of Bashir, Landsknecht, and Sunspear, the first luxury starship cruiseliners.
    Amenities include wifi, fully-functioning holodecks, a full-service bar, 3 party decks, a Trill spa, and a business centre.
    Fun fact: The ships are propelled by bouncy castle technology.
  • WebberoniWebberoni ✭✭✭✭✭
    Has anybody else noticed a sharp decline in the number of blue and green replicator rations on voyages lately? I used to get a bunch from 6 and 8 hour voyages, but the last few days I don't think I've gotten any at all.

    I'm going to start watching, but I'm wondering if there was a change in the loot table and/or RNG related to replicator ration drops. Any insights??
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Webberoni wrote: »
    Has anybody else noticed a sharp decline in the number of blue and green replicator rations on voyages lately? I used to get a bunch from 6 and 8 hour voyages, but the last few days I don't think I've gotten any at all.

    I'm going to start watching, but I'm wondering if there was a change in the loot table and/or RNG related to replicator ration drops. Any insights??
    Webberoni wrote: »
    Has anybody else noticed a sharp decline in the number of blue and green replicator rations on voyages lately? I used to get a bunch from 6 and 8 hour voyages, but the last few days I don't think I've gotten any at all.

    I'm going to start watching, but I'm wondering if there was a change in the loot table and/or RNG related to replicator ration drops. Any insights??

    I have definitely noticed this. It’s bren going on more than just the last few days

  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    I used to extend voyages almost every time. 12-14 hours wasn’t uncommon...now, I try to recall before they run out. If they do run out I will extend but definitely recall before running out again. I can reach 8 hours or more on most voyages now, so I can get some good loot.
  • I just recalled a voyage at 6:45 with almost 1300 am left because I didn't want to have to refill it if I forgot about it.
  • I used to spend dil regularly and voyages were my favourite thing about the game because of the crew I'd get. Now - same as many of you - I recall at 6 hours or abandon if I run out of AM.

    I really hope DB is listening. :(
    "There are two types of beings in the universe - those who dance, and those who do not."
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Voyages will always be pretty cool though just for the fact of always trying to beat your personal best
  • I'm in the same boat - used to extend pretty much every voyage to at least the 10hr mark. Now, I recall as soon as necessary - rarely hit the 8hr mark these days. Would happily go back to spending dil if the old voyages returned.
  • Automaton_2000Automaton_2000 ✭✭✭✭✭
    My +1; spent dil on every single voyage to 10 hours for 3-4 weeks. It stopped being worth it and I haven't spent a single dil in the months since.
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    I just recalled a voyage at 6:45 with almost 1300 am left because I didn't want to have to refill it if I forgot about it.

    Wow depending on your stats you might have actually been able to make 8hr....
  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    I love how people ignore the part of the game that gives them the most chrons, honour and 4*'s.

    I love running Voyages. I especially like how I can hit 8 hours most of the time even with the dread MED/ENG combo because the game rewarded me with Collection stat bonuses. Anal retentiveness FTW!
    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
  • captain Šrekcaptain Šrek ✭✭
    edited March 2018
    And another + 1. Here are 2 players that claim that all of this is bunch of bad setup, bad luck, and so on and on. Voyages are bad and replicator rations is the worse thing cause you can not get them anywhere else in game except in cadet challange ( 1x weekly ) and I am sure we re all gonna laugh on that one and some through daily lottery....Let's not get personal, thanks. ˜Shan but I am sure they are saying how voyages are good and rest of us are just...not seeing it.
  • {DD} Smelly{DD} Smelly ✭✭✭✭✭
    Voyages are not as great as they once were, granted, but I still consider them to be some of the best rewards in the game. I can usually make it to 8 hours without extending. I will admit though, I RARELY extend voyages anymore. Usually only if I forget and run out of AM. Then it depends on whatever I've acquired on that voyage. Sometimes it's not worth the 100 or so dilithium to refill and I abandon it.
  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2018
    Let's not get personal, thanks. ˜Shan but I am sure they are saying how voyages are good and rest of us are just...not seeing it.

    You're not seeing it because you think you've been massively nerfed when in reality you haven't. The Voyages you had before the nerf were never as big as you thought. If anything I get more 4*'s now.

    My most recent Voyage has just over 8 hours. I could've let it go longer but it was the middle of the night and I didn't want to babysit it for 10 minutes.

    I got one 4*(dilemma), 3*, 1* and 3x2*'s. 203 honour. 464 Chrons. Pretty unremarkable. In the space of ~11 hours I got 678 honour and 464 Chrons. That's 90% of my daily honour and 101% of my daily chrons. And a tonne of other stuff that I can't even bother to keep track of. And that exact same Voyage is going out again.

    Yet somehow this is awful. I just don't see it.

    The only bad thing about Voyages is that instead of throwing tonnes of 2* components at us the game should give us some more variety of random loot at longer voyage lengths.
    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2018
    Voyages were nerfed. Chrons were noticeably dropped. However, I'm seeing the same streaks with 4 star characters though pre-nerf.

    I think there's room for criticisms of the state of Voyages, but I really don't think 4s were affected, at least from my experience.

  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭

    Man alive. I can't believe I got all this stuff* after only 2h10min. I'm feeling very nerfed.

    *Ok. I don't normally expect 3x 1*'s anymore.
    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
  • captain Šrekcaptain Šrek ✭✭
    edited March 2018
    Pallidyne wrote: »
    Voyages were nerfed. Chrons were noticeably dropped. However, I'm seeing the same streaks with 4 star characters though pre-nerf.

    I think there's room for criticisms of the state of Voyages, but I really don't think 4s were affected, at least from my experience.

    I dont know. As I am relativly new ( around 6 month ) it is hard to me to compare drop rate of 4*. From stories from older players I noticed they consider drop rate consideralby lower then before ( players up to 2 years playing ).
    I also share your opinion that chrons drop rate fallen around 25-30% before change.
    The thing that I mind most is drop rate of replicator rations as they are only item that you can not get anywhere else in game.
    There is another thing that contribute to fall rate of honor and chrons and that is - special crw. Once you collect Clown , Xindi , Thor Gor and colonel Worf those dillemas appear no more. And on , lets say 10-12 h voyage at least 100 honor and chros less. Also annoying especially in face of fact that you can get only one from that crew.
  • Voyages are not as great as they once were, granted, but I still consider them to be some of the best rewards in the game. I can usually make it to 8 hours without extending. I will admit though, I RARELY extend voyages anymore. Usually only if I forget and run out of AM. Then it depends on whatever I've acquired on that voyage. Sometimes it's not worth the 100 or so dilithium to refill and I abandon it.

    This is my viewpoint exactly.

    I wasn't trying to say 'Voyages are the worst! ROAR!' so much as wistfully looking at the rewards table and remembering when it used to be much richer.

    It's still a quality feature, it just used to be better is all. And like several other posters on here, I don't extend and sometimes even abandon them rather than spending dilithium these days.
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