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Your Honors, PLEASE!



  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    Kaitee wrote: »
    I'd gladly take DB's money. I'd gladly split it with @Kaitee, too.

    You can have the money, I'll do it for an everlasting Supply Kit and a signed agreement from DB not to change their minds once they realise my 'middle-aged evil dictator Mirror Kirk versus marine biologist Regina Barthalomew' faction event is just an episode of seaQuest DSV.

    My shower thoughts this morning somehow drifted to seaQuest...such a shame that they went off the deep end toward the end of season 2 with aliens and stuff and that Roy Scheider packed it in. Then again, I adore Michael Ironside, so it kinda worked out in the end.
  • eXo | das411eXo | das411 ✭✭✭✭✭

    ....we really do need an awesome Chancellor Azetbur don't we? :)
  • KaiteeKaitee ✭✭✭✭✭
    New rule, Gillian Taylor is always bonus crew, because she pops up at the end of every event in a clip from the Starfleet Oceanographic Institute to explain the science involved.
  • Travis S McClainTravis S McClain ✭✭✭✭✭
    Kaitee wrote: »
    New rule, Gillian Taylor is always bonus crew, because she pops up at the end of every event in a clip from the Starfleet Oceanographic Institute to explain the science involved.

    Not something I would have come up with on my own, but I can get behind this.
  • Torias327Torias327 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2019
    I just snagged Part 2 and let the Ventaxian run away at 8 hours. We’ll see, but I have some stocked up dilithium and the Colonel is one of only 3 4* characters I’m missing. Will post if magic happens
  • TheComedianTheComedian ✭✭
    edited May 2019
    I feel with you.

    I just did a 31 Dilemmas-Voyage to get Bones after I had 2 of the 3 "A Higher Duty"-Dilemmas until the 10 hours mark. I thought I´d have a realistic chance to get him...
    After 2 days and 15 hours I ran out of Voyage Revivals and Dilithium.

    But... NOTHING

    26 Dilemmas after Part 1A and 2B and no Bones for me...

    Thank you, DB!!!

  • Commander SinclairCommander Sinclair ✭✭✭✭✭
    Of course once you get one of these people then you have another problem, how to get them immortalized. Where do you get the other three copies? You could try to get them in voyages but it could take years. I guess if I ever get one I will lvl them up with campaign super rare citations over three months.

    After all this time, I finally got my 4th Clown in a Voyage. Since he was not a priority, I wasn't necessarily gunning for the last one, it just happened. I ended up Citing Guinan after her 2nd copy dropped and got the achievement a week later for the 3rd. She was also an Event Crew that week, so I figured honor worth spending.

    I have them all, but McCoy, Picard, and Worf are all still at 1/4*.

    The rest of the collection are immortalized. Lot's of Dilemma part 1s with no part 2s or 3s lately besides Clown. Also lots of 8-12 hour Voyages with not even part 1s!
    I want to become a Dilionaire...
  • Torias327Torias327 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Now at 24 hours, have Janner, Thot Gor and several other 4*s not named Worf... approaching the point where it’s going to have to be revival tokens or have the towel thrown in.
  • Torias327Torias327 ✭✭✭✭✭
    38 hours in. Captain Ahabing now... more than half the dilemmas completed. No sign of McCoy Part 2 or Worf Part 3 yet. 16 dilemmas remain (I think? I sweat if they start repeating....)
  • Torias327Torias327 ✭✭✭✭✭
    54 Hours in. Clown, Jannar, and Thot Gor all dropped. Still no Part 3 for Col Worf since Part 2 at Hour 8.
  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    Torias327 wrote: »
    54 Hours in. Clown, Jannar, and Thot Gor all dropped. Still no Part 3 for Col Worf since Part 2 at Hour 8.

    I've never had a voyage go that long! I'm almost horrified by the lack of Part 3!
  • Torias327Torias327 ✭✭✭✭✭
    36 dilemmas is 72 hours, unless they start repeating before they’ve all come up. I’m unsure of the behavior this far in. I can’t say for sure one or two of the useless ones hasn’t come up twice, I didn’t write them all down because I never thought it would take this long to get Part 3.
  • Paladin 27Paladin 27 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Torias327 wrote: »
    36 dilemmas is 72 hours, unless they start repeating before they’ve all come up. I’m unsure of the behavior this far in. I can’t say for sure one or two of the useless ones hasn’t come up twice, I didn’t write them all down because I never thought it would take this long to get Part 3.

    They don’t repeat, so it will come up by hour 72. I had horrible luck on my long voyage to get Picard and McCoy when they were added and had to go the whole way for them.

  • Travis S McClainTravis S McClain ✭✭✭✭✭
    Aw, hell...!


    Part 2 didn't turn up after the 8h mark, which is just as well since you can tell from the stats this wasn't a crew I sent out with a lengthy Voyage in mind. These were just who I could spare from the event.
  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    Nice work @Torias327!
  • Travis S McClainTravis S McClain ✭✭✭✭✭
    Torias327 wrote: »

    Here it is! 58 Hours was the answer. Now I’m so close to McCoy I’m not sure if I cut my fairly heavy losses or keep going. There’s only 7 to go but I know I still haven’t seen Champion Part 2 or Lucian Part 1.

    There’s a certain EMH and EMA that I’ve been missing dearly for the event, but I’m in 150th place without him, so I guess he can stay in deep space.

    Wow. You definitely earned that Worf! I didn't think it was possible to get Part 3 without having cleared Parts 1 and 2 already, though?
  • Torias327Torias327 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2019
    I cleared Champion Part 1 at 6 hours and Part 2 at 8 hours. It’s McCoy that I don’t recall seeing 1 or 2 (for sure 2, but I think I’m mixing up Part 1 with the other dilemma to promote a nice than nice guy) for yet, or Lucian. It narrows down which dilemmas are remaining, but refills are ~ 700 dilthium or 6 weeks of events now. Or.... maybe the game could crash 4 times this week? It’s just so close and it’s a hard call on pushing for McCoy and being done with it.
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    Congrats. Must have taken a huge amount of dilithium which is crazy. I see lots of super rares but no Mutated Paris. I got a couple of him then DB made him critical for Evolved Janeway and I have not seen him since.
    Let’s fly!
  • Travis S McClainTravis S McClain ✭✭✭✭✭
    Torias327 wrote: »
    I cleared Champion Part 1 at 6 hours and Part 2 at 8 hours. It’s McCoy that I don’t recall seeing 1 or 2 (for sure 2, but I think I’m mixing up Part 1 with the other dilemma to promote a nice than nice guy) for yet, or Lucian. It narrows down which dilemmas are remaining, but refills are ~ 700 dilthium or 6 weeks of events now. Or.... maybe the game could crash 4 times this week? It’s just so close and it’s a hard call on pushing for McCoy and being done with it.

    Ah. It's "A Higher Duty" that leads to McCoy/Guinan and "Interference" that leads to Lucien. Tough call on chasing Bones. I can certainly appreciate the temptation, especially after all this! I can also certainly appreciate the apprehension, given the escalating cost. Either way, you've had a hell of a run already and I'm eager to see the final stats and loot, if you'd like to share!
  • Torias327Torias327 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2019
    I’m happy to share the stats and loot, for sure! I am only missing 2 purple crew now, McCoy and Irumodic Picard. The temptation to push against common sense is strong.

    I have spent less money on this than some events, but it’s still pushed my comfort zone on the budget. I think my wallet may remain closed after this until Year of Hell starts up.
  • Torias327Torias327 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2019
    60 hours popped Interference Part 1, so Part 2 is now valid for one of the last 6. Odds are strong McCoy is going make me regret the chase.

    Edit: It also crashed 1.5 minutes before 60 hours, so the next dilemma should be covered in this refill. Will update later
  • IvlainIvlain ✭✭✭✭
    What happens after 72 hours?
  • Torias327Torias327 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2019
    Someone else is welcome to answer that or find out lol.

    Update, Hour 62 was Interference Part 2. Five possible dilemmas left, 2 of which should be Higher Duty 2 and 3. Not getting salty at all. Up to 26 purple crew, all unique. Only star that I need is Jannar (final star) and Col Worf (1/4).
  • Torias327Torias327 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2019
    Froze at 67 Hours. Ticket filed with CS. Does anyone know a trick other than logging out and back to fix this error message? lcnul1fut3jm.png

    Edit: I found several threads in the Engineering Room. Essentially no hope for the voyage, and instead of 4 more hours for McCoy it appears I’m just back to RNG as this length of voyage will never again happen for me. I’m thinking I’m at or around 5000 dilithium, but thats only a guesstimate. How bitter an ending to an epic journey.

    @Travis S McClain Here are the final numbers for what would have been my loot, not including the final 4.5 hours. I believe the only missing Dilemmas were Winter’s Price, Higher Duty 2 and Higher Duty 3.

    32 Purples (6,400 Honor)
    Colonel Worf
    600 Schematics for Borg Cube, Prakesh, D’Kora and ISS Enterprise
    1879 Honor
    4 Blue Crew (400 honor)
    1014 Yellow Trainers
    68 Purple Trainers
    15 Green Crew (750 Honor)
    40 Blue Trainers
    372,600 Credits
    281 Purple Rations
    40 Blue Rations
    4635 Chronitons
    ~500 Items/Components
  • I'm just missing a Worf, and currently saving revival tokens for taking a tilt at getting him. Reckon I'll need about 30 to guarantee getting him, and currently have 12 saved up *sigh*
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