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Because DB screwed up the galaxy portion of the event should us players receive the new Data?



  • Yes
    New Data would be nice.
    Drunken Dahar Masters is recruiting active players.
    PM for details.

    So long and thanks for all the fish.
  • No
    The event was the same for everyone. There should be no blanket compensation.

    Individuals who feel exceptionally impacted should submit tickets as usual.

    Totally agree, F2P and players who haven't even logged in get 1000 chronitons yet players spending money to keep the game from being deleted get 1000 chronitons too?

    So many are gloating at the 1000 chronitons who haven't invested time or money in the event. It's time for blanket compensation to stop @Shan

    So it takes a little longer for DB to compensate players who've spent money and Time playing the event. I'm sure I'll get roasted by the F2P bregades but if DB delete the game they will be the ones shouting loudest about how they have been affected.

    How about compensation based on VIP levels? Or Compensation based on event time played or event score achieved.
  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    PenguinJim wrote: »
    ByloBand wrote: »
    PenguinJim wrote: »
    ByloBand wrote: »
    To the OP, your event crew were getting the exact same pathetic bonus as my event crew are getting, so if I beat you, what is your excuse?

    Not the OP, but:
    ByloBand wrote: »
    I voted "no" because I just plowed right on through threshold, but I could just have easily voted "I didn't know it was broken" because that is technically true. Am I to assume it is broken with regard to the appallingly low bonus chances?

    Those people who in good faith expected DB to actually fix the problem and waited for them to do something about it lost more than 50% of the time available for this half of the event before being told that nothing would be done. You didn't wait, so you've had more than twice as much time as those that did.

    With all due respect, your argument makes no sense at all. The broken half of this event is Galaxy format, time is irrelevant, your only limitations are chronitons and desire. If you so choose you could RIGHT NOW, log in to the game, start making event items, and catch up. Sitting out "in good faith" is not a position most will find sympathetic given how the nerfed bonus numbers impact us all the same.

    Again, I'm not the OP, but in my particular case, actually, no I cannot. I've just left work, I'm waiting for my family to come out to the car, and we're out together for the next few hours.

    I could squeeze in ~30-40 minutes before the deadline, but no more than that.

    I get that not everybody else has real-life things to do, but surely you can imagine people having plans outside this game? It seems so obvious to me that I really don't know what else to say...

    Again and respectfully, you are not making sense, unless you are saying the flaw in this event has also overburdened you with real-life things to do?

    What you described is what happens to us all during EVERY event, which brings me back to desire. Either you desired to put in the time/work or you didn't, but please do not insult us by saying real life has anything to do with a bugged event.
  • Without their screwup I would have gotten top 25 and a second Data so I feel a second Data for me would be fair compensation after all I spent and saved and worked hard on to do well in this event and be top 25. I was top 25 much of the first two days and was depending on the bonus from my 5/5 Bateson to take me rest of the way.

    Ah but it's all about motivation.

    The screw up is what made me push for Top 25. I was 700something after Phase One. I was threshold and done. Late Saturday night, when Phase Two wasn't fixed, I decided to go for it. A rerun with old, weak 4* crew and a broken bonus, level playing field with a higher percentage of disinterest... and as I mentioned in another thread, my crew have been Two Kirks, Mirror Picard and occasionally Harriman for DIP. No Bateson required.

    I climbed from 700 to 15th last night. Woke up at 34th and still have a shot.
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    The event was the same for everyone. There should be no blanket compensation.

    Individuals who feel exceptionally impacted should submit tickets as usual.

    Normally I would agree with the second part. But the circumstances surrounding this event got me to thinking:

    -The support system does not work as it should. Support reps do not seem to be given guidance on what the standard response should be to various problems, which is why players have to get “the right” support person in order to avoid further frustration and hassles. When multiple people are saying they won’t bother with a ticket because the experience would make them more upset rather than less upset, the system doesn’t work right.

    -Not really everyone is equally affected. We are all suffering under the same reduced bonus percent but that means that people who decided to grind last week for Silva got a worthless character. It means that people grinding hard for Data (either to be more competitive next week or just because it’s Data) have had to burn up more resources right before a full Galaxy event. The new rewards structure has made what used to be something isolated to one event now affect nearly an entire month of gameplay. The Law of Unintended Consequences is an unforgiving mistress.

    -Even assuming the support ticket thing worked ideally, the number of people affected is likely a large one. As we saw with Polywater Yar, when many people feel exceptionally impacted it takes an obscene amount of time to remedy the situation - far too long when events now impact one another under the current rewards system. Now, does that mean “everyone” or just a range of ranks should receive blanket compensation? I have in the past supported compensation for a limited range of ranks and think that would likely be the best option here, though it would leave out anyone who stopped to wait for DB to fix the issue or simply gave up after hitting thresholds (which means a rank around 12,000 instead of the top 1500 or 2000 as has been suggested).
  • EtienneEtienne ✭✭✭
    edited November 2018
    From my perspective and having thought about this for awhile, I think DB should give a community compensation that everyone could use regardless of their captains level and while it certainly would be cool to get another copy of the new Data.... he's not going to be very useable for the lower level captains who will find him hard to level up before the next event starts. Maybe it's just better to give everyone a citation or something and then work with the people who invested lots of $$ on an individual basis to recover their losses through CS.

    I was in the 70's range at the end of shuttles and I am currently in the 170's range.... so I am not really taking a big hit on this one. I am going to get the new Data and the other rewards are just pretty much meaningless extras ( except I'd rather get 7 3* draws then 5) What is of more concern to me is that DB seemingly has no plan or mechanism in place to deal with these types of problems which happen all to regularly. You'd think that after the first few times that they'd have a response in place and act rather then react. And I would echo what others have implied that, it doesn't inspire much confidence in them.
  • Average GuyAverage Guy ✭✭✭✭
    I was sitting top 1000 when galaxy started and I have the chronitons to make a run for Data but I didn't because I saw the bonus system was off and knew it could get messy. I am comfortable with the 2/4 Sulu tier for the freezer at this point. I was heavily affected by the Yar issue because I bought packs. I was less affected now because I didn't buy packs but I was affected. I spent over 1000 hard earned merits defrosting crew as I am sure many others did as well.

    Two compensation tiers need to exist. The first is monetary compensation for those that bought any packs related to bonus characters (through CS so please be organized DB). The second is good will compensation because we have had one disaster after another. 1000 chronitons doesn't cut it for the second tier, because frankly, players spend other resources to complete and have gotten tired of wasting weekends and losing money. Hence the sit it out apathy we see in the forums.

    This issue affected the entire second half of the event so as such they need to cough up some higher end goodwill so that even the 25000th ranked player who is new will see DB messed up big time but fixed it. Everyone should get a 5* citation for goodwill and those who "played to the whistle" can get the benefit of keeping their Data for having played out the event.
  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    "The situation must be analyzed logically."

    So if Data....weighs the same as a duck...then he's made....of....chronitons?
  • Zombie Squirrel Zombie Squirrel ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2018
    I voted YES. Since no player will have a maxed Data once event has ended(except the event winner, who should be allowed to switch the extra 1/5 copy for a leg cotadation). So a free Data will be a benefit for everyone. Bonus crew for this weeks event, and less costs for those that wanted to 5/5 em.
    •SSR Delta Flyers•
  • DavideBooksDavideBooks ✭✭✭✭✭
    ByloBand wrote: »
    "The situation must be analyzed logically."

    So if Data....weighs the same as a duck...then he's made....of....chronitons?

  • V.V. ✭✭✭✭
    I'd rather a purple citation, but sure why not?
    Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, is all ancient history. Then, before you can blink an eye, suddenly, it threatens to start all over again."
  • Capt. ChaosCapt. Chaos ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'll just mention that with the new event scheme, a borked event now ripples fail waves through time, past and future. Not only this event, but it renders the last event reward next to useless, and hurts the next one as well.
  • Odo MarmarosaOdo Marmarosa ✭✭✭✭✭
    1000 chrons, while normally a good compensation for other errors, is not appropriate for mid-galaxy. Requesting a Data though is a bit greedy. Under any solution, some players will be effected differently than others.

    How about a compensation that plan that is the most flexible in allowing players to get what they think is best for them? How about honor?
  • Yes
    I'm going to add one more thing.
    Since next weekend's event is a faction event, DB should make up for it by giving topplayers(those who fought too get Data), a copy to make up for the imbalance in this event to make the next galaxy event more balanced.
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    No because giving a free Data to everyone gives everyone event crew NEXT week. Next week wasn’t the event that needs CS attention, THIS week was. I didn’t try for Data and did not want one. I don’t deserve one, or the 1000 chrons for that matter.
  • Ren~Ren~ ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2018
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    No because giving a free Data to everyone gives everyone event crew NEXT week. Next week wasn’t the event that needs CS attention, THIS week was. I didn’t try for Data and did not want one. I don’t deserve one, or the 1000 chrons for that matter.

    It's not about deserving things or not, it's just a game and there is no merit, it's about appeasing upset people on a large scale. I know I'm upset. With the event crew I could have obtained a data but instead i went for the threshold solely because without event crew bonuses I would have lagged behind big time. Now I'm going to have to play customer support roulette and because I didn't spend much on the event it may seem like I haven't lost much, but I now have useless FF event crew and a 1/5 silva la forge I will never use for anything else, and that's quite a daunting perspective.
  • Hi, I'm the idiot who decided to go for a top 10 finish on two accounts during a broken event. Normally, I should have all of the McGuffins on Silver (thanks, wallet!) so I could put more focus on Bronze. But, with things totally broken, I've been grinding on both - which... let me tell you... 300/10 would not repeat. I have a blister on the side of my thumb from double device balancing for two days straight.

    Now, that aside, I voted yes. To make a run such as this one requires time, planning, resources, and in at least one account's world, money. By the time I had put both into position on Friday night to start going nuts Saturday morning, I was too committed to making the run to stop due to the errors in the event. I actually lost a solid hour of crafting while I waited on an official response from DB -- becuase if they managed to fix the crit rate, I would have been totally disadvantaged by playing hard with those chrons and inventory. In the absence of any reply, I had to go ahead and start crafting anyway, without knowing what the response would be because DB didn't give one for a full day.

    And 1,000 chrons in the middle of a galaxy event? That's not compensation. That's extra material that people are getting to compete with, which makes it harder to keep your spot.

    So yes, I think everyone who competed should be bumped a rank tier or two. I also think that, as been said many times before, if events are going to run over the weekend, at least one employee must be on call and refreshing the Engineering Room every 5 minutes to make sure nothing is broken. The onus is on DB to produce events / content that works -- they should be compensating us generously when it doesn't.

    I thought I'd finally go for the Top 25, which I got with 22nd, and when I saw your Silver and Bronze accounts above me... did you sleep at all this weekend? :)
  • JeanLucKirkJeanLucKirk ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ren~ wrote: »
    but I now have useless FF event crew and a 1/5 silva la forge I will never use for anything else, and that's quite a daunting perspective.

    Freeze the FF event crew and since you say you will never use Silva for anything else airlock her. And the perspective is not so daunting anymore ;)

  • No, those who put in the effort in Phase 1 were able to rest in Phase 2. Yes Phase 2 was goofy but it was goofy for everyone. I did notice a remarkable amount of numbers in the Top 4 winners. Sure hope Macro was not used in Phase 2 that would be ....oh I'll leave it alone. :-)
  • Yes
    Hi, I'm the idiot who decided to go for a top 10 finish on two accounts during a broken event. .

    By the way. I noticed your run on both accounts and I thought it was ridiculously impressive.
    Drunken Dahar Masters is recruiting active players.
    PM for details.

    So long and thanks for all the fish.
  • Commander SinclairCommander Sinclair ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2018
    Even with the problems, it was an even playing field, and it was quite right for them not to fix it in the middle, potentially giving advantage to some players over others.

    That being said, I probably spent 2K more chrons than I should have, and I have seen comments to reflect that across the board.

    More compensation definitely needed, but not a "gimme" 5* Data. If you wanted him, you should have played harder. IMHO.
    I want to become a Dilionaire...
  • Yes
    This has probably been mentioned but the worst part i think is sending 1K chronitons mid-event. Sure don't fix things to keep things even but to send 1K chronitons during a galaxy event is horrible. Skews the event big time.
  • FetaroFetaro ✭✭✭
    Either 1x Data, either a bump in the reward ranks. I mean, I have played this event more seriously than usual. I feel bitter. 1000 chrons are NOT enough as a compensation, and they handed them to us quite late.
  • Cranky (SC) Cranky (SC) ✭✭✭✭✭
    Every player should get 1 x Data. That’s just a nice blanket apology.

    But there has to be consideration for those that were pushing the event, who had at any stage; focused on fully equipping and fusing featured crew, bought shuttle boosts and ground through 10’s of thousands of chrons, all that effort and resources potentially wasted because the bonuses were broken.
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