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Medics: Some figures



  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    Xanathar wrote: »
    Holonovil Doctor, Katra McCoy, Combat Medic Paris, and most recently Mirror Troi are the only decent MED crew that have been available to everyone over the past year or so.

    Mirror Beverly, Bridge Troi, Vedek Bareil (twice), Mirror Phlox, Dark Age McCoy, Apollo, Bartender Guinan.
    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
  • Lady GaghgaghLady Gaghgagh ✭✭✭✭✭
    Dpmt wrote: »
    @Lady Gaghgagh shouldn't one of Scientist Degra's stats be in red (eng if I recall correctly).

    It's really interesting to me how DB has given Dr. Culber the best single base stat in the game by a good margin, 11 points. But the next best Medical crew, would be as bad as 8th on the Security list and only reaches the same rank on the Engineering list under another Discovery crew.

    By the time you get to Mirror Troi you have fallen off the other lists entirely for the Cowboy Diplomacy stats. The STEM stats could definitely use more crew like a 4* with De Vinci's stat combo.

    Which reminds me that without DF Paris and Leonardo Med doesn't have enough 5* crew to fill a top 15.

    It's a little pathetic considering 5* command is so stacked that Captain La Forge, who was my best Command crew for the better part of a year, doesn't even make the top 15 and would easily make the Med top 5.

    As for Degra, you're right, his science one should be red.

    And yeah the Culber to Doc difference is vast, no other skill does that.
    And then to think, many of the top MED crew have been added within the last 6 months - Culber, Mirror Bev, Mirror Troi, Defensive Phlox. This would seem like DB is trying to release more for the advent of voyages, which is good, but it isn't enough yet.

    And I shudder to think the top MED crew used to go Mobile Doc in the 1100s, then Age of Sail Crusher barely in the 1000s, then you're already down in the 900s.
    Admiral of the Haus of GaghGagh, Starbase level 94, we are not accepting members at this time.
    Captain of the voyage vessels: Queen of Bashir, Landsknecht, and Sunspear, the first luxury starship cruiseliners.
    Amenities include wifi, fully-functioning holodecks, a full-service bar, 3 party decks, a Trill spa, and a business centre.
    Fun fact: The ships are propelled by bouncy castle technology.
  • [10F] Belle'Anna [10F] Belle'Anna ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2018
    Mind and Matter was in August, so there have been no easily obtained medical crew since then. There have been 22 events since Mind and Matter.
    Assuming a new player can't rank over 1000 in events, and haven't been lucky enough to pull the relevant gold from a pack, these are the crew that we have had since then.
    The crew outlined in red have Med secondary



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  • XanatharXanathar ✭✭✭
    edited January 2018
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    Xanathar wrote: »
    Holonovil Doctor, Katra McCoy, Combat Medic Paris, and most recently Mirror Troi are the only decent MED crew that have been available to everyone over the past year or so.

    Mirror Beverly, Bridge Troi, Vedek Bareil (twice), Mirror Phlox, Dark Age McCoy, Apollo, Bartender Guinan.

    I might give you Phlox and McCoy, but I said "decent MED" - as in, they have to be good enough to use regularly whenever a shuttle requires MED. Simply having it (like Bareil) doesn't qualify. Getting Guinan is way too dependant on RNG, and not many people could get Mirror Beverly owing to the complete shambles of an event that she featured in.

    And compare any of these to some of the CMD/SEC/DIP crew we've had lately and their stats are nowhere near equivalent. - The data is posted above!
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    I mean seriously. It's ridiculous that people are saying there's not enough to work with. There's heaps. And it's all been gathered for them by the fans.

    There isn't. Period. The number of MED characters is very limited because that's what happened in the show.

    Well, everything's relative. Yes, there probably are more CMD/SEC characters to draw on than MED, but the point is there's still a lot of possible MED characters that haven't been done yet - more than enough for them to feature in events more than they do.

    There's no point me doing a list, many others have done so on numerous threads already.
    DB has proven they can scrape the barrel for characters when they want to. All we're asking for is that they put a bit more effort into new MED characters, and less into more CMD/DIP/SEC ones until there is a bit more balance.
  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2018
    Xanathar wrote: »
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    Xanathar wrote: »
    Holonovil Doctor, Katra McCoy, Combat Medic Paris, and most recently Mirror Troi are the only decent MED crew that have been available to everyone over the past year or so.

    Mirror Beverly, Bridge Troi, Vedek Bareil (twice), Mirror Phlox, Dark Age McCoy, Apollo, Bartender Guinan.

    I might give you Phlox and McCoy, but I said "decent MED" - as in, they have to be good enough to use regularly whenever a shuttle requires MED. Simply having it (like Bareil) doesn't qualify. Getting Guinan is way too dependant on RNG, and not many people could get Mirror Beverly owing to the complete shambles of an event that she featured in.

    The number of people who have Mirror Bev are the same number of people who have Mirror Troi. Those who placed top 1000 in the event plus those who bought her outright.

    The number of good MED you need for shuttles is small, the number of good MED you need for Voyages is much larger and there is quite a number of MED characters with excellent proficiencies to pad out Voyage crew.
    Xanathar wrote: »
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    I mean seriously. It's ridiculous that people are saying there's not enough to work with. There's heaps. And it's all been gathered for them by the fans.

    There isn't. Period. The number of MED characters is very limited because that's what happened in the show.

    Well, everything's relative. Yes, there probably are more CMD/SEC characters to draw on than MED, but the point is there's still a lot of possible MED characters that haven't been done yet - more than enough for them to feature in events more than they do.

    Its not just that there are more CSD characters, its that those characters are higher stature roles. For example, the number of Picard centric episodes probably well outnumbers Troi and Crusher episodes combined. Same goes for Janeway and there are 3 MED crew from Voyager.

    To get the balance people want, there would have to be many more Crushers than every other TNG crew which doesn't seem like such a hot idea.

    So instead, try to keep MED seats to a minimum on shuttles (sort of there) and creatively pad out MED stats on off the wall crew (Tourist Quark says hi).

    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
  • Let's quickly look at Engineering and Science, also under-represented.

    We have had 4 brand new science crew in the same period.
    We have had 3 brand new engineers and 2 recurring crew.

    The base Med stats for the secondary skills are:
    Vedek Bareil 375
    Author Doctor 625
    Commander Chapel 546
    Tourist Quark 637

    Now why Quark has a better medical ability than both the Holographic Doctor and Doctor Chapel is for you to figure out because I sure as hell can't, but it does prove that DB can take characters and give them decent abilities should they wish to.
    Compare those to these crew, the bottom 4 of the primary med list
    Doctor La Forge 699
    Command Hologram 674
    Doctor Chapel 647
    Danara Pel 646

    Ten Forward Loungers - Give Your Best, Get Our Best!
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  • [10F] Belle'Anna [10F] Belle'Anna ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2018

    The number of people who have Mirror Bev are the same number of people who have Mirror Troi. Those who placed top 1000 in the event plus those who bought her outright.

    So, to go back to my comment above about people who don't have Mirror Bev or Troi (myself included)

    How many primary meds have we had in the game for the last 5 months?

    How many reruns have their been that could have included one of those primary meds whose stats barely beat Tourist Quark?

    Can you think of even one Medic you could have airlocked during an event instead of yet another security person during this period? Just one?
    Ten Forward Loungers - Give Your Best, Get Our Best!
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  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    Can you think of even one Medic you could have airlocked during an event instead of yet another security person during this period? Just one?

    Can you count the number of times you needed a variety of high base stat MED characters? The only MED characters I need for faction events are the event characters and Mirror Phlox for the occasional extra seat. That's it. Not one time during this current event was it even beneficial to me to have a MED character besides Tourist Quark.

    The solution is to limit the number of MED characters needed for the game not to flood the game with endless variations of supporting crew.
    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
  • Oh yeah and everyone has Mirror Phlox too. In fact, according to your logic, since everyone has FFFE Mirror Jean-Luc Picard we don't really NEED any more Command Crew. Nor Security either.

    Let's move on shall we?
    Ten Forward Loungers - Give Your Best, Get Our Best!
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  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2018
    Oh yeah and everyone has Mirror Phlox too. In fact, according to your logic, since everyone has FFFE Mirror Jean-Luc Picard we don't really NEED any more Command Crew. Nor Security either.

    Let's move on shall we?

    There's always going to be a wide variety of CSD characters. Its the nature of the show. Its ok for shuttles to use a variety of these characters. The shows do not feature any lead characters who are appropriate as MED characters. The most important supporting characters on these shows also are not MED characters. On top of that, TOS initially had a MED character as a recurring character and DSC only has one MED character in a recurring role.

    By your logic we would need to have more Culber's (recurring role) than Burnhams (Lead character) in the show to make up for the fact that Burnham, Tyler, Lorca, Georgiou and the various Klingons are all CSD characters.

    You have watched all the Star Trek shows right?
    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
  • You aren't listening. That's not what I'm saying so if you can't engage in this debate without coming to the table please refrain from commenting.

    It is as simple as this. There have been no easily obtainable medical super rares for five months now. Neither through new crew OR existing crew.

    Now stop trying to wind me up and go think about it for a while please.
    Ten Forward Loungers - Give Your Best, Get Our Best!
    Check out our website to find out more:
  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    You aren't listening. That's not what I'm saying so if you can't engage in this debate without coming to the table please refrain from commenting.

    It is as simple as this. There have been no easily obtainable medical super rares for five months now. Neither through new crew OR existing crew.

    Now stop trying to wind me up and go think about it for a while please.

    Katra McCoy, Author Doctor, Vedek Bareil, Commander Chapel, Tourist Quark.

    How many of them do you need for Shuttles? None.
    Some are pretty good for Voyages and Gauntlet though.
    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
  • I've placed Ivanstone on my ignore list for now. I don't think he's bringing anything constructive to the discussion and I don't want to get banned for getting irritated.
    Ten Forward Loungers - Give Your Best, Get Our Best!
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  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    Sorry to have the temerity of disagreeing with you. We'll just ignore the fact that the month of August had 6 Medical characters available (5 of them 4*'s), multiple others since then (mainly 5*'s).
    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
  • Paund SkummPaund Skumm ✭✭✭✭✭
    So, I went to the supermarket the other day to get some pasta. I'd been in every day for the past 5 weeks to get some, and only cheap and nasty stuff was available. I'd tried all 4 brands and they weren't doing it for me. I noticed there was plenty of fancy bread going cheap, and so on, but I really wanted some pasta.

    So I set up a little discussion group to bring it to the attention of the shopkeeper. Unfortunately another customer kept popping up with unwanted advice, claiming that most people don't really need pasta for cooking, or to make do with the underrated stuff. I was polite, but he was a bit insistent. I could have got stuff at the fancy auction last week, but I didn't have the money. There was a lottery too, but I lost that.

    The week before they were auctioning off fancy pasta too, very expensive. Unfortunately the auction ended early when I had prepared for more time. I lost the lottery for that one too, so I made a complaint to the management. You can imagine what they said.

    So. I'm still looking for pasta. The irritating customer I have asked to leave, because he, apparently, has enough pasta that he managed to get months ago and because of that I should make do with the rubbish the supermarket has offered in the last few weeks.

    Such is life.

    You can always just make it yourself. Some Semolina flour, eggs, maybe salt... so tasty and fresh... much better than that nasty dried supermarket stuff.
  • If we are making up our own medics:

    Bashir's looks
    Beverley's glamour and expertise
    The Doctor's entertainment value
    Phlox's mystique
    McCoy's grit
    Base 1400 + 500-900

  • So, I went to the supermarket the other day to get some pasta. I'd been in every day for the past 5 weeks to get some, and only cheap and nasty stuff was available. I'd tried all 4 brands and they weren't doing it for me. I noticed there was plenty of fancy bread going cheap, and so on, but I really wanted some pasta.

    So I set up a little discussion group to bring it to the attention of the shopkeeper. Unfortunately another customer kept popping up with unwanted advice, claiming that most people don't really need pasta for cooking, or to make do with the underrated stuff. I was polite, but he was a bit insistent. I could have got stuff at the fancy auction last week, but I didn't have the money. There was a lottery too, but I lost that.

    The week before they were auctioning off fancy pasta too, very expensive. Unfortunately the auction ended early when I had prepared for more time. I lost the lottery for that one too, so I made a complaint to the management. You can imagine what they said.

    So. I'm still looking for pasta. The irritating customer I have asked to leave, because he, apparently, has enough pasta that he managed to get months ago and because of that I should make do with the rubbish the supermarket has offered in the last few weeks.

    Such is life.

    You can always just make it yourself. Some Semolina flour, eggs, maybe salt... so tasty and fresh... much better than that nasty dried supermarket stuff.

    Thanks for your advice Paund Skumm! If you could give a recipe for the finest Bashir Cake I'd be more than grateful!
    Ten Forward Loungers - Give Your Best, Get Our Best!
    Check out our website to find out more:
  • Lady GaghgaghLady Gaghgagh ✭✭✭✭✭
    If we are making up our own medics:

    Bashir's looks
    Beverley's glamour and expertise
    The Doctor's entertainment value
    Phlox's mystique
    McCoy's grit
    Base 1400 + 500-900


    The first medical person you thought of for the idea of "good looks" was Bashir, I am HERE for that, 100%.
    Admiral of the Haus of GaghGagh, Starbase level 94, we are not accepting members at this time.
    Captain of the voyage vessels: Queen of Bashir, Landsknecht, and Sunspear, the first luxury starship cruiseliners.
    Amenities include wifi, fully-functioning holodecks, a full-service bar, 3 party decks, a Trill spa, and a business centre.
    Fun fact: The ships are propelled by bouncy castle technology.
  • If we are making up our own medics:

    Bashir's looks
    Beverley's glamour and expertise
    The Doctor's entertainment value
    Phlox's mystique
    McCoy's grit
    Base 1400 + 500-900


    I am trying to imagine Bashir's glamour. It's definitely got something going for it.
    Ten Forward Loungers - Give Your Best, Get Our Best!
    Check out our website to find out more:
  • edited January 2018
    If we are making up our own medics:

    Bashir's looks
    Beverley's glamour and expertise
    The Doctor's entertainment value
    Phlox's mystique
    McCoy's grit
    Base 1400 + 500-900


    The first medical person you thought of for the idea of "good looks" was Bashir, I am HERE for that, 100%.

    It's funny how almost all the women on TV are beautiful but the same doesn't seem to apply to men, isn't it?
  • If we are making up our own medics:

    Bashir's looks
    Beverley's glamour and expertise
    The Doctor's entertainment value
    Phlox's mystique
    McCoy's grit
    Base 1400 + 500-900


    The first medical person you thought of for the idea of "good looks" was Bashir, I am HERE for that, 100%.

    It's funny how almost all the women on TV are beautiful but the same doesn't seem to apply to men, isn't it?

    You are being human-centric. Quark and Rom are the epitome of handsome to other Ferengi. 😉

  • Ivanstone wrote: »
    The solution is to limit the number of MED characters needed for the game not to flood the game with endless variations of supporting crew.

    But they're doing that anyway!
    Seriously, who actually wants characters like L'Rell, Voq, T'Kuvma et al?
    Who has pleaded for characters like Commander Barak, Harry Mudd, Marla McGivers, Miral Torres, T'Mir, A'Rex, Kilana, Grilka etc.

    What is one or two extra MED in comparison?!
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    Its not just that there are more CSD characters, its that those characters are higher stature roles. For example, the number of Picard centric episodes probably well outnumbers Troi and Crusher episodes combined. Same goes for Janeway and there are 3 MED crew from Voyager.

    To get the balance people want, there would have to be many more Crushers than every other TNG crew which doesn't seem like such a hot idea.

    Hardly. We're all saturated with Picards, Rikers and Janeways. - There are already too many of these as it is!

    No one is asking for hundreds of Beverlys, but including ONE decent MED in a galaxy event every now and then instead of yet another Janeway makes sense (and there's way more than just Beverly to pick from of course).
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2018
    Xanathar wrote: »
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    The solution is to limit the number of MED characters needed for the game not to flood the game with endless variations of supporting crew.

    But they're doing that anyway!
    Seriously, who actually wants characters like L'Rell, Voq, T'Kuvma et al?
    Who has pleaded for characters like Commander Barak, Harry Mudd, Marla McGivers, Miral Torres, T'Mir, A'Rex, Kilana, Grilka etc.

    What is one or two extra MED in comparison?!
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    Its not just that there are more CSD characters, its that those characters are higher stature roles. For example, the number of Picard centric episodes probably well outnumbers Troi and Crusher episodes combined. Same goes for Janeway and there are 3 MED crew from Voyager.

    To get the balance people want, there would have to be many more Crushers than every other TNG crew which doesn't seem like such a hot idea.

    Hardly. We're all saturated with Picards, Rikers and Janeways. - There are already too many of these as it is!

    No one is asking for hundreds of Beverlys, but including ONE decent MED in a galaxy event every now and then instead of yet another Janeway makes sense (and there's way more than just Beverly to pick from of course).

    Umm actually a bunch of us had been asking for Arex for a long time. People like me, Travis and others. Harry Mudd (though the TOS version not the new kid) made many request lists over the years in the old forums especially. And Kilana... well you do know we have a vorta contingent in the forums right? The Combs folks kept bringing this up and the user Kilana did as well.). I'll let Grilka go as there has been just as much negative as positive, but there's been some positive as well regarding her.

    That's the weeds, but your point is made with Barak and a few others.

    If we can go into the weeds to get obscure Sec/Dip/Cmd we can go into the weeds and get obscure MED.. and maybe a new primary med 4* every 1-2 months would be beneficial.

    Going back on the 5* should really be a completely different analysis than the 4s if we are looking at overall game health/balance as the folks who get them are a small part of the audience. Regardless of debacle or smooth running event the same amount goes out with the exception of pack sales.

    And secondary med being counted really seems kinda weak in an analysis standpoint.

    Yes we don't need as many med as we do Sec/CMD/DIP, but maybe, just maybe a little more than the trickle that is coming would be a good thing.

  • If you could give a recipe for the finest Bashir Cake I'd be more than grateful!

    I'd imagine a dash of cardamom and cinnamon might be involved - just enough to add a more nuanced flavor to things. :)

    As for the MED stats, I did think that Command Hologram's MED was pretty low, considering that he's still a version of the EMH. The numbers really are goofy once you see them all together in one place...
  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    Xanathar wrote: »
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    The solution is to limit the number of MED characters needed for the game not to flood the game with endless variations of supporting crew.

    But they're doing that anyway!
    Seriously, who actually wants characters like L'Rell, Voq, T'Kuvma et al?
    Who has pleaded for characters like Commander Barak, Harry Mudd, Marla McGivers, Miral Torres, T'Mir, A'Rex, Kilana, Grilka etc.

    What is one or two extra MED in comparison?!

    Part of the point of the game is to have everything Trek in it. That includes characters that are obscure and unfortunately not many of those characters will have MED. There are some outliers that aren't in the game (Freud, Zimmerman, etc) but front loading choices with MED isn't the right idea either. More to the point, the game wasn't as bereft of MED as some people were implying. There were plenty of MED last year. Some weren't outstanding and some were difficult to get. Some of those like Bareil got a second wind because of Voyages, some didn't (ex. Author Doctor).
    Xanathar wrote: »
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    Its not just that there are more CSD characters, its that those characters are higher stature roles. For example, the number of Picard centric episodes probably well outnumbers Troi and Crusher episodes combined. Same goes for Janeway and there are 3 MED crew from Voyager.

    To get the balance people want, there would have to be many more Crushers than every other TNG crew which doesn't seem like such a hot idea.

    Hardly. We're all saturated with Picards, Rikers and Janeways. - There are already too many of these as it is!

    No one is asking for hundreds of Beverlys, but including ONE decent MED in a galaxy event every now and then instead of yet another Janeway makes sense (and there's way more than just Beverly to pick from of course).

    In the long run, there will be a hellacious amount of crew in the game and that means there will be a hellacious amount of CSD characters. Oh well. Blame Roddenberry.
    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
  • Paund SkummPaund Skumm ✭✭✭✭✭
    So, I went to the supermarket the other day to get some pasta. I'd been in every day for the past 5 weeks to get some, and only cheap and nasty stuff was available. I'd tried all 4 brands and they weren't doing it for me. I noticed there was plenty of fancy bread going cheap, and so on, but I really wanted some pasta.

    So I set up a little discussion group to bring it to the attention of the shopkeeper. Unfortunately another customer kept popping up with unwanted advice, claiming that most people don't really need pasta for cooking, or to make do with the underrated stuff. I was polite, but he was a bit insistent. I could have got stuff at the fancy auction last week, but I didn't have the money. There was a lottery too, but I lost that.

    The week before they were auctioning off fancy pasta too, very expensive. Unfortunately the auction ended early when I had prepared for more time. I lost the lottery for that one too, so I made a complaint to the management. You can imagine what they said.

    So. I'm still looking for pasta. The irritating customer I have asked to leave, because he, apparently, has enough pasta that he managed to get months ago and because of that I should make do with the rubbish the supermarket has offered in the last few weeks.

    Such is life.

    You can always just make it yourself. Some Semolina flour, eggs, maybe salt... so tasty and fresh... much better than that nasty dried supermarket stuff.

    Thanks for your advice Paund Skumm! If you could give a recipe for the finest Bashir Cake I'd be more than grateful!

    Sorry... all I had is a recipe for Troi Cake.... with Mint Frosting...

  • Ivanstone wrote: »
    Part of the point of the game is to have everything Trek in it. That includes characters that are obscure and unfortunately not many of those characters will have MED.

    Who says?
    For many character, we don't know them well enough to say whether they could have MED or not.
    Take Commander Barak for instance; ok CMD is kinda implied, but nothing says he couldn't have had MED too.

    They made Marla McGivers a ridiculously good DIP, even though in her episode she never did anything remotely resembling diplomacy. Why can't they do the same with a MED character?
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    More to the point, the game wasn't as bereft of MED as some people were implying. There were plenty of MED last year. Some weren't outstanding and some were difficult to get. Some of those like Bareil got a second wind because of Voyages, some didn't (ex. Author Doctor).

    Most of them were subpar. None of them equal Mirror Picard, Ambassador K'Ehleyr, Princess Jadzia, Lal, Commander Barak and so on (for other skills). - That's what we need.

    Neither Author Doc nor Bareil are anywhere near good enough for MED. BO Troi is similarly poor. Yeah, we've just got a Quark with MED, but he too is not going to win any prizes in either base nor proficiency.
  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2018
    Xanathar wrote: »
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    Part of the point of the game is to have everything Trek in it. That includes characters that are obscure and unfortunately not many of those characters will have MED.

    Who says?
    For many character, we don't know them well enough to say whether they could have MED or not.
    Take Commander Barak for instance; ok CMD is kinda implied, but nothing says he couldn't have had MED too.

    They made Marla McGivers a ridiculously good DIP, even though in her episode she never did anything remotely resembling diplomacy. Why can't they do the same with a MED character?

    McGivers is an important character because of her connection to Khan. Her stats are a little off since as a Historian and Artist she might be more appropriately DIP/SCI but some of her strength comes from random power creep. Vedek Bareil is a similar romantic interest who does have MED.
    Xanathar wrote: »
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    More to the point, the game wasn't as bereft of MED as some people were implying. There were plenty of MED last year. Some weren't outstanding and some were difficult to get. Some of those like Bareil got a second wind because of Voyages, some didn't (ex. Author Doctor).

    Most of them were subpar. None of them equal Mirror Picard, Ambassador K'Ehleyr, Princess Jadzia, Lal, Commander Barak and so on (for other skills). - That's what we need.

    Neither Author Doc nor Bareil are anywhere near good enough for MED. BO Troi is similarly poor. Yeah, we've just got a Quark with MED, but he too is not going to win any prizes in either base nor proficiency.

    Mirror Picard came with Mirror Troi and Bev. BO Troi and Quark are part of my crew but Lal, Barak and K'Ehleyr are not. Having a high base is almost pointless, it doesn't help much during daily shuttles and its not helpful during events. Its only useful if the particular character is a bonus character. A triple stat character with good average stats is far more useful.
    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
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