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Super Rare Crew not added to the Premium Portal



  • JeanLucKirkJeanLucKirk ✭✭✭✭✭
    20 10x packs here, also ZERO new purples.
  • FutureImperfectaFutureImperfecta ✭✭✭✭✭
    Seems like this gets added to the mystery list along with the universally seen (save for DB headquarters) Dilemma 4* part drops that came right after an update ... But yet nothing in the Voyages prize system were updated in anyway since it was launched. "Your just getting further in your Voyages I suppose" (nope)
  • yw1zcgref5q2.png

    Got this behold the day of the announcement around 9PM Pacific. They're in there. There are just ALOT ot possible drops at this point.

    I know for a fact that argument Riker was in the loot table before the update, got him like 3 times once when i got the 10 for 10
  • Augment Riker has been in the packs for a while.

    I have open 60 packs since they have announced that they put the new crew into the packs. I have seen two of the new 5* in the packs but I did not seen any of the new 4*'s at all. The new 4*'s should be in the loot tables for voyages too and I have not heard or seen anyone mention that they got them in voyages either.

    And I do remember the Musketeer LaForge problem where they said LaForge was working but then a few days later, they had to give everyone a LaForge or two or three or more because it wasn't.

    It is frustrating because I would have never bought the 30 pack deal or used the 30 packs that I was saving for the loot table update if I knew the 4*'s was not working properly
  • Augment Riker has been in the packs for a while.

    I have open 60 packs since they have announced that they put the new crew into the packs. I have seen two of the new 5* in the packs but I did not seen any of the new 4*'s at all. The new 4*'s should be in the loot tables for voyages too and I have not heard or seen anyone mention that they got them in voyages either.

    And I do remember the Musketeer LaForge problem where they said LaForge was working but then a few days later, they had to give everyone a LaForge or two or three or more because it wasn't.

    It is frustrating because I would have never bought the 30 pack deal or used the 30 packs that I was saving for the loot table update if I knew the 4*'s was not working properly

    I used my saved 10x packs after the new crew was supposedly added. Only because i needed some of them. Like many other players i have to keep within a budget. As someone seeing schematics rather than crew pack specials, this puts a severe crimp in my getting more packs any time soon.

    Some kind of compensation is owed if they were never added. At least the the right to buy the 10 packs @ $10 several times.

    ~ seeking out new life
  • I don't have any screenshots, but during recent pulls from the community reward I'm fairly certain I pulled a behold that contained Hippocrates Noah, who I airlocked because I already had all the crew in the behold.

    While the pull results seem like they may not have dropped them in, the reality is that there are a TON more purple crew than legendary to have the potential to be pulled. As insane as 30 pulls without a new crew sounds, it's still a small sample size in the context of the entire loot pool currently available. Silverrose's test results are a bit more disturbing, but again, with the RNG factor and unknown odds I'm not sure what the odds are of pulling very specific crew out of pulls. I've noticed in pulls for example that I tend to pull a lot of the same crew, over and over, over time, and yet can't get other certain crew (Gorn Captain comes to mind) to ever drop, almost as if the algorithm is predisposed to giving me higher chances at certain crew (like when you pull 2 purples of the exact same crew in the same pull). Just my 2 cents.
  • WaldoMagWaldoMag ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited October 2017
    I cannot be certain either, but I think I pulled Marla McGivers in a behold. But she is already FF. I might have even picked her bacause they were all FF in my behold. Just thinking about this, I had thoughts of two of her for event but that was pointless because all I wanted was the threshold rewards and I already had them all.

    Edit: 5 stars do not drop as frequently as 4 Stars. So the fact we see the 5 stars dropping may be because we are less likely to have them FF. I wonder if it is more possible that people are looking for specific crew on the new list and are ignoring the ones they have FF.

    I doubt if Silverrose would make that mistake though. He probably does not need a whole lot of them so he would be most likely looking for them all and not one.
  • Ditto.. 15x 10 portal packs, and only got a few extra stars in my existing 4*, and NO Legendary characters/beholds... was extremely disappointed!
  • Jim SteeleJim Steele ✭✭✭✭✭
    I did 10 more pulls, 1 Eddington, 2 golds but no new SR crew.
    DB: Do Better
  • Also related, I don't think Trader Odo is in the pool, and I don't see his name on the list posted by Shan.
  • Jim SteeleJim Steele ✭✭✭✭✭
    I have done an additional 10x portal pulls and can confirm zero new super rares!!! Plenty of dupe
    licates and EMH, Cartright and Degra so not a bad set of pulls. I just want this fixed ASAP!!


    DB: Do Better
  • Jim SteeleJim Steele ✭✭✭✭✭
    More evidence...
    DB: Do Better
  • Jim SteeleJim Steele ✭✭✭✭✭
    DB: Do Better
  • Frank?Frank? ✭✭✭✭✭

    I have done a total of 70 10-packs and about 40 single pulls.

    No new folks.

    Also not in voyages either.

    My fear is when checking everything is there, the lookup starts with Augment Riker (alphabetical) as he’s already in there, and it passes the smell test. This versus Duchamps for example, who is the one I’m after, and he’s on the side of a milk carton at this point.
  • Pulled 25 10x Premium Packs. Only Augment Riker and old portal characters as behold choices.
    Proud member of eXodus
    Join the eXo|plosion today!
  • Niner47Niner47 ✭✭
    edited October 2017
    By my estimation the super rare crew should have appeared about one in 4 packs - assuming they make up about 20% of the super rare pool now and you hit a super rare behold at least once in every 4 packs (so you "see" at least 6 super rare every 4 packs) and discounting legendaries because the drop rate may be as low as 10%.

    As for in game compensation I think the only fair compensation is for DB to offer each of us either:
    1 super rare of our choosing from the pool for every 4 packs opened
    17900 honor for every 4 packs opened (the cost of a super rare citation - 100 the value of airlocking an older super rare)
  • [SSR] GTMET[SSR] GTMET ✭✭✭✭✭
    Soo we are now on literally hundreds of packs opened by everyone posting in this thread and no new 4* showing up. They may have been added to the table, but are you 100% sure that the table search area isn't limited to the places in the table with the old crew?
  • edited October 2017
    15x ten packs and zero of the new listed crew. Was gunning for 'One' but sadly nothing but an additional Eddington I needed. Will screen shot my final 5 pulls and post results. Bit disappointing really because the only reason I took the offer was for a chance of various of the new crew.

    Also Shan are we sure this isn't the case:

    My fear is when checking everything is there, the lookup starts with Augment Riker (alphabetical) as he’s already in there, and it passes the smell test.

    Ten Forward Loungers - Give Your Best, Get Our Best!
    Check out our website to find out more:
  • FutureImperfectaFutureImperfecta ✭✭✭✭✭
    Maybe DB should do a few pulls and show us screen caps of them dropping, if they are so sure that it's working correctly..
  • Niner47Niner47 ✭✭
    edited October 2017
    If this issue is not resolved shortly and I am given fair in-game compensation, I am considering filing a claim with Google to have the $99 offer I bought refunded. Has anyone done this before? I specifically bought the offer for the 25 packs based on the information that new crew had been added to the premium portal. This is false advertisement by DB and if not intentional then certainly negligent on their part.

    I would assume a struggling company would rather deal with this through in game compensation than deal with dozens of charge back issues (assuming many of you were enticed to buy the offers as I was) potentially costing hundreds or thousands of dollars. But maybe this is the point where they are at and they just don't care
  • I guess I'm not really upset that I didn't get the 10x premium pull for $10 I wanted any longer. Gonna probably hold off on any portal pulls for a while.

    This does feel oddly like the time when 3* and 4* components started dropping from voyages and they kept saying that they were in there all along. I didn't feel like the addition of these items was a nerf, but it was obvious that they weren't dropping and then suddenly they were, but DB kept telling us that they were in the loot table the whole time.

    I've honestly recently been enjoying this game more than ever, but DB's responses to our concerns seem to be gaslighting more often than not lately, and I'm not a fan of that at all. We are comparing notes and not seeing anything like what DB says we should be seeing. Are we all delusional or is DB lying? We deserve and should demand better.
  • I'd bet two Muskateer La Forges that somebody at DB needs to rerun a test.
    "The truth is usually just an excuse for a lack of imagination."
  • I did 10 10x pulls last night and didn't get any new crew from that list either.
  • ShanShan ✭✭✭✭✭
    I asked confirmation again. This was tested yesterday by our Senior QA and he got new 2 new 4* crew in 4x 10-pack premium.

    Me on the other hand, I had none.
    It is random.
  • [7TW] UnkieB[7TW] UnkieB ✭✭✭✭✭
    Shan wrote: »
    I asked confirmation again. This was tested yesterday by our Senior QA and he got new 2 new 4* crew in 4x 10-pack premium.
    Were they Augment Riker? ;)

  • Shan wrote: »
    I asked confirmation again. This was tested yesterday by our Senior QA and he got new 2 new 4* crew in 4x 10-pack premium.

    Me on the other hand, I had none.
    It is random.

    Shan, please tell us which two he got and provide us with screenshots. Was he using the same environment as the players or your test environment?

    We have done hundreds of pulls and none of us has had a single result besides Augment Riker.
  • [7TW] UnkieB[7TW] UnkieB ✭✭✭✭✭
    Shan wrote: »
    It is random.
    It shouldn't be that random unless something is broken. You shouldn't have people doing 50-100 pulls and seeing none of the "added" 4*'s.
  • AviTrekAviTrek ✭✭✭✭✭
    Shan wrote: »
    I asked confirmation again. This was tested yesterday by our Senior QA and he got new 2 new 4* crew in 4x 10-pack premium.

    Me on the other hand, I had none.
    It is random.

    Did he test in production or in QA? We've seen differences between the two in the past.
  • Shan wrote: »
    I asked confirmation again. This was tested yesterday by our Senior QA and he got new 2 new 4* crew in 4x 10-pack premium.

    Me on the other hand, I had none.
    It is random.

    Did the Q&A test in a debug/simulation mode? Shan, did you test in a live/real account?
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