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Where Can I Find Details of the 'Honour Sale'?



  • ThurthoradThurthorad ✭✭✭✭✭
    Totally going to be March 30.

    People will burn cites for new Spock and new Spock/Kirk next week, and the following week will have the sale.

    Then we will have multiple threads of how upset people are because the sale came after they bought cites.

    lol, you are so right!

    Honestly, they should just have one more honor sale. Tell us a month in advance when it's going to be to reduce the saltiness and then promise to never run another one again. Anything else is unethical at this point considering the amount of stress it all causes.

    I honestly don't care about the honor sale myself. I still have a ton of citations from the last one. But I can recognise other players frustrations.
  • I agree. I’m expecting them to nerf the honor sale anyway, then afterward introduce another new 100k character in the honor hall who’s a beast.

    I remember the first honor sale came on right after I’d saved up and bought Khaless. Grrrr. After that I hoarded it until the next sale, and now I’m sitting on a stockpile... waiting patiently...
  • Still haven’t bought any honor hall 5*’s... not worth it for me, I can do just fine in gauntlet without Kahless :innocent:
    “What's a knockout like you doing in a computer-generated gin joint like this?”

    Proud member of Patterns of Force
    Captain Level 99
    Played since January 2017

    TP: Do better!!!
  • Still haven’t bought any honor hall 5*’s... not worth it for me, I can do just fine in gauntlet without Kahless :innocent:

    Eh, hes only clone anyway...didn't Gowron slap him silly? :D;)

    “What's a knockout like you doing in a computer-generated gin joint like this?”

    Proud member of Patterns of Force
    Captain Level 99
    Played since January 2017

    TP: Do better!!!
  • I agree. I’m expecting them to nerf the honor sale anyway, then afterward introduce another new 100k character in the honor hall who’s a beast.

    I remember the first honor sale came on right after I’d saved up and bought Khaless. Grrrr. After that I hoarded it until the next sale, and now I’m sitting on a stockpile... waiting patiently...

    Please dont say that, I'm not sure we could survive another massive drama of them changing the sale.
  • Would it shock me if they nerfed the honor sale, no. Would I leave the game if they did so, instantly!
  • *Nomad* {PoF}*Nomad* {PoF} ✭✭✭✭✭
    Still haven’t bought any honor hall 5*’s... not worth it for me, I can do just fine in gauntlet without Kahless :innocent:

    Eh, hes only clone anyway...didn't Gowron slap him silly? :D;)


    "They grew you in a test tube....like some kind of fungus!" :D
    Founding ADM - PoF family of fleets (POF, POF2 & POF3) - Dear TP: Non sequitur. Your facts are uncoordinated.
  • ArnieArnie ✭✭✭✭
    By this point, I'm pretty sure the honor sale will be announced via a Half Life 3 cut-scene.
  • It's all a waiting game - patience will (eventually) pay off. I have been saving up since the last sale (haven't bought a cite in over a year!) and with about 600K honor sitting in the bank, when that sale does eventually show up, I will be spending honor like dollars at a cheesy strip joint.
    (not that I've EVER been to one...)
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2021
    Awww, there were no offers available for me. :'(
    Let’s fly!
  • edited March 2021
    Bylo Band wrote: »
    "Fool me once, shame on you,
    Fool me twice, shame on me."
    - The Who, probably

    The Honor Sale will come, it will be unannounced, we will not know if it will be the last one, and almost certainly afterward something will come up like a fancy new Honor Hall card or a new card that people will want to cite up, so we should make mental preparations for all of this now so we are ready. We should also NOT pre-emptively spend all of our hoarded dilithium, merits, and credits to "get ready" for the Honor Sale, these resources do not expire and you may not want to have spent them after the Honor Sale occurs.

    Not to mention they’ll probably update the portal shortly after the Honor Sale, just long enough for the Sale to not be ‘fresh’ in our minds. Of course they’ll come with pop up offers to buy packs after people liquidated their banked packs scrounging up more Honor.
  • [UFC] BoNeS[UFC] BoNeS ✭✭✭
    edited March 2021
    You’re right, they owe us nothing. However the flip side to that coin is when players are unhappy for whatever reason, it’s much more easy for players to say we’re not spending. I don’t even really care anymore as the last six months has made me forever free to play. I’m sure there are enough devoted fanboys to keep the coffers full.
  • Jenos IdanianJenos Idanian ✭✭✭✭✭
    It would definitely be nice if we had a roadmap of everything that was going on in the future, but I don't foresee that happening. We get some warning sometimes, but not always.
  • Jenos IdanianJenos Idanian ✭✭✭✭✭
    Would be even better if instead of Hal it was "Ben".
  • v6axe61bqp1u.jpg

    Something like would be nice, communication is key to how people can organise themselves.
  • Me [AUS]Me [AUS] ✭✭✭
    It was on February 30'th :)
  • ArnieArnie ✭✭✭✭
    They don't mention it, but were cites also reduced, or was that a different sale?
  • Veterinary PhloxVeterinary Phlox ✭✭✭✭✭
    I've got 600k honor saved up for this, looking forward to 15 citations & begolds!

    Looking at my current priority list, I'll be able to FF eight crew with this (more if I'm lucky with begolds).
    Six degrees in Inter-species Veterinary Medicine. Treating all manner of critters, from Tribbles to Humans.

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