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October Q/A with Admiral Prince!

ShanShan ✭✭✭✭✭
edited October 2017 in The Bridge
Hi all,

As mentioned in our October Production Update we are setting up this Q/A.

Please be as clear and concise as possible with your question, and limit yourself to 1 question only.

Thank you!


  • My "Daily Missions" tab always has at least 1 notification indicating that I have one unclaimed completed mission / achievement. This 1 notification has been there for a couple of months (or at least it feels like it). Is there any way to fix?
  • What is the future of starbase upgrade materials. Once all rooms are complete are these just a waste?
  • My "Daily Missions" tab always has at least 1 notification indicating that I have one unclaimed completed mission / achievement. This 1 notification has been there for a couple of months (or at least it feels like it). Is there any way to fix?

    It's caused by getting the achievement of #1 in the gauntlet. I made a similar comment in the production update thread... it's been there as long as achievements have.
  • Are there any plans to expand out achievements? There was a brief burst of very low-value achievements for running a number of missions, which most people probably blew through in a day or two.

    Specifically, are there plans to add achievements around the Arena, or in general, making the Arena as rewarding as other areas of the games? As it sits, the only reason to run it is for bragging rights in a very short term, getting to a specific level for schematics, and then just maintaining it. The low rewards of an individual mission don't give much incentive to do much more than climb to 10% or so and just start them up while you get other stuff done waiting for the battle to end.
  • sorinevsorinev ✭✭✭
    Will Support ever get certain tools that they desperately need to resolve tickets as quickly as possible?

    For example, the erroneous missing star on some missions that prevent it from being warpable, even though all rewards have been completed and all difficulty levels have been completed? I have a missing star on Operation Isolate on normal difficulty, despite that I've completed all difficulty levels and obtained all rares. Meaning, I can't warp it. This should honestly not be more than a simple manipulation of at least one, maybe a few cells in the database. There are many other player issues that fall into this same category that go unaddressed for months on end because Support does not have the proper tools, or, at least, the proper access.
    [SSR] Sorin08
  • Travis S McClainTravis S McClain ✭✭✭✭✭
    What should we as players make of the recent layoffs, which affected the majority of DB team members who were known to us through the forum? From the outside looking in, it calls into question the stability and shelf life of this game. (Though in fairness, the stability and shelf life of everything in 2017 is in question.)
  • Who is the new owner of Star Trek Timelines and what is their experience in the Mobile Gaming Industry?
  • The community is pretty concerned about the loss of what we see as valued members of the team, and we're concerned about how DB is generating its income as compared to other, more... profitable(?) games. There have to be plans in the works to do *something*, be it better monthly cards that include event packs or beholds or whatever, improving pack sales by improving the consistency of value to the customer(which could be done various ways), or some new method that makes players want to pay because the rewards are so great. What are the plans vis a vis the monetization of STT and paying the bills?
    Maybe the irony is that we play because we’re Star Trek fans, those hopeful idealists that like to think things will get better when we raise valid concerns about fairness and balance, etc and we forget that DB’s greed openly mocks the values espoused by the franchise they have a license for.
    -Lord Wizzlestix I
  • For CardassiaFor Cardassia ✭✭✭✭✭
    I know you're all focusing on bug fixes now (yay!), but what's the ETA on the next episode(s)?

    I really liked playing through the story when I first started the game, and I miss that part. :(
    “Treason, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder.” - Elim Garak

    Cardassian wishlist:
    Tora Ziyal - Thanks!
    Natima Lang
    Empok Nor Garak
    Tekeny Ghemor
    Ulani Belor
  • Jim SteeleJim Steele ✭✭✭✭✭
    I love voyages, but I'd really like a bit more content in them. It seems like the same dilemmas regularly occur so my question is what else do you have planned for them and how far do you want to take them...
    DB: Do Better
  • I run a fleet of active players whom all agreed that they wanted to provide more support to the dev staff in testing new features and updates. Many helped complete other more recent beta tests and want to continue to contribute to the positive development of STT. How would we go about making more of a contribution as a fleet?
  • Currently I have 41K starbase components but what little I had in holoemitters has been used up already today. My fleet are desperate as we cannot level up rooms without holoemitters but we cannot get them other than very slowly though space battles. We have 4 rooms currently that cannot be upgraded because of lack of holoemitters

    My question for Q&A is this: Why can't there be a feature within the game where we can swap unwanted tritanium for instance [or other starbase components] for holoemitters?? The 700 daily starbase components allowance is very low - DB need to increase this level urgently to keep their players of STT happy.
  • t<G>e  Roonist<G>e Roonis ✭✭✭✭
    Currently I have 41K starbase components but what little I had in holoemitters has been used up already today. My fleet are desperate as we cannot level up rooms without holoemitters but we cannot get them other than very slowly though space battles. We have 4 rooms currently that cannot be upgraded because of lack of holoemitters

    My question for Q&A is this: Why can't there be a feature within the game where we can swap unwanted tritanium for instance [or other starbase components] for holoemitters?? The 700 daily starbase components allowance is very low - DB need to increase this level urgently to keep their players of STT happy.

    It's actually almost too high. Many top end fleets are close to maxing out and DB has said the daily will be undoable due to early max donations.
  • JeanLucKirkJeanLucKirk ✭✭✭✭✭
    DB placed much faith in Discovery and also invested money yet again to get the license for it. Also surely in the hope to get fresh users and more revenue through the new series. Did those efforts have the desired positive effect concerning userbase and cashflow?
  • Nero84Nero84 ✭✭✭
    As there been any discussion to implement a weekly/monthly achievement feature and replacing the current one.
  • Does DB track in any way what items players, vs what sits in inventory? It seems that since the change to shuttle rewards, plus starbases and voyages, items like SB room-builders and trainers are piling up unused.
  • eXo | das411eXo | das411 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Once Discovery month is over, will there be more of the characters and ships we've asked for from the older series/movies - like the TMP 1701 refit, Reliant, Excelsior, Captain Spock, etc?
  • Grant77Grant77 ✭✭✭✭
    Voyages have given us virtually unlimited replicator fuel and removed any strategy from replicator usage. Are there any plans to address this by perhaps expanding the utility of the replicator?
  • dwhisper wrote: »
    My "Daily Missions" tab always has at least 1 notification indicating that I have one unclaimed completed mission / achievement. This 1 notification has been there for a couple of months (or at least it feels like it). Is there any way to fix?

    It's caused by getting the achievement of #1 in the gauntlet. I made a similar comment in the production update thread... it's been there as long as achievements have.

    Thanks bud. Yea I actually know the reason as well, but wanted to post this question here to see if I can get a response. It's bugging the crap out of me.
  • How often is the game rebalanced?

    Example of areas that need looking at: Loot tables for cadet missions are completely outdated. The legacy crew the game launched with needed some of those items but an expansion to include new crew bottlenecks should be looked at. Thursday's loot table seems particularly useless.

    Other examples
    Dabo, Gauntlet, Scanning
    PvP....while much improved with the latest update it should also be regularly reviewed. Still does not feel rewarding enough.
  • What happened to the DS9 Fleet vs. Fleet idea Erin proposed in her first update to the player base 9 months ago? Just as general rule even if a proposed feature is cancelled updating the player base is just good business.
  • Are there more features to expand gameplay (like voyages and gauntlet) in development?
    Proud Former Admiral of eXodus
    Proud Former Officer of The Gluten Empire

    Retired 12-14-20. So long, and thanks for all the cat pics!
  • JeanLucKirkJeanLucKirk ✭✭✭✭✭
    What happened to the DS9 Fleet vs. Fleet idea Erin proposed in her first update to the player base 9 months ago?

    I don´t have the exact wording in my head anymore, but as far as I recall Erin mentioned that as a vague possibility in a few years from now on. So not a planned future, just a thought...

  • FutureImperfectaFutureImperfecta ✭✭✭✭✭
    Only one question hmm.
    The "special offers"..
    Instead of Pop ups that get broken..
    (There is no way we were supposed to get the same offers 5 or 6 weeks in a row, on offers we weren't buying.. glad that got at least temp fixed)
    Can't you just put say.. the same 3 different special offers in the Time Portal for everyone when you choose to deploy ?
    I know you've got like.. 9 or 10 different versions so split them up, do set a one week, set b the next until you run through, mix them up in a different order and run them again..

    ((Didn't notice any rule about comments so..
    A quick comment. Please don't Nerf, or"bug fix" the awesomeness out of Voyages -- there had already been done sort of"fix" that you can't seem to find that has had universally seen changes to the way Dilemmas pay out.. please don't"Fix" the fun and awesomeness out of Voyages anymore then you already have. ))

    Thank you.
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