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Shuttle rental cost



  • I wonder if there are going to be frenzies at the end of faction events like there are now in galaxy events.
  • Everybody screamed 'sky is falling' when change was made to put top 1K legendary reward event crew for next event. I haven't noticed a huge dropping of rankings and actually like it. I have Weyoun 5 FE'd ready to go for upcoming event.

    I'm going to wait and see what this does to faction events. I'm thinking it won't be as bad as folks will make it out to be on this forum. IF I have to work a little harder to get where I want, I am more then happy to do so to get these rewards:

    VP 12,500 - added 1 Requisition Shuttle token
    VP 52,000 - added 1 Requisition Shuttle token
    VP 180,000 - 2 Requisition Shuttle tokens, 2 Legendary 2x Reward Multiplier
    VP 210,000 - 150,000 Credits
    VP 215,000 - 1,500 Honor
    VP 300,000 - 1 Voyage Revival token
    Vp 350,000 - 1 10x Premium Pull

    Thanks DB!
  • This move clearly shows that DB only cares about their bottom line and not their players.

    At least turn off the "shuttle renting" during Faction and Hybrid events. Come on DB...get your act together. Now I'm starting to see why DB's other games have failed.
  • 1st, 2nd ect. - of the day or at a time ?
  • FutureImperfectaFutureImperfecta ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2018
    @Shan do the tokens also drop in shuttle boosts packs ?
  • Well 70 something dilithium for a shuttle rental is going to be rough if it is live on a faction event. Cheaper to keep running shuttles than to recall them or use timers on all of them. Should be CRAZY!!!
  • So there's no guarantee that the requisitioned shuttle passes?
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  • kapu wrote: »

    fallout2 yay! some good loot in there if memory serves... or was this place completely empty.. :DD

    Three hyposprays as I recall.
  • Frank?Frank? ✭✭✭✭✭
    There's never a guarantee Ziggy - a very fine and stacked 98%er can fail just as much as a red-shirt filled 14%er can pass.

    This doesn't impact the global picture as much as it does the top 25. But, over time, this will make the top 1k harder to get into as well. It happened with Voyages and Galaxy events, so this will be the long term equalizer there.
  • Thanks Frank.

    It's definitely going to make the last couple of hours of events a lot more intense and precarious!
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  • AldudeAldude ✭✭✭✭✭
    I barely have the crew for a fourth shuttle to succeed. What am I going to do with a fifth!?
    Fleet Admiral of NCC UK Midlands."Leave any bigotry in your quarters. There's no room for it on the bridge." - J.T. Kirk, 2266
  • AviTrekAviTrek ✭✭✭✭✭
    Something else to consider. This will be your 5th best crew with the fifth best shuttle mission. If you use two 3* speed boosts on your best shuttle, you'll get more vp overall. Unless you're running speed boosts non stop or have a crew filled with ff 5* event crew, the extra shuttle won't really make a difference over using speed boosts.
  • I have to admit, this time around Im really concerned. Voyages, the gauntlet and supply kits didnt have me worried, but this does.
    Faction events were the one thing I could say that I had a chance at. If I cant compete in those anymore than events are almost pointless.

    Frank has a few good points, but its not enough to talk me down
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    Frank did you get another present from DB to come back into the fold or something?
  • Frank?Frank? ✭✭✭✭✭
    Not yet. Full disclosure, I am in talks with a few names to try and make some things whole.

    But, ultimately, I don't budge until they fix SR's issue. Once that's done, then I'll be happier.
  • On one hand, it allows for different strategies. That is a good thing. Faction events have til date been the least variable and most boring of all event types. I approve on that level.

    On the other hand, initially at least, the strategy will rely heavily on dilithium use. But then, it always has. Is this a big enough difference? I'm not sure yet. Over time, as people save shuttle requisition tokens, dilithium will be less of a factor. This is a good thing.

    The down side is, that 350,000 VP is close to current rank, and more players will be pushing for it, so it is likely that VP for rank will increase. This is a bad thing.

    I do think it will make faction events more interesting, but I'm a bit sketchy about the pay to win aspect of it. I understand DB want to monetize things, that's part of the story, I accept that, and I think it's a very interesting and unexpected idea, one I don't remember having been suggested by players, so it's great to see DB really thinking about changes and implementing them.

    So far, from me, it gets a plus sign. I'll just have to work out how I'm going to get rank if I want to, without spending too many boosts etc on reaching the new threshold.

    The rewards are worth it.
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  • Pallidyne wrote: »
    Honestly Frank, that's why when you get upset, motivated, etc. I have to take it with a grain of salt.

    Really, it's because I told Frank he wasn't allowed to leave and reinstalled the game on his phone. He's in charge of weekly squad assignments. He is not allowed to quit. YOU HEAR THAT FRANK.

    But, back on topic.

    I can see this putting pressure on the usual pain points in rankings, such as top 1k, 1500, 25... anywhere there's a meaningful break. The other big issue that I see that hasn't been mentioned is that the cost of dil speeding a shuttle just got cut in half. That was already the way to hit the top of the leaderboard in shuttle events, so that just got cheaper, which means that it's something that more people might be willing to do. It's still more expensive than renting an extra shuttle or 10, but it is interesting to think about what the combination of more shuttles + cheaper dil speeds might do to the competitive landscape.
    Proud Former Admiral of eXodus
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    Retired 12-14-20. So long, and thanks for all the cat pics!
  • Nero84Nero84 ✭✭✭
    So for 75 dilithium you can request another shuttle... to me I don’t think a lot of people will bite at that price. Expendition events you could buy a refresh of tickets for about same price and I don’t believe many people did.

    You still need crew to properly man the shuttles. To me the 2x rewards on Cadet missions caused a lot more changes with little reaction as people have huge stock of speed ups.
  • DeanWinsDeanWins ✭✭✭✭
    I think you guys are overreacting just a bit, personally

    Newsflash, Faction events have always been paid to win, so how is that different now?

    And yes I am aware of all the tricks, bells and whistles you can do without spending money, that we dont discuss;) but it doesn't change the fact that top 10 are usually big spenders.

    You say top 1k will be way more difficult now, but will it really? other then the top like 100? are people dropping that much dil just to get a single * legend?

    Ill wait and see what happens, before the freak out lol

    Also has it even been confirmed that these add shuttles will be available during actual events?
  • Nero84 wrote: »
    So for 75 dilithium you can request another shuttle... to me I don’t think a lot of people will bite at that price. Expendition events you could buy a refresh of tickets for about same price and I don’t believe many people did.

    You still need crew to properly man the shuttles. To me the 2x rewards on Cadet missions caused a lot more changes with little reaction as people have huge stock of speed ups.

    you talking about regular cadet stacking with dil? or is there another way that I am unaware of?
  • There’s very few players with few deep enough crew to fill 5-6 shuttles with a descent success rate. VIP 14 x 3 here and I can very rarely fill 4 over 85% (unless they have like 20-30 event crew).

    As many said, probably the top 25 players will be slottering each other but it wont affect the rest much. If you could make 650-1000 before, this wont affect you.
  • AMDGAMDG ✭✭✭
    STT will be soon the only source of revenue for DB. Instead of improving the game and attracting new players they are thinking about new creative ways to milk their existing clients. Pay to win is about to become the rule not the exception.
  • Has anyone rented one of these Shuttles yet?

    Just wondering if DB is using the usual rental vehicle scam, you know you return the shuttle, do the inspection marking the scratches, dents, disrupter burns etc only to find that later they hit you with extra charges on your credit card for so called "other damage", or additional charges because you took the Shuttle into "unauthorized" nebulae etc or a weekend jaunt to Talos IV.
  • *Nomad* {PoF}*Nomad* {PoF} ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2018
    :/ Guess we will find out Thursday!
    Founding ADM - PoF family of fleets (POF, POF2 & POF3) - Dear TP: Non sequitur. Your facts are uncoordinated.
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