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Because DB screwed up the galaxy portion of the event should us players receive the new Data?



  • WebberoniWebberoni ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2018
    I finished the faction-phase of this event in the low 200's, with Bateson fully-equipped early enough to actually make it on some shuttles. I was wondering why I was only using Bateson to build 1 or 2 recipes during the galaxy-phase, and only then while Mirror Picard was accidentally away on a voyage.

    I built enough to ensure I finished in the top-1000, and then enough more to sneak into the top-750 to get the extra 2 premium pulls (wound up being nothing but extra honor). Along the way I thought the rare drops were being quite stingy.

    I'm not sure why there is so much backlash at the bonus error, since it was a level playing field for all of us. It would have been nice to have my building be more efficient, but then it would have been that way for everybody else too, so it's not like I would have been any further ahead.

    I do agree that giving away free chrons during the event was somewhat silly but, again, everybody had equal access to them. I didn't even claim them, and quit building while still having more than 17k chrons stockpiled, since I was only aiming for top-1000.
  • Cranky (SC) Cranky (SC) ✭✭✭✭✭
    Webberoni wrote: »
    I'm not sure why there is so much backlash at the bonus error, since it was a level playing field for all of us

    With all due respect, as your post seemed well meant, this is perhaps the most frustrating misconception. And it’s also one that even DB appear to be ignorant too.
  • [7TW] UnkieB[7TW] UnkieB ✭✭✭✭✭
    Webberoni wrote: »
    I'm not sure why there is so much backlash at the bonus error, since it was a level playing field for all of us. It would have been nice to have my building be more efficient, but then it would have been that way for everybody else too, so it's not like I would have been any further ahead.

    The playing field is supposed to tilt towards those who have the event crew. It hurt folks with the event crew way more than folks who only had bonus crew. What's the point of getting and working on the event crew if they're not going to help? Some folks spent a lot of time competing to get Silva, who they otherwise might not have cared about, last week to have an advantage when it came to getting Data this week.

    Everyone is going to have their own take on how it affected them depending on what they went into the event expecting and their individual play style. For myself while the bonus stuff was a bummer and it cost me more inventory (which cost me chrons to pre-farm) for less returns I was going to get top 1K one way or another, but I likely wouldn't have grabbed Silva last week and leveled her right away had I known she would be of absolutely zero use to me for the event where she is the featured crew.
  • WebberoniWebberoni ✭✭✭✭✭
    Webberoni wrote: »
    I'm not sure why there is so much backlash at the bonus error, since it was a level playing field for all of us

    With all due respect, as your post seemed well meant, this is perhaps the most frustrating misconception. And it’s also one that even DB appear to be ignorant too.

    I made the conscious decision not to get Silva La Forge last week, but did have a ton of other bonus crew, and I fully-equipped Bateson within 10 minutes of getting him in thresholds. I put in enough time, chrons and equipment to finish where I wanted to, and issues with bonus calculations did not impact that.

    I don't believe that my result would have been any different if Silva had been giving proper bonuses, as I still would have put in the effort required to finish where I did.

    I respect other opinions and appreciate the frustration, but I don't like the oversimplification that reaches a conclusion that others would have automatically achieved higher rankings if their bonus for Silva had been calculating correctly. I had 17k+ unused chrons, plus another 2k+ sorrytons, which I didn't have to use, since I was only aiming for top-1000.
  • Yes
    So @Shan, what is the consensus or position of DB so far how to compensate or rectify the mishap of the galaxy portion of the event.
    Remember, the average played had to throw more resources and chrons to get to their ranks.
    As I stated before, I did mediocre in the faction portion of the event, I was going to make up for it during the galaxy portion of the event. But with the bonus nerf, it made my obtaining a top rank more difficult.
    I had about 6k chrons going into the galaxy portion, and with the ranked & community rewards, made my crew position better during the galaxy portion. I know that I spent more chrons and resources than usual since I've used this strategy before in other hybrid events.
    During normal hybrids, under the same conditions, I would've reached the top 1k.
    Looking forward to the word Shan.
    Thanks as always.
  • So @Shan, what is the consensus or position of DB so far how to compensate or rectify the mishap of the galaxy portion of the event.
    Remember, the average played had to throw more resources and chrons to get to their ranks.
    As I stated before, I did mediocre in the faction portion of the event, I was going to make up for it during the galaxy portion of the event. But with the bonus nerf, it made my obtaining a top rank more difficult.
    I had about 6k chrons going into the galaxy portion, and with the ranked & community rewards, made my crew position better during the galaxy portion. I know that I spent more chrons and resources than usual since I've used this strategy before in other hybrid events.
    During normal hybrids, under the same conditions, I would've reached the top 1k.
    Looking forward to the word Shan.
    Thanks as always.

    Just so you know, this was posted in the engineering room subforum about 1 1/2 hours ago...
    Shan wrote: »
    Thank you for your patience everyone, we are finalizing what we are going to do about this and will announce it soon.
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    Webberoni wrote: »
    I'm not sure why there is so much backlash at the bonus error, since it was a level playing field for all of us. It would have been nice to have my building be more efficient, but then it would have been that way for everybody else too, so it's not like I would have been any further ahead.

    The playing field is supposed to tilt towards those who have the event crew. It hurt folks with the event crew way more than folks who only had bonus crew. What's the point of getting and working on the event crew if they're not going to help? Some folks spent a lot of time competing to get Silva, who they otherwise might not have cared about, last week to have an advantage when it came to getting Data this week.

    Everyone is going to have their own take on how it affected them depending on what they went into the event expecting and their individual play style. For myself while the bonus stuff was a bummer and it cost me more inventory (which cost me chrons to pre-farm) for less returns I was going to get top 1K one way or another, but I likely wouldn't have grabbed Silva last week and leveled her right away had I known she would be of absolutely zero use to me for the event where she is the featured crew.

    Indeed. If this were a pure Faction event, a Skirmish, or even maybe a Faction/Expedition hybrid I don’t think the outrage would be at the same level. Galaxy events require usually less than six crew to get bonuses but having the right one - the featured 5* - is one of three key components to success (with the others being a stout set of thumbs and tons of chrons and/or items). 5* crew for Skirmish events are purely for collectors, since any event crew of any level or fusion gives the same bonus, and Faction events require $$$ and a deep bonus crew roster more than they require any one crew member. The event 5* in an Expedition is a huge help but like Factions, these events work well with a deep bonus crew roster (SO to my RAF O’Brien during the Expedition portion of the triple hybrid in June).

    And I don’t think it can be overstated that the 1000 sorrytons were a monumentally bad choice in the middle of the event. At the end? Fine, though the value of these are seriously depressed compared to the pre-Voyage era. During the event, that just throws more fuel on the dumpster fire...I appreciate that a quick decision was made but it was the wrong call.
  • edited November 2018
    So @Shan, what is the consensus or position of DB so far how to compensate or rectify the mishap of the galaxy portion of the event.
    Remember, the average played had to throw more resources and chrons to get to their ranks.
    As I stated before, I did mediocre in the faction portion of the event, I was going to make up for it during the galaxy portion of the event. But with the bonus nerf, it made my obtaining a top rank more difficult.
    I had about 6k chrons going into the galaxy portion, and with the ranked & community rewards, made my crew position better during the galaxy portion. I know that I spent more chrons and resources than usual since I've used this strategy before in other hybrid events.
    During normal hybrids, under the same conditions, I would've reached the top 1k.
    Looking forward to the word Shan.
    Thanks as always.

    Just so you know, this was posted in the engineering room subforum about 1 1/2 hours ago...
    Shan wrote: »
    Thank you for your patience everyone, we are finalizing what we are going to do about this and will announce it soon.

    Thx Doc, didn't see that. Was looking, just didn't think to look there.👍
  • Cranky (SC) Cranky (SC) ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2018
    Webberoni wrote: »
    Webberoni wrote: »
    I'm not sure why there is so much backlash at the bonus error, since it was a level playing field for all of us

    With all due respect, as your post seemed well meant, this is perhaps the most frustrating misconception. And it’s also one that even DB appear to be ignorant too.

    I made the conscious decision not to get Silva La Forge last week, but did have a ton of other bonus crew, and I fully-equipped Bateson within 10 minutes of getting him in thresholds. I put in enough time, chrons and equipment to finish where I wanted to, and issues with bonus calculations did not impact that.

    I don't believe that my result would have been any different if Silva had been giving proper bonuses, as I still would have put in the effort required to finish where I did.

    I respect other opinions and appreciate the frustration, but I don't like the oversimplification that reaches a conclusion that others would have automatically achieved higher rankings if their bonus for Silva had been calculating correctly. I had 17k+ unused chrons, plus another 2k+ sorrytons, which I didn't have to use, since I was only aiming for top-1000.

    I think I see your angle, but don’t forget, it wasn’t just Silva.

    Bateson, at any level (as I understand) didn’t get higher percentage crit chances.

    Featured 4* crew - Harriman and Cup of Tea Sulu, negligible (if any) benefit in using them.

    ‘Small’ bonus crew - negligible bonus, some non-bonus crew were better in some cases.

    This is excluding the investments people may have made in phase 1 to do well with shuttles, eg buying the boost pack (twice), using up months of saved boosts, perfecting jump starts, using dil to speed up shuttles - all done on the understanding that the bonus crew would work in phase 2 to great effect.

    I think maybe you’re mixing your goals with your understanding across the spectrum. I wanted sub-25, and bonus crew working properly may have got me in that ball park.
  • [7TW] UnkieB[7TW] UnkieB ✭✭✭✭✭
    Greetings, Captains.

    Thank you for your participation in the Captain’s Oath event despite the issue affecting featured crew and variant crew during Phase 2.

    We will be sending all players who participated in the event a bonus reward in the near future. This reward will be dependent on a player’s event rank:

    • The top-ranking player will receive 50,000 Honor in addition to the ranked rewards they won.
    • Players ranking between rank 2-1500 will receive a bonus copy of H.M.S. Pinafore Data.
    • Players with the event rank 1501 or lower will receive a bonus 18,000 Honor.

    We are also actively working on improvements to make sure we limit the chance that this type of issue will happen again in the future.

    Thank you,

  • Cranky (SC) Cranky (SC) ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2018
    2-1500 tarred with the same brush?

    There could be days worth of effort and/or hundreds of dollars difference between players in that wide a net. I know of players that didn’t even start phase 2 scoring in that range.

    That’s just insane.

    Try again DB, much harder.
  • Thorozar Thorozar ✭✭✭✭
    Not good. I decided to skip galaxy phase because the event was broken as I had the event crew ready to roll but very weak otherwise. So players with great other captains had the edge and I figured I wouldn't fare as well. Now I could probably have made top 1500 even with the situation but now because I didn't want to play in a broken game I won't receive what I should have.
  • No
    I voted 'no', because my reasoning was that on a rerun event, the majority of competitive players would have significant event crew. I did too, of course, but the error (annoying as it was) wouldn't hurt me competitively much worse than it would hurt most players. Therefore I decided to play the galaxy portion of the event, content that the annoyance was being felt pretty much equally across the board.

    With that in mind, as much as I would have liked a free extra Data, I didn't think the argument to get one was strong.

    Now I'm getting one, and I certainly won't argue the award - I'm more than happy to put 2* on him.
  • JeanLucKirkJeanLucKirk ✭✭✭✭✭
    Thorozar wrote: »
    Not good. I decided to skip galaxy phase because the event was broken. Now I could probably have made top 1500 even with the situation but now because I didn't want to play in a broken game I won't receive what I should have.

    If you decided to skip the Galaxy Phase it was your choice. If you likely would have made Top 1500 despite the bonus issue again it was your choice. So with the 18000 honor you get even more than you should have (for skipping a part).

    Personally I did the main "work" of the event in the faction part of it. And only needed to finetune it some with around 1500 Chrons to make Top 1000. And for that even 2 Datas? Good!

  • Ren~Ren~ ✭✭✭✭✭
    Thorozar wrote: »
    Not good. I decided to skip galaxy phase because the event was broken as I had the event crew ready to roll but very weak otherwise. So players with great other captains had the edge and I figured I wouldn't fare as well. Now I could probably have made top 1500 even with the situation but now because I didn't want to play in a broken game I won't receive what I should have.

    Same situation here, was going for the data but since the event bonus didn't work i stopped early as I couldn't compete without the event crew. This is a huge letdown to say the least. I've spent quite a bit of time, dil and other in-game resources to reach the top 1000 during the last skirmish to get this data and now I am told that all my efforts were in vain. This feels like a huge middle finger.
  • Yes
    I'm let down a bit that DB did a tiered reward structure. I was aiming for the new Data to help me in the next event but because of the nerf, it held me back from reaching my goal. I believe top 3000 rank should get a copy of the new Data. That would be fair to all since these ranks put forth the effort.
  • DavideBooksDavideBooks ✭✭✭✭✭
    I think it is fair compensation. It is staggered, but fits the needs and such of most players.
  • No
    Thanks for the shiny @Shan and @JazzRiker!
    Ten Forward Loungers - Give Your Best, Get Our Best!
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  • 2-1500 tarred with the same brush?

    There could be days worth of effort and/or hundreds of dollars difference between players in that wide a net. I know of players that didn’t even start phase 2 scoring in that range.

    That’s just insane.

    Try again DB, much harder.

    Agreed. Huge difference between 2nd and 1500. And honestly, I'd rather have 18k Honour over a 1/5 Data any day.

    Sign me up for downgrading my reward.

    How do you keep getting everything wrong, DB? Greedy ownership, errors galore and compensation that fails too.

    Oh, and an absurd effort to make the forums and in-game chat so pure and clean... Just, wow.
  • IronagedaveIronagedave ✭✭✭✭✭
    I think this has been a good step in the right direction obviously the compensation is still very broad but at least they are warming to structured compensation this should be encouraged. I would hope they will still listen to individual cases if the grounds are warranted but you saved a ticket raised from me in any case.
    [was on Sabbatical/Hiatus] Currently a trialist at Galaxy SquadronSTAY SAFE and KBO
  • WebberoniWebberoni ✭✭✭✭✭
    Webberoni wrote: »
    Webberoni wrote: »
    I'm not sure why there is so much backlash at the bonus error, since it was a level playing field for all of us

    With all due respect, as your post seemed well meant, this is perhaps the most frustrating misconception. And it’s also one that even DB appear to be ignorant too.

    I made the conscious decision not to get Silva La Forge last week, but did have a ton of other bonus crew, and I fully-equipped Bateson within 10 minutes of getting him in thresholds. I put in enough time, chrons and equipment to finish where I wanted to, and issues with bonus calculations did not impact that.

    I don't believe that my result would have been any different if Silva had been giving proper bonuses, as I still would have put in the effort required to finish where I did.

    I respect other opinions and appreciate the frustration, but I don't like the oversimplification that reaches a conclusion that others would have automatically achieved higher rankings if their bonus for Silva had been calculating correctly. I had 17k+ unused chrons, plus another 2k+ sorrytons, which I didn't have to use, since I was only aiming for top-1000.

    I think I see your angle, but don’t forget, it wasn’t just Silva.

    Bateson, at any level (as I understand) didn’t get higher percentage crit chances.

    Featured 4* crew - Harriman and Cup of Tea Sulu, negligible (if any) benefit in using them.

    ‘Small’ bonus crew - negligible bonus, some non-bonus crew were better in some cases.

    This is excluding the investments people may have made in phase 1 to do well with shuttles, eg buying the boost pack (twice), using up months of saved boosts, perfecting jump starts, using dil to speed up shuttles - all done on the understanding that the bonus crew would work in phase 2 to great effect.

    I think maybe you’re mixing your goals with your understanding across the spectrum. I wanted sub-25, and bonus crew working properly may have got me in that ball park.

    I'm not trying to be argumentative at all, but I'm not sure how working bonuses would have helped you achieve a higher ranking, when everybody you were competing against would have also benefited from functioning bonuses.

    I had both 4* event crew immortalized prior to the event, but Bateson was new for me, and I FE him immediately. Maybe I should be more upset over levelling him, only to have him rendered useless in phase-2, but I certainly don't feel disadvantaged as a result. I got some use out of him in phase-1, and it's not like he was giving more of a bonus to others.

    I suppose in general the one part of the backlash that doesn't resonate with me is how many people are making claims that sound as though they were the only one effected by the glitch. Yes, those people would have gotten more points for their efforts, due to additional rare rewards... but so would most other players.

    Even players without the higher-end event crew (such as myself - no Silva and only 1/5 Bateson) would not have simply stood still as others passed us by, since there are other means of increasing our own competitiveness (ie: the nearly 20k chrons I had available but didn't need to use).

    Having said all that, I'm not going to complain when I get a free 2nd copy of Pinafore Data!
  • No
    CB4_V'ger wrote: »
    The event was the same for everyone. There should be no blanket compensation.

    Individuals who feel exceptionally impacted should submit tickets as usual.

    Totally agree, F2P and players who haven't even logged in get 1000 chronitons yet players spending money to keep the game from being deleted get 1000 chronitons too?

    So many are gloating at the 1000 chronitons who haven't invested time or money in the event. It's time for blanket compensation to stop @Shan

    So it takes a little longer for DB to compensate players who've spent money and Time playing the event. I'm sure I'll get roasted by the F2P bregades but if DB delete the game they will be the ones shouting loudest about how they have been affected.

    How about compensation based on VIP levels? Or Compensation based on event time played or event score achieved.

    I agree with this. I got threshold and stopped and ranked in the ~4,000. I was happy with waht I got, knowing that I earned it. But also got 1,000 chrons and apparently am now getting 18k honor. While I do love getting frees stuff, it waters down the whole thing.
  • SSR BarkleySSR Barkley ✭✭✭✭✭
    I think this compensation is reasonable and also avoids the pitfalls of playing CS Roulette. I think if you WANTED to exchange a Data for 18,000 instead (ie, a downgrade), that would be reasonable as well.
    /SSR/ Barkley - semi retired
    Second Star to the Right - Join Today!
  • Suggesting that ranks 2-1,500 are deserving of the same blanket compensation is perhaps the dumbest and most out of touch thing I've seen DB do -- and I've seen DB do a lot of really, really dumb things.

    If compensation is going to be tiered, it needs to be tiered appropriately. If the extra characters are to be rewarded, they need to be rewarded quickly before people buy a DYS or use citations.

    This is just going from bad to worse, just like Polywater Yar all over again.

    Absolutely worse.

    Explain this to me @Shan

    #1 gets 50,000 Honour
    #2 - #1500 gets 550 Honour
    #1501 - #Didn't Even Play gets 18,000 Honour

    Why is the bottom tier of compensation more valuable than the middle??? Your bosses just aren't getting it. Finishing where I did I should be getting far more than some player that sent one shuttle or built one item.

    I'm afraid I'll insist on nothing less than 34,000 - 36,000 honour, however you wish to split the difference between 1st tier and 3rd, as compensation.

  • RaraRacingRaraRacing ✭✭✭✭✭
    I still feel that no compensation should have been given what-so-ever.

    - Giving out a Data to 500 extra players actually sets everyone from rank 1501 down on an even worse footing for next week ... so now, they not only need to be better than the "regular" players to get top 1000, but they've got 500 more to deal with.

    - This in turn makes getting 5* Weyoun even more costly for those 1501 and down and makes the playing field skewed when compared to a normal situation.

    A solution would have been to give out a citation (5*) or 50k Honor instead. That would not unbalance the upcoming week in a significant manner.
    Give a Data/compensation to all players who finished top 1500 the previous week when Silva was the reward, someone who could have helped out this week during Galaxy if her bonus wasn't messed up and who will now just end up being 1/5 limbo crew for most who have her, she wasn't even of full use during her own event.

    But again, I would rather have seen no compensation given.

    Also, these Chroniton "compensation" messages sent in game during a Galaxy should be straight up Honor instead.
  • KanonKanon ✭✭✭✭✭
    I think compensation is in order and an extra Data is more than ok (bumping everyone a rewards tier would be fair, this is a little better for most of us)
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