First Skirmish Event: feedback and issue thread!

This is a new event type, please provide us with your feedback about it, and report any issues you might encounter.
Keep it relevant, constructive and short.
Here is an example of a template that would be helpful to use when posting in this thread:
If screenshots can help illustrate your report, please provide them too if possible.
Keep it relevant, constructive and short.
Here is an example of a template that would be helpful to use when posting in this thread:
- Platform: (device, operating system, browser if applicable)
- Feedback:
- Issue:
If screenshots can help illustrate your report, please provide them too if possible.
feedback: can't find event crew; please give option to sort by bonus amount
issue: i guess the problem is that there's too many crew slots. With "human" as a featured trait, the bonus indicator is probably on half of my roster which makes finding event crew in the mix a big chore. not exactly a fun way to start a skirmish.
feedback: enemy ship ability typos
issue: enemy borg cube's 1st ability reads "Recomobobulate Shiled Recyclers!" actually spellcheck seems to dislike all 3 of those...
enemy borg cube's 2nd ability reads "BOREDing" which is either a sign that your coders need something more challenging or was meant to be a pun like "BORGDing" nevermind this one, it looks like it's also on non-borg ships. but still you might want to check in on your understimulated personnel.
feedback: bonus crew that have a matching trait do not provide increased VP
issue: According to the event posting: "- What kind of bonus do bonus crew provide: bonus crew that have a matching traitwill increase VP gain and, at the end of a battle, will enhance repair if you choose to repair, or enhance rewards if that is the option chosen." However, Young Kahn gives the same amount of VP bonus regardless of matching traits.
Feedback: Where are my chronitons?
Issue: I played the 2nd Skirmish on Epic and was awarded two lots of chronitons (something around 250 each), but I do not know where they are. After the first skirmish my chronitons had obviously increased, but not after the 2nd even though I won all battles both times.
feedback: enemy ship ability localization
issue: Enemy Discovery's ship abilities appear to be in German while the rest of the client is correctly localized to English. Also seen on enemy val jean. This bug doesn't seem to be repeating consistently between runs. Also worth noting, this occurred near the start of the event when there was a ton of server lag(/load). Now the french ones are popping up.
Also, it is impossible to find crew when you have ~200 little tiny face tiles half covered with BONUS and they show up with random sorting and orders
Feedback: possible graphic anomaly
Issue: Is it me or are the banners for “attack up” (as well as accuracy and evasion) growing in size every time I activate a crew member or ship ability? I don’t remember them being so large that they obstruct the screen, though they thankfully do not prevent me from activating other crew or ship abilities. I abandoned the U.S.S. Defiant very quickly in favor of the H.M.S. Bounty; despite shuffling crew around to match traits the banners keep getting larger.
(Edited to add second screenshot.)
feedback : difficulty making crew selection
Damnit, yeah I can see all the "BONUS" but if I want ALT Future Bashir how the mother love do I know where and in what order he is? Or a particular whomever. It feels like the intent is pick random bonus crew and hope for the best.
The crew selection process is very cumbersome. It would be helpful to have a name filter and a toggle to hide all non-bonus crew. Attempting to load a ship when you have 200 crew to sift through is very painful.
It has happened again during the 4th (I think) skirmish. One of my rewards was 300 chrons, but they have not appeared.
EDIT: On my 5th Skirmish, 300 chrons which I won did appear, but I'm still missing around 800 chrons.
EDIT #2: 6th skirmish, 300 chrons supposedly awarded, but no chronitons appeared (This is also making me wonder if other rewards, like intel or credits, are not actually being rewarded since I was paying less attention to them.)
- 1st run through is fun and strategic, picking crew to ensure a bonus each round for maximum reward
- still able to use crew to run voyages and shuttles
- able to dedicate most chronitons to upgrading crew
- running difficult ship battles has 3-prong benefit: farming equipment for levelling crew, acquiring additional Intel for the event, and farming Holoemitters that cause bottlenecks for starbases
- the random battle rewards are actually a half decent mix
- after the 1st run-through, the event is tediously repetitive (expedition event for ships)
- is going to get boring real quickly... tap tap tap tap
I tried force closing the game twice and am still recieving that message.
feedback: intel bonus rewards seem way too small
issue: I understand that by definition something has to be the least valuable reward; however 30 intel is equivalent to 3 chronitons (less if you consider that you'd also get xp/creds/components by actually spending 3 chrons on a space mission). Anyhow, I just wanted to point out that its value is very low when compared to other possible bonus rewards in case this was an oversight. Overall I like the bonus rewards compared to other event types since they're more generally useful than the incidental mats that we get on faction/galaxy events (and the nothing useful in expeditions.)
I have a Defiant at level 8 of 9. So I was pretty excited to use it for this event. Unfortunately, there's no point to do the Elite tier if the Epic tier always gives more VP.
My suggestion is if you have an Event Bonus ship, then that ship should provide the same VP (as well as the armor boost) as the highest tier. So there'd be a reason to play around with the Miranda Class or the Defiant.
Issue: Crew all display as if they're giving passive ship bonuses, even if in a slot that they don't have a skill in. E.G Khan in a science slot.
Issue: what to trait match bonuses do? Does matching both traits give 3x or 4x the reward? Doesnon event crew trait matching provide 100% bonus, low bonus event crew matching trait provide 150% bonus, matching crew provide 200% bonus?
Platform Android- leader board is also not displaying
I do not see this on my end, is it persisting for you?
Issue: Weird numbers for rewards. 76 chrons, 76 honor. These are not even multiples of anything.
No issues thus far.
I could see where a large screen is a must for this event, as those with 5+" screen on their phones would have a terrible time with crew selection.
I am looking forward to seeing just how hard the opponent ships get the higher you get into the event.
Ability to change crew in between battles is great, and essential. (Much like individual Expedition/Away Team mission)
I also see crew refresh if they sit out a battle which helps.
Back in now, took a bunch of restarts
Platform: PC Steam
Feedback: Not receiving skirmish "rewards"
Issue: I did not receive rewards for skirmishes after I spent Dil to receive the extra "rewards". Spent Dil twice to receive over 500+ Chrons, completed the skirmish, exited skirmish and had no more Chrons the when i went into the event. Now the question is, all the other Dil I spent to receive the extra "rewards" for Honor and Intel, did I receive those or not. I did not bother to check my numbers on those before hand.
It's too cumbersome and time-consuming to switch back and forth between ship crew between individual battles. Ideally you'd want to do this to maximize VP.
Since each ship battle is exactly the same for every individual skirmish, the game should remember what crew you used for *each battle* from the last skirmish, rather than just remembering the last crew you used for the *most recent* battle.
Feedback: Very mind numbing very quickly, I'm okay with that so far, though, I think. The credits kind of **tsk tsk** as a reward, though, since you can get more than that from a scan, even. I personally wouldn't spend dil as long as they're in the rewards table there. Even an amount increase would help- like 5k and 10k. 1500... when you need a lot for most uses... eh.
Issue: The enemy's ship ability titles are actually changing in language. I play solely in English, my device's settings are all US English, and I always have played in English except for possibly 3 seconds of messing around a few months ago... screenshots of the issue below.
Usually, though, after I play that battle, the next ship's abilities are all in English. Then, next skirmish set, the same ones that weren't in English will change back to English, and maybe a different one will have changed.
Also, accidental dil purchases are waaay too easy. I think that's potentially going to be a problem for Player Support, trying to correct all of them, so if they can come up with a way to limit that, it would likely help your staff as well as us.
Also, a retry option might be made available, as if you screw up and choose the wrong ship and lose the first battle (or the game crashes – yeah that happened) you are out your 1200 Intel and no way to make up for it.
Intel needs to be more expensive, ship battles harder, more vp awarded for difficulty.
Currently ranked 200. Spent 2700 in chronitons. Sitting with 33000 Intel I don't want to use. The ship animations are way to long.
Tons of free stuff though. And I can continue building characters.
Just make sure Young Khan is in one of your slots for maximum VP (Roga or Pointing Sisko would work too of course) and then pick whoever you want for the rest. No need to change anything between battles.