Shuttle rental cost
in The Bridge
Simple question. For the new 6.1.0 client, how much DIL will it cost to get a 'one time' use shuttle?
Please keep in mind that your answer could very well break faction events into purely P2W and drive away many players.
Simple question. For the new 6.1.0 client, how much DIL will it cost to get a 'one time' use shuttle?
Please keep in mind that your answer could very well break faction events into purely P2W and drive away many players.
Proud Former Officer of The Gluten Empire
Retired 12-14-20. So long, and thanks for all the cat pics!
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If it's cheaper to run 4 faster then 5 normal, I will do that.
These are good questions.
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i have all ready noticed there are far less new peeps joining the game.
[FSC] Peace Keepers
Gryphon [****] Adm
(Lol I said if..)
I'll just hoard everything and come out strong every 2-6 months.
And I'll say it again, re-frikken-work the reward structure. If that had been announced at the same time it would have offset most of the negative potential reaction.
Well faction events are already full pay to win, I didn't know it was possible to make it worse though. DB outdoing themselves every day.
Faction events are pretty much already pay to win anyways, at least if you are referring to the top 10 ranks.
Thou if this change is effective during faction events, it would just push it even further.
We'll beam you up!
I just heard the voiceover actor reading this....too funny!
That's the new build notes on iOS as of right now.
Same question as earlier that has yet to be answered - especially now that we know that rental shuttles are for faction events:
1) What is the single use cost, in DIL, of a rental shuttle?
2) What is the change to shuttle speedups cost, in DIL?
The whining and complaining before the feature even is live, is really........
And right now the changed Shuttle Interface, which was shrinked by a lot is giving me way more headaches. Even on my iPadPro i barely can see the skills beneath the tiny shuttle slots.
Are those features only coming out after the forced upgrade? I could logon through steam and check otherwise once the kids are off the bed.
Please stop trolling my and other threads with this. If you have nothing to add to the current conversation, please don't post.
Thank you.
Definitely interested #2. Perhaps 2nd line of packs will be started for Dil only, eliminating the speedups from the current boost packs. DB knows that boosts are used for faction event quick starts, so why not increase the cost and make more money?