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Kelvin Timeline



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    Never understood why people so against including certain parts of the franchise. If you don't like the [Kelvin/Discovery/TAS/whatever] stuff, you don't have to buy them or use them. Their inclusion is not an endorsement of the quality of that particular movie/series. Personally, I'm much more likely to pass on TOS/TAS stuff because I just never got into them.
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    (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    Pallidyne wrote: »
    Any Trek is better than no Trek. I really like the first two JJ movies. I liked seeing what was the same and wat was different. I liked that Kirk was always destined to be captain of the Enterprise. I liked that both spock and kirk were good people who would sacrifice themselves for their crew even when situation is reversed. Star Trek Discovery in many ways is like JJ Trek and Ds9 had a baby, which is great. In conclusion, we need Tilly in game. :)

    Wow seriously? So if they did a Mocumentary on the waste extractors of Orion, that would be better than no Trek?

    Would the waste extractors be Hologram Voyager Doctors and would they have seen Holonovel Doc's holoprogram, "Photons be free," and want more rights and better working conditions? Cause if so it could be interesting.
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    Because the time line was made by Nero attacking the u.s.s Kelvin and the death of Kirks dad.

    Except that no attempt was ever made to explain or justify why a divergent timeline was created rather than the existing timeline simply being rewritten by a significant change to the universe being activated in the past. If you apply all the rules that have always governed time travel in Star Trek to what happened in the JJ films the conclusion you inevitably come to is that the so-called *prime* timeline should no longer exist. A ‘divergent timeline’ has never, ever been a thing, and doesn’t even make sense.
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    (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    It was no doubt a condition that it be a different timeline to greenlight jj trek. Otherwise cbs and paramount couldnt do any shows or movies taking place after ds9 and trekkers would have gone bananas and yelled that jj "killed all of trekdom."
    Let’s fly!
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    Travis S McClainTravis S McClain ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'd love to see characters and personae from those three movies introduced into Timelines. I could elaborate and defend that interest, but frankly, I don't have to. They're legit. Grownups should be able to make their peace with that. As for the licensing/legal/financial stuff behind the scenes, I have no interest in speculating what may or may not be in the way. I don't care. I don't need to know or understand such things. I just know that if the stars aligned and crew members from those movies entered this game, I'd dig it. ('Specially Jaylah and Spock Prime.)
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    bowdybowdy ✭✭✭
    Gawd please no. Hate Kelvin-abomination-Trek, glad they don't have the rights. It's truly awful.
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    MagisseMagisse ✭✭✭✭✭
    It was no doubt a condition that it be a different timeline to greenlight jj trek. Otherwise cbs and paramount couldnt do any shows or movies taking place after ds9 and trekkers would have gone bananas and yelled that jj "killed all of trekdom."
    Much like they've now done to all the post RoTJ Star Wars novels. *Sniff*
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    XoiikuXoiiku ✭✭✭✭
    I'd dig it. ('Specially Jaylah and Spock Prime.)

    We are all downstream from each other and ourselves, therefore choose to be relaxed and groovy.
    Consider participating in civil discourse, understanding the Tardigrade, and wandering with the Subspace Eddies.
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    RennJaxo wrote: »
    The over-the-top fanatic hatred of the JJ films is so childish that it's becoming embarrassing. Whether you like the films or not, to seriously suggest that they are worse or any "less Trek" than The Motion Picture, The Final Frontier, Generations, Insurrection, NEMESIS, most of the first season of TNG, almost any episode of TOS where they decided to just use whatever period costumes or sets that were lying around the studio, Paris and Janeway becoming lizard parents, or anytime Enterprise decided that T'Pol should strip down and lube herself up for fifteen minutes for absolutely no reason, is just willfully ignorant.

    That made me laugh so hard. I don't mind Abrams, apart from the messing with the Klingons which has only gotten worse with Discovery. Tbh so much stuff happens in Trek the Abrams universe is just as believable - if not more so - than spore drives, humans evolving into lizards, changelings that can recreate feathers but not faces, and telepaths with almost random abilities to read emotions from a distance.

    I also get confused between mirror universes, parallel universes, alternate timelines and quantum universes. But that's probably because I'm not very smart...
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    PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    Duras wrote: »
    Because the time line was made by Nero attacking the u.s.s Kelvin and the death of Kirks dad.

    Except that no attempt was ever made to explain or justify why a divergent timeline was created rather than the existing timeline simply being rewritten by a significant change to the universe being activated in the past. If you apply all the rules that have always governed time travel in Star Trek to what happened in the JJ films the conclusion you inevitably come to is that the so-called *prime* timeline should no longer exist. A ‘divergent timeline’ has never, ever been a thing, and doesn’t even make sense.

    I hate the JJ thing, but this isn't quite true. The Mirror Universe. If you take Enterprise as gospel, (course I think its the next circle of hell from JJ) they talk about how th
    RennJaxo wrote: »
    The over-the-top fanatic hatred of the JJ films is so childish that it's becoming embarrassing. Whether you like the films or not, to seriously suggest that they are worse or any "less Trek" than The Motion Picture, The Final Frontier, Generations, Insurrection, NEMESIS, most of the first season of TNG, almost any episode of TOS where they decided to just use whatever period costumes or sets that were lying around the studio, Paris and Janeway becoming lizard parents, or anytime Enterprise decided that T'Pol should strip down and lube herself up for fifteen minutes for absolutely no reason, is just willfully ignorant.

    Nemesis illustrates all that is wrong with Trek II Into the Darkmess. Both are reboots of Wrath of Khan and really, really miss the mark.

    A lot of your references are costumes and effects. At that point, you miss the point many make as all your'e seeing is the effects and the visuals.

    Even the Final Frontier has one helluva impactful emotional morality play inside the film as Sybok attempts to bring McCoy, Spock, and Kirk on board. The dialogue in that scene alone contains a depth and a conflict, in one of what most people think is one of the weakest trek films, that JJ does not even aspire to. In his interview with John Stewart, he talked about how low he thought about Trek. In Entertainment Magazine he discussed how much he hated the 'thinking' parts of Trek.

    TNG and Voyager had some misses, but were the exception not the rule. As much as you could throw Skin of Evil or Threshold. TNG Season One, despite it's odd effects, also had The Last Outpost with the introduction of the Ferrengi, Datalore with exposition on Data and Lore, and the Neutral Zone. The latter gave quite the morality play on where we've been and where we as a people could go-- demonstrating a potential social growth that is now of course seen as 'not real' by folks wanting deep dark edgy trek..Even Enterprise with its attempts to distance itself from Trek in general (not even having Trek in its name at first) had attempts at discussions of larger issues like 9/11, etc.)

    If you're comfortable not being challenged, and any attempts at a morality question being watered down bring on the Kelvin.

    Me, to quote Kirk, "I need my pain."
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    RennJaxo wrote: »
    [...] anytime Enterprise decided that T'Pol should strip down and lube herself up for fifteen minutes for absolutely no reason [...]

    I'm kind of surprised that Decontamination Gel B T'Pol doesn't exist as a 5-star crew.

    Perception is the thin dividing line between reality and fiction

    Immortalized crew count:
    27×1★; 53×2★; 78×3★; 196×4★; 87×5★
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    ClanofClanof ✭✭✭
    RennJaxo wrote: »
    The over-the-top fanatic hatred of the JJ films is so childish that it's becoming embarrassing. Whether you like the films or not, to seriously suggest that they are worse or any "less Trek" than The Motion Picture, The Final Frontier, Generations, Insurrection, NEMESIS, most of the first season of TNG, almost any episode of TOS where they decided to just use whatever period costumes or sets that were lying around the studio, Paris and Janeway becoming lizard parents, or anytime Enterprise decided that T'Pol should strip down and lube herself up for fifteen minutes for absolutely no reason, is just willfully ignorant.

    They are much worse than every movie you named. Granted they aren't worse than Threshold, I'll give you that, but if that's what you're aiming for then there's a problem.
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    ClanofClanof ✭✭✭
    Bardez wrote: »
    RennJaxo wrote: »
    [...] anytime Enterprise decided that T'Pol should strip down and lube herself up for fifteen minutes for absolutely no reason [...]

    I'm kind of surprised that Decontamination Gel B T'Pol doesn't exist as a 5-star crew.

    I vote for this version of T'Pol before we get any Kelvin crew.

    Also isn't Kelvin Scotty already in the game? The 2 star version of Scotty is clearly Simon Pegg.
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    RennJaxoRennJaxo ✭✭✭✭✭
    Never understood why people so against including certain parts of the franchise. If you don't like the [Kelvin/Discovery/TAS/whatever] stuff, you don't have to buy them or use them. Their inclusion is not an endorsement of the quality of that particular movie/series. Personally, I'm much more likely to pass on TOS/TAS stuff because I just never got into them.

    It's an unfortunate side effect of fandom. Certain fans feel a misguided level of entitlement and even ownership about the properties they've invested their time in. It can at times be not only sad, but also harmful to the creators, other fans, and even the property itself. See the Rick & Morty fanbase for another example of this.
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    I have been watching since it originally aired in the 60's. I am a true Trekkie and always will be. I saw interviews and previews of the JJ Trek and was actually looking forward to it. I cringed and felt a little sick when I watched JJ's F*ed up Star Trek alternate universe in his first Trek movie.

    That being said, I am also a Huge fan of JJ Abrams work. He has brilliant vision for TV & movies, just NOT for Trek. I will say he had an monumental task in recreating it for (*ahem*) millennials. Fast paced action and a gazillion explosions do not make a good movie.

    How I look at it is JJ's "remake" of Star Trek is just a different way of telling the story of Kirk & Spock. 2 of the 3 movies are pretty damn good, just NOT Star Trek in the intended scope of story telling conceived of by Gene Roddenberry.

    No – JJ's Trek cannot live here, it would create a paradox beyond Timelines ability to fix ;)
    I want to become a Dilionaire...
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    Would love to have JJ Star Trek in the game at some point. Huge fan of the new Trek. Can't wait for the next movie, minus one important character though. Also more of a fan of Voyager, Deep Space Nine and Enterprise

    Who here wouldn't want to live at Space Station YorkTown, despite what Bones said about it?

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    I prefer Cumberbatch over the original any day of the week. Wrath of Khan is overrated.
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    Fleet Admiral - Edmonton Trekkies [ET] | Squadron Leader - 1701'ers
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    Deli wrote: »
    I prefer Cumberbatch over the original any day of the week. Wrath of Khan is overrated.

    You must be new... :D
    I want to become a Dilionaire...
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    MagisseMagisse ✭✭✭✭✭
    Deli wrote: »
    I prefer Cumberbatch over the original any day of the week. Wrath of Khan is overrated.
    Are you trolling us? He must be trolling us.
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    Deli wrote: »
    I prefer Cumberbatch over the original any day of the week. Wrath of Khan is overrated.

    Now you done it! How dare you compare the amazing and exceptional and cringe-worthy overacting of what's-his-name from the Wrath of Kahn to the terrible and unworthy realistic and passionate embodiment of a superior being by Baristar Charizard? Why would you want to see a real actor instead of a B-rated SUPERSTAR?
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    SpyOneSpyOne ✭✭
    edited November 2017
    Data1001 wrote: »
    But I also absolutely believe that either said rights are either far too expensive to consider, or the people who decide such things have no desire to license their characters to a mobile or online game. However, I do think that if STT sticks around long enough, it will probably happen, as one or both of those two things will eventually change.
    I suspect the real issue is neither expense nor lack of interest in licensing a mobile game, but rather the desire to keep the two sets of rights seperate.
    I suspect that the contract seperating the movie rights from the television rights specifically prohibits licensed properties derived from both. So if Paramount licensed the Kelvin-verse to Disruptor Beam they still wouldn't be able to fold it into Timelines. And the interest in a Kelvin-verse standalone game is low.

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    ClanofClanof ✭✭✭
    As mentioned by another poster Kelvin Scotty is actually in the game. So they clearly already have the rights to the Kelvin characters as well. Not that I want anymore Kelvin crew since I also agree with a previous poster that all JJ movies were worse than all previous Trek movies.
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    Clanof wrote: »
    As mentioned by another poster Kelvin Scotty is actually in the game. So they clearly already have the rights to the Kelvin characters as well.
    I believe that was a snarky comment about the art, not an accurate description of reality.

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    ClanofClanof ✭✭✭
    I don't think it was. The 2 star version of Scotty is clearly Simon Pegg.
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    PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    Clanof wrote: »
    I don't think it was. The 2 star version of Scotty is clearly Simon Pegg.

    You need glasses.

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    All that says is that the reboot films did a good casting job.

    It's definitely Scotty from the original series.
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    PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    Deli wrote: »
    I prefer Cumberbatch over the original any day of the week. Wrath of Khan is overrated.

    Now you done it! How dare you compare the amazing and exceptional and cringe-worthy overacting of what's-his-name from the Wrath of Kahn to the terrible and unworthy realistic and passionate embodiment of a superior being by Baristar Charizard? Why would you want to see a real actor instead of a B-rated SUPERSTAR?

    Now THAT is trolling.
    And promoting whitewashing too.

    What a two-fer.

    Its funny as Cumberbatch is normally aweosme. As "Khan" he seems to be phoning in like a Dr Strange out-take. It thought he'd lost his chops til I saw Imitation Game and saw he still had the skills.
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    ClanofClanof ✭✭✭
    Pallidyne wrote: »
    Clanof wrote: »
    I don't think it was. The 2 star version of Scotty is clearly Simon Pegg.

    You need glasses.

    You're right, I just looked up images of Doohan and Pegg, the avatar does more closely resemble Doohan, although it doesn't particularly look like either of them.
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    Pallidyne wrote: »
    Deli wrote: »
    I prefer Cumberbatch over the original any day of the week. Wrath of Khan is overrated.

    Now you done it! How dare you compare the amazing and exceptional and cringe-worthy overacting of what's-his-name from the Wrath of Kahn to the terrible and unworthy realistic and passionate embodiment of a superior being by Baristar Charizard? Why would you want to see a real actor instead of a B-rated SUPERSTAR?

    Now THAT is trolling.
    And promoting whitewashing too.

    What a two-fer.

    Its funny as Cumberbatch is normally aweosme. As "Khan" he seems to be phoning in like a Dr Strange out-take. It thought he'd lost his chops til I saw Imitation Game and saw he still had the skills.

    I get it, sarcasm is now considered offensive. What else is offensive? Joking? Difference of opinion? Because trolling is an offensive act.

    And whitewashing? WTF? What is whitewashing gotta do with the movies?
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