Regarding the rewards eligibility, one thing to keep in mind is that it's linked to Bridge Level up and the Bridge rewards. Some of these rewards are very valuable and there should be some effort involved to get them.
That being said, I also get that participating and not getting anything is not ideal.
Especially if that could be the negative outcome of making the effort to work on combo chains.
One thing is less clear to me: seeing this as competing against fleetmates - why?
There might be a ranking system but it's informational only, your personal damages are your own, regardless of what others do. What am I missing?
If I have 2 valor and the fleet is close to finishing a boss off, the incentives say that I should not help. I will spend 2 valor that recharges R E A L L Y S L O W L Y, then if it kills the boss, I get nothing. Instead, I should wait, let the fleet fail and wait till the next battle. I have 1 valor, and I think I can clear a node. Now I won't because I will get no rewards and instead get nothing. Im in this situation right now, not helping the team because I need to wait until I have 4 valor so I can actually trigger the rewards.
Anyone who helps the fleet beat the boss should get those fleet rewards.
The competing against fleetmates part isn't to meaningful to me. I don't mind the ranking board at all. in fact it would be cool to see the ship and crew a la the arena ranking so we can get ideas of how to do better.
I welcome this new challenge. The puzzle aspect of figuring out which crew unlock the chain combos is fun for me. For me, it scratches a similar same itch as optimizing crew for Expedition events (remember those)?
But — and this is a big but — if I understand what’s going on mathematically, then the mode forces us into competition rather than cooperation with our fleet mates. In a fleet cooperation mode, the success of each individual fleet member should contribute to the overall success of the fleet, without cutting into the success of other individual fleet members. But this is not the case with this initial iteration of FBB.
To give a specific example, I am in a fleet of 49 members. When I checked a few moments ago, our top 3 contributors totaled 46,230,000 damage against the Hard boss’s starting 220,000,000 “hit points.” That leaves 173,769,780 hp, which divided by 46 yields 3,777,604. In other words, we will inevitably have people who cannot reach the 4,000,000 threshold because other players have excelled. The closer your fleet is to 50 active players, the more acute this problem becomes. And this doesn’t even take into account the effects of discovering combo chains.
Now, admittedly, many fleets are smaller than 50 people or don’t get 100% participation, and certainly not equal participation, from all of their members. But my point stands: the combination of (a) the boss’s finite hit points + (b) the thresholds to receive rewards based on individual damage dealt + (c) the group rewards based on percentage of the boss’s max hp (scaling all the way up to 100%) creates a situation in which fleet mates must compete with each other to get better rewards. If I want to get into that second reward tier, I have to rush to get above 8M before the boss is defeated, but if I do that, I could knock a fleet mate out of getting any rewards at all, which contradicts the notion of a fleet working together to defeat a powerful boss.
I am not really sure exactly how the design needs to be tweaked to address this issue. But if FBB is supposed to promote a sense of fleet teamwork, then an individual fleet member’s success should not limit other fleet members’ successes. Currently, it does. The status quo is more likely to breed ill will and even resentment within a fleet instead of camaraderie and cooperation.
@Bylo Band
I misinterpreted Bylo's post before. He is warning of the 4 valor reward to collect on the bridge. Make sure you collect either when you already have 4 valor or wait for 1 valor to be added from countdown timer. Or, just make sure you do not mind waiting 3 hrs after you are below 4 again before you get another valor from countdown timer.
Regarding the rewards eligibility, one thing to keep in mind is that it's linked to Bridge Level up and the Bridge rewards. Some of these rewards are very valuable and there should be some effort involved to get them.
That being said, I also get that participating and not getting anything is not ideal.
Then maybe lower levels don't give those rewards?
In Events you get some minor rewards as soon as you start playing, and you get some minor rewards no matter where you end up at the end. I don't know why that wasn't kept in this format.
I've had experienced people in our fleet ask why after using up their Valor, they didn't have any rewards, and calling the battles pointless because of that.
One thing is less clear to me: seeing this as competing against fleetmates - why? There might be a ranking system but it's informational only, your personal damages are your own, regardless of what others do. What am I missing?
What you’re missing is that the boss’s hit points are finite — unless a lot of us have completely misunderstood the hp countdown. There is no fixed breakpoint because there are so many variables, but it’s not mathematically possible for more than few fleet members to score in the high tiers because the boss will be defeated before the other fleetmates have a chance to accumulate scores.
I have another comment elsewhere in this thread that breaks it down in more detail, but think about it this way. In a fleet of 50, playing the Hard level where the boss has 220,000K hp, if as few as 2 fleet members exceed the 17,000K threshold for max individual prizes, that leaves only 186,000K for the other 48 members to deal. Distributed evenly among those 48, that’s only 3,875K per person, which means that it’s impossible for all 48 of them to reach the minimum reward tier which starts at 4,000K.
One point regarding this being a beta and testing the feature:
Because of the 24-hour timer for a boss battle, failing the battle or failing to meet the individual contribution for a battle is a pretty harsh penalty. That has the presumably unintentional effect of discouraging experimentation and/or going for a higher boss tier--the cost for trying and failing is high.
That also contributes to making it hard for a fleet to coordinate.
One thing is less clear to me: seeing this as competing against fleetmates - why? There might be a ranking system but it's informational only, your personal damages are your own, regardless of what others do. What am I missing?
What you’re missing is that the boss’s hit points are finite — unless a lot of us have completely misunderstood the hp countdown. There is no fixed breakpoint because there are so many variables, but it’s not mathematically possible for more than few fleet members to score in the high tiers because the boss will be defeated before the other fleetmates have a chance to accumulate scores.
I have another comment elsewhere in this thread that breaks it down in more detail, but think about it this way. In a fleet of 50, playing the Hard level where the boss has 220,000K hp, if as few as 2 fleet members exceed the 17,000K threshold for max individual prizes, that leaves only 186,000K for the other 48 members to deal. Distributed evenly among those 48, that’s only 3,875K per person, which means that it’s impossible for all 48 of them to reach the minimum reward tier which starts at 4,000K.
Well the Brutal solves the not enough hp to go around problem. 20M for the max individual rewards and 1,150M total HP.
Although the HP total is high enough it will just cause more concentrating on trait chains to clear 10+% of the HP at once, and that doesn't count for personal rewards.
I think we should only be able to unlock one battle at a time. Unlocking two at a time will always invariably lead to someone starting the other battle instead of everyone just focusing on one and then the whole fleet is scrambling to complete two battles in 24 hours.
Anyone worked out the best ship combinations for early battles? I've not used any rare or below for so long I had to thaw Kang and Dukat on top of other crew, to get enough damage in.
Of course, bosses don't respect cloaking it seems, so using K'vort wasn't as effective as in arena.
Check out my post in the ready room. I've started a sheet tracking this and it should be set up where anyone can enter submission data. Btw, Dukat doesn't trigger right for some reason, so ignore him.
Hirogen + Ro and Punk Rocker is the early leader on Easy. Normal is the k't'inga with Kang, Commando Crusher, and La Forge. Borg Sphere with some setups about like you'd expect on hard and brutal. No one-hit-kills like in arena, so increasing attack speed seems very effective there.
I think we should only be able to unlock one battle at a time. Unlocking two at a time will always invariably lead to someone starting the other battle instead of everyone just focusing on one and then the whole fleet is scrambling to complete two battles in 24 hours.
I think that really depends on Fleet composition. A lot of fleets will likely stick to the upper difficulties, once they are unlocked. Mine might very well have lower level players playing one battle and the more seasoned players another. I have several players level 25 or less. Level six is not a good option for them.
W.W. CarlislePlayed since January 20, 2019Captain Level- 99 (May 9, 2022)VIP 14Crew Quarters: 485/485Most recent/Lowest- Anbo-jyutsu Kyle Riker (1/5* Lvl 30) 5/29/23Immortalized x-866 5* x184, 4* x 490, 3* x91, 2* x62, and 1* x27Most recent Immortal - Tearful Janeway 4* 5/25/23Current non-event project- Improving my Science base skill. Retrieval Project- Mestral 1/5*
Also it would be great if the search function within the battle screen allowed us to search frozen crew as well and let us unfreeze from there if we wanted to try and unlock nodes. And it's probably asking too much but letting us search multiple traits at once would help. As it is now it feels like we need to have the game open on two screens to try and find the right crew to unlock nodes
One thing is less clear to me: seeing this as competing against fleetmates - why?
There might be a ranking system but it's informational only, your personal damages are your own, regardless of what others do. What am I missing?
Because, as others have said, there is a finite resource - the Boss’ hit points. If the boss has 100hp left, and I have not attacked it yet, I have no incentive to help. I will not meet the minimum personal threshold for rewards, and thus not get the Destruction rewards either.
The solution to this, since the very idea of Fleet Boss Battles is cooperation within the fleet: Add a Personal Damage Threshold reward for 1-X damage. Make it minimal rewards if you want to incentivize spending on Valor tickets. But then anyone who assists will get something, incl. the fleet reward at the end. It will go a long way to making everyone feel part of the team.
Another game I play has a similar boss rush mode. The way they handle the damage threshold it is to have personal rewards tiers that scale with damage done over the 24h period with no minimum. Top rewards are pretty nice, but low tier rewards are pretty pitiful. To incentivize participation and help reward newbies, there's a reward to the fleet for every 5 bosses beaten. That reward is comparable to a middle to high tier individual reward.
Regarding the rewards eligibility, one thing to keep in mind is that it's linked to Bridge Level up and the Bridge rewards. Some of these rewards are very valuable and there should be some effort involved to get them.
That being said, I also get that participating and not getting anything is not ideal.
Especially if that could be the negative outcome of making the effort to work on combo chains.
One thing is less clear to me: seeing this as competing against fleetmates - why?
There might be a ranking system but it's informational only, your personal damages are your own, regardless of what others do. What am I missing?
To use verbiage from events, I think there was some miscommunication around if the rewards were like threshold or like rank. The leaderboard seemed to imply that the rewards were like rank rewards and players ranked higher got better rewards.
Now that I see it's like threshold, it's a little better. But even within that, I missed a threshold level because I was trying to unlock traits. If I had focused on pure damage I would have scored higher and gotten the next level rewards. Combine that with the cost I spent to unfreeze crew for the traits, there is a feeling that putting in that extra effort and cost should yield something better in return.
Yes, it's a fleet effort, but if only a couple members of the fleet bear the cost of the traits, they should earn some benefit from it. Maybe if instead of adding to the damage list, there is a separate trait match reward list and you can earn additional rewards there based on how many of the traits you unlock.
We of the Vulcan Science Academy are unused to using such epithets as "fun" or even "blast" however we have noted that since the launch on this new game mode Academicians who we believed to be clinically dead have begun to communicate with Senior Staff.
The fact that Katras having been restored enough for communication is welcome, although the insistence among certain Academicians that a cat avatar seems to deflect "Boss" attacks is worrisome.
All senior fellows at the Academy bless all at WRG for instigating this new game mode, and although there are several Beta issues that need attention this is far from a minimal function role-out.
Live Long and Prosper and please give yourselves a Katra cuddle you've earned the right.
T'fil Vice-Principal - Species Outreach and Xenoarchaeology Vulcan Science Academy
"There is nothing to gain from haste but error." Surak Second Analects
Anyone worked out the best ship combinations for early battles? I've not used any rare or below for so long I had to thaw Kang and Dukat on top of other crew, to get enough damage in.
Of course, bosses don't respect cloaking it seems, so using K'vort wasn't as effective as in arena.
Check out my post in the ready room. I've started a sheet tracking this and it should be set up where anyone can enter submission data. Btw, Dukat doesn't trigger right for some reason, so ignore him.
Hirogen + Ro and Punk Rocker is the early leader on Easy. Normal is the k't'inga with Kang, Commando Crusher, and La Forge. Borg Sphere with some setups about like you'd expect on hard and brutal. No one-hit-kills like in arena, so increasing attack speed seems very effective there.
Thanks. For the latter events, it's less of an issue, as I'll have crew. For the UC and Rare crew though, I'll likely just keep optimal ship crew and unfreeze a few for nodes.
I didn't realize that the rewards are handed out for the amount of damage done. And that if you don't do a minimum amount of damage, you get nothing. I'm quite frustrated by that, as I contributed 7 or 8 runs on the normal boss and didn't get any rewards for that effort when the fleet finally beat him (at least, I think we beat it; I didn't see a response to my question in my fleet chat; which doesn't mean someone didn't answer it, given the in-game chat function). I was trying to unlock nodes, under the assumption that was the point and would be rewarded for it.
There are a lot of moving parts here and it's difficult to figure out what works and what doesn't. To be in a race with my fleetmates to be sure I do a minimum amount to get anything out of the effort really runs counter to what you're trying to encourage. There should be a minimum participation reward level; though a number of runs or percentage of damage dealt would be more fair.
Also, I don't understand these numbers (this is the rewards on hard). Is it 400,000, or 4 million, for minimum reward? Putting the thousands "K" where you have makes it read as 4,000 thousand, which I believe means 4 million. The point I'm trying to make here is it's very unclear.
Playing Since: 2018-02-26 Level: 99 Fleet: [10F] Ten Forward Loungers; 17hr, 20min Voyage /wo Refuel; 1619 Immortalized Crew; Highest Event Rank: 8 (God of Thunder)
I'm liking this the more I play, but echoing the reward structure issues - maybe this would help? Rename the label from "Personal Damage Rewards" to "Solo Threshold Rewards" to mirror event text (because it seems to be the same intent and does the same thing). This doesn't fix the problem of players going way past the threshold which prevents others from meeting thresholds though (as mentioned above) but it at least communicates what's going on more consistently I think.
I think also making the battle completion reward more visible (I think it's credits?) would help - but change it to honor, magnesite, or merits (etc) so that it is more valuable. That gives players more of an understanding of what they get for spending their valor even if they don't make the minimum threshold.
Just thought of something else - in an event you can go to the rewards and see what level you've already gotten, so add an overlay graphic on which threshold you've finished.
This is fun overall. Very different way to engage with the game and my fleet.
My complaints:
There needs to be rewards for all who participate at all. I.E. lower tiers and fleet rewards who engage at all.
Fleet leadership needs control of starting battles. I have heard varying views so my suggestion is give the admiral the choice of permission (Admiral,Officer, or All) for who can start them in a fleet.
We need access to the complete trait list. (not just on FB ).
The Bridge Bonus Screen "Damage Received from Boss" needs a "Reduced" or a - sign.
Could we have a button, like with star bases, to recommend which boss battle we should be focusing on as a fleet? Members are accidentally opening battles and spending their battle tokens on pointless skirmishes.
I have been trying to solve this node all afternoon. My understanding is the I need to select a crew with the listed trait(Comminicator) and one of the other not greyed out traits. I checked all of them in the big book, the only one that had some Comminicators was chef. I tried all 4. Asked for help from my fleet and our associated fleets in our armada. No one can figure it out. Btw this is a brutal bosspurple and lower crew.
It's apparently possible for one of the hidden traits to not be included in the list of possible traits at all. See the screenshot, Federation isn't one of the possible traits but it was the solution. Our fleet got lucky here, but it may make guessing trait combos completely impossible.
Instead of displaying the player's avatar above an unlocked combo node, I'd like to see the character that unlocked the node. This would communicate other players to try someone else.
Captains that unlock nodes in a combo chain should be rewarded appropriately
Currently, there is no reward for unlocking a combo node aside from getting the fleet that much closer to knocking down a big chunk of the boss’ health. However:
- If your ship battle stations are filled by possible trait matches, you’re not using high damage crew. As a result, you’re spending your limited Valor but not getting the higher damage results that you could get by ignoring the combos and just grinding away for damage. This definitely impacts your Personal Damage Rewards thresholds results– see the last bullet below.
- Unlocking a combo node requires merits. We’re on Brutal right now and with 550 slots for my crew, I’m still thawing people for most every unlock attempt. Never mind the extra overhead to manage crew slots going forward: “Did I keep that crew out for a reason, or was it an unlock attempt?”
- Unlocking a combo node requires thought and focused time to pick likely candidates. Life is busy and without an incentive to do the work I see participation dropping once the novelty wears off.
- But Spot, isn’t the damage to the boss from the unlocks its own reward? The problem as my fleetmate pointed out upthread is that based on boss health, there is not enough boss health to go around for the Personal Damage Rewards. Since the combo damage to the boss isn’t counted towards anyone’s Personal Damage Rewards total, the temptation is again to ignore combos and just grind.
What I would suggest:
For each node a Captain unlocks, provide merits and a portion of rewards in line with the Personal Damage Rewards for that difficulty level.
I don’t suggest just adding a straight damage amount to the unlocking Captain’s total because that doesn’t address the merit issue. If we move to a system where frozen crew can be used without merits, (YES PLEASE) then adding damage to the Captain’s total would make a lot of sense. (Example: A combo of 4 nodes gives 10% damage. Unlock one node, and once the chain is complete you’re credited with 2.5% of the boss’ health beyond any damage you do in battle.)
It's apparently possible for one of the hidden traits to not be included in the list of possible traits at all. See the screenshot, Federation isn't one of the possible traits but it was the solution. Our fleet got lucky here, but it may make guessing trait combos completely impossible.
I think eXo pointed out this was a UI issue and there are more traits visible on some platforms and not others. Supposedly the web version works as intended. Just saw a screenshot of the comment on Discord earlier, so I don't know where it was actually posted. Unless that's a separate issue.
Edit: I've heard chatter about it being in your player data, too. So, if somebody knows for sure, please chime in.
I have been trying to solve this node all afternoon. My understanding is the I need to select a crew with the listed trait(Comminicator) and one of the other not greyed out traits. I checked all of them in the big book, the only one that had some Comminicators was chef. I tried all 4. Asked for help from my fleet and our associated fleets in our armada. No one can figure it out. Btw this is a brutal bosspurple and lower crew.
I suggest that you try communicators with lots of traits, just to see if they come up as a choice.
From the sounds of it there could be more traits then you are actually seeing.
Yes I can see it in your display. Count all the traits that are done. These will not be repeated. But you do not have the same number of traits greyed out. So there is indeed one more row of traits. Yep Crafty is not being shown at all, and should be greyed out.
You know the traits, are not going to be the ones shown and Crafty. So look for communicators with other traits then those.
Again they should show up as choice when you click on the communicator seat. Just make sure you do not use Chef, because you tried them all.
Kind of interesting badgey, does not have a lot of traits but he does have resourceful, and hologram.
It's apparently possible for one of the hidden traits to not be included in the list of possible traits at all. See the screenshot, Federation isn't one of the possible traits but it was the solution. Our fleet got lucky here, but it may make guessing trait combos completely impossible.
I think eXo pointed out this was a UI issue and there are more traits visible on some platforms and not others. Supposedly the web version works as intended. Just saw a screenshot of the comment on Discord earlier, so I don't know where it was actually posted. Unless that's a separate issue.
Edit: I've heard chatter about it being in your player data, too. So, if somebody knows for sure, please chime in.
Given the tiny icons on the new screens, including x that's cut off by rounded screens on phones, this update feels like it was designed for PC use. It wouldn't shock me if they missed that traits get cut off on mobile screens.
If I have 2 valor and the fleet is close to finishing a boss off, the incentives say that I should not help. I will spend 2 valor that recharges R E A L L Y S L O W L Y, then if it kills the boss, I get nothing. Instead, I should wait, let the fleet fail and wait till the next battle. I have 1 valor, and I think I can clear a node. Now I won't because I will get no rewards and instead get nothing. Im in this situation right now, not helping the team because I need to wait until I have 4 valor so I can actually trigger the rewards.
Anyone who helps the fleet beat the boss should get those fleet rewards.
The competing against fleetmates part isn't to meaningful to me. I don't mind the ranking board at all. in fact it would be cool to see the ship and crew a la the arena ranking so we can get ideas of how to do better.
But — and this is a big but — if I understand what’s going on mathematically, then the mode forces us into competition rather than cooperation with our fleet mates. In a fleet cooperation mode, the success of each individual fleet member should contribute to the overall success of the fleet, without cutting into the success of other individual fleet members. But this is not the case with this initial iteration of FBB.
To give a specific example, I am in a fleet of 49 members. When I checked a few moments ago, our top 3 contributors totaled 46,230,000 damage against the Hard boss’s starting 220,000,000 “hit points.” That leaves 173,769,780 hp, which divided by 46 yields 3,777,604. In other words, we will inevitably have people who cannot reach the 4,000,000 threshold because other players have excelled. The closer your fleet is to 50 active players, the more acute this problem becomes. And this doesn’t even take into account the effects of discovering combo chains.
Now, admittedly, many fleets are smaller than 50 people or don’t get 100% participation, and certainly not equal participation, from all of their members. But my point stands: the combination of (a) the boss’s finite hit points + (b) the thresholds to receive rewards based on individual damage dealt + (c) the group rewards based on percentage of the boss’s max hp (scaling all the way up to 100%) creates a situation in which fleet mates must compete with each other to get better rewards. If I want to get into that second reward tier, I have to rush to get above 8M before the boss is defeated, but if I do that, I could knock a fleet mate out of getting any rewards at all, which contradicts the notion of a fleet working together to defeat a powerful boss.
I am not really sure exactly how the design needs to be tweaked to address this issue. But if FBB is supposed to promote a sense of fleet teamwork, then an individual fleet member’s success should not limit other fleet members’ successes. Currently, it does. The status quo is more likely to breed ill will and even resentment within a fleet instead of camaraderie and cooperation.
Top damage dealers.
Big coloured 1,2, 3 on the leader board.
I misinterpreted Bylo's post before. He is warning of the 4 valor reward to collect on the bridge. Make sure you collect either when you already have 4 valor or wait for 1 valor to be added from countdown timer. Or, just make sure you do not mind waiting 3 hrs after you are below 4 again before you get another valor from countdown timer.
Then maybe lower levels don't give those rewards?
In Events you get some minor rewards as soon as you start playing, and you get some minor rewards no matter where you end up at the end. I don't know why that wasn't kept in this format.
I've had experienced people in our fleet ask why after using up their Valor, they didn't have any rewards, and calling the battles pointless because of that.
What you’re missing is that the boss’s hit points are finite — unless a lot of us have completely misunderstood the hp countdown. There is no fixed breakpoint because there are so many variables, but it’s not mathematically possible for more than few fleet members to score in the high tiers because the boss will be defeated before the other fleetmates have a chance to accumulate scores.
I have another comment elsewhere in this thread that breaks it down in more detail, but think about it this way. In a fleet of 50, playing the Hard level where the boss has 220,000K hp, if as few as 2 fleet members exceed the 17,000K threshold for max individual prizes, that leaves only 186,000K for the other 48 members to deal. Distributed evenly among those 48, that’s only 3,875K per person, which means that it’s impossible for all 48 of them to reach the minimum reward tier which starts at 4,000K.
Because of the 24-hour timer for a boss battle, failing the battle or failing to meet the individual contribution for a battle is a pretty harsh penalty. That has the presumably unintentional effect of discouraging experimentation and/or going for a higher boss tier--the cost for trying and failing is high.
That also contributes to making it hard for a fleet to coordinate.
Well the Brutal solves the not enough hp to go around problem. 20M for the max individual rewards and 1,150M total HP.
Although the HP total is high enough it will just cause more concentrating on trait chains to clear 10+% of the HP at once, and that doesn't count for personal rewards.
Check out my post in the ready room. I've started a sheet tracking this and it should be set up where anyone can enter submission data. Btw, Dukat doesn't trigger right for some reason, so ignore him.
Hirogen + Ro and Punk Rocker is the early leader on Easy. Normal is the k't'inga with Kang, Commando Crusher, and La Forge. Borg Sphere with some setups about like you'd expect on hard and brutal. No one-hit-kills like in arena, so increasing attack speed seems very effective there.
I think that really depends on Fleet composition. A lot of fleets will likely stick to the upper difficulties, once they are unlocked. Mine might very well have lower level players playing one battle and the more seasoned players another. I have several players level 25 or less. Level six is not a good option for them.
Because, as others have said, there is a finite resource - the Boss’ hit points. If the boss has 100hp left, and I have not attacked it yet, I have no incentive to help. I will not meet the minimum personal threshold for rewards, and thus not get the Destruction rewards either.
The solution to this, since the very idea of Fleet Boss Battles is cooperation within the fleet: Add a Personal Damage Threshold reward for 1-X damage. Make it minimal rewards if you want to incentivize spending on Valor tickets. But then anyone who assists will get something, incl. the fleet reward at the end. It will go a long way to making everyone feel part of the team.
To use verbiage from events, I think there was some miscommunication around if the rewards were like threshold or like rank. The leaderboard seemed to imply that the rewards were like rank rewards and players ranked higher got better rewards.
Now that I see it's like threshold, it's a little better. But even within that, I missed a threshold level because I was trying to unlock traits. If I had focused on pure damage I would have scored higher and gotten the next level rewards. Combine that with the cost I spent to unfreeze crew for the traits, there is a feeling that putting in that extra effort and cost should yield something better in return.
Yes, it's a fleet effort, but if only a couple members of the fleet bear the cost of the traits, they should earn some benefit from it. Maybe if instead of adding to the damage list, there is a separate trait match reward list and you can earn additional rewards there based on how many of the traits you unlock.
The fact that Katras having been restored enough for communication is welcome, although the insistence among certain Academicians that a cat avatar seems to deflect "Boss" attacks is worrisome.
All senior fellows at the Academy bless all at WRG for instigating this new game mode, and although there are several Beta issues that need attention this is far from a minimal function role-out.
Live Long and Prosper and please give yourselves a Katra cuddle you've earned the right.
"There is nothing to gain from haste but error." Surak Second Analects
Thanks. For the latter events, it's less of an issue, as I'll have crew. For the UC and Rare crew though, I'll likely just keep optimal ship crew and unfreeze a few for nodes.
There are a lot of moving parts here and it's difficult to figure out what works and what doesn't. To be in a race with my fleetmates to be sure I do a minimum amount to get anything out of the effort really runs counter to what you're trying to encourage. There should be a minimum participation reward level; though a number of runs or percentage of damage dealt would be more fair.
Also, I don't understand these numbers (this is the rewards on hard). Is it 400,000, or 4 million, for minimum reward? Putting the thousands "K" where you have makes it read as 4,000 thousand, which I believe means 4 million. The point I'm trying to make here is it's very unclear.
I think also making the battle completion reward more visible (I think it's credits?) would help - but change it to honor, magnesite, or merits (etc) so that it is more valuable. That gives players more of an understanding of what they get for spending their valor even if they don't make the minimum threshold.
My complaints:
There needs to be rewards for all who participate at all. I.E. lower tiers and fleet rewards who engage at all.
Fleet leadership needs control of starting battles. I have heard varying views so my suggestion is give the admiral the choice of permission (Admiral,Officer, or All) for who can start them in a fleet.
We need access to the complete trait list. (not just on FB ).
The Bridge Bonus Screen "Damage Received from Boss" needs a "Reduced" or a - sign.
Currently, there is no reward for unlocking a combo node aside from getting the fleet that much closer to knocking down a big chunk of the boss’ health. However:
- If your ship battle stations are filled by possible trait matches, you’re not using high damage crew. As a result, you’re spending your limited Valor but not getting the higher damage results that you could get by ignoring the combos and just grinding away for damage. This definitely impacts your Personal Damage Rewards thresholds results– see the last bullet below.
- Unlocking a combo node requires merits. We’re on Brutal right now and with 550 slots for my crew, I’m still thawing people for most every unlock attempt. Never mind the extra overhead to manage crew slots going forward: “Did I keep that crew out for a reason, or was it an unlock attempt?”
- Unlocking a combo node requires thought and focused time to pick likely candidates. Life is busy and without an incentive to do the work I see participation dropping once the novelty wears off.
- But Spot, isn’t the damage to the boss from the unlocks its own reward? The problem as my fleetmate pointed out upthread is that based on boss health, there is not enough boss health to go around for the Personal Damage Rewards. Since the combo damage to the boss isn’t counted towards anyone’s Personal Damage Rewards total, the temptation is again to ignore combos and just grind.
What I would suggest:
For each node a Captain unlocks, provide merits and a portion of rewards in line with the Personal Damage Rewards for that difficulty level.
I don’t suggest just adding a straight damage amount to the unlocking Captain’s total because that doesn’t address the merit issue. If we move to a system where frozen crew can be used without merits, (YES PLEASE) then adding damage to the Captain’s total would make a lot of sense. (Example: A combo of 4 nodes gives 10% damage. Unlock one node, and once the chain is complete you’re credited with 2.5% of the boss’ health beyond any damage you do in battle.)
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I think eXo pointed out this was a UI issue and there are more traits visible on some platforms and not others. Supposedly the web version works as intended. Just saw a screenshot of the comment on Discord earlier, so I don't know where it was actually posted. Unless that's a separate issue.
Edit: I've heard chatter about it being in your player data, too. So, if somebody knows for sure, please chime in.
I suggest that you try communicators with lots of traits, just to see if they come up as a choice.
From the sounds of it there could be more traits then you are actually seeing.
Yes I can see it in your display. Count all the traits that are done. These will not be repeated. But you do not have the same number of traits greyed out. So there is indeed one more row of traits. Yep Crafty is not being shown at all, and should be greyed out.
You know the traits, are not going to be the ones shown and Crafty. So look for communicators with other traits then those.
Again they should show up as choice when you click on the communicator seat. Just make sure you do not use Chef, because you tried them all.
Kind of interesting badgey, does not have a lot of traits but he does have resourceful, and hologram.
Given the tiny icons on the new screens, including x that's cut off by rounded screens on phones, this update feels like it was designed for PC use. It wouldn't shock me if they missed that traits get cut off on mobile screens.