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I miss the old Voyages



  • S14 Bri S14 Bri ✭✭✭
    edited April 2018
    AH I got explanation so all of us who dared to question here are flagged. I hope that admin will see the quantity pro and cons...some pple are so sensitive and then run crying...ah kids, have more then one.

    Yep. Seems someone likes to flag perfectly reasonable comments....
  • Notice I recalled the voyage at 1520 antimatter because I don't want to risk running out and having to abandon my "wonderful" haul. It's honestly not worth any dilithium at this point. It should also be pointed out that all my crew on this voyage were immortalized 5*s and my ship was a maxed out 5*.
  • ThurthoradThurthorad ✭✭✭✭✭
    OK, this thread is going off track....

    There are those who may be having bad luck, but are looking for a pattern, not realising that the high variance in the drops means you have to have an enormous sample size to be able to form a pattern with a high probablility of being correct.

    There are people who are providing equally random anecdotal evidence that shows at least that it is still possible to have good voyages.

    There is a general argument that Voyages are still pretty good and that even post nerf are certainly still worth doing.

    And there is also the observation that post nerf peoples behaviour has changed and that might be affecting any dataset that people are examining.

    I agree with the last 2 sentiments in particular. Voyages are still the most rewarding part of the game and the fact that they give any SR drops at all without spending dil is insane. But yes, post nerf I have also reduced the amount of dil I invest in voyages because the reason I was willing to run long voyages was to get silly amounts of chrons. That's just not there anymore, so it's not worth it. But that's fine. It probably was bad for the game that one of the best uses of dil was voyages.

    My core belief is still that Voyages are awesome and are the single most important part of the game because not only are they still filled with useful loot that you can get for free, but it drives almost all of my roster decisions too. Before voyages roster decisions were a lot less meaningful.
  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    Notice I recalled the voyage at 1520 antimatter because I don't want to risk running out and having to abandon my "wonderful" haul. It's honestly not worth any dilithium at this point. It should also be pointed out that all my crew on this voyage were immortalized 5*s and my ship was a maxed out 5*.

    Using Chewable's Voyage estimator your voyage should be about 8h9m. Assuming 2700 AM start.

    Also the secondary skill is not a suggestion, treat it as mandatory. It should not be your worst stat. If your ENG was 8700 and your DIP was 4700, the voyage would've lasted 8h40m.

    I can regularly hit 8h voyages without any 5/5's. I only have two anyways. In general if I have ~1500 AM after the 3rd dilemma, I always hit the 4th dilemma unless I have a seriously out of whack skills alignment. This usually won't happen if both primary skills are at 9K+.

    If you can fill your Voyage with nothing but 5/5's your goal should be 10 hours.

    Lastly, if you don't think your haul is good why not gamble? The most interesting part of the Voyage is the 6-8 hour portion.
    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
  • S14 Bri S14 Bri ✭✭✭
    Thurthorad wrote: »
    OK, this thread is going off track....

    There are those who may be having bad luck, but are looking for a pattern, not realising that the high variance in the drops means you have to have an enormous sample size to be able to form a pattern with a high probablility of being correct.

    There are people who are providing equally random anecdotal evidence that shows at least that it is still possible to have good voyages.

    There is a general argument that Voyages are still pretty good and that even post nerf are certainly still worth doing.

    And there is also the observation that post nerf peoples behaviour has changed and that might be affecting any dataset that people are examining.

    I agree with the last 2 sentiments in particular. Voyages are still the most rewarding part of the game and the fact that they give any SR drops at all without spending dil is insane. But yes, post nerf I have also reduced the amount of dil I invest in voyages because the reason I was willing to run long voyages was to get silly amounts of chrons. That's just not there anymore, so it's not worth it. But that's fine. It probably was bad for the game that one of the best uses of dil was voyages.

    My core belief is still that Voyages are awesome and are the single most important part of the game because not only are they still filled with useful loot that you can get for free, but it drives almost all of my roster decisions too. Before voyages roster decisions were a lot less meaningful.

    Agreed. Voyages are still very much worth doing. I prioritize voyages over shuttles etc because they give me more of what I need. I think the consensus is that they’ve changed a bit, particularly since around the time daily voyage missions were implemented (and then reduced)...

    Either way, I’ll still be running them.... just not refilling antimatter with dil until I sense change.
  • edited April 2018

    8-1/2 hours... no 4* crew... not even a 3* crew to convert to honour.

    This is far from the first time it has happened, either. I know others are concerned by the chroniton nerf, but the thing I miss most about the voyages we used to get was the quality of the crew you'd come back with.

    What I miss the most are Replicator Rations, I still receive now and then a few Super-Rare and/or Rare crew, even mor than one Super-Rare, that depends a lot on the RNG. But I see the clearly that this Voyages bring much less Chronitons, Crew and Replicator Rations and that the Federations Credit increment they mentioned is not really wow and still, if it was, does not replace what we really miss.
    I repent myself of not having done the 20-hours voyage when it was more resourceful than now... so I still have to do that Voyage when and if I consider it necessary.
  • Ivanstone wrote: »
    Notice I recalled the voyage at 1520 antimatter because I don't want to risk running out and having to abandon my "wonderful" haul. It's honestly not worth any dilithium at this point. It should also be pointed out that all my crew on this voyage were immortalized 5*s and my ship was a maxed out 5*.

    Using Chewable's Voyage estimator your voyage should be about 8h9m. Assuming 2700 AM start.

    Also the secondary skill is not a suggestion, treat it as mandatory. It should not be your worst stat. If your ENG was 8700 and your DIP was 4700, the voyage would've lasted 8h40m.

    I can regularly hit 8h voyages without any 5/5's. I only have two anyways. In general if I have ~1500 AM after the 3rd dilemma, I always hit the 4th dilemma unless I have a seriously out of whack skills alignment. This usually won't happen if both primary skills are at 9K+.

    If you can fill your Voyage with nothing but 5/5's your goal should be 10 hours.

    Lastly, if you don't think your haul is good why not gamble? The most interesting part of the Voyage is the 6-8 hour portion.

    I don't gamble much now days with DB because the RNG is usually rigged in the favor of DB to make you spend money.
  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    Notice I recalled the voyage at 1520 antimatter because I don't want to risk running out and having to abandon my "wonderful" haul. It's honestly not worth any dilithium at this point. It should also be pointed out that all my crew on this voyage were immortalized 5*s and my ship was a maxed out 5*.

    Using Chewable's Voyage estimator your voyage should be about 8h9m. Assuming 2700 AM start.

    Also the secondary skill is not a suggestion, treat it as mandatory. It should not be your worst stat. If your ENG was 8700 and your DIP was 4700, the voyage would've lasted 8h40m.

    I can regularly hit 8h voyages without any 5/5's. I only have two anyways. In general if I have ~1500 AM after the 3rd dilemma, I always hit the 4th dilemma unless I have a seriously out of whack skills alignment. This usually won't happen if both primary skills are at 9K+.

    If you can fill your Voyage with nothing but 5/5's your goal should be 10 hours.

    Lastly, if you don't think your haul is good why not gamble? The most interesting part of the Voyage is the 6-8 hour portion.

    I don't gamble much now days with DB because the RNG is usually rigged in the favor of DB to make you spend money.

    Its not much of a gamble. You said you didn't care for the rewards you already had. Since you haven't spent any money anyways, there's almost no harm in letting it go. If it fails don't hit the refresh button. Just dust yourself off, optimize your crew better and try again.

    I don't actually think people should always extend Voyages. I do think going past 10 hours is usually a waste of time and money. I do spend a little bit of money on Voyages but its usually to get two dilemma's. Sometimes its to preserve unusually good rewards if my attention lapsed.

    The Voyage posted earlier failed at 7h58m. Which is always a kick in the nuts. I could accuse DB of screwing me to tempt into spending money but I have no statistics to back that statement so I didn't. Since my starting AM was high (2900), its mathematically impossible for me to fail before 10 hours so I extended. At worst I would get two common dilemma's which would net me 160 honour and 50 chrons. Not horrible for 96 DIL. In this case the 5th dilemma was Super Rare and got me Baseball Dukat.
    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
  • Peachtree RexPeachtree Rex ✭✭✭✭✭
    Bri wrote: »
    High variance drops are high variance.

    News at 11.

    That’s all well and good. But from chatting on here and with my fleet, in addition to my personal experiences and understanding... there seems to have been another shift in voyages. More subtle than the initial nerf, but noticeable. It’s becoming pointless to extend voyages and that cannot be good business sense on behalf of the developer.

    I'd be interested to see your statistics that back your claims. "Subtle" changes are usually very difficult to detect/quantify and are certainly impossible to articulate from examining the single, hand-picked trials that have been posted so far.
  • S14 Bri S14 Bri ✭✭✭
    Bri wrote: »
    High variance drops are high variance.

    News at 11.

    That’s all well and good. But from chatting on here and with my fleet, in addition to my personal experiences and understanding... there seems to have been another shift in voyages. More subtle than the initial nerf, but noticeable. It’s becoming pointless to extend voyages and that cannot be good business sense on behalf of the developer.

    I'd be interested to see your statistics that back your claims. "Subtle" changes are usually very difficult to detect/quantify and are certainly impossible to articulate from examining the single, hand-picked trials that have been posted so far.

    Don’t underestimate the power of the human brain. Our ability to identify recursive probabalistic fractals is perhaps our greatest mental feature, making us the planets most intelligent species. For all the stats and data (that I have absolutely no time to compile or analyze due to having a busy life and family), people do have the ability to identify patterns.
  • captain Šrekcaptain Šrek ✭✭
    edited April 2018
    Unnecessary comment removed. ˜Shan
  • Peachtree RexPeachtree Rex ✭✭✭✭✭
    Bri wrote: »
    High variance drops are high variance.

    News at 11.

    That’s all well and good. But from chatting on here and with my fleet, in addition to my personal experiences and understanding... there seems to have been another shift in voyages. More subtle than the initial nerf, but noticeable. It’s becoming pointless to extend voyages and that cannot be good business sense on behalf of the developer.

    Do you have statistics to share? Really, "subtle" changes are really only detectable if you're
    Bri wrote: »
    Bri wrote: »
    High variance drops are high variance.

    News at 11.

    That’s all well and good. But from chatting on here and with my fleet, in addition to my personal experiences and understanding... there seems to have been another shift in voyages. More subtle than the initial nerf, but noticeable. It’s becoming pointless to extend voyages and that cannot be good business sense on behalf of the developer.

    I'd be interested to see your statistics that back your claims. "Subtle" changes are usually very difficult to detect/quantify and are certainly impossible to articulate from examining the single, hand-picked trials that have been posted so far.

    Don’t underestimate the power of the human brain. Our ability to identify recursive probabalistic fractals is perhaps our greatest mental feature, making us the planets most intelligent species. For all the stats and data (that I have absolutely no time to compile or analyze due to having a busy life and family), people do have the ability to identify patterns.

    Yea, the problem is that people are so good at recognizing patterns that they make up ones that don't actually exist.


    What I suspect is more likely, as I said earlier, is that people used to regularly extend voyages, which bought them additional time in the 6hr+ range (prime 4* territory). Once the chron nerf came into play, people extended less often. Now, they were spending less time in the 6hr+ range, so they saw fewer 4*s.

    Your conclusion for this phenomenon is, "4* drop rates were nerfed". I contend it's a lot more likely that 4* drop rates have stayed unchanged and that people are seeing fewer 4*s because they aren't extending their voyages as often.

    Like you, I don't have the time or patience to generate statistics on the matter. All I know is that I've FFed no fewer than 6 4*s via voyages over the past month so, anecdotally, I am very pleased with the crew drops I am experiencing, currently. Sure, I've had some "blank" runs, but I had them before, too.
  • S14 Bri S14 Bri ✭✭✭
    Bri wrote: »
    High variance drops are high variance.

    News at 11.

    That’s all well and good. But from chatting on here and with my fleet, in addition to my personal experiences and understanding... there seems to have been another shift in voyages. More subtle than the initial nerf, but noticeable. It’s becoming pointless to extend voyages and that cannot be good business sense on behalf of the developer.

    Do you have statistics to share? Really, "subtle" changes are really only detectable if you're
    Bri wrote: »
    Bri wrote: »
    High variance drops are high variance.

    News at 11.

    That’s all well and good. But from chatting on here and with my fleet, in addition to my personal experiences and understanding... there seems to have been another shift in voyages. More subtle than the initial nerf, but noticeable. It’s becoming pointless to extend voyages and that cannot be good business sense on behalf of the developer.

    I'd be interested to see your statistics that back your claims. "Subtle" changes are usually very difficult to detect/quantify and are certainly impossible to articulate from examining the single, hand-picked trials that have been posted so far.

    Don’t underestimate the power of the human brain. Our ability to identify recursive probabalistic fractals is perhaps our greatest mental feature, making us the planets most intelligent species. For all the stats and data (that I have absolutely no time to compile or analyze due to having a busy life and family), people do have the ability to identify patterns.

    Yea, the problem is that people are so good at recognizing patterns that they make up ones that don't actually exist.


    What I suspect is more likely, as I said earlier, is that people used to regularly extend voyages, which bought them additional time in the 6hr+ range (prime 4* territory). Once the chron nerf came into play, people extended less often. Now, they were spending less time in the 6hr+ range, so they saw fewer 4*s.

    Your conclusion for this phenomenon is, "4* drop rates were nerfed". I contend it's a lot more likely that 4* drop rates have stayed unchanged and that people are seeing fewer 4*s because they aren't extending their voyages as often.

    Like you, I don't have the time or patience to generate statistics on the matter. All I know is that I've FFed no fewer than 6 4*s via voyages over the past month so, anecdotally, I am very pleased with the crew drops I am experiencing, currently. Sure, I've had some "blank" runs, but I had them before, too.

    I’m not particularly displeased with the crew drops either. And there’s definitely a knee jerk reaction on the game when people don’t get what they want, eg the gauntlet etc.

    I haven’t received rep rations for the last four 8-10 hour voyages, though... perhaps this will change and those lovely bountiful rations are on the horizon, heading my way

  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited April 2018
    I would say that our greatest mental feature is to see patterns where they don’t exist.

    And I would say that our greatest mental feature is NOT to see patterns where they are clear and visible like a ship at the see on clear, sunny day.

    <snip> ˜Shan

    Proper statistics are important. They require meticulous work and most will find them boring. Shouting on the forums is easy. Data collection is not.

    Nevertheless this is what data collection looks like:

    Original post here:
    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
  • Look I've played Voyages since the minute it was released months and months ago. It was extremely common to pick up 3 or 4 super rare 4* cards within 4 hours, along with 20-30 super rare replicator rations. I use to have >400 super rare replicator rations on hand at any given time without ever extending a voyage. These are facts. Now it is a fact that after 6 hours you are lucky to have even 1 3* card. This is reality. You people to keep insisting there has only been a subtle change in voyages and the nerf wasn't that bad are delusional. I feel like I am talking to one of those people who insists there is no evidence of climate change. Facts are facts. Voyages have SIGNIFICANTLY fewer returns now. I don't understand why this is an actual argument for ANYONE who plays the game legitimately.
  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    It was extremely common to pick up 3 or 4 super rare 4* cards within 4 hours, along with 20-30 super rare replicator rations. I use to have >400 super rare replicator rations on hand at any given time without ever extending a voyage.

    Really? I don't ever recall getting 4* crew before 4 hours and I haven't noticed a drop in 3* crew. Rations were announced as being nerfed, were nerfed and somehow I still have 4375 4* Super Rare rations.
    These are facts. Now it is a fact that after 6 hours you are lucky to have even 1 3* card. This is reality. You people to keep insisting there has only been a subtle change in voyages and the nerf wasn't that bad are delusional. I feel like I am talking to one of those people who insists there is no evidence of climate change. Facts are facts. Voyages have SIGNIFICANTLY fewer returns now. I don't understand why this is an actual argument for ANYONE who plays the game legitimately.

    Here's an actual fact. You post a single Voyage as proof that they were nerfed and only showed that you used incorrect strategy in running it. Its like saying that warm weather is proof that global warming is real. Warm weather is an anecdote, documented proof of climate change requires quality statistics.

    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    Look I've played Voyages since the minute it was released months and months ago. It was extremely common to pick up 3 or 4 super rare 4* cards within 4 hours, along with 20-30 super rare replicator rations. I use to have >400 super rare replicator rations on hand at any given time without ever extending a voyage. These are facts. Now it is a fact that after 6 hours you are lucky to have even 1 3* card. This is reality. You people to keep insisting there has only been a subtle change in voyages and the nerf wasn't that bad are delusional. I feel like I am talking to one of those people who insists there is no evidence of climate change. Facts are facts. Voyages have SIGNIFICANTLY fewer returns now. I don't understand why this is an actual argument for ANYONE who plays the game legitimately.

    I wish I had had that luck. In the first 3 weeks of voyages with ones going at a minimum of 6 hours I got 2, yes 2 4* character drops monitoring every waking momen. But I got crazy chrons so I didn't care.

    So for me the FACT is that I didn't get that much 4* characters even pre-nerf.
  • <TGE> Clifford<TGE> Clifford ✭✭✭✭✭
    As someone who at the very least considered flagging a few posts in here, I’d like to say this is my reasoning:

    Insulting of other posters, accusing them of showing bias due to bribery, just because they shared some of their own experiences.

    I personally don’t have any points of comparison to pre-nerf.

    But I do get a 4* crew from voyages at least once every few days. Three in the last 24 hours, without any extensions, from a voyages that ran to 7 hours and another that ran to 6 hours 15 minutes.

    I’m massively in favor collecting data. Voyages are very streaky, like many other aspects of this game.

    I also constantly see posts and threads asking if voyages were nerfed again because one person got 20 fewer chrons than they expected on one voyage. So some of us don’t take things like this so seriously.

    Also, I’m pretty sure the “paranoia” comment was regarding normal paranoia that everyone experiences from time to time, just like suspicion. No one is suggesting anyone here is schizophrenic or anything of that nature. (:
  • captain Šrekcaptain Šrek ✭✭
    edited April 2018
    <snip> ˜Shan I do not have data to enter in one nice database before nerf. But what I can tell that I regullary did 10-20 hour voyages . You know work, family and so on an so forth...you understand. And I can track the difference. You have to understand that anyone can throw several data and say it is pre and post.....
    I feel like I am talking to one of those people who insists there is no evidence of climate change. Facts are facts. Voyages have SIGNIFICANTLY fewer returns now. I don't understand why this is an actual argument for ANYONE who plays the game legitimately.

    One should really ask about motivs as Sherlock Holmes or Poirot would say. Why would one group of people constantly nagging that something is changed....and why other group 2 + support would constantly claiming that it is not so?
    If we are all regular players ofc. WHat each side could gain ...or lose?
  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    If we are all regular players ofc. WHat each side could gain ...or lose?

    If people listened to me DB would probably make less money. I'm only a monthly card buyer who's in game decisions are mostly driven by cheep bastardry. The game already gives you lots to do, there's no burning need for more.

    Before the nerf I didn't think Voyages were worth extending more than once. After the nerf I still think the same mostly.

    I almost never buy special offers and I only buy packs that give me a decent chance of getting a 4* I need. I don't go fishing for 5*'s with money except for a regrettable incident that happened a couple weeks ago.
    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
  • RikerWasNumber1RikerWasNumber1 ✭✭✭
    edited April 2018
    As someone who at the very least considered flagging a few posts in here, I’d like to say this is my reasoning:

    Insulting of other posters, accusing them of showing bias due to bribery, just because they shared some of their own experiences.

    I personally don’t have any points of comparison to pre-nerf.

    But I do get a 4* crew from voyages at least once every few days. Three in the last 24 hours, without any extensions, from a voyages that ran to 7 hours and another that ran to 6 hours 15 minutes.

    I’m massively in favor collecting data. Voyages are very streaky, like many other aspects of this game.

    I also constantly see posts and threads asking if voyages were nerfed again because one person got 20 fewer chrons than they expected on one voyage. So some of us don’t take things like this so seriously.

    Also, I’m pretty sure the “paranoia” comment was regarding normal paranoia that everyone experiences from time to time, just like suspicion. No one is suggesting anyone here is schizophrenic or anything of that nature. (:

    If someone was offended by my suggestion that they were "bribed" for spouting off a bunch of nonsense about voyages giving good rewards....or the other guy who suggested someone was "paranoid"....these are nerf gloves at best insults that are PG rate possibly even G. The internet may not be the place for you if you were "offended" by that. :'(:'(:'(:'(:'(
  • <TGE> Clifford<TGE> Clifford ✭✭✭✭✭
    As someone who at the very least considered flagging a few posts in here, I’d like to say this is my reasoning:

    Insulting of other posters, accusing them of showing bias due to bribery, just because they shared some of their own experiences.

    I personally don’t have any points of comparison to pre-nerf.

    But I do get a 4* crew from voyages at least once every few days. Three in the last 24 hours, without any extensions, from a voyages that ran to 7 hours and another that ran to 6 hours 15 minutes.

    I’m massively in favor collecting data. Voyages are very streaky, like many other aspects of this game.

    I also constantly see posts and threads asking if voyages were nerfed again because one person got 20 fewer chrons than they expected on one voyage. So some of us don’t take things like this so seriously.

    Also, I’m pretty sure the “paranoia” comment was regarding normal paranoia that everyone experiences from time to time, just like suspicion. No one is suggesting anyone here is schizophrenic or anything of that nature. (:

    If someone was offended by my suggestion that they were "bribed" for spouting off a bunch of nonsense about voyages giving good rewards....or the other guy who suggested someone was "paranoid"....these are nerf gloves at best insults that are PG rate possibly even G. The internet may not be the place for you if you were "offended" by that. :'(:'(:'(:'(:'(

    I found no offense in it. I merely think it violates the community guidelines and should have no place on a forum such as this one. (:

    I think it’d be great if we could be friendly and courteous on this forum, where we all enjoy a common game and work towards similar goals. I see no need for the vitriol present in this thread.
  • I found no offense in it. I merely think it violates the community guidelines and should have no place on a forum such as this one. (:

    I think it’d be great if we could be friendly and courteous on this forum, where we all enjoy a common game and work towards similar goals. I see no need for the vitriol present in this thread.

    O we can be very friendly and courteous. Though I really think that we do not have same ( or similar ) goals and as time goes by I am more convinved in that. Cause when same 2 come taking opposite side in which there is no motive that could enrich game or play but keep status quo. And allways same 2. Supported in later stage. We all read papers we all live in todays World and who wants to know know how opinions are made.

    And tell me esteem collage how would you react on call to present proofs ( that you did not collect ) cause you are not 24/7 or did not had intrest when most of persons ( players ) that you talk to expirience same problems?

    SO for someone problems do not exist and point of their commenting on place that are not their concern or problem is really strange but lets put that aside.

    My question is when words "dumb, ignorant, yellow" come out of - you do not understand gaem mechanic, your crew is to low for such tasks, very big differences and you do not play enough or good enough become equal?

    So to not go to off and conclude this I miss old voyages...idc about 4* ( really ) but I do believe that game dynamic asks players to spend more money then earlier do the fact that drop rate of items during voyages are reduced. Here, as I stated many times befor are replication rations cause except in honor hall they can not be aquired anywhere in the game ( for deatail explenation please read earlier posts ). But I do understand problems of players that maybe do not use many financial resources and they are hitt by changes made in voyages.
    To be blunt, buying 5x5* replicator rations in honor hall is rarelly enough for 1x5* item and value of that item is very improper. Same is for 5x4* that cost 750 honor points cause you can not make a sigle 4* item. If you wish I can elaborate math in details as well as relationships between dissolving 5* or 4* carackter. Ofc there are several issues cause someone on lower replication level ( like 4 - 6 ) is not like one of 8 but still, event the lower VIP levels can not aquire enough item to raise quality of their charackters.
    Endulge me a litlle bit and allow me to be plastic - for 1 character ( 5* or 4* ) in higher level you do need 4-8 putple or yellow items. You can combine and hunt for some items but lets stay on that. For 4x5* items you need around 120 purple replicator rations. And here is despute cause here some constantly claiming that they recieve enough rations ( obiously from their perspective ) but there is much more those that not recieveing them....

    And after a while this come in game - proof and subtile challenging other player claims...and we are not al christians to turn the other cheek. Mutual respect for level of communication that you are talking about require mutual respect.

    A long post on which I apologize. I wish you good day, Sir.
  • [BL] Q [BL] Q ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited April 2018
    As someone who at the very least considered flagging a few posts in here, I’d like to say this is my reasoning:

    Insulting of other posters, accusing them of showing bias due to bribery, just because they shared some of their own experiences.

    I personally don’t have any points of comparison to pre-nerf.

    But I do get a 4* crew from voyages at least once every few days. Three in the last 24 hours, without any extensions, from a voyages that ran to 7 hours and another that ran to 6 hours 15 minutes.

    I’m massively in favor collecting data. Voyages are very streaky, like many other aspects of this game.

    I also constantly see posts and threads asking if voyages were nerfed again because one person got 20 fewer chrons than they expected on one voyage. So some of us don’t take things like this so seriously.

    Also, I’m pretty sure the “paranoia” comment was regarding normal paranoia that everyone experiences from time to time, just like suspicion. No one is suggesting anyone here is schizophrenic or anything of that nature. (:

    If someone was offended by my suggestion that they were "bribed" for spouting off a bunch of nonsense about voyages giving good rewards....or the other guy who suggested someone was "paranoid"....these are nerf gloves at best insults that are PG rate possibly even G. The internet may not be the place for you if you were "offended" by that. :'(:'(:'(:'(:'(

    I found no offense in it. I merely think it violates the community guidelines and should have no place on a forum such as this one. (:

    I think it’d be great if we could be friendly and courteous on this forum, where we all enjoy a common game and work towards similar goals. I see no need for the vitriol present in this thread.

    The flag button on the forum is for spam or abuse not because someone doesn’t like a post or strongly disagrees with them that is in the community guidelines.

    See something, say something. We aren’t aware of all activity, so if there is something that you feel needs moderator attention, please send a Private Message describing the issue.

    I think they should be reviewing these flagged posts and removing spam if it doesn’t fall under spam or abuse. ATM flag is used like downvoting on Reddit which is not its intended function here.
  • <TGE> Clifford<TGE> Clifford ✭✭✭✭✭
    [BL] Q wrote: »
    As someone who at the very least considered flagging a few posts in here, I’d like to say this is my reasoning:

    Insulting of other posters, accusing them of showing bias due to bribery, just because they shared some of their own experiences.

    I personally don’t have any points of comparison to pre-nerf.

    But I do get a 4* crew from voyages at least once every few days. Three in the last 24 hours, without any extensions, from a voyages that ran to 7 hours and another that ran to 6 hours 15 minutes.

    I’m massively in favor collecting data. Voyages are very streaky, like many other aspects of this game.

    I also constantly see posts and threads asking if voyages were nerfed again because one person got 20 fewer chrons than they expected on one voyage. So some of us don’t take things like this so seriously.

    Also, I’m pretty sure the “paranoia” comment was regarding normal paranoia that everyone experiences from time to time, just like suspicion. No one is suggesting anyone here is schizophrenic or anything of that nature. (:

    If someone was offended by my suggestion that they were "bribed" for spouting off a bunch of nonsense about voyages giving good rewards....or the other guy who suggested someone was "paranoid"....these are nerf gloves at best insults that are PG rate possibly even G. The internet may not be the place for you if you were "offended" by that. :'(:'(:'(:'(:'(

    I found no offense in it. I merely think it violates the community guidelines and should have no place on a forum such as this one. (:

    I think it’d be great if we could be friendly and courteous on this forum, where we all enjoy a common game and work towards similar goals. I see no need for the vitriol present in this thread.

    The flag button on the forum is for spam or abuse not because someone doesn’t like a post or strongly disagrees with them that is in the community guidelines.

    See something, say something. We aren’t aware of all activity, so if there is something that you feel needs moderator attention, please send a Private Message describing the issue.

    I think they should be reviewing these flagged posts and removing spam if it doesn’t fall under spam or abuse. ATM flag is used like downvoting on Reddit which is not its intended function here.

    I somewhat agree. I was not sure which moderator to speak to, however, as it seems that Shan is not around here on the weekends. (: I have seen Shan comment elsewhere regarding the number of flags, and also seen her say that @-ing a moderator or admin does nothing. I thought maybe flagging did bring something to a mod’s attention, though? I apologize if I’m wrong. Seriously. Not being patronizing.
    I found no offense in it. I merely think it violates the community guidelines and should have no place on a forum such as this one. (:

    I think it’d be great if we could be friendly and courteous on this forum, where we all enjoy a common game and work towards similar goals. I see no need for the vitriol present in this thread.

    O we can be very friendly and courteous. Though I really think that we do not have same ( or similar ) goals and as time goes by I am more convinved in that. Cause when same 2 come taking opposite side in which there is no motive that could enrich game or play but keep status quo. And allways same 2. Supported in later stage. We all read papers we all live in todays World and who wants to know know how opinions are made.

    And tell me esteem collage how would you react on call to present proofs ( that you did not collect ) cause you are not 24/7 or did not had intrest when most of persons ( players ) that you talk to expirience same problems?

    SO for someone problems do not exist and point of their commenting on place that are not their concern or problem is really strange but lets put that aside.

    My question is when words "dumb, ignorant, yellow" come out of - you do not understand gaem mechanic, your crew is to low for such tasks, very big differences and you do not play enough or good enough become equal?

    So to not go to off and conclude this I miss old voyages...idc about 4* ( really ) but I do believe that game dynamic asks players to spend more money then earlier do the fact that drop rate of items during voyages are reduced. Here, as I stated many times befor are replication rations cause except in honor hall they can not be aquired anywhere in the game ( for deatail explenation please read earlier posts ). But I do understand problems of players that maybe do not use many financial resources and they are hitt by changes made in voyages.
    To be blunt, buying 5x5* replicator rations in honor hall is rarelly enough for 1x5* item and value of that item is very improper. Same is for 5x4* that cost 750 honor points cause you can not make a sigle 4* item. If you wish I can elaborate math in details as well as relationships between dissolving 5* or 4* carackter. Ofc there are several issues cause someone on lower replication level ( like 4 - 6 ) is not like one of 8 but still, event the lower VIP levels can not aquire enough item to raise quality of their charackters.
    Endulge me a litlle bit and allow me to be plastic - for 1 character ( 5* or 4* ) in higher level you do need 4-8 putple or yellow items. You can combine and hunt for some items but lets stay on that. For 4x5* items you need around 120 purple replicator rations. And here is despute cause here some constantly claiming that they recieve enough rations ( obiously from their perspective ) but there is much more those that not recieveing them....

    And after a while this come in game - proof and subtile challenging other player claims...and we are not al christians to turn the other cheek. Mutual respect for level of communication that you are talking about require mutual respect.

    A long post on which I apologize. I wish you good day, Sir.

    I played for a while back in 2016 and 2017, and then things in “real life” got in the way of my gameplay. Or perhaps, my gameplay got in the way of “real life”. For the last several months, I’ve been around a lot more.

    I have something close to 100 crew immortalized or at level 100 (I’ve mostly ignored blues, greens, and grays unless they’re needed for cadets or are my favorite characters), and have something like 100+ unique purples in quarters currently.

    I try not to replicate things, because of the credit cost, so replicator rations aren’t as important to me, usually. I mostly use 3*s to replicate basic to rare items when they require a lot of faction items.

    I also do not purchase replicator rations using honor. Instead, I try to use chrons and adwarps. It goes kind of slowly, but I like to conserve my in-game resources where I can.

    It’s a different way of getting there, but I think they’re similar goals.

    I would agree that the drop rate of replicator rations is very low, and perhaps was nerfed a lot more than other things in voyages, from what I’ve heard from other players.
  • MagisseMagisse ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited April 2018
    Personally, I agree that the rate of 4*/3* crew and rep ration drops fell considerably when the "Great Chron Nerf" occurred. I don't claim to have proof of this. Regardless, Voyages are still a great source of resources.

    One confounding factor that I hope we can agree on, is that prior to the change, the 6+ hour dilemmas were always "high-level" ones, so we'd get at least one 4* crew for nearly any voyage that lasted that long. (Unless you got the unusual schematic or 5* ration drop.) This is no longer the case, and probably has contributed to a lot of the feeling that we're getting the 4* crew less often.
  • Peachtree RexPeachtree Rex ✭✭✭✭✭
    Magisse wrote: »
    Personally, I agree that the rate of 4*/3* crew and rep ration drops fell considerably when the "Great Chron Nerf" occurred. I don't claim to have proof of this. Regardless, Voyages are still a great source of resources.

    One confounding factor that I hope we can agree on, is that prior to the change, the 6+ hour dilemmas were always "high-level" ones, so we'd get at least one 4* crew for nearly any voyage that lasted that long. (Unless you got the unusual schematic or 5* ration drop.) This is no longer the case, and probably has contributed to a lot of the feeling that we're getting the 4* crew less often.

    No, 2* crew have always dropped from the deeper dilemmas. Your post is actually the first claim of its sort I have ever seen.
  • MagisseMagisse ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited April 2018
    Magisse wrote: »
    Personally, I agree that the rate of 4*/3* crew and rep ration drops fell considerably when the "Great Chron Nerf" occurred. I don't claim to have proof of this. Regardless, Voyages are still a great source of resources.

    One confounding factor that I hope we can agree on, is that prior to the change, the 6+ hour dilemmas were always "high-level" ones, so we'd get at least one 4* crew for nearly any voyage that lasted that long. (Unless you got the unusual schematic or 5* ration drop.) This is no longer the case, and probably has contributed to a lot of the feeling that we're getting the 4* crew less often.

    No, 2* crew have always dropped from the deeper dilemmas. Your post is actually the first claim of its sort I have ever seen.
    Uh..."First Post" then? :#
    Well maybe my memory is going in my old age. If nobody else agrees with it, then I apologise and retract.
  • Peachtree RexPeachtree Rex ✭✭✭✭✭
    Magisse wrote: »
    Magisse wrote: »
    Personally, I agree that the rate of 4*/3* crew and rep ration drops fell considerably when the "Great Chron Nerf" occurred. I don't claim to have proof of this. Regardless, Voyages are still a great source of resources.

    One confounding factor that I hope we can agree on, is that prior to the change, the 6+ hour dilemmas were always "high-level" ones, so we'd get at least one 4* crew for nearly any voyage that lasted that long. (Unless you got the unusual schematic or 5* ration drop.) This is no longer the case, and probably has contributed to a lot of the feeling that we're getting the 4* crew less often.

    No, 2* crew have always dropped from the deeper dilemmas. Your post is actually the first claim of its sort I have ever seen.
    Uh..."First Post" then? :#
    Well maybe my memory is going in my old age. If nobody else agrees with it, then I apologise and retract.

    Now, there was a time when 4* components could drop from deeper dilemmas. THOSE were a load of feels-bads.

    I actually did think they were auto-4*s the first day if release, since my first two 6hr dilemmas dropped them. However, the ensuing week yielded no more.
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