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Key information about the event: Barren Heat - 07/11



  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    Torias327 wrote: »
    Potential spoiler, but it’s S1 so hopefully no one is too upset. Wasn’t Owosekun honored by the Empress in the Mirror Universe and given a promotion for bringing in Lorca and Burnham? It’s been a bit since I watched it, but could it be Mirror Owo? Or Owo from the S1 finale where they all get medals? Much as I love that golden armor, I’m not looking forward to another week of failing 3/4 Terran shuttles every 3 hours for the single 1* emblem I’ll get, so I hope it’s Prime Owosekun.

    Could be her, too. Another Mirror from Disco could be cool.......

    Farming that 1* Emblem not cool.
    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2019

    Yeah. I forgot that. Probably that, then. I was thinking maybe the Luddites on Terra-whatchamacallit welcomed and honored another Luddite.
    AviTrek wrote: »
    robownage wrote: »
    robownage wrote: »
    Klingon Sisko!


    Thanx. I guess that is the 4* I did not know by name?


    Truth be told, I would love if the name could just be changed to Klingon Sisko. I hate that the search function doesn't look for personae under different names.

    I wonder how hard it would be to add the tag for the real name of a disguised person? Like add "Picard" to the Search Tags for Galen and Dix? If what I am saying is clear. Not sure what to call it. But, the line of Code that says "Display this Crew if this, this, this, this, this, this, or this is typed in". {Which I know the line of code does not actually say!!!!!

    It wouldn't be hard. It would just be another hidden trait added to the cards. DB has just not prioritized the work.

    Here's another thing:


    The Dix Card says "PICARD" right on top, when you get him.
    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • Torias327Torias327 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Pro Tip: level a Mirror Universe crew to where they need a generic item that requires those emblems and park her there until the campaign drops however many you want.


    Very clever. I do this with diplomatic protocols and social lessons, did not even consider it for Terran junk.
  • I’ve noticed that too. If I leave a spot empty and campaign drops that item, it’s always like 4x the item for some reason. Very helpful
  • FlemmingFlemming ✭✭✭✭✭
    Yay for a skirmish and yay even more for Klingon Sisko AND only needing to un-freeze just that one Wesley next week!!!

    this will be the first week since before survivor month that i don't have anybody in the queue to work on...time to get at my backlog, thanks Andrea!

    Reading this, I looked at my backlog, I only have 21 crew not fully equipped, and I am currently working on them now. It was 22 earlier today, but after a second star on Romulan Data dropped, I FEed him first.
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  • ~peregrine~~peregrine~ ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2019
    Torias327 wrote: »
    Potential spoiler, but it’s S1 so hopefully no one is too upset. Wasn’t Owosekun honored by the Empress in the Mirror Universe and given a promotion for bringing in Lorca and Burnham? It’s been a bit since I watched it, but could it be Mirror Owo? Or Owo from the S1 finale where they all get medals? Much as I love that golden armor, I’m not looking forward to another week of failing 3/4 Terran shuttles every 3 hours for the single 1* emblem I’ll get, so I hope it’s Prime Owosekun.

    Could be her, too. Another Mirror from Disco could be cool.......

    Farming that 1* Emblem not cool.

    @Torias327 & @DScottHewitt , this Cadets Challenge on Tuesday (and the Advanced version on Sunday) drop those emblems:


    My apologies if I told y’all something you already knew. 🖖🏻
    "In the short run, the game defines the players. But in the long run, it's us players who define the game." — Nicky Case, The Evolution of Trust
  • Skirmish makes me happy. Away on a long weekend with the wife, so glad not to have an event I need to give much attention to clear the crew at last, and maybe the threshold if time allows.
  • robownage wrote: »
    Klingon Sisko!


    I hope maybe he has this sound bite:
    "What's the matter Dukat?, haven't you ever seen a Klingon before?"
    Or at least that should be his ship tag.
  • edited July 2019
    Barren Heat sounds like Navada.

    Or Arizona perhaps? 🤔
    BTW it's Nevada.. being funny?
  • I love that we’re getting Klingon Sisko and everyone already loves Wrathful Kirk, but quick question for anyone that might know; what exactly is Wrathful Kirk’s ship ability?
    Weirdly enough, I’m also Vulcan Housewife. Also, RNGesus hates me, like really, REALLY hates me.
  • FlemmingFlemming ✭✭✭✭✭
    I love that we’re getting Klingon Sisko and everyone already loves Wrathful Kirk, but quick question for anyone that might know; what exactly is Wrathful Kirk’s ship ability?

    It was posted in Starfleet Communications
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  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Torias327 wrote: »
    Pro Tip: level a Mirror Universe crew to where they need a generic item that requires those emblems and park her there until the campaign drops however many you want.


    Very clever. I do this with diplomatic protocols and social lessons, did not even consider it for Terran junk.

    We have 8 replications per day. That’s not enough?

  • Flemming wrote: »
    I love that we’re getting Klingon Sisko and everyone already loves Wrathful Kirk, but quick question for anyone that might know; what exactly is Wrathful Kirk’s ship ability?

    It was posted in Starfleet Communications

    Thanks! I was curious since his event will be a Skirmish.
    Weirdly enough, I’m also Vulcan Housewife. Also, RNGesus hates me, like really, REALLY hates me.
  • Torias327Torias327 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    Torias327 wrote: »
    Pro Tip: level a Mirror Universe crew to where they need a generic item that requires those emblems and park her there until the campaign drops however many you want.


    Very clever. I do this with diplomatic protocols and social lessons, did not even consider it for Terran junk.

    We have 8 replications per day. That’s not enough?
    Only if you are VIP 14.

    Or when you don’t still have 200 ish crew to level, while maintaining event presence. Roughly, I have 40/45 4*s still to freeze, and I definitely push off crew I know will be replicator heavy, since I’m always starved for credits. The cadet mission is actually good to know, it may help. Medical crew and mirror crew often fall in the holding pattern.
  • DavideBooksDavideBooks ✭✭✭✭✭
    Barren Heat sounds like Navada.

    Or Arizona perhaps? 🤔
    BTW it's Nevada.. being funny?

    No. That was a typo. Sorry. But I intentionally didn't use Arizona. I live in Arizona. It is amazing just how not-barren it is. I've traveled all over the western United States and feel there is more diverse life here than many places. It just so happens than most of that life will prick you or poison you given a chance...
  • ... I've traveled all over the western United States and feel there is more diverse life here than many places. It just so happens than most of that life will prick you or poison you given a chance...

    LOL, sounds like Australia. The stereotype is: much of the native wildlife here wants to do at least one of eat, maim, or poison you. :p
  • FlemmingFlemming ✭✭✭✭✭
    "Barren Heat" sounds like one of *those* nightclubs in Yuma, AZ.

    'Come in, and drink off the Mojave...'
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  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    I didn't see any speculation about Owosekun's stats yet. My guess is CMD/DIP. Two common stats with a little bit of that Discovery creep. (That's slightly better than normal creep.) So... She'll either challenge Minuet in gauntlet or La Rouque in shuttles - probably not both, but maybe.

    Now... I am sitting here hoping for a SEC, SCI, or ENG tertiary to get a little more voyage use, but I just don't see it happening. What is her position called? Detmer has the helm. She conducts scans and gives readings, iirc. Is there a name for that position? As much as I want that to factor in, I don't know if it will have a bearing on stats for the 'honored' variant.
    Farewell 🖖
  • robownagerobownage ✭✭✭✭✭
    I didn't see any speculation about Owosekun's stats yet. My guess is CMD/DIP. Two common stats with a little bit of that Discovery creep. (That's slightly better than normal creep.) So... She'll either challenge Minuet in gauntlet or La Rouque in shuttles - probably not both, but maybe.

    Now... I am sitting here hoping for a SEC, SCI, or ENG tertiary to get a little more voyage use, but I just don't see it happening. What is her position called? Detmer has the helm. She conducts scans and gives readings, iirc. Is there a name for that position? As much as I want that to factor in, I don't know if it will have a bearing on stats for the 'honored' variant.

    She's operations, isn't she? That should definitely give her ENG or SCI. I'm not sure I've seen her do anything commanding, so I wouldn't object to a DIP/ENG/SCI combination.
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    robownage wrote: »
    I didn't see any speculation about Owosekun's stats yet. My guess is CMD/DIP. Two common stats with a little bit of that Discovery creep. (That's slightly better than normal creep.) So... She'll either challenge Minuet in gauntlet or La Rouque in shuttles - probably not both, but maybe.

    Now... I am sitting here hoping for a SEC, SCI, or ENG tertiary to get a little more voyage use, but I just don't see it happening. What is her position called? Detmer has the helm. She conducts scans and gives readings, iirc. Is there a name for that position? As much as I want that to factor in, I don't know if it will have a bearing on stats for the 'honored' variant.

    She's operations, isn't she? That should definitely give her ENG or SCI. I'm not sure I've seen her do anything commanding, so I wouldn't object to a DIP/ENG/SCI combination.

    I don’t remember her doing anything but pilot the ship and take orders

  • PenguinJimPenguinJim ✭✭✭✭✭
    She used a magnet to open a door once. Science!
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    PenguinJim wrote: »
    She used a magnet to open a door once. Science!

    Ha! I set up a kids inflatable pool in my bs k yard. Engineering!! Also bandaged my daughters boo boo. Medicine!! Told her to clean her room. Command! Gave her ice cream for it. Diplomacy

    And made her some Koolaid (sci) and killed a bug that scared her (sec). Fathers can have six skills.

    Thank you cuz I was trying to look for justification on those two skills
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    robownage wrote: »
    I didn't see any speculation about Owosekun's stats yet. My guess is CMD/DIP. Two common stats with a little bit of that Discovery creep. (That's slightly better than normal creep.) So... She'll either challenge Minuet in gauntlet or La Rouque in shuttles - probably not both, but maybe.

    Now... I am sitting here hoping for a SEC, SCI, or ENG tertiary to get a little more voyage use, but I just don't see it happening. What is her position called? Detmer has the helm. She conducts scans and gives readings, iirc. Is there a name for that position? As much as I want that to factor in, I don't know if it will have a bearing on stats for the 'honored' variant.

    She's operations, isn't she? That should definitely give her ENG or SCI. I'm not sure I've seen her do anything commanding, so I wouldn't object to a DIP/ENG/SCI combination.

    I would like that combo, for sure. But... The 'honored' thing seems to go with the CMD skill. That's why I expect this variant to have it. DB has been on an ENG kick lately. I'm starting to think ENG/CMD with a possible DIP, SCI, or no tertiary.
    Farewell 🖖
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