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Captain Killy Offer



  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited August 2018
    Haha! I am implying though that they have been working on fixes and have made progress. I am probably overstating Shan's role, but... They've given me too much time to be creative, lol.

    I'm not overly bitter. I didn't get Yar. I did buy Killy because I've asked for her. I just want my VIP and dilithium. The forum is often just an extension of the game. I do them both for fun. :smile:
    Farewell 🖖
  • I don't care any more. I'll just do what I do. It's just a game. Pixels on a screen. Probably bad for my eyes anyway, let alone time.

    I only play for fun anyway. If it stops being fun it ain't worth it. Bah. I'd ditch her if I wasn't waiting for the Third Second Battle of New York. Most of my Dominion crew are going in the freezer anyway so loads of room.
    Ten Forward Loungers - Give Your Best, Get Our Best!
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  • SunshineRikerSunshineRiker ✭✭✭✭✭
    Thanks for reporting this. We checked out the offer and found that it is indeed giving an incorrect amount of VIP points. If you purchased this offer, please submit an in-game ticket and we can get this resolved. We've updated the offer for anyone that is still seeing it, so if you purchase the offer you will receive the correct amount of VIP points.
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    Thanks for reporting this. We checked out the offer and found that it is indeed giving an incorrect amount of VIP points. If you purchased this offer, please submit an in-game ticket and we can get this resolved. We've updated the offer for anyone that is still seeing it, so if you purchase the offer you will receive the correct amount of VIP points.

    Thank you for letting us know what is going on. It beats the snot out of being totally in the dark.
    Some of us give you a hard time because we love you. Just pretend that all of us do that. :wink:
    Farewell 🖖
  • Thanks for reporting this. We checked out the offer and found that it is indeed giving an incorrect amount of VIP points. If you purchased this offer, please submit an in-game ticket and we can get this resolved. We've updated the offer for anyone that is still seeing it, so if you purchase the offer you will receive the correct amount of VIP points.

    Updating VIP points and Dilithium is the easiest way to fix this now that the offer is over even though with the added items it should have been the $9.99 price. I don't buy the excuse other players have stated about her not being in the portal and it only gives DB the excuse to gouge its players again the next time.
  • It is kinda pricey, all things considered, but getting a Killy out of it isn't bad. I'm at the point now where everyone is FE and FL, so the chronitons are just a way to stock up on galaxy event items!
  • Althea BiermontAlthea Biermont ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited August 2018
    Thanks for reporting this. We checked out the offer and found that it is indeed giving an incorrect amount of VIP points. If you purchased this offer, please submit an in-game ticket and we can get this resolved. We've updated the offer for anyone that is still seeing it, so if you purchase the offer you will receive the correct amount of VIP points.

    Is it also giving the incorrect amount of other items? The VIP, chronitons and credits match the amounts on the $9.99 offers for a 5* card. There have been $24.99 offers for 1 copy of a 5* crew, but it included much more than just those items. They also included 5 event packs and 5 premium boost packs. So if you are adjusting the VIP to be in accordance with the $24.99 price point, are you also adjusting the other items to give it the correct value?

    Is everything about the offer wrong except the price?
  • SSR BarkleySSR Barkley ✭✭✭✭✭
    Killy is a more recent, high demand character. Most of the prior offers were characters already in the portal pool, and less "desireable". I can see DB putting a premium cost on Killy.
    /SSR/ Barkley - semi retired
    Second Star to the Right - Join Today!
  • Killy is a more recent, high demand character. Most of the prior offers were characters already in the portal pool, and less "desireable". I can see DB putting a premium cost on Killy.

    Especially after nerfing yar. I mean of course players need a decent ship ability now. Lol
    ~ seeking out new life
  • Purchased the $9.99 event offer today and received this on my 2nd pull. See 5* crew are not valued at $25. ;)

  • Paladin 27Paladin 27 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited August 2018

    Is it also giving the incorrect amount of other items? The VIP, chronitons and credits match the amounts on the $9.99 offers for a 5* card. There have been $24.99 offers for 1 copy of a 5* crew, but it included much more than just those items. They also included 5 event packs and 5 premium boost packs. So if you are adjusting the VIP to be in accordance with the $24.99 price point, are you also adjusting the other items to give it the correct value?

    Is everything about the offer wrong except the price?

    As someone who has spent a lot on this game including specifically on killy and yar, it was never reasonable to expect this offer to be 9.99. The offer included 1250 chrons which normally are sold for 9.99 by themselves, combined with a 1/5 killy the 24.99 for the offer is still a good deal relative to what they normally charge.

    Any cheaper and it would do even more to discourage people to spend on cards when they come out. To reliably get a card to 5/5 when it comes out you need to spend 125-150 usd or about 25$ per star. Combining one star of killy with 1250 chrons and selling for 24.99 several months after the card came out seems reasonable, any less and I think it devalues the purchases people already made very recent a lot.

  • YateballYateball ✭✭✭✭✭
    Paladin 27 wrote: »

    Is it also giving the incorrect amount of other items? The VIP, chronitons and credits match the amounts on the $9.99 offers for a 5* card. There have been $24.99 offers for 1 copy of a 5* crew, but it included much more than just those items. They also included 5 event packs and 5 premium boost packs. So if you are adjusting the VIP to be in accordance with the $24.99 price point, are you also adjusting the other items to give it the correct value?

    Is everything about the offer wrong except the price?

    As someone who has spent a lot on this game including specifically on killy and yar, it was never reasonable to expect this offer to be 9.99. The offer included 1250 chrons which normally are sold for 9.99 by themselves, combined with a 1/5 killy the 24.99 for the offer is still a good deal relative to what they normally charge.

    Any cheaper and it would do even more to discourage people to spend on cards when they come out. To reliably get a card to 5/5 when it comes out you need to spend 125-150 usd or about 25$ per star. Combining one star of killy with 1250 chrons and selling for 24.99 several months after the card came out seems reasonable, any less and I think it devalues the purchases people already made very recent a lot.

    It's still bizzare they would have 1/5 Daystrom and 1/5 Janeway offers recently, both with the 1250 chrons and credits that this Killy offer had.

    And even if the price increase was because Killy is newer they could have still said that instead of nothing.

    Just my opinion, which is worth nothing I know
  • Althea BiermontAlthea Biermont ✭✭✭✭✭
    Paladin 27 wrote: »
    As someone who has spent a lot on this game including specifically on killy and yar, it was never reasonable to expect this offer to be 9.99. The offer included 1250 chrons which normally are sold for 9.99 by themselves, combined with a 1/5 killy the 24.99 for the offer is still a good deal relative to what they normally charge.

    The previous gold crew for $9.99 offers also included 1,250 chronitons. The offer was identical to the $9.99 offers except for the price. Every other component of the offer was identical.

  • The previous gold crew for $9.99 offers also included 1,250 chronitons. The offer was identical to the $9.99 offers except for the price. Every other component of the offer was identical.

    I can appreciate them wanting to put a more recent card like Killy at a higher price point, but there should've been a differentiator other than price, maybe chuck in a 1x premium pull to highlight that it was a different offering.
  • PolPol ✭✭✭
    I bought all the previous 10$ *5 (Zefram, JW & Daystrom), sadly this was 25$. But its fair, we are not forced to buy .
  • {DD} Smelly{DD} Smelly ✭✭✭✭✭
    So now that this deal is done (I didn't buy it) have they nerfed the snot out of Killy yet?
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    If the offer is more than you think it should be, don’t buy it. Case closed

    Asking for a justification of the price based on previous sales is completely acceptable. Tired of the thread? Don’t read it. Case closed o:)

    I zero doubt that the price was supposed to be $9.99 and it was a mistake but they have made so many mistakes lately that it was easier for them to just ignore it until the offer was gone and then say oops, the VIP was wrong, because otherwise it would have meant compensation or justification for refunds.

    Meh. They said to put in a ticket if you bought it so they are compensating after the fact.

  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    If the offer is more than you think it should be, don’t buy it. Case closed

    Asking for a justification of the price based on previous sales is completely acceptable. Tired of the thread? Don’t read it. Case closed o:)

    I zero doubt that the price was supposed to be $9.99 and it was a mistake but they have made so many mistakes lately that it was easier for them to just ignore it until the offer was gone and then say oops, the VIP was wrong, because otherwise it would have meant compensation or justification for refunds.

    Meh. They said to put in a ticket if you bought it so they are compensating after the fact.

    Yes, a compensation that costs them nothing (VIP) as opposed to admitting the real error that would actually cost them something

    A very good point.
  • WaldoMagWaldoMag ✭✭✭✭✭
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    If the offer is more than you think it should be, don’t buy it. Case closed

    Asking for a justification of the price based on previous sales is completely acceptable. Tired of the thread? Don’t read it. Case closed o:)

    I zero doubt that the price was supposed to be $9.99 and it was a mistake but they have made so many mistakes lately that it was easier for them to just ignore it until the offer was gone and then say oops, the VIP was wrong, because otherwise it would have meant compensation or justification for refunds.

    Meh. They said to put in a ticket if you bought it so they are compensating after the fact.

    Yes, a compensation that costs them nothing (VIP) as opposed to admitting the real error that would actually cost them something

    A very good point.

    Someone said it did not have the correct VIP dil. do not believe it was confirmed but I do not know.
    The thought was, it was rewarding the VIP dil of a 9.99 offer not 24.99

  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Yes and Riker said put in a ticket if you bought and and you will get that foresaken dilithium
  • Banjo1012 wrote: »
    Yes and Riker said put in a ticket if you bought and and you will get that foresaken dilithium

    Not dil, only VIP points.
  • Crazy deal. I remember that they priced another one of these as 24.99$ as well but then it was corrected but now they claim that the deal was good and it's how they always intended it to be. Oh and just DEAL WITH IT!!!!
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    Yes and Riker said put in a ticket if you bought and and you will get that foresaken dilithium

    Not dil, only VIP points.

    Oh really? I must have misread the post then.
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