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I miss the old Voyages



  • Odo MarmarosaOdo Marmarosa ✭✭✭✭✭
    The thing that I mind most is drop rate of replicator rations as they are only item that you can not get anywhere else in game.

    You mean aside from squad rewards, daily login rewards, Sunday challenges, some event rewards & the honor hall? Rations went from one of the rarest resourses to annoyingly common, but they were hardly impossible to get. I get that they are valuable to newer players, but the introduction of voyages really changed the replication economy so that credits not materials became the limiting factor.
    There is another thing that contribute to fall rate of honor and chrons and that is - special crw. Once you collect Clown , Xindi , Thor Gor and colonel Worf those dillemas appear no more. And on , lets say 10-12 h voyage at least 100 honor and chros less. Also annoying especially in face of fact that you can get only one from that crew.

    That's also not what I've observed. You are correct that the crews only drop once, but the dillema paths remain. Sometimes the option that drops the crew vanishes, sometimes not, sometimes restarting the app will restore the option (each time I've selected it again I just got a random 3* crew).

    The lower number of random crew drops sure stings, but voyages remain a steady source of chrons and honor.
  • captain Šrekcaptain Šrek ✭✭
    edited March 2018
    "Odo wrote:
    You mean aside from squad rewards, daily login rewards, Sunday challenges, some event rewards & the honor hall? Rations went from one of the rarest resourses to annoyingly common, but they were hardly impossible to get. I get that they are valuable to newer players, but the introduction of voyages really changed the replication economy so that credits not materials became the limiting factor.
    OK I went over this several times so once more. Tehnicly speaking you re right.

    Squad reward - 1x weekly - lets say your no.1 - 10x 5*
    Daily login????
    Sunday challenges - best scenario - 4x4*
    Honor hall - 5x5* cost 1500 honor = 3x5* crew - if you get 500 honor daily from starbase 3 days and so on...
    so please share where they are so common.
    And yes please put that in perspective upgrading 4* or 5* crew on level 80,90,100. And that is for 1 caracter - waht if zou are more advanced VIP level?
    "Odo wrote:
    I get that they are valuable to newer players, ...
    New player is relative term cause guy who spents hundreds of $ or € and play activly several month can get in game dynamice especially if he is older then 12. Older ( not senile ) gets it as well. It is not c++ coding or termodynamic air expandion formulas. or mySQL database.

    The true is that there just not here, mean on replicator rations and dont see point or reason not verifying simple common fact.
    "Odo wrote:
    That's also not what I've observed. You are correct that the crews only drop once, but the dillema paths remain. Sometimes the option that drops the crew vanishes, sometimes not, sometimes restarting the app will restore the option (each time I've selected it again I just got a random 3* crew).

    The lower number of random crew drops sure stings, but voyages remain a steady source of chrons and honor.

    Well we have different observations then but I challenge you to count on your next 10 voyages and please tell me result of those paths. The concecvence is that procentage is fallen and accordingly you get 30/30 often then 60/50 or 100/75, And I am not talking about 5 or 10% fall but over 40%. Math can be a **tsk tsk**, right? Especially if you have all factors and take time to calculate all.

    Just to be clear, if you are gettung afraid that voyages will be suspended since someone pointing out on issues that are existing...I think noone will suspend them but maybe will chech that out and maybe take in consideration that problem exist and lead to losing money as it can be seen from statements of our esteem collages in game ( less dill, less money,...).
    I also do find that voyages are nice addition to game but ...I am in group that dont buy dill any more to finance them, comprende?


  • Althea BiermontAlthea Biermont ✭✭✭✭✭
    I will admit though, I RARELY extend voyages anymore. Usually only if I forget and run out of AM.

    This is why the nerf remains. If people are willing to spend any dilithium rather than abandon, DB wins and has no reason to change them back.

    I’d be really interested in the pre-nerf/post-nerf abandon rates.

  • [BL] Q [BL] Q ✭✭✭✭✭
    I do 8hr voyages now and recall I used to go beyond 30hrs regularly with what I save now I put it into other mobile games I play so there’s always an upside to DB’s decisions
  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    Well we have different observations then but I challenge you to count on your next 10 voyages and please tell me result of those paths.

    Why don't you count your next 10 Voyages?

    The topic of this thread is about the lack of 4*'s in Voyages. Which I find baffling. I've gotten 9 since Monday. Sometimes I go a few days without getting any and longer between getting anything I need but I still get them.

    Its the same with replicator rations. I don't need any so I don't both keeping track. Currently I have 38x3* and 18x2*. But I also have a tonne of trainers and components that can also be burned as fuel.

    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
  • edited March 2018
    In the last week, most of my voyages have run 7-8 hours without a refill, and i've only gotten 1 4* crew. ran an 8h today without any 3*

    voyages were nerfed again for sure.

    You think that when they supposedly added all the new 4* crew, they accidentally TURNED OFF voyages dropping 4*s?
  • <TGE> Clifford<TGE> Clifford ✭✭✭✭✭
    In the last week, most of my voyages have run 7-8 hours without a refill, and i've only gotten 1 4* crew. ran an 8h today without any 3*

    voyages were nerfed again for sure.

    You think that when they supposedly added all the new 4* crew, they accidentally TURNED OFF voyages dropping 4*s?

    No. A fleetmate did his 20 hour voyage yesterday and today and received at least 7 purples.
  • Peachtree RexPeachtree Rex ✭✭✭✭✭
    4* are, and have always been, high variance drops in voyages. If you're seeing them less often, now, it is probably because you used to pay to extend voyages and spent much more time in the 6+ hour range (when 4*s drop) than you do now.

    I have only ever extended voyages when I forgot (pre and post chron need). I have noticed no change from my drops. If anything, they have increased, but I attribute that to a stronger crew that can regularly break 8hr now.
  • FutureImperfectaFutureImperfecta ✭✭✭✭✭
    I used to extend regularly.. on average 5-6 tubes a week. Just did my first refill on at least 2 weeks today because company came over for Easter Friday dinner. Lol may not refill again till mother's day.

    Went 9:30 on the one refill, one super rare random dropped outside of dilemma around 7:10. (One of the recent add ins to Voyages Creature M113)

    526 Chronitons.

    Pre nerf, on -average- , the typical voyage that would reach 9&1/2. Would in my experience typically do two super rares or more..

    But my wife did the same thing and got 3 , one of which from a dilemma.

    She cleared 640 chronitons

    Pre nerf, it would be average / normal to reach like what.. 800 +/- (60) for a Voyage that long.

    .. these Voyages are ok..
    It is the best feature in the game no doubt..
    But it was better before.

    I am still upset by the nerf.
    Still upset that they used the phrase "Slight reduction"

    And at 3 hours, you won't notice a Nerf, they said so when they did it. The nerf starts at the 4 hour mark if I remember correctly.

    DBs explaination was something like,
    So the newest players aren't receiving substantially less then players who have invested time, money, effort to build their crew up over the course of 20 months (at that point I believe)

    (Lol, cause yeah.. why would players with a built up roster And shown willingness to help sustain the game funding by paying to extend get any kind of advantage over people playing for a month or two ? )

    Dam. I'd done so good about not getting ripped up about this again lately :(
    (Shakes angry fist whoever decided to Nerf the Voyages).

    Gone till Monday.
  • [QH] Oxmyx[QH] Oxmyx ✭✭✭✭
    I also rarely extend when before the change I’d gladly do so. Such a shame this happens all too frequently with new features.
    Fleet= Quarks Holosuite
  • Capt AjammCapt Ajamm ✭✭✭
    edited March 2018
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    I love how people ignore the part of the game that gives them the most chrons, honour and 4*'s.

    I love running Voyages. I especially like how I can hit 8 hours most of the time even with the dread MED/ENG combo because the game rewarded me with Collection stat bonuses. Anal retentiveness FTW!

    I share this view for myself.

    However I'm watching a friend, who started playing a few months after me and is not as obsessive with her gameplay, rarely get a purple crew even after 6-7 hrs.

    Worse, on the rare occasion she does get one, it's more than 50/50 it's one already ff. With over 120+ purple crew in game & her having about 40 ff purples it should be better odds to at least need the one that so infrequently drops.
    ~ seeking out new life
  • Update: so i got a purple crew on my latest voyage, and of course, it's the same guy i have already airlocked 3 times, due to weak traits... i suppose if i had held him for a year i'd have another immortal. But i'm holding 30 now, and they're not dropping.
  • Capt. ChaosCapt. Chaos ✭✭✭✭✭
    FWIW, it's super-rare that I don't get at least one purple on each voyage (mine get to 8 hours routinely). It's been a while since I got one I needed, though.
  • S14 Bri S14 Bri ✭✭✭
    edited April 2018
    9hr 45mins voyage with ridiculously low crew drops, no rep rations and the lowest chrons possible. And this has occurred on a regular basis last couple of days...

    Something isn’t right

  • JhamelJhamel ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ivanstone wrote: »

    Man alive. I can't believe I got all this stuff* after only 2h10min. I'm feeling very nerfed.

    *Ok. I don't normally expect 3x 1*'s anymore.

    Item, Credits, Honor ... now that I have never seen B-4 ... really!
    "Everything about the Jem'Hadar is lethal!" - Eris (ST-DS9 Episode 2x26 "The Jem'Hadar")
  • S14 Bri S14 Bri ✭✭✭
    High variance drops are high variance.

    News at 11.

    That’s all well and good. But from chatting on here and with my fleet, in addition to my personal experiences and understanding... there seems to have been another shift in voyages. More subtle than the initial nerf, but noticeable. It’s becoming pointless to extend voyages and that cannot be good business sense on behalf of the developer.
  • Item, Credits, Honor ... now that I have never seen B-4 ... really!

    we are not all the same. Only several players seems to have such runs...I can not mention them cause my post beeing edited by admin.

  • ok here's my latest 8hr voyage: no 3* no 4*
  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    Bri wrote: »
    9hr 45mins voyage with ridiculously low crew drops, no rep rations and the lowest chrons possible. And this has occurred on a regular basis last couple of days...

    Something isn’t right


    I can post anecdotal data too:

    Do I need to post a screenshot of my:
    5x 3*'s Crew
    27x 4* Rations
    15x 3* Rations
    32x 2* Rations
    Lotsa Trainers (aka the other Rations)
    939 Chrons

    Seriously, post real stats or stop complaining. Jello was never shy about DB complaints but instead of freaking out he collected stats about Voyages and discovered that the Chron nerf was about 20%. Yes a 20% chron nerf **tsk tsk** but even then a Voyage will still provide the bulk of your daily chrons. More importantly its still quite possible to play this game without Voyages. I somehow managed to immortalize 200+ characters before they were put into the game.
    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
  • S14 Bri S14 Bri ✭✭✭
    edited April 2018
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    Bri wrote: »
    9hr 45mins voyage with ridiculously low crew drops, no rep rations and the lowest chrons possible. And this has occurred on a regular basis last couple of days...

    Something isn’t right


    I can post anecdotal data too:

    Do I need to post a screenshot of my:
    5x 3*'s Crew
    27x 4* Rations
    15x 3* Rations
    32x 2* Rations
    Lotsa Trainers (aka the other Rations)
    939 Chrons

    Seriously, post real stats or stop complaining. Jello was never shy about DB complaints but instead of freaking out he collected stats about Voyages and discovered that the Chron nerf was about 20%. Yes a 20% chron nerf *marinating tofu* but even then a Voyage will still provide the bulk of your daily chrons. More importantly its still quite possible to play this game without Voyages. I somehow managed to immortalize 200+ characters before they were put into the game.

    <snip> Unnecessary comment removed. ˜Shan

    Seriously though.... those who love this game know it quite intimately and subtle changes over a period of time are noticed. This is testament to how much we care about the game...

    Pointing things out to keep the developer on their toes can only be a good thing.
  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited April 2018
    <snip> Don't engage. ˜Shan

    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
  • S14 Bri S14 Bri ✭✭✭
    edited April 2018
    <snip> ˜Shan
  • captain Šrekcaptain Šrek ✭✭
    edited April 2018
  • Pallidyne wrote: »
    I just recalled a voyage at 6:45 with almost 1300 am left because I didn't want to have to refill it if I forgot about it.

    Wow depending on your stats you might have actually been able to make 8hr....

    I was thinking the exact same thing when I read this comment. 1300 is an easy hour and if he/she passes a few hazards it’s an easy eight hours.
  • Bri is right the voyages are barely worth doing anymore. People who argue that voyages are bountiful horns of plenty are either trolling, DB employees, or are ignorant.
  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited April 2018
    <snip> ˜Shan

    In the mean time, I don't know if Voyages have been buffed, nerfed, berfed or stayed the same. What I do know is that I get more honour, 4*'s and chrons than anything else in game.
    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
  • [BL] Q [BL] Q ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited April 2018
    <snip> ˜Shan
  • [BL] Q wrote: »
    Saddest part is flagging this post 🤦‍♂️

    Can you explain what that means?
  • AH I got explanation so all of us who dared to question here are flagged. I hope that admin will see the quantity pro and cons...some pple are so sensitive and then run crying...ah kids, have more then one.
  • Well to prove Bri isn't crazy here is my most recent 6.5 hour voyage. This is typical. br55vrh53fhb.png
This discussion has been closed.