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Support for IamPicard App



  • PsionStorm wrote: »
    AMDG wrote: »
    Having a public API means allowing 3rd party tools.

    I think that if they can control the API so a 3rd party tool does not allow one to say launch a voyage, or do any actions other than retrieve data, it would be ok to allow it. I don't know how APIs work. I don't know if this is possible. But that's sort of the root of my suggestion.

    THIS. Retrieval of data is acceptable IMO. Initiating ANY action in the game is completely unacceptable.
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    For those wondering about how it streamlined Gauntlet, the match up is decided one way or the other long before the animation finishes. I played a game that is now gone that had a Roulette at the end of Missions, and for other Item Drops. People would get excited because the square they picked was "right next to" the big prize. "I was so close!!!" They really weren't. The second you initiated the "spin" the RNG would roll what you won. Whichever on the nine squares you picked, would have the winning Item under it. There is no conclusive way to know if the really good Item was plugged in "right next to" what you got on purpose or just a huge coincidence.

    IAP just skipped the flashy lights.
    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • I've been quiet on this topic as I wanted to give DB time to work out what response they are going to give and now that @Shan has given one I think I can just add my 2 cents.

    I've been using the tool along with the various other spreadsheet tools for quite a while and found them all extremely helpful. The tool was billed as 'Crew Management', something that would help players manage their crew list, as many have said, this is an aspect that could be improved. It's hard to say unless your the developer or following the project closely as to when and what features came in that made the tool go beyond Shan's/DB's view of just a helpful tool but we have to remember it was a side project by someone who loved playing a game and being both curious to develop his skills and help other players, added features that may have been requested. I don't think they wanted to replace the client.

    If the tool was broken down and each feature listed separately, we would get many results of users top five however I do think DB should have taken on-board the developer and worked with him to add some of those features in game so he wouldn't have to feel pressure to add them to his tool that would have caused it to diverge from helpful side-line resource to alternate client no more than a spreadsheet would have.

    We can all create a spreadsheet. We can't all use complex formulas. We could learn the coding skills to do our own app that would use an accessible api/source link. We all don't have the skills/time to do so.

    I fully supported the tool and will sorely miss it and I won't bother listing *my* top five to say what should go into the STT client as it's not going to be the same as another players. I would like to thank the developer for adding to my experience of the game and hope that in the end his learning experience helped (which he mentioned on his site that he learned a lot of what he wanted) and that DB do reach out to him and others who added to the code in later months to work on improving the STT client with some features.
    The Guardians of Tomorrow
    Protecting the Galaxy's Future from itself
  • A single person was able to do all of those things and more just using the public APIs. It shouldn’t be hard for the in-house development team to accomplish the same thing.

    I see the term "public API" used a lot. Where was it documented? Being a software developer for 20+ years, public APIs are usually documented toolkits for public use. I am not aware of any documentation provided by DB detailing how to call their game API.
  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    Lol @ByloBand you have nailed it and that’s a very generous way of describing my OCD.

    I have OCD as well, or symptoms from something else that mirror OCD, and I've struggled with it my entire life. I've battled myself for my entire life, and every time I am able to conquer one of the compulsions, I almost kill that version of myself to vanquish the drive once and for all and start over. It is odd because while I have a near-photographic memory, I can look back on specific times in my life and remember very little because that version of me is gone, and when it goes I bury it completely.

    I used to count my steps every time I walked anywhere. I spent probably 16 years fighting that, and one day I just stopped. It was traumatic, and to cope I just erased myself and started over, like a caterpillar in a cocoon.

    What is leftover is somebody with only vague interest/knowledge in my own past, and somebody who is essentially nihilistic/irreverent toward pretty much everything. It gets me into LOADS of trouble, especially places like online forums because my default mode is often something close to a more playful version of Q. I try to combat this by constantly taking personal inventory of my own behaviors, reactions, and I force myself to remain open-minded, and in a way it has allowed me to continue to grow as a person.

    I do try to have a positive impact here. Sometimes it does not always seem that way or come across that way, but I value this place and the people who live here, and I want to try and help other people get to where I am, because I'm in a much better place emotionally/mentally than I was 20 years ago.

    Sorry for rambling :)
  • DeanWinsDeanWins ✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2019
    To play devils advocate, and risk getting flamed to death. I do find it amusing that some people are so hell bent and worried about certain people using programs or macros to get some unknown advantage, but I often wonder if it is those same people that take advantage of certain exploits that already exist within the game, that have nothing to do with third parties.

    I mean if DB is so concerned about fair and balanced game play, shouldn't some of these exploits, such as double voyage clicks? be addressed? or are we to believe that this was how it was intended to always be;)

    To be clear, never used a macro and never got the opportunity to try the I am picard program, but didn't feel cheated by those that did, at least in regards to the latter.
  • Warrior WilloWarrior Willo ✭✭✭✭✭
    DeanWins wrote: »
    To play devils advocate, and risk getting flamed to death. I do find it amusing that some people are so hell bent and worried about certain people using programs or macros to get some unknown advantage, but I often wonder if it is those same people that take advantage of certain exploits that already exist within the game, that have nothing to do with third parties.

    I mean if DB is so concerned about fair and balanced game play, shouldn't some of these exploits, such as double voyage clicks? be addressed? or are we to believe that this was how it was intended to always be;)

    To be clear, never used a macro and never got the opportunity to try the I am picard program, but didn't feel cheated by those that did, at least in regards to the latter.

    You might change that view when the full extent of the exploits become apparent.
  • AMDGAMDG ✭✭✭
    You might change that view when the full extent of the exploits become apparent.

    Double taps are possible even now in the game. The main problem remains - DB is unable to fix flaws and not interested in giving the customers what one man did for free.

    May I remind everyone that the Star TREK licence expires next year ?

  • AMDG wrote: »
    You might change that view when the full extent of the exploits become apparent.

    Double taps are possible even now in the game. The main problem remains - DB is unable to fix flaws and not interested in giving the customers what one man did for free.

    May I remind everyone that the Star TREK licence expires next year ?

    So, you’re saying it’s a good time stop spending money then. Good info to have.
  • JeanLucKirkJeanLucKirk ✭✭✭✭✭
    AMDG wrote: »
    May I remind everyone that the Star TREK licence expires next year ?

    And if STT remains profitable it could well be renewed if that is the case...

  • KanonKanon ✭✭✭✭✭
    AMDG wrote: »
    May I remind everyone that the Star TREK licence expires next year ?

    And if STT remains profitable it could well be renewed if that is the case...
    Is it profitable? (With a good ROI, not just "ends meet")
  • AandraaAandraa ✭✭✭
    robownage wrote: »
    AMDG wrote: »
    AMDG wrote: »
    Having a public API means allowing 3rd party tools.

    It's ironic to say "the tool evolved". One man was capable of improving the game via API, without even being paid. Db was not interested in a better game. So sad.

    So, you DON'T believe "the tool evolved"? Because the other option is that people who were using it to CHEAT were doing so with an UNALTERED program. {Before 47 people have an angry meltdown, the developer him/herself was quoted BY A PRO-APP PLAYER as saying people had started cheating with the App.}

    The tool has not "evolved", the STT program remained full of bugs/exploits and incomplete. Unfortunately DB is not interested in replicating the functions of IAP, and is not capable of fixing the bugs/exploits. They are not friendly with their customers, and it's ironic that one unpaid man working open source has done more to improve the game than the Tilting Point budget.

    The problem will not go away. Look at the fate of GoTA for clues.

    I'm sorry, I was a huge fan of IAP. But it absolutely evolved in terms of what it was programmed to let you do. There was tonnes of crew management, Voyage, and gauntlet stuff that were not part of it initially. @Shan's point was that you could do more with the tool in the end than when she initially pinned it.

    I agree that there is a problem when an amateur programmer can outdo the game makers themselves on a lot of elements.

    Your last sentence means one thing and that is good attitude: Passion>Money
  • does anyone have the open source data, and are able to pull out the formulas IAP used to calculate the voyage crew? Is it possible to migrate this formula to a spreadsheet to display the optimal crew after performing the calculations?
  • 5000 Quatloos5000 Quatloos ✭✭✭✭✭
    does anyone have the open source data, and are able to pull out the formulas IAP used to calculate the voyage crew? Is it possible to migrate this formula to a spreadsheet to display the optimal crew after performing the calculations?

    I never looked at the source code, the way the app behaved (different search depths, adaptively updating best predictions while it calculated) I'd guess it was performing some sort of tree search, or other optimization algorithm such as best-first-guess followed by simulated annealing or some such. This would be pretty hard to code into a flat spreadsheet, though perhaps an Excel VB master could do it. Yuk.

    The best I could come up with using a relational database and some lightweight scripting is half-automated sorting, half human wetware intelligence of scanning down a prioritized list to match hard-to-assign but high value seats first. Without my RDB bells and whistles which are purely for speed/convenience, I think this could be replicated in a spreadsheet. Especially if you ignored trait bonuses which only add a smidge onto the bottom line.
    Accepted. Mark them, Galt.
  • AviTrekAviTrek ✭✭✭✭✭
    milamber42 wrote: »
    A single person was able to do all of those things and more just using the public APIs. It shouldn’t be hard for the in-house development team to accomplish the same thing.

    I see the term "public API" used a lot. Where was it documented? Being a software developer for 20+ years, public APIs are usually documented toolkits for public use. I am not aware of any documentation provided by DB detailing how to call their game API.

    There is none. I think the "public API" line is the biggest issue I have with the advocates for the tool. The tool was great, wanting to use it was completely understandable, but that doesn't change the definition of a public API to fit your desired outcome.

    As you said a public API is documented, published and available for everyone to use. That an API uses HTTPS does not make it public, that security wasn't put around an API so a 3rd party connected does not make it public. Publishing API documentation with an indication that other people can call it makes it public.
  • Going by Roonis and Frank's excellent, detailed explanation, could current/future issues be headed off by DB making the API read-only? Wouldn't that allow informational pulls without allowing exploits?
  • edited January 2019
    I don't think so, because I think the official apps use this API as well to communicate with the server. So they would need to create a private API for the official apps and shield it from community built apps, and a new public read-only API.
    Most anticipated character not in the game: Mr. Homn
  • KanonKanon ✭✭✭✭✭
    I don't think so, because I think the official apps use this API as well to communicate with the server. So they would need to create a private API for the official apps and shield it from community built apps, and a new public read-only API.
    It needs to validate wich app is making the request. It's pretty basic stuff, though maybe not unbreakable, but a minimum level of security should have avoided all of this. STT looks very insecure, and regarding that bug, is incredible that a commercial app has that kind of bug. Having the server accepting anything like that without a basic validation is incredible.
  • AMDGAMDG ✭✭✭
    The problem is not the API but the program itself. Even now there are multitaps, but the situation is ignored. Instead of working with the IAP creator in order to improve the game they decide to ignore him and his work.

    Bad technical skills, worse communication skills.
  • KanonKanon ✭✭✭✭✭
    [GoT] Gabe wrote: »
    If you didn't get a chance to watch the live Twitch stream yesterday, please take the time to watch the Youtube video about IAmPicard and its creator so that we don't get another 11 pages of mostly nonsensical and erroneous information.

    I had originally put up the direct youtube link but considering it may go against forum policy I removed it. Finding the video is as easy as searching "I Roonis" and youtube. Video is offically called "Measure of an App - Timelines Chat with Frank and Roonis"
    Are you sure you are understanding the code regarding the bug, as explained in the video? I'm not a JS/Angular developer, so I can't be sure either of exactly how it behaves in those async call, nor I have the big picture to see wich layer of the app is invoking, but I THINK that that code, as written, is not the trigger of the bug (As I see, the bug would happen every time the tool is used)
  • KanonKanon ✭✭✭✭✭
    does anyone have the open source data, and are able to pull out the formulas IAP used to calculate the voyage crew? Is it possible to migrate this formula to a spreadsheet to display the optimal crew after performing the calculations?

    I never looked at the source code, the way the app behaved (different search depths, adaptively updating best predictions while it calculated) I'd guess it was performing some sort of tree search, or other optimization algorithm such as best-first-guess followed by simulated annealing or some such. This would be pretty hard to code into a flat spreadsheet, though perhaps an Excel VB master could do it. Yuk.

    The best I could come up with using a relational database and some lightweight scripting is half-automated sorting, half human wetware intelligence of scanning down a prioritized list to match hard-to-assign but high value seats first. Without my RDB bells and whistles which are purely for speed/convenience, I think this could be replicated in a spreadsheet. Especially if you ignored trait bonuses which only add a smidge onto the bottom line.
    I have seen it, I think it can be used in a script in a Google Spreadsheet, but it's too complex for me at the time (it's not long, but it uses a lot of bitwise operations that take a lot of patience from me). I would rather do something much more simpler (like picking the highest rated in each slot, with a little priority for the featured skill, with a tolerance) to get an acceptable result, insted of a rewrite/migration.
  • KanonKanon ✭✭✭✭✭
    AMDG wrote: »
    The problem is not the API but the program itself. Even now there are *REDACTED*, but the situation is ignored. Instead of working with the IAP creator in order to improve the game they decide to ignore him and his work.

    Bad technical skills, worse communication skills.
    I redacted that part just in case

    The server side code should only allow what it's supposed to happen at the moment. This is terrible, and it probably happens with in-game mails, and similar stuff that you can collect (I have seen the app stopping that behaviour when collecting the daily dillithium, so there are validations, that are not being done in this case)
  • 5000 Quatloos5000 Quatloos ✭✭✭✭✭
    [GoT] Gabe wrote: »
    If you didn't get a chance to watch the live Twitch stream yesterday, please take the time to watch the Youtube video about IAmPicard and its creator so that we don't get another 11 pages of mostly nonsensical and erroneous information.

    I had originally put up the direct youtube link but considering it may go against forum policy I removed it. Finding the video is as easy as searching "I Roonis" and youtube. Video is offically called "Measure of an App - Timelines Chat with Frank and Roonis"

    Nicely done.
    Accepted. Mark them, Galt.
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