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October Q/A with Admiral Prince!



  • Still looking for added rooms for the station. We are now unable to get daily chron.
  • I've just come on to ask about limited offers too. Please can they be distributed fairly. I have only received the Borg schematics offer every single week. I have it again this week so not fixed!
    I know of several fleet members that always receive the 10 packs for 10$ every single week. I would love to have the opportunity to buy this offer.
  • Also, t-minus 24 hours til the next event pack goes live. Sure would like a heads up about what’s coming.
  • There are some entities in this game that are less geared toward being crewmen and more toward being a faction. Given the nature of the Timelines crisis, someone with superior technology who may be a bit averse to dealing with other races may be welcome. I am talking about Species 8472.

    Would you consider making them into a faction?
  • Is there any chance I'll ever get to play the Elite and Epic levels of Rabid Fans in Celestial Temple? If so, when? If not, can I get a refund of the money I've spent on this game so far since it is defective?
    For more info see: https://forum.disruptorbeam.com/stt/discussion/507/distress-call-celestial-temple-operation-isolate-error#latest
  • This Sisko1This Sisko1 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Omg a brilliant idea. On beholds have one option a citation! I don't think anyone would hate that. Also a dil refresh option might increase revenue for those
  • can we expect fleet rewards in events? you track and display the fleet rank already so it should be no problem to display a leaderboard and give out extra rewards like starbase items (the rare ones like holoemitters) for everyone. or maybe a citation....
    Deep Space Exploration Fleet - German Casual Fleet
    Created a kingdom. Reached for the wisdom. Failed in becoming a god.
  • When can we expect "regular" communication from the production team?

    The announcement of this Q&A came in a "October Production Update", hopefully we will get these kind of updates on a monthly basis at a minimum going forward. Otherwise, I can't remember the last time we got any kind of update (I want to say it was winter/early spring). There is a huge difference between a Production Update and a Feature Announcement. Usually, the things that we hear are "coming to the game" never happen and we get other features/gameplay modes. As players, we are left to wonder whether idea xyz somehow became feature 123, will it be coming 6 months down the line, or was it just abandoned for whatever the reason.

    If you want the player base to be as committed to the game for the next 2, 4, 6 years as you are, frequent, direct communication is needed. If you are satisfied with players coming and going and only being as happy as the last feature released, then no additional communication required.
    Member of Rise of the Phoenix.
  • ReneeUhnayReneeUhnay ✭✭
    edited October 2017
    Q: Can we perty perty please have a way to airlock a lot of crew at once? I fairly often get the 30 pack deals, and airlocking 200 to 300 crew one at a time is really terrible. :(

    PS All your biggest customers would really love this :smile:

  • Data1001Data1001 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Roonis wrote: »
    If you use the pile of free kits we should all have, combined with the voyage chrono haul, and a cadet ticket day once a week, you should stay ahead on credits. I've been replicating like two golds a day and staying over 3 million credits.

    That's a half-million credits per day just on those two items. 3 million credits would go bye-bye in less than a week. With that regular expenditure on the replicator, how are you maintaining that level of credits without dropping?
    Roonis wrote: »
    Kits on big chronos days = millions of credits.

    Uhh... I'm sorry, but -- "millions" over what period of time?? I get about 800 to 1000 chrons daily from Voyages, and run a supply kit every time when I use them. I never get close to "millions of credits" from this, even over the course of several days.

    I also run one or two extra tickets on Saturday's ACF challenge, and am usually in the 1.5 mil area after that. But the credit budget is something I have to watch very closely each week, and will occasionally have just enough to coast into the following Saturday. (And I don't do 5* item replicating more than a couple times a week, at most.)

    I don't doubt your statement that you've got over 3 million credits. What I do doubt is how you are thinking you're maintaining that amount. Please understand, I'm not saying you're lying, but I think you surely must be misunderstanding either: 1) how you're gaining credits, 2) how much you're spending each day, or 3) how much you are regularly losing of them.

    Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
    ~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
  • Duras wrote: »
    Are there plans to rebalance the ingame resource economy?
    The Voyages feature has seriously unbalanced the game economy, drastically increasing the availability of chronitons and replicator rations while credits are now in very short supply.

    Specifically are there plans to increase the availability of credits and the number of replications allowed for each day so we will be able to use the hundreds of rations now accruing in our accounts?

    Absolutely agree! I can replicate 4 times a day (hopefully 5 soon) and I have blown through almost 8M credits since voyages began. I have 2M left but I can quickly see I will run out very soon and it will greatly slow down my progress. I hope something is done very quickly to remedy this.
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Data1001 wrote: »
    Roonis wrote: »
    If you use the pile of free kits we should all have, combined with the voyage chrono haul, and a cadet ticket day once a week, you should stay ahead on credits. I've been replicating like two golds a day and staying over 3 million credits.

    That's a half-million credits per day just on those two items. 3 million credits would go bye-bye in less than a week. With that regular expenditure on the replicator, how are you maintaining that level of credits without dropping?
    Roonis wrote: »
    Kits on big chronos days = millions of credits.

    Uhh... I'm sorry, but -- "millions" over what period of time?? I get about 800 to 1000 chrons daily from Voyages, and run a supply kit every time when I use them. I never get close to "millions of credits" from this, even over the course of several days.

    I also run one or two extra tickets on Saturday's ACF challenge, and am usually in the 1.5 mil area after that. But the credit budget is something I have to watch very closely each week, and will occasionally have just enough to coast into the following Saturday. (And I don't do 5* item replicating more than a couple times a week, at most.)

    I don't doubt your statement that you've got over 3 million credits. What I do doubt is how you are thinking you're maintaining that amount. Please understand, I'm not saying you're lying, but I think you surely must be misunderstanding either: 1) how you're gaining credits, 2) how much you're spending each day, or 3) how much you are regularly losing of them.

    I totally agree. I ran through 20,000 chrons during the event with supply kits going they gave me less than 2 million credits. I also buy 4 extra sets of tickets Saturday which give me around 2 million. Replicator fuel isn't the bottleneck, it's the credits.
  • Odo MarmarosaOdo Marmarosa ✭✭✭✭✭
    How is production of Ep 8 of main story going? Is it written but not programmed, awaiting loot determination, being storyboarded, being shelved, or forgotten about?
  • So many important questions already posted regarding new event types, increased value of packs, voyages rebalancing, gauntlet rebalancing, underused main cast...

    So my question is: how's Erin's Admiral Riker fusing via faction store coming along (aka will the insane faction shop prices for 5*, 4* and items for dilithium be redesigned)?
  • KaiteeKaitee ✭✭✭✭✭
    This is just something I'm curious about, how does it work for you guys to get the rights to actors' likenesses? I read that Guinan only recently got added because Whoopi Goldberg's agreement was needed, and a little while back Charlie X got pulled at the last minute from an event apparently because an agreement with the actor didn't come through. Are most actors/characters covered by a general "You were in the show, we can put your character in a game if we want" thing, but some big name guest stars aren't - Whoopi, or Dwayne Johnson for instance - and need specific permission? I'd imagine those sorts of rights things are built into shows these days, but was TOS less organised way back then, and does that affect which TOS guest stars you can use (Charlie for instance)?
  • I would love to see an in game way to add crew slots. I know that is the main money maker as you can only use dilthium right now. I am willing to purchase but would appreciate some other way to increase crew slots. Or have packages of just crew slots.
  • Hello

    It would be cool if we could get faction specific missions eg Romulan with bonuses for Romulan crew
    & starships that give out Romulan rewards. I mean actual missions not just generic shuttle stuff.
    (OR we could have to use TNG/DS9 crew etc)

    Any chance of more mission content coming soon?
  • SMMSMM ✭✭✭
    There will never be an employee of DB, nor DB as a whole, that will be as good or as cheap a resource as the players who desperately try and engage DB to improve the product.

    Why does DB so completely ignore the vast wealth of free talent available to them?

  • in the main view (where the ship is in space staying still near a planet) how is the space bit rendered? static/dyanmic skyboxes? debris/planets as objects or textures? vfx for the sun point and the glares that it causes? dynamic lighting on ships/other objects?
  • Will you add new levels to VIP ? ie 16+
  • [BL] Q [BL] Q ✭✭✭✭✭
    Are there any plans to rebalance event rewards?

    The solo ranked rewards are effectively the same for 26-1000 and anybody who does well enough to rank that high likely already has the rewards they're trying to win. Buying event packs at the start of the event feels pointless, they're supposed to help with the event, but why play it at all if you already have the end rewards? New threshold rewards also need to be added for higher VP levels, as most events finish well outside the top threshold reward at this point.

    I suggested previously that the top 25 in events be rewarded The following events crew. To get to top 25 you have to spend anyway regardless of bonuses from crew it's very competitive at that level this avoids the top whales getting Dupes and gives them an advantage at first to Max can you hear the sound that cash register is making?
  • Gauntlet needs to be revamped please if I'm to go back to playing it. Can you make the reward of the featured character a milestone rather then RNG chance? Perhaps every set number of gauntlet rounds earns 1 star on the featured crew. It's extremely frustrating when I did not get a Locutus during the first phase when some friends were getting 4-5 of them and there was talk on the forums of people have 3 FF/FE Locutus. The same thing happened with Guinan, it's all RNG, and it's clear that I don't have it. These crew are optimized for Gauntlet and since I have neither this contributed to why I stopped playing Gauntlet. Other issues with Gauntlet that contributed to me stopping is unbalanced RNG with rolls, a 5% crit chance crew getting 5 out of 6 crits where my 45% crit chance crew goes 0 for 6. Sure it's theoretically possible for that to happen, but the likeliness of it happening multiple times in the same Gauntlet screams at broken RNG. Lastly it seems that I keep facing the same crew characters over and over and if I can't beat them on the first 20 attempts, nothing is going to change that moving forward. I've had times where I face the entire row of Locutus or Guinan, or some other crew that I've not had a chance to get yet since I'm new to the game. Could this not be patched up a bit by changing the traits more for Gauntlets instead of recycling the same traits over and over?

    Thank you for your consideration!
  • Proton §¤§Proton §¤§ ✭✭
    edited October 2017

    When will we get a cryo update?

    If we had a cryo tab in our crew quarters it would function better for us the players. With all the new features the game offers, traits are more important than ever.The current set up doesn't allow me to see all the info needed about frozen crew. Just because they are frozen doesn't mean they shouldn't exist on the crew roster. Having this feature in the crew quarters shoud help with events, gauntlet, and voyages allowing total access to our crew. Also be able to search and sort crew during events, gauntlet, voyages, and shuttles.

  • Erin,
    In the in-game mail you mentioned;

    "You've been asking for more bug fixes. We're addressing them and focusing on polishing major and minor features before we launch any major new features."

    What sort of information can you provide on these new features you are planning on introducing to the game? Has the team already started working on them or are they still in the concept stages? Are any of them based on player suggestions or are they something completely new that no one on the forums has suggested yet? Which of these new features is your team the most excited to be working on?
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    Gauntlet needs to be revamped please if I'm to go back to playing it. Can you make the reward of the featured character a milestone rather then RNG chance? Perhaps every set number of gauntlet rounds earns 1 star on the featured crew. It's extremely frustrating when I did not get a Locutus during the first phase when some friends were getting 4-5 of them and there was talk on the forums of people have 3 FF/FE Locutus. The same thing happened with Guinan, it's all RNG, and it's clear that I don't have it. These crew are optimized for Gauntlet and since I have neither this contributed to why I stopped playing Gauntlet. Other issues with Gauntlet that contributed to me stopping is unbalanced RNG with rolls, a 5% crit chance crew getting 5 out of 6 crits where my 45% crit chance crew goes 0 for 6. Sure it's theoretically possible for that to happen, but the likeliness of it happening multiple times in the same Gauntlet screams at broken RNG. Lastly it seems that I keep facing the same crew characters over and over and if I can't beat them on the first 20 attempts, nothing is going to change that moving forward. I've had times where I face the entire row of Locutus or Guinan, or some other crew that I've not had a chance to get yet since I'm new to the game. Could this not be patched up a bit by changing the traits more for Gauntlets instead of recycling the same traits over and over?

    Thank you for your consideration!

    Locutus is available as an achievement for Gauntlet rounds.
  • The opaque green "+" circle for equipment is almost useless. The yellow circle for gear/items/equipment is great. Upon acquisition of said item, that crew member becomes immediately visible as having an upgrade. In fact, when one depresses the item, the list of crew who can use that item is displayed. This should always be the case for the green circle gear too. I get that the green circle may not complete a slot like the yellow circle, but there's no transparency into specifically whom can use that item, a horrible customer experience. This would be the 4th time I've brought this to light in my 1.5 ish years playing. It's not major, I get it, but has led me to 100% ignore green circles on gear, making its functionality irrelevant when otherwise, I might have cared if I knew who needed it. It matters in leveling strategy. I'm certainly not clicking thru 220 crew, minus lvl 100 FE crew, to see who might need an item.

This discussion has been closed.