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Super Rare Crew not added to the Premium Portal



  • That guy must have some horseshoe up his **tsk tsk**. 4 pulls and 2 new crew while the collective here has done hundreds of pulls and got 0 new crew.
  • ShanShan ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited October 2017
    The test done by QA was done on live, with a real account.
    I do not have screenshots though, nor the names.
  • Shan wrote: »
    The test done by QA was done on live, with a real account.
    I do not have screenshots though, nor the names.

    Can you please ask for them?
  • Shan wrote: »
    The test done by QA was done on live, with a real account.
    I do not have screenshots though, nor the names.

    Thanks Shan. If nothing has changed, what are the odds of the Q&A tester opening 2/4 packs and getting new crew, and Silverrose opening 100 packs and getting zero?
  • If a player came into this thread and said, "I did 4 pulls and got 2 new 4* crew!" they'd be expected to provide screenshots or a video or at the very least the names. Augment Riker was in portals before the update. So if he got Augment Riker twice, for example, that would debunk the statement. We're just trying to get to the bottom of this issue. I videoed over 50 pulls to show what I am seeing. It's the same as what everyone else in this thread is as well.
    Proud Former Admiral of eXodus
    Proud Former Officer of The Gluten Empire

    Retired 12-14-20. So long, and thanks for all the cat pics!
  • Assuming the new crew make would make up 20% of the super rare pool (approx 30/150) we would have an 80% chance of getting one of the old crew.

    I counted that we have 426 packs of results listed above.

    The odds of hitting only the 80% result 426 times in a row is 80%^426 = 5.2039661e-42
  • AviTrekAviTrek ✭✭✭✭✭
    Niner47 wrote: »
    Assuming the new crew make would make up 20% of the super rare pool (approx 30/150) we would have an 80% chance of getting one of the old crew.

    I counted that we have 426 packs of results listed above.

    The odds of hitting only the 80% result 426 times in a row is 80%^426 = 5.2039661e-42

    There is some sample bias in terms of the players on this thread reporting. But Silver's 50 unbiased sample would still be 0.0014%.
  • Shouldn't it be possible to check the server thingy and figure out how many new 4* crew have been delivered over the past week? Why is a random sample of 6 pulls the determination that everything is working correctly?
    Member of Rise of the Phoenix.
  • SSR BarkleySSR Barkley ✭✭✭✭✭
    we have to pull 300 times to be sure :#
    /SSR/ Barkley - semi retired
    Second Star to the Right - Join Today!
  • Jim SteeleJim Steele ✭✭✭✭✭
    Three event packs, no new crew
    Shan wrote: »
    The test done by QA was done on live, with a real account.
    I do not have screenshots though, nor the names.
    Is this tested as in muskateer laforge tested!! Surely 100 pulls and lots of angry customers can't be wrong?
    DB: Do Better
  • AviTrek wrote: »
    Niner47 wrote: »
    Assuming the new crew make would make up 20% of the super rare pool (approx 30/150) we would have an 80% chance of getting one of the old crew.

    I counted that we have 426 packs of results listed above.

    The odds of hitting only the 80% result 426 times in a row is 80%^426 = 5.2039661e-42

    There is some sample bias in terms of the players on this thread reporting. But Silver's 50 unbiased sample would still be 0.0014%.

    In the initial post I asked "Can anyone else please mention if they saw the 32 crew added to the Premium Portal between October 11 and yesterday October 16? and which ones" The only people who mentioned receiving any got Augment Riker and one person who thinks they got Marla McGiver but is not certain. I was not asking for who pulled packs and got none initially but that is what people have chosen to report.

    I understand this is not a scientific sample but I think it is the best we can do since DB will not give us any facts
  • Althea BiermontAlthea Biermont ✭✭✭✭✭
    Yeah.. finished off the rest of my stash just now for science (and hope of gold stars). Final tally -- David Marcus: 2; New 4*: 0.

    100 10 pulls without one single of the new super rare is statistically almost impossible. I think they verified that the Legendary are there but not the super rare. The fact that many people have pulled the new Legendary but no one has pulled the new super rare (which are less, well, rare) says that there is a problem.

  • Althea BiermontAlthea Biermont ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited October 2017
    Shan, if the pulls were Riker, Riker was already in the pool even though he was in the list. Did QA get any others?

    Can they data mine how many of each have been pulled since the change went live?
  • MordackMordack ✭✭✭
    edited October 2017
    Shan wrote: »
    The test done by QA was done on live, with a real account.
    I do not have screenshots though, nor the names.

    Shan, as an intelligent and reasonable person, surely you realise that this warrants further investigation and that the divergence between your very small sample and the much larger samples provided by players stretches credulity to say the least. There is no reason to assume that so many players are telling anything other than the truth, and I think it would be prudent for you and the team to look at this in more detail.

  • Yes. If someone came in here a said they opened 5 packs and didn't get new crew, I'd be like "Sorry, RNG". 100 packs? Come'on. We know, that you know, that we know, that you know, that we're not that stupid. Mistakes happen. Just let us know that a response will come in a few days and when we'll get our packs back.
    Proud member of eXodus
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  • I'd add my 10 10 packs to the count no new 4*s there but since I did get one of the new 5* crew at the time I figured just bad luck. No players have reported any yet as far as I can see other than Augment Riker who was not a new add. Definitely seems like an issue.
  • Jim SteeleJim Steele ✭✭✭✭✭
    There not dropping from event packs eiither. llhfeaeebonc.png
    DB: Do Better
  • Well, the whole game population is about to get a free 10x pull from the galaxy event. You would think they'd want any potential issues identified and fixed before Saturday.
    Proud Former Admiral of eXodus
    Proud Former Officer of The Gluten Empire

    Retired 12-14-20. So long, and thanks for all the cat pics!
  • I'm pretty sure I've had a Duchamps drop, and I know I've had at least one Combat Medic Paris drop in order to FF him, over the last fortnight. From something like 17 Premium pulls (15 were from an offer if that has an effect on loot tables) and 7 pulls from the Resistance pack.
  • I just tested again and pulled a Duchamps in 5 pulls.
    Proud Former Admiral of eXodus
    Proud Former Officer of The Gluten Empire

    Retired 12-14-20. So long, and thanks for all the cat pics!
  • I just tested again and pulled a Duchamps in 5 pulls.

    Per the in game message today Client/Server changes just went live. Maybe this was fixed without telling us and addressing the people who have already been shorted
  • FutureImperfectaFutureImperfecta ✭✭✭✭✭
    Not fishy at all...
    Oh.. Dam, that actually doesn't read as sarcastic as I intended.
    Let me try again.

    Wheelllll --That-- is not fishy -at all- !

    Better ?

    A or B, which reads more sarcastic ?
  • Capt. ChaosCapt. Chaos ✭✭✭✭✭
    Niner47 wrote: »
    I just tested again and pulled a Duchamps in 5 pulls.

    Per the in game message today Client/Server changes just went live. Maybe this was fixed without telling us and addressing the people who have already been shorted

    Not to mention the attached 250 sorrytons.
  • [7TW] UnkieB[7TW] UnkieB ✭✭✭✭✭
    Not fishy at all...
    Oh.. Dam, that actually doesn't read as sarcastic as I intended.
    Let me try again.

    Wheelllll --That-- is not fishy -at all- !

    Better ?

    A or B, which reads more sarcastic ?

  • Not only that, I got 3* Spock in my 5 pulls just now. I guess he's in the portal now too. And nope... no sign of him in the earlier 10x or event pulls either.
    Proud Former Admiral of eXodus
    Proud Former Officer of The Gluten Empire

    Retired 12-14-20. So long, and thanks for all the cat pics!
  • DralixDralix ✭✭✭✭✭
    Data1001 wrote: »
    DB Exec: "Hey, a lot of players are claiming that none of the 4* crew that were supposed to have been added to the premium pack loot table are actually showing up in pulls. Can you double-check on that for me, please?"

    Nameless Coder: "Uhhh..." [panics, whispers a quick 'oh no' to himself, looks at the code and sees his mistake, then quickly fixes the code and adds it to the next server push] "Yeah, all good, boss! I'm looking at the code right now!"

    DB Exec: "That's what I thought, haha. Silly players just complaining about nothing again!"
    [nameless coder does his best to fake an honest laugh]

    I wish I could say that I've never done something similar to what Nameless Coder did above, but I don't think I can. I'm fairly certain I've never done that exact thing, in the workplace, flat out lying to my boss.

    Parents, wife? That's another story entirely. :neutral:
  • MordackMordack ✭✭✭
    Niner47 wrote: »
    I just tested again and pulled a Duchamps in 5 pulls.

    Per the in game message today Client/Server changes just went live. Maybe this was fixed without telling us and addressing the people who have already been shorted

    That would be very disappointing.
  • Mordack wrote: »
    Niner47 wrote: »
    I just tested again and pulled a Duchamps in 5 pulls.

    Per the in game message today Client/Server changes just went live. Maybe this was fixed without telling us and addressing the people who have already been shorted

    That would be very disappointing.

    Yes it would
  • Niner47 wrote: »
    If this issue is not resolved shortly and I am given fair in-game compensation, I am considering filing a claim with Google to have the $99 offer I bought refunded. Has anyone done this before? I specifically bought the offer for the 25 packs based on the information that new crew had been added to the premium portal. This is false advertisement by DB and if not intentional then certainly negligent on their part.

    I would assume a struggling company would rather deal with this through in game compensation than deal with dozens of charge back issues (assuming many of you were enticed to buy the offers as I was) potentially costing hundreds or thousands of dollars. But maybe this is the point where they are at and they just don't care

    i specifically pulled packs I'd been collecting & sitting on for months based on the assertion the list of new crew were actually in the packs.

    This is disturbingly similar to when no one could report getting Musketeer la forge. Assurance that he was in the packs on the first day offered turned out to be a fabrication. Only continued insistence from players uncovered the truth. The professed crew was not in the packs as represented & defended by DB.

    When it looks like a duck, sounds like a duck & did in fact turn out to be a duck, the next time 'quack-quack' is heard it will take more than 'don't worry it's not a duck' to be convincing.
    ~ seeking out new life
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