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Because DB screwed up the galaxy portion of the event should us players receive the new Data?

edited November 2018 in The Bridge
We all got the news (and the 1000 chrons) that the galaxy portion of the event was botched in the in game mail.
Since it is too late to fix the bug and nothing can be done. I say everyone who played in the event gets a copy of the new H.M.S. Pinafore Data.
My reasoning for this.
1. The 1000 chrons is a sorry compensation because even with them, you still have to spend more to get/have enough items to make critical bonus because the featured crew is not giving the proper bonus thus not making the proper points to score high.
2. As with most players like me, I'm aiming for the new Data because I want to do good in next week's event because I want a good shot at the new cards in that event.
This has been negated because of the bug in the galaxy portion of the event.
3. With some players, such as myself. I did alright in the faction portion of the event, but not good enough because my crew being a little weak. I ranked around 3300 at the end of the faction portion. I was going to grind and claw my way to reach the top 1000. Now that there's a bug present that kind of "holds you back" for getting the proper points thus the proper bonuses, there's no point for I'll have to throw more resources and chrons to get to that point and leave myself in a vicarious postion for next week's event.
In a way, this is where the new reward structure **tsk tsk** because of a problems such as this. If the event is "broken" and the scoring system is unfairly calculated then we the players deserve better compensation and to level the playing field.
Thanks in advance for your comments and support but please no ranting. Just if you feel this is a fair solution or not.

Because DB screwed up the galaxy portion of the event should us players receive the new Data? 147 votes

ADM Fletcher [ET]Skizzy • VIP0 • §ëWarrior Willo[KM]VidemCaptainUnderpantsZombie Squirrel V.McCaptainface[TUFG] Siguardmiddleheadscruffy151[QH] He-Who-MeowsTaskereXo | SilverRose (retired)Fletcher ChristianLady Gaghgagh[DB - Do Better]   ProwlerKTzCaptain QPallidyne 88 votes
Peachtree RexSSR Barkleynova magnusRocpileCapt. Chaos[TFA] CeleresHaBlackJim Steele[TLA]  84wbCommander Sinclair[SJ] Admiral AkiIrialEducated_BeastCMO ZoidbergPrincess TristaRaraRacingI will not blame the player for my mistakesBanjo1012Moogie's Favorite SMM 59 votes


  • TaskerTasker ✭✭✭
    Either that or refund the money I spent to get and upgrade otherwise useless Bateson. I don't see how there can be any question on this.
  • Yes
    Honestly, I've barely played the event past phase 1...... I immortalized Harriman (Sulu was immortalized long ago), and well domt have the space for Bateson
  • S31S31 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I would like a legendary citation but Data is always cool so I am fine with him.
  • Yes
    Actually, we should refuse to play the next event!
  • [SSR] GTMET[SSR] GTMET ✭✭✭✭✭
    The event was the same for everyone. There should be no blanket compensation.

    Individuals who feel exceptionally impacted should submit tickets as usual.

    Just as long as there is a standard compensation, not CS roulette
  • No
    No, only because I’m not interested in him and I don’t have the crew slots 😂😂😂
    “What's a knockout like you doing in a computer-generated gin joint like this?”

    Proud member of Patterns of Force
    Captain Level 99
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    TP: Do better!!!
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2018
    Without their screwup I would have gotten top 25 and a second Data so I feel a second Data for me would be fair compensation after all I spent and saved and worked hard on to do well in this event and be top 25. I was top 25 much of the first two days and was depending on the bonus from my 5/5 Bateson to take me rest of the way.
    Let’s fly!
  • Ishmael MarxIshmael Marx ✭✭✭✭✭
    Would an extra star on Data eliminate my negative thoughts? Yes. So I've voted for this.

    But I'm honestly on the fence about it. I'm currently sitting in the mid-60's with ~12hrs to go. I had planned to make a run at top 25, but I'm conceding to folks with the 300K lead on me. Good luck to you.

    Here's the issue - how does my crew stack up against the crews around me? If I'm the weakest crew in the top 100, then I've gotten there simply by out-grinding everyone else. Good for me, but if the bonuses weren't nerfed, I wouldn't be this high. If I'm stronger than other crews (does everyone have Silva, like I do?), then I could be doing better since my rare count would be higher than other players.

    So do I send in a ticket to complain that I should have ranked higher, when in reality there's no way I can know that? I guess my thinking is that I shouldn't have to send in the ticket. DB should issue a scaled compensation commensurate with our ranking. Rank 2-1500 gets Data (or a 5* citation). Rank 1501-5000 gets a 4* citation. Rank 5001+ gets 1000 honor just for participating. Something like that anyway.
  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    The event was the same for everyone. There should be no blanket compensation.

    Individuals who feel exceptionally impacted should submit tickets as usual.

    As always, Peachtree Rex speaks the truth.

    To the OP, your event crew were getting the exact same pathetic bonus as my event crew are getting, so if I beat you, what is your excuse?
  • PenguinJimPenguinJim ✭✭✭✭✭
    ByloBand wrote: »
    To the OP, your event crew were getting the exact same pathetic bonus as my event crew are getting, so if I beat you, what is your excuse?

    Not the OP, but:
    ByloBand wrote: »
    I voted "no" because I just plowed right on through threshold, but I could just have easily voted "I didn't know it was broken" because that is technically true. Am I to assume it is broken with regard to the appallingly low bonus chances?

    Those people who in good faith expected DB to actually fix the problem and waited for them to do something about it lost more than 50% of the time available for this half of the event before being told that nothing would be done. You didn't wait, so you've had more than twice as much time as those that did.
  • [10F] Belle'Anna [10F] Belle'Anna ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2018
    Only those who competed should get an extra copy. Ranked 1500 and above.

    Threshold and Out players, or those who craft one recipe to get the community reward, will be vastly unfairly rewarded for much less effort. They've already got 1000 free chronitons I was forced to use to keep my rank in this event!

    So a devout NO to everyone getting a handout like this!

    It's not as if it's just this event that this would have an impact on, it's next week when thousands of players get given a leg up two weeks in a row.

    Get out of here.
    Ten Forward Loungers - Give Your Best, Get Our Best!
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  • [DC] Picard Loves Reds[DC] Picard Loves Reds ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2018
    I am in complete agreement with Belle'Anna. I have no business getting a free Data. I barely competed and only got the community rewards because I slept in and turned in my shuttles after the phase change.
  • Threshold and Out players, or those who craft one recipe to get the community reward, will be vastly unfairly rewarded for much less effort. They've already got 1000 free chronitons I was forced to use to keep my rank in this event!

    So a devout NO to everyone getting a handout like this!

    Completely agreed. As T&O myself, I would feel overcompensated by receiving a Data.

    BTW, you don't even have to craft 1 recipe to get community rewards. I finished threshold in the faction part, and initiated the galaxy part without crafting anything; still got community rewards.
    Most anticipated character not in the game: Mr. Homn
  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    PenguinJim wrote: »
    ByloBand wrote: »
    To the OP, your event crew were getting the exact same pathetic bonus as my event crew are getting, so if I beat you, what is your excuse?

    Not the OP, but:
    ByloBand wrote: »
    I voted "no" because I just plowed right on through threshold, but I could just have easily voted "I didn't know it was broken" because that is technically true. Am I to assume it is broken with regard to the appallingly low bonus chances?

    Those people who in good faith expected DB to actually fix the problem and waited for them to do something about it lost more than 50% of the time available for this half of the event before being told that nothing would be done. You didn't wait, so you've had more than twice as much time as those that did.

    With all due respect, your argument makes no sense at all. The broken half of this event is Galaxy format, time is irrelevant, your only limitations are chronitons and desire. If you so choose you could RIGHT NOW, log in to the game, start making event items, and catch up. Sitting out "in good faith" is not a position most will find sympathetic given how the nerfed bonus numbers impact us all the same.

    There is a newer proverb for situations like this; "comply, then grieve." In essence it means that you put yourself in a much stronger bargaining position if you participate "in good faith" and then ask for recompense with verifiable data.

    I don't know what else to say.
  • Emperor Borg Drone (SC)Emperor Borg Drone (SC) ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2018
    I chose "no", but it's not like I would be mad if it happened, I guess I'd be happy about a free decent 5*. And I agree with everyone who says that 1000 chrons were a rather weird compensation in this case, but giving out a free Pinafore Data would probably be awful for those who kept playing and wasted tons of resources to get him. If they want to give a big compensation, they could give everyone a legendary citation, a couple of SR citations or some honor.

    Personally, I didn't plan to go for Data, I wanted to see how much competition there would be and if things looked reasonable, stay above rank 2000 to get 3 more Sulus and immortalize him after the event. When I saw that my crew didn't give any decent bonus, I decided to go threshold and out. Then I read about the bug and decided to wait for a possible fix and when it didn't come I just kept not playing. I may regret this in a few months when I will have no free crew slots left and a 1/4* Sulu taking up a place, but I don't think it would justify a free Data. However, I could have one more immortal 4* and one more free crew slot and if others are now going to get whatever kind of compensation just by sending out tickets or being above rank 3000, then it would get on my nerves. So I don't really know what would be appropriate in this case.

    As for your specific situation, that **tsk tsk**. If they don't give out the same compensation for everyone, then I hope you'll be able to get something good out of a ticket, maybe even the Data from this event.
  • Jim SteeleJim Steele ✭✭✭✭✭
    In previous events they bumped everyone up two ranks in the leader board. I think that they will do this again via the ticket system
    DB: Do Better
  • RaraRacingRaraRacing ✭✭✭✭✭
    Just to give a small indication ...

    I was sitting at around 1500 after the faction part.

    As of right now I'm at 2828 ... I crafted 2 items, which got me 3 super rare to be able to hand all them in too.

    I don't care about/for a new Data etc. and I don't think there should be compensation, especially due to apparently people sitting it out and hoping for a handout ... even though everybody was effected equally.

    I didn't care for the 1000 Chronitons either, but that's another story.
  • IronagedaveIronagedave ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2018
    I vote no:

    Parameters are the same, sure someone with worse crew could be luckier on the rng for super rares (because the % variation is smaller) but that's not to say when it does work as intended that you could be equally unlucky with your 90% success chance and don't get the super rare item drop, Less chance of it happening granted but still happens.

    I would be leaning to Belle'Anna's suggestion of compensation because those would be the most likely to be adversely affected by this. But the further down the table you go the more likely you:

    A) didn't put enough resources in
    b) didn't have the resources to begin with
    C) didn't want to participate for Data

    If everyone get's a blanket Data - I will want my resources back for putting all the effort in the previous event and then some for this event - I think you need to ask yourself where will this end - compensation for logging in to the game?

    On a slightly separate note, compensation should always be after the event is done and dusted, not during because this does change parameters of the event somewhat.

    [was on Sabbatical/Hiatus] Currently a trialist at Galaxy SquadronSTAY SAFE and KBO
  • KTzKTz ✭✭✭
    I opened a ticket with this suggestion, the answer was obvious, NOT.
    Now the time needed invested in the event is higher and time is the most expensive resource not their chronitons...
  • Emperor Borg Drone (SC)Emperor Borg Drone (SC) ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2018
    Only those who competed should get an extra copy. Ranked 1500 and above.

    Threshold and Out players, or those who craft one recipe to get the community reward, will be vastly unfairly rewarded for much less effort. They've already got 1000 free chronitons I was forced to use to keep my rank in this event!

    So a devout NO to everyone getting a handout like this!

    It's not as if it's just this event that this would have an impact on, it's next week when thousands of players get given a leg up two weeks in a row.

    Get out of here.

    I partially agree with that (the free copy) but there are also people who chose to go threshold and out because of the bug. I definitely haven't been as affected by this as someone who played for 8 hours, spent thousands of chrons and/or bought event packs/DYC offers/the Sulu for 8$, and I shouldn't get the same compensation they get (and they should definitely get a decent one). But saying that everyone above rank 1500 should get a free Data and everyone below it should get nothing doesn't really account for the different cases either.
    Some people in the top 1500 may only be there because of the bug, so it didn't affect them at all. Some people who went threshold and out would have done that anyway, others just dropped out because of the bug.
    If everyone above 1500 or 2000 or 2500 gets a free Data, then I don't see why I shouldn't get three free copies of Captain Sulu or a free crew slot, because that is what I wanted to play for and what I may have now, if it wasn't for the bug.

    As I already said, I really can't think of a solution that will be completely fair and make everyone happy, but I also don't think that we should take it out on each other, just because we were affected in different ways by this.
  • NO, I don’t think it really effects the final standing TOO much and I’m guessing less than a 10% variance from where you would have ranked anyhow. Ya you might have been able to get 25-30% more VP with proper bonus rates BUT so would most of the players surrounding your rank. I like the Idea of bumping up everyone a rank class or two, seems like the fairest option.
  • IronagedaveIronagedave ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2018
    Only those who competed should get an extra copy. Ranked 1500 and above.

    Threshold and Out players, or those who craft one recipe to get the community reward, will be vastly unfairly rewarded for much less effort. They've already got 1000 free chronitons I was forced to use to keep my rank in this event!

    So a devout NO to everyone getting a handout like this!

    It's not as if it's just this event that this would have an impact on, it's next week when thousands of players get given a leg up two weeks in a row.

    Get out of here.

    Some people who went threshold and out would have done that anyway, others just dropped out because of the bug.

    As I already said, I really can't think of a solution that will be completely fair and make everyone happy, but I also don't think that we should take it out on each other, just because we were affected in different ways by this.

    There is an old idiom "play to the whistle" - people dropping out is a choice, I have committed too much to drop out those that lack the determination to see an event through have made a voluntary choice (even though they may stand a better chance than usual in this type of event).

    I agree that there is no right blanket compensation the best DB can do is a best size fits most and I think the 1.5k solution is a decent attempt at this, then they can concentrate on more pressing individual case by case issues.
    [was on Sabbatical/Hiatus] Currently a trialist at Galaxy SquadronSTAY SAFE and KBO
  • Emperor Borg Drone (SC)Emperor Borg Drone (SC) ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2018

    There is an old idiom "play to the whistle" - people dropping out is a choice, I have committed too much to drop out those that lack the determination to see an event through have made a voluntary choice (even though they may stand a better chance than usual in this type of event).

    I agree that there is no right blanket compensation the best DB can do is a best size fits most and I think the 1.5k solution is a decent attempt at this, then they can concentrate on more pressing individual case by case issues.

    There are people in the 1.5k who fit that same description though and people who were even benefitted by the bug. Why should they get a compensation if nobody else gets it?
    They could scale the compensation according to rank or available event crew instead.
    Or even better, give refunds to those who invested dilithium or money or chrons into the event, instead of a general compensation for everyone or for everyone above this or that rank. If they did that I'd be fine with the 1000 chrons I already received.

  • IronagedaveIronagedave ✭✭✭✭✭

    There is an old idiom "play to the whistle" - people dropping out is a choice, I have committed too much to drop out those that lack the determination to see an event through have made a voluntary choice (even though they may stand a better chance than usual in this type of event).

    I agree that there is no right blanket compensation the best DB can do is a best size fits most and I think the 1.5k solution is a decent attempt at this, then they can concentrate on more pressing individual case by case issues.

    There are people in the 1.5k who fit that same description though and people who were even benefitted by the bug. Why should they get a compensation if nobody else gets it?
    They could scale the compensation according to rank or available event crew instead.
    Or even better, give refunds to those who invested dilithium or money or chrons into the event, instead of a general compensation for everyone or for everyone above this or that rank. If they did that I'd be fine with the 1000 chrons I already received.

    Yes I agree scaled rewards would be suitable (including purple crew rewards), but this thread is mainly who get's a copy of Data and who doesn't, I never implied those sub 1.5k should do without rather they are more likely to be the case by case basis issues.
    [was on Sabbatical/Hiatus] Currently a trialist at Galaxy SquadronSTAY SAFE and KBO
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