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Because DB screwed up the galaxy portion of the event should us players receive the new Data?



  • DeanWinsDeanWins ✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2018
    Im guessing that rank 1 will receive 50k honor because, they will already have Data fused by the event... which makes sense and seems fair to me.

    I guess the extra data for the other ranks up to 2kish is fair? unless people already had him fully fused? then I guess they would have to downgrade if thats available which it should be.

    Not trying to fight here, but it seems semi reasonable to me, its definitively better than 1k chrons thats for sure. And Im usually the first to complain lol

    The only thing id change, is probably give rank 2-50... 50k honor also, as they are the ones most likely to have a fully fused data as well.
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    I got rank 61. Without the bonus error I would have a gotten top 25 and a second Data. DB is compensating me with that extra Data. I personally am satisfied with the resolution.
    Let’s fly!
  • No
    I believe that people that played seriously to obtain the Top 1000 position are from 1 to 1999, and as the Winner of the event deserves a different compensation, so I believe Pinafore Data should go from the Second position to the 1999th.
  • EtienneEtienne ✭✭✭
    edited November 2018
    I don't really have a strong opinion if this is the best way to go on compensation …. seems about right to me. Certainly if DB is going to give me a second New Data, I am not to proud to take him and say, "thank you very much".

    I do want to say though that people saying that a second new Data will effect next weeks event must not have many 2/5s because a second star (in most cases) does not improve your guys numbers enough to make a big difference. (however, it does make them look cooler when you put them on your bridge crew)
  • Educated_BeastEducated_Beast ✭✭✭
    edited November 2018
    I said no because not everyone would have earned it. I think this should be a VP threshold here based on prior VP hybrid events. Something like anyone over 450k VP gets a Data.

    The 1000 extra chrons changed the goal line and people who work Monday got royally screwed. People who were smart and didn't bother with event, shouldn't be rewarded..
  • DeanWinsDeanWins ✭✭✭✭
    I think they should just move forward with the compensation as is, and then if any specific people have concerns, those can be handled Via Tickets.

    And we can move onward and forward;)
  • <TGE> Clifford<TGE> Clifford ✭✭✭✭✭
    I don't want this Data anymore. Smells like indifferent incompetence at this point.
  • 5000 Quatloos5000 Quatloos ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2018
    Explain this to me @Shan

    #1 gets 50,000 Honour
    #2 - #1500 gets 550 Honour
    #1501 - #Didn't Even Play gets 18,000 Honour

    Why is the bottom tier of compensation more valuable than the middle??? Your bosses just aren't getting it. Finishing where I did I should be getting far more than some player that sent one shuttle or built one item.

    I'm afraid I'll insist on nothing less than 34,000 - 36,000 honour, however you wish to split the difference between 1st tier and 3rd, as compensation.

    Hmmm, not sure I follow this. Presumably anybody playing for near-1000 was playing for a Data. Since he's not yet out otherwise, an extra copy is worth the value of a citation, 50,000 Honour, albeit "constrained Honour" that has to be used on him.

    I respect those with differences of opinion about the tiering, but for me the break wasn't about the inequities, it was about the customer/provider relationship failure. The bug broke a set of expectations going in, which many people had planned towards. It went un-dispositioned for 24 hours, which was unconscionable and wasted my weekend time. When it got dispositioned, it arguably got dispositioned poorly (leave in place, and sorrytons). So basically just a customer service monumental train wreck *regardless* of what any individual player was playing for.

    For me, the compensation should be commensurate with the basic break in the customer relationship, rather than what I am owed based on how I might have fared.

    50,000 honor / 50,000 "constrained honor" / 18,000 honor seems to be a level of compensation commensurate with the break, however doled out. 50,000 honor takes 2-3 weeks of aggressive daily game play (outside Skirmishes) to accrue. Or, its equivalent as a citation is the same as a push to break 1000 in a weekend event. That's pretty close to "giving me my weekend back", which is ultimately what I felt cheated out of, regardless of where I landed.

    I'm also glad the compensation was Data, who is a reasonably decent card with good re-use value. But not so good that I would have been citing him any time soon; I have higher priorities to fuse.

    YMMV - this is just how I calibrate on this one. I think DB did the right thing in the end and REALLY hope they're sincere about root-causing this to avoid in future.
    Accepted. Mark them, Galt.
  • Cranky (SC) Cranky (SC) ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2018
    The effort from DB at solving this shouldn’t just attempt to pacify as many players as possible.

    It should be an attempt to appease all, while leaving room for discussion/tickets. 1- A fair peace offering to all to say sorry. 2- A fair deal for those affected by the issue at varying degrees and 3- An invitation to submit tickets for SERIOUS consideration if you feel 1 and 2 don’t cut it.

    I’m so sick of seeing less than half-arsed approaches to this.

    1- 1K chron during the event was a kick in the teeth punishment. If you were pushing for a rank, you had to use those chrons.

    2- 2-1500th rank all get a free data is spitting in our faces. Inspite of the fact that some players cruised into that range without even touching a drop of chron on phase 2, others spent hundreds of dollars in boosts, packs, and turbo-levelling crew.

    3- 48+ hours after the phase 2 issue, this is the best DB can come up with? While I spent 10hrs on Sunday needlessly grinding chron, all the DB staff (now 100% focused on STT after announcing all their other games are being axed) are having the weekend off?

    This is a joke right?
  • JeanLucKirkJeanLucKirk ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2018

    1- 1K chron during the event was a kick in the teeth punishment. If you were pushing for a rank, you had to use those chrons.

    2- 2-1500th rank all get a free data is spitting in our faces. Inspite of the fact that some players cruised into that range without even touching a drop of chron on phase 2.

    3- 48+ hours after the phase 2 issue, this is the best DB can come up with? While I spent 10hrs on Sunday needlessly grinding chron, all the DB staff (now 100% focused on STT after announcing all their other games are being axed) are having the weekend off?

    No matter which solution would have been offered in the end you would have complained. You love to slash DB and kick them in the nuts as often as possible ;)

    Also you are contradicting yourself. In 1 you say players that were pushing for a rank had to use those chrons. In 2 peeps cruised into that range without even dropping Chrons in Phase 2.

    Wrong fact furthermore in 3. DB is not 100% focused on STT. They are also developing a new game together with Tilting Point. Your 10 hour grinding furthermore is Science Fiction.

    In a full Galaxy around 3 hours are enough for at least Top 1000 with Chrons saved, a good reserve of items etc. In Hybrids obviously even less ;)

    You don´t need better compensation from DB, a nice anger management therapy would be 100 times more valuable in your case ;)

    P.S.: BREAKING NEWS: This was a rerun :o A small overworked team like DB could have well needed that to breathe through a little. If you prefered to grind for 10 hours instead of doing other things that was your personal choice.

  • Explain this to me @Shan

    #1 gets 50,000 Honour
    #2 - #1500 gets 550 Honour
    #1501 - #Didn't Even Play gets 18,000 Honour

    Why is the bottom tier of compensation more valuable than the middle??? Your bosses just aren't getting it. Finishing where I did I should be getting far more than some player that sent one shuttle or built one item.

    I'm afraid I'll insist on nothing less than 34,000 - 36,000 honour, however you wish to split the difference between 1st tier and 3rd, as compensation.

    Hmmm, not sure I follow this. Presumably anybody playing for near-1000 was playing for a Data. Since he's not yet out otherwise, an extra copy is worth the value of a citation, 50,000 Honour, albeit "constrained Honour" that has to be used on him.

    I respect those with differences of opinion about the tiering, but for me the break wasn't about the inequities, it was about the customer/provider relationship failure. The bug broke a set of expectations going in, which many people had planned towards. It went un-dispositioned for 24 hours, which was unconscionable and wasted my weekend time. When it got dispositioned, it arguably got dispositioned poorly (leave in place, and sorrytons). So basically just a customer service monumental train wreck *regardless* of what any individual player was playing for.

    For me, the compensation should be commensurate with the basic break in the customer relationship, rather than what I am owed based on how I might have fared.

    50,000 honor / 50,000 "constrained honor" / 18,000 honor seems to be a level of compensation commensurate with the break, however doled out. 50,000 honor takes 2-3 weeks of aggressive daily game play (outside Skirmishes) to accrue. Or, its equivalent as a citation is the same as a push to break 1000 in a weekend event. That's pretty close to "giving me my weekend back", which is ultimately what I felt cheated out of, regardless of where I landed.

    I'm also glad the compensation was Data, who is a reasonably decent card with good re-use value. But not so good that I would have been citing him any time soon; I have higher priorities to fuse.

    YMMV - this is just how I calibrate on this one. I think DB did the right thing in the end and REALLY hope they're sincere about root-causing this to avoid in future.

    There's not much to follow. The 1st tier gets 50k. The 3rd tier gets 18k. The 2nd get 550 which is wrong.. Simple math when we're talking bottom line value and any given individual's roster and crew focus. :)
  • <TGE> Clifford<TGE> Clifford ✭✭✭✭✭
    Explain this to me @Shan

    #1 gets 50,000 Honour
    #2 - #1500 gets 550 Honour
    #1501 - #Didn't Even Play gets 18,000 Honour

    Why is the bottom tier of compensation more valuable than the middle??? Your bosses just aren't getting it. Finishing where I did I should be getting far more than some player that sent one shuttle or built one item.

    I'm afraid I'll insist on nothing less than 34,000 - 36,000 honour, however you wish to split the difference between 1st tier and 3rd, as compensation.

    Hmmm, not sure I follow this. Presumably anybody playing for near-1000 was playing for a Data. Since he's not yet out otherwise, an extra copy is worth the value of a citation, 50,000 Honour, albeit "constrained Honour" that has to be used on him.

    I respect those with differences of opinion about the tiering, but for me the break wasn't about the inequities, it was about the customer/provider relationship failure. The bug broke a set of expectations going in, which many people had planned towards. It went un-dispositioned for 24 hours, which was unconscionable and wasted my weekend time. When it got dispositioned, it arguably got dispositioned poorly (leave in place, and sorrytons). So basically just a customer service monumental train wreck *regardless* of what any individual player was playing for.

    For me, the compensation should be commensurate with the basic break in the customer relationship, rather than what I am owed based on how I might have fared.

    50,000 honor / 50,000 "constrained honor" / 18,000 honor seems to be a level of compensation commensurate with the break, however doled out. 50,000 honor takes 2-3 weeks of aggressive daily game play (outside Skirmishes) to accrue. Or, its equivalent as a citation is the same as a push to break 1000 in a weekend event. That's pretty close to "giving me my weekend back", which is ultimately what I felt cheated out of, regardless of where I landed.

    I'm also glad the compensation was Data, who is a reasonably decent card with good re-use value. But not so good that I would have been citing him any time soon; I have higher priorities to fuse.

    YMMV - this is just how I calibrate on this one. I think DB did the right thing in the end and REALLY hope they're sincere about root-causing this to avoid in future.

    There's not much to follow. The 1st tier gets 50k. The 3rd tier gets 18k. The 2nd get 550 which is wrong.. Simple math when we're talking bottom line value and any given individual's roster and crew focus. :)

    Only if you're airlocking them. If so, I suggest you ticket and rage to them as well as here.

    Feel free to continue to rage here though, seriously. Misery loves company and I'm in a mood.
  • No
    2- 2-1500th rank all get a free data is spitting in our faces. Inspite of the fact that some players cruised into that range without even touching a drop of chron on phase 2, others spent hundreds of dollars in boosts, packs, and turbo-levelling crew.

    Are you sure about this?

    Some players actually ranked in the top 1,500 without dropping a chron in phase 2?

    Do you have evidence for this? Did they spend a whole bunch of time boosts to get there? Do they have six shuttles or something? I dont think I've ever ranked in the top 1500 without dropping a whole lotta chrons to get there at least!
    Ten Forward Loungers - Give Your Best, Get Our Best!
    Check out our website to find out more:
  • DeanWinsDeanWins ✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2018
    Are you a lawyer Quatloos? not to be insulting;)

    But that breakdown was well written and smooth!

    Also to follow up with the corrections Jean made;)

    I can guarantee Nobody cruised into rank 1500 or less without spending chrons or cash;) cause I busted my **tsk tsk** on the faction portion, and ended up ranking 2k+
  • [7TW] UnkieB[7TW] UnkieB ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2018
    Paladin 27 wrote: »
    Pretty sure everyone from 2-1500 wasn’t playing this event to airlock data, they were playing to keep him, so to say this is worth just 550 honor is a little unrealistic. Personally I’m planning on getting data fully fused so the extra copy saves me from having to pull additional packs.

    Except if they got 3 or 4 copies in the event and DYS/cited before this plan was announced. Now hopefully in those few cases DB would replace the copy of Data with 50K honor, but you never know with CS roulette.
  • <TGE> Clifford<TGE> Clifford ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2018
    2- 2-1500th rank all get a free data is spitting in our faces. Inspite of the fact that some players cruised into that range without even touching a drop of chron on phase 2, others spent hundreds of dollars in boosts, packs, and turbo-levelling crew.

    Are you sure about this?

    Some players actually ranked in the top 1,500 without dropping a chron in phase 2?

    Do you have evidence for this? Did they spend a whole bunch of time boosts to get there? Do they have six shuttles or something? I dont think I've ever ranked in the top 1500 without dropping a whole lotta chrons to get there at least!

    You can definitely get top 2k without a single chron.

    I thought I was going to go for Data, so I racked up like 270k VP in the faction portion alone. I probably could have gotten a lot more if I'd tried harder, but I figured with 3/5 Silva and the 4*s immortalized, I'd do okay with rares. Lol, no. When I realized there was a bonus issue in the galaxy, I decided to stop.

    Edit: that is to say, I'm sure top 1500 is doable if you play it smart.
  • [7TW] UnkieB[7TW] UnkieB ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2018
    DeanWins wrote: »
    I can guarantee Nobody cruised into rank 1500 or less without spending chrons or cash;) cause I busted my **tsk tsk** on the faction portion, and ended up ranking 2k+

    I don't know where 1500 was so can't say.

    Here's my breakdown. My shuttle VP was 354,365 (some in my fleet were quite a bit higher) not time boosts except for a quick start. I then used items I had on hand to build to 533,390 in the galaxy phase and ended up with 599,390 vp at the end which was rank 709.
  • Cranky (SC) Cranky (SC) ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2018
    No matter which solution would have been offered in the end you would have complained. You love to slash DB and kick them in the nuts as often as possible ;)
    Ok, I’ll accept that. I am highly critical of DB, and the forums are generally my outlet for this. The fun/community aspect for me is elsewhere in other chat orientated apps. Outlets of which DB have been involved with previously, before sacking some of their better staff.
    Also you are contradicting yourself. In 1 you say players that were pushing for a rank had to use those chrons. In 2 peeps cruised into that range without even dropping Chrons in Phase 2.
    I don’t see the contradiction? If one were planning to invest in phase 2 of the event by spending chrons, hard, then the free 1K meant you had to continue, out of the strong possibility that other players with the 1K would also compete. My point about players who chose not to, was aimed at those who were only aiming for sub-1000 from the start and didn’t need to grind in phase 2 to achieve that. Keep in mind, I was playing for a sub 25-75th rank, not 1000th.
    Wrong fact furthermore in 3. DB is not 100% focused on STT. They are also developing a new game together with Tilting Point. Your 10 hour grinding furthermore is Science Fiction.
    Well, I’ll say 50/50 on that point. I have no idea what DB have in the works, but I do know STT is their only active game and DB themselves advertise it as their cash cow. I feel if they are cancelling games and focusing on STT then we should expect better.
    In a full Galaxy around 3 hours are enough for at least Top 1000 with Chrons saved, a good reserve of items etc. In Hybrids obviously even less ;)
    I was aiming higher than sub-1000. In hybrids, if I’m aiming for that kind of rank I wouldn’t expect to spend much time at all.

    You don´t need better compensation from DB, a nice anger management therapy would be 100 times more valuable in your case ;)
    Hah! For 75% of STT events that go smoothly I don’t need therapy, it’s just ones like this. I take your point, but I have been here since week 1 and once you’ve tried to play along with x amounts of events that go so hideously wrong, I think my frustrations can usually be understood.
    P.S.: BREAKING NEWS: This was a rerun :o A small overworked team like DB could have well needed that to breathe through a little. If you prefered to grind for 10 hours instead of doing other things that was your personal choice.
    And the old ‘eat at another restaurant’/don’t like it, leave argument. Well, for one, there are no other outlets serving me fresh Trek burgers. And certainly no others that I have a fleet of 49 other friends garunteed to show up and enjoy a juicy burger and beer. I enjoy the story of this game and the friends I’ve made on the journey, but that doesn’t mean I have to like DB or that I should stay quiet when they do us wrong.

    Also, why describe DB as ‘a small overworked team’? Do you realise DB have attracted multiple multi-million dollar investment rounds into developing this game? That’s aside from earnings they’ve made on the STT journey so far. If anything, a rerun should need less QA and staffing, but it’s not like your towns local family run bookshop who earn the right to close on the slowest days of the week.
  • Cranky (SC) Cranky (SC) ✭✭✭✭✭
    2- 2-1500th rank all get a free data is spitting in our faces. Inspite of the fact that some players cruised into that range without even touching a drop of chron on phase 2, others spent hundreds of dollars in boosts, packs, and turbo-levelling crew.

    Are you sure about this?

    Some players actually ranked in the top 1,500 without dropping a chron in phase 2?

    Do you have evidence for this? Did they spend a whole bunch of time boosts to get there? Do they have six shuttles or something? I dont think I've ever ranked in the top 1500 without dropping a whole lotta chrons to get there at least!

    Answering your questions as best I can in order:


    Yes, I’m confident some players did.

    Some evidence, I don’t think they’d appreciate me sharing it though.

    Yes, they spent time boosts. Time boosts are cheaper these days with ad-doublers and the Shuttle boost packs popping up. What they spent/collected in boosts to earn sub-1000 is small. That plan failed for them on this run, but fortunately for them the compensation DB have announced will reward them even for being sub 1500 just the same.

    No, they do not have 6 shuttles or something.

    With a good crew, jump start and other strategies you might be surprised just how far you can get.

    It’s the extra investments to hit a target rank that cost exponentially more cash/resources/time, and that’s why this bonusgate is extra annoying.
  • I got rank 61. Without the bonus error I would have a gotten top 25 and a second Data. DB is compensating me with that extra Data. I personally am satisfied with the resolution.
    same here, Finished 34, and may or may not have reached 25th but the compensation is fair IMO. A bit disappointed I could have placed a lot lower and waisted less supplies but the end goal has been accomplished, 2 Data.

  • Average GuyAverage Guy ✭✭✭✭
    The good will response from DB may not have been perfect for everyone but it was within 24 hours of event end and it covered everyone with a good response. It may drag on for a few with CS tickets but generally it was a better experience than the last few events that went off the rails. Thank you DB.
  • No
    2- 2-1500th rank all get a free data is spitting in our faces. Inspite of the fact that some players cruised into that range without even touching a drop of chron on phase 2, others spent hundreds of dollars in boosts, packs, and turbo-levelling crew.

    Are you sure about this?

    Some players actually ranked in the top 1,500 without dropping a chron in phase 2?

    Do you have evidence for this? Did they spend a whole bunch of time boosts to get there? Do they have six shuttles or something? I dont think I've ever ranked in the top 1500 without dropping a whole lotta chrons to get there at least!

    Answering your questions as best I can in order:


    Yes, I’m confident some players did.

    Some evidence, I don’t think they’d appreciate me sharing it though.

    Yes, they spent time boosts. Time boosts are cheaper these days with ad-doublers and the Shuttle boost packs popping up. What they spent/collected in boosts to earn sub-1000 is small. That plan failed for them on this run, but fortunately for them the compensation DB have announced will reward them even for being sub 1500 just the same.

    No, they do not have 6 shuttles or something.

    With a good crew, jump start and other strategies you might be surprised just how far you can get.

    It’s the extra investments to hit a target rank that cost exponentially more cash/resources/time, and that’s why this bonusgate is extra annoying.

    I just want to say thanks for the explanation, and for being polite about it. I undoubtedly owe you an apology for questioning your statement, I offer as an explamation that I'm really used to hyperbole and I honestly thought that's what it was, so I'm wrong amd I'll admit that - even though I do find the information a bit astonishing, for a number of reasons that I don't want to go into.

    I am glad you didn't go into too much detail on strategies because that would be unfair and no I wasn't pushing for that we all have strategies we don't always share.

    It is clear though, that even if they did not spend chronitons in part 2 they clearly have spent time both in the game and in strategising, most likely money, and work at achieving a depth of crew and free boosts to get where they did. Effort, whether during the event or prior to it.

    And I think it's okay that DB gave them a bit of a handout and leg up to the next event, regardless. As a gesture of good will.

    Finally, as a matter of full disclosure, I must include myself, as I fell out of the top 1000. I didn't expect to when I made my earlier statement; my predictions were a little off and despite the buffer I gave myself I went to bed by early (I'm in Australia btw) and I missed out on Data by a really small amount. That's the first time in months I've missed out and I was really upset, then really happy to find out that DB had been so generous. That's a good will gesture that totally fixed (for me at least) the feelings of misgivings I had during the second part of the event.

    I do think that players who genuinely feel short-changed should open a ticket and I wish them well, and I know it's not ideal but I think DB has at least made a strong effort at fixing things, and from my perspective I'm content.
    Ten Forward Loungers - Give Your Best, Get Our Best!
    Check out our website to find out more:
  • Explain this to me @Shan

    #1 gets 50,000 Honour
    #2 - #1500 gets 550 Honour
    #1501 - #Didn't Even Play gets 18,000 Honour

    Why is the bottom tier of compensation more valuable than the middle??? Your bosses just aren't getting it. Finishing where I did I should be getting far more than some player that sent one shuttle or built one item.

    I'm afraid I'll insist on nothing less than 34,000 - 36,000 honour, however you wish to split the difference between 1st tier and 3rd, as compensation.

    Hmmm, not sure I follow this. Presumably anybody playing for near-1000 was playing for a Data. Since he's not yet out otherwise, an extra copy is worth the value of a citation, 50,000 Honour, albeit "constrained Honour" that has to be used on him.

    I respect those with differences of opinion about the tiering, but for me the break wasn't about the inequities, it was about the customer/provider relationship failure. The bug broke a set of expectations going in, which many people had planned towards. It went un-dispositioned for 24 hours, which was unconscionable and wasted my weekend time. When it got dispositioned, it arguably got dispositioned poorly (leave in place, and sorrytons). So basically just a customer service monumental train wreck *regardless* of what any individual player was playing for.

    For me, the compensation should be commensurate with the basic break in the customer relationship, rather than what I am owed based on how I might have fared.

    50,000 honor / 50,000 "constrained honor" / 18,000 honor seems to be a level of compensation commensurate with the break, however doled out. 50,000 honor takes 2-3 weeks of aggressive daily game play (outside Skirmishes) to accrue. Or, its equivalent as a citation is the same as a push to break 1000 in a weekend event. That's pretty close to "giving me my weekend back", which is ultimately what I felt cheated out of, regardless of where I landed.

    I'm also glad the compensation was Data, who is a reasonably decent card with good re-use value. But not so good that I would have been citing him any time soon; I have higher priorities to fuse.

    YMMV - this is just how I calibrate on this one. I think DB did the right thing in the end and REALLY hope they're sincere about root-causing this to avoid in future.

    There's not much to follow. The 1st tier gets 50k. The 3rd tier gets 18k. The 2nd get 550 which is wrong.. Simple math when we're talking bottom line value and any given individual's roster and crew focus. :)

    Only if you're airlocking them. If so, I suggest you ticket and rage to them as well as here.

    Feel free to continue to rage here though, seriously. Misery loves company and I'm in a mood.

    Believe me, I will be. Honour gives a player a choice on how to use it and when, again, the 3rd tier compensation exceeds the value of the 2nd tier's...

    In the end, it's simply DB being DB. Again and again and again. I have never seen any company mess up so much.
  • Average GuyAverage Guy ✭✭✭✭
    DB gave players 2-1500 ( who they thought had a reasonable shot at Data) what they thought they wanted, a copy of Data which they were competing for. Tiers would have been better but they can't anticipate who wants another Data and who wants honour.
  • Yes
    I think the Comp was fair and Swift.
    Some thought was put in this time.

    Anyone who already has a 5/5 data that ranked 2/1500 who receives one could likely contact CS for a swap. Speculation only (haven't read every post/thread) but it would make sense as anyone who already has data 5/5 would have to have gotten him by way of double up / citation (with him not being in packs yet). I don't think it would have been horrible if they'd extended the data comp to the 2000 range but that's just a thought of erring on the side of caution.

    Very happy,
    Very pleased I don't have to fight for several months to make this better.

    Hopefully this is a sign that Yar Gate has had a lasting effect on the DB side as well as ours.
  • edited November 2018
    I think the Comp was fair and Swift.
    Some thought was put in this time.

    Anyone who already has a 5/5 data that ranked 2/1500 who receives one could likely contact CS for a swap. Speculation only (haven't read every post/thread) but it would make sense as anyone who already has data 5/5 would have to have gotten him by way of double up / citation (with him not being in packs yet). I don't think it would have been horrible if they'd extended the data comp to the 2000 range but that's just a thought of erring on the side of caution.

    Very happy,
    Very pleased I don't have to fight for several months to make this better.

    Hopefully this is a sign that Yar Gate has had a lasting effect on the DB side as well as ours.

    Ah yes, but... There was the "Gate" before that... and the one before that... and the one before that... and the one before that...

    DB is a company that just never learns and never seems to get it and I can't help but question the intelligence and competence of the management and ownership. Week after week, month after month, year after year... Then they throw out some weak, no thought involved apology and people are happy.
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