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Daily Missions New Interface



  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    ByloBand wrote: »
    Bekka wrote: »
    I mean come on there are a TON of better things to spend programmers time on besides this horrible crap.
    Why are we wasting time/resources/money paying designers and programmers to fix things that werent broken? Can we please get the glitches like ( overlay of pop up onto shuttle return screen ) fixed???

    So, here is some education about how businesses larger than 30 people are run.

    You're going to have several roles where you specialize in a specific task/area. DB has an employee who is tasked in UX. That basically means, user interface, ie your various screens and interfaces.

    Such a person is not going to be versed in fixing issues such as your 1k item cap, etc.

    Instead, it is that person's role to present ideas on what he/she believes are improvements to the game screen, as well as optimize the game for the various screens and aspect ratios that exist across multiple platforms and devices. It is likely, that "new" ideas go up the chain for approval, then they get implemented and pushed live.

    The UX person isn't concerned that the playerbase is "waiting" on all these other issues. He/she is focused on the interface and will continue to make changes, get ready for new features the game is putting out, and optimize.

    Hence -- this person proposed these changes, got them approved, and worked to get them pushed.

    Development in area X does not stop because there are issues in department Y and Z. People need to wrap their heads around that.

    Agreed. That still doesn’t change the fact that there are numerous existing UI problems that could have been fixed. Instead, it appears that designing some new window dressing is a higher priority.

    I am confused how you can agree with something and then explain why you don't agree.

    I agree that there is likely a separate person working on UI issues who has no power or responsibility to fix other errors. I also think that person is being given poor direction on what to work on...not sure what’s confusing here.
  • RaraRacingRaraRacing ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2019
    Bekka wrote: »
    I mean come on there are a TON of better things to spend programmers time on besides this horrible crap.
    Why are we wasting time/resources/money paying designers and programmers to fix things that werent broken? Can we please get the glitches like ( overlay of pop up onto shuttle return screen ) fixed???

    So, here is some education about how businesses larger than 30 people are run.

    You're going to have several roles where you specialize in a specific task/area. DB has an employee who is tasked in UX. That basically means, user interface, ie your various screens and interfaces.

    Such a person is not going to be versed in fixing issues such as your 1k item cap, etc.

    Instead, it is that person's role to present ideas on what he/she believes are improvements to the game screen, as well as optimize the game for the various screens and aspect ratios that exist across multiple platforms and devices. It is likely, that "new" ideas go up the chain for approval, then they get implemented and pushed live.

    The UX person isn't concerned that the playerbase is "waiting" on all these other issues. He/she is focused on the interface and will continue to make changes, get ready for new features the game is putting out, and optimize.

    Hence -- this person proposed these changes, got them approved, and worked to get them pushed.

    Development in area X does not stop because there are issues in department Y and Z. People need to wrap their heads around that.

    User Interface task for Thursday 7th March ...

    1. Add a search button to the inventory screen (somewhere at the top would be nice but not a #1 priority if following senior management's directive).

    2. Early weekend and pats on the back from the player community no matter how **tsk tsk** the search button looks ... it is a start.
  • WaldoMagWaldoMag ✭✭✭✭✭
    Capt Ajamm wrote: »
    Bekka wrote: »
    Am I the only one that finds this

    extremely obnoxious, a waste of space and annoying as all get out?

    I looked for another post on it and didn't see one, I can't be the only one who finds this way over kill.

    I mean come on there are a TON of better things to spend programmers time on besides this horrible crap.

    Like better sorting in inventory - or maybe the 1,000k cap issue... both would have been welcomed, now I just want to never look at my daily screen ever again, because this... **tsk tsk**... sorry just saying.

    I have to have all if Daily Chores done, or I can't claim anything once I hit one that has multiple reward tiers, if it is not finished. Won't scroll like the old one did........

    It won't scroll? This sounds less user friendly & i can see a prob as some newer players need every credit/merit/chron they can get to progress. Myself i have been hard up for chrons & credits that i prioritized which dailies to do first by their rewards so i could equip an item.


    The new interface scrolls RIGHT not DOWN!!!!!

    Might actually be easier once I get used to it!!!

    I think I need crystal clarity on this point is that right also known as left as I am facing you or right as in left facing with my back to you.

  • The current/old screen design is horrible, since you can only see 2 full items before you have to scroll. It’s worse the more items they add, so I can see why they are reworking it. However, I don’t know if this is really any better. It seems like a lot of wasted space.
  • *Nomad* {PoF}*Nomad* {PoF} ✭✭✭✭✭
    The "Peter Principle" at work here.............
    Founding ADM - PoF family of fleets (POF, POF2 & POF3) - Dear TP: Non sequitur. Your facts are uncoordinated.
  • [DC] Picard Loves Reds[DC] Picard Loves Reds ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2019
    Apparently this must be platform/screen resolution specific. I consistently get 3 lines to show on my Android phone and the lines automatically disappear after hitting the claim button (if the mission is complete.) Going to 4 items per screen and scrolling right/left instead of up/down doesn't seem like too big of a change, and as noted above, seems to be minor in the list of UI-QOL improvements needed (Add me to the "Add/fix Inventory Chorus" please.)
  • Mirror CartmanMirror Cartman ✭✭✭✭✭
    Bekka wrote: »
    Am I the only one that finds this

    extremely obnoxious, a waste of space and annoying as all get out?

    I looked for another post on it and didn't see one, I can't be the only one who finds this way over kill.

    I mean come on there are a TON of better things to spend programmers time on besides this horrible crap.

    Like better sorting in inventory - or maybe the 1,000k cap issue... both would have been welcomed, now I just want to never look at my daily screen ever again, because this... **tsk tsk**... sorry just saying.

    The only problem I have with that screenshot is that the items just off the left of the screen look like scroll bars, when I see it on steam, I think it looks better.

    The total number of daily missions (x/11) , and possibly the monthly card and next chron boost, should have been moved to the left, outside the scrolly bit.

    But I do agree that there is better staff the UI staff could have worked on.
  • I did not have any problems with tiered daily missions. I claimed 5 space battles and then 10 after claiming the 5. This was on Steam. The update is not on my Android device yet.
    Admiral of TN Volunteers

    Your simple talior,
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    Bekka wrote: »
    Am I the only one that finds this

    extremely obnoxious, a waste of space and annoying as all get out?

    I looked for another post on it and didn't see one, I can't be the only one who finds this way over kill.

    I mean come on there are a TON of better things to spend programmers time on besides this horrible crap.

    Like better sorting in inventory - or maybe the 1,000k cap issue... both would have been welcomed, now I just want to never look at my daily screen ever again, because this... **tsk tsk**... sorry just saying.

    The only problem I have with that screenshot is that the items just off the left of the screen look like scroll bars, when I see it on steam, I think it looks better.

    The total number of daily missions (x/11) , and possibly the monthly card and next chron boost, should have been moved to the left, outside the scrolly bit.

    But I do agree that there is better staff the UI staff could have worked on.

    That is what messed me up. The scroll bar looking things.
    I did not have any problems with tiered daily missions. I claimed 5 space battles and then 10 after claiming the 5. This was on Steam. The update is not on my Android device yet.

    Which would all be in the same little window..........

    The problem is one being partially finished stays in the only spot thereis for claiming Chore Rewards.
    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • barrydancerbarrydancer ✭✭✭✭✭
    I like it, actually.
  • Well, after the update hit the play store I got it on the phone and I must say it isn't as bad as I feared.
    The horizontal layout and horizontal scrolling just works better on a phone than vertical scrolling where you do not have neither much display space nor room to scroll with your finger.

    So imho an actual improvement.

    I just wish the overlapping warp 10 / adwarp buttons would've been fixed.
  • edited March 2019
    How about remaining civil and avoid name calling? ~Shan
  • AldudeAldude ✭✭✭✭✭
    Personally, I would have preferred the boxes a bit smaller. Rather than only being able to see 2x2 missions, I would prefer 3x3.

    However, I am indifferent to it otherwise.
    Fleet Admiral of NCC UK Midlands."Leave any bigotry in your quarters. There's no room for it on the bridge." - J.T. Kirk, 2266
  • This new UI takes up far too much space and is a total pain to use on my phone. Old UI was far easier to use and this is an “improvement” I didn’t need nor ask for. I don’t imagine that we will be listened to so will have to put up with this eye watering change.
  • RaraRacingRaraRacing ✭✭✭✭✭
    My main gripe with the new interface ...

    - Go to Achievements;
    - Check out something like the dilemma on a voyage achievement ...

    --> The bar is almost full (thankfully), which means it goes through the numbers ... and on my small phone I can't read how many dilemmas I've actually completed.
    The same is for Gauntlet rounds.

    So, where I had no issues reading anything on the previous version ... I now can't see then interface clearly ...
  • PhantumPhantum ✭✭✭
    I was surprised to see the message about updating the rewards screen, like, what this is one of the few screens in the game that I have had no problems with.

    Then I saw the update this morning and was astounded, not only was it not needed but it has made the daily mission screen much harder to use, showing less information, and removed the part that scrolled the claimable items to the start...

    Even worse, at least on my android, it has been designed poorly because it scrolls right but has no scroll bar on the bottom and the partial view of the next windows on the right side look like up down scroll bars...

    There are so many critical issues with the UI that players have been asking about, particularly regarding inventory management, even a basic search function for items or an item count showing in all the places where items can be found. Not to mention in the replicator when you destroy the items that it would be nice to see the name of the item first!

    I am really sorry to be critical but it is really hard to believe that any actual players tested this or were involved in requesting this change and certainly not in testing the new design. This makes me start to give up hope.
  • The Daily Missions interface page wasn't broken before, so why 'fix' it? In fixing it, you guys appear to have actually broken other aspects of the game, like adwarps. wtg. Why not spend some time fixing some of the things we've been telling you need fixing for years, literally? Idk, maybe crew search? Granted, crew search is better than it was but still a loooooong way from what it could be. For example, I'll still need to scroll thru, who knows how much of my crew to find the the crew I'm goanna share with my squad. We've been asking for this to be fixed far longer than we ever asked for the Daily Missions page to be changed.
    [DCC] bebe
    Privileged to be Admiral of the Great Fleet
    Dilithium Causes Cancer, maxed Starbase level 134
    Featuring photonic flee free holodecks and
    All you can drink Neelix's Even Better Than Coffee Substitute!
  • ·§ë· For the Many·§ë· For the Many ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2019
    <pitchforks>Nothing to add here cept for my voice to the chorus.
    It's not as easy to scroll and hard to read.
    Thing was not broken, required no fixing.
    Change it back please thank you.</torches>
  • Cranky (SC) Cranky (SC) ✭✭✭✭✭
    Most existing current UI issues fall under either:
    • It's optimized to fit *most* existing screens, so it may not be perfect on every screen (like the starbase level overlapping bug ... ipads vs phones, etc)
    • There is no good fix (crew selection in skirmish) and what we have is probably the best we'll have with such little screen space to work with.

    I really, really, hope it’s not the case that the UI scaling issues are forgotten about. The game used to look so much better on smart phone devices.
  • @Shan any feedback from the team on this? Why does DB insist on breaking things/reducing functionality instead of fixing things that actually need fixing?

    Why does DB continue to push out the "Large Print UI For The Blind"?

    And please don't say that this is the first time it's happened and that feedback will be considered by the team. Reduced functionality/visibility has been universally panned in the previous releases.
  • RoxtonRoxton ✭✭✭
    The new interface is brash and scrolls the wrong way.
    It is more difficult to see where you are with missions and it is just plain ugly..
    Star Truckerz
    It's only my opinion but....

  • robownagerobownage ✭✭✭✭✭
    I don't like it at all visually, but it did feel easier to claim my rewards this morning. So there's that.
  • RaraRacingRaraRacing ✭✭✭✭✭
    On a side note:

    If you head out on a path of improving UI ...

    Why not make it that the achievements are removed from the list that have been completed eons ago (just like the dailies are removed)? ... 3 scans from my ship ... participating in 48 events ... using my free basic reward etc. etc.

    Unless of course there are plans to revive some of those achievements (hint, hint).
  • Commander ShranCommander Shran ✭✭✭
    edited March 2019
    The "Peter Principle" at work here.............

    Exactly! The Peter Principal with a really bad case of Group Think!
    "Fine we'll remain in charge!"
    Meanwhile the Gauntlet is still having issues...
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